Python werkzeug.serving.WSGIRequestHandler() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of werkzeug.serving.WSGIRequestHandler().
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Example #1
Source File: From guildai with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_server(host, port, app, logging=True): if host is None: raise RuntimeError("host cannot be None") if port is None: raise RuntimeError("port cannot be None") if logging: request_handler = serving.WSGIRequestHandler else: request_handler = QuietRequestHandler try: return serving.make_server( host, port, app, threaded=True, request_handler=request_handler ) except socket.error as e: if host: raise log.debug( "error starting server on %s:%s (%s), " "trying IPv6 default host '::'", host, port, e, ) return serving.make_server("::", port, app, threaded=True)
Example #2
Source File: From tfserve with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self, host, port, middleware=None): """Werkzeug run implementation. `middleware` may be provided as a function to handle requests. It must accept the arguments `(handler, req)` where `handler` is the TFServeApp request handler and `req` is the request. """ app = self._init_app(middleware) server = serving.make_server( host, port, app, threaded=True, request_handler=serving.WSGIRequestHandler) server.serve_forever()