Python evaluation.Evaluation() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of evaluation.Evaluation().
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Example #1
Source File: From aristo-leaderboard with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def report(e: Evaluation, num_predictions: int, num_answers: int): i = e.inputs o = e.outputs c = e.conversions m = e.moves overall = e.overall print("=================================================") print("Question Avg. Precision Avg. Recall Avg. F1") print("-------------------------------------------------") print("Inputs %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f" % (i.precision, i.recall, i.F1())) print("Outputs %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f" % (o.precision, o.recall, o.F1())) print("Conversions %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f" % (c.precision, c.recall, c.F1())) print("Moves %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f" % (m.precision, m.recall, m.F1())) print("-------------------------------------------------") print("Overall Precision %4.3f " % overall.precision) print("Overall Recall %4.3f " % overall.recall) print("Overall F1 %4.3f " % overall.F1()) print("=================================================") print() print(f"Evaluated {num_predictions} predictions against {num_answers} answers.") print()
Example #2
Source File: From FashionAI_KeyPoint_Detection_Challenge_Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def demo(modelfile): # load network xEval = Evaluation('all', modelfile) # load images and run prediction testfile = os.path.join("../../data/test/", 'test.csv') xdf = pd.read_csv(testfile) xdf = xdf.sample(frac=1.0) for _index, _row in xdf.iterrows(): _image_id = _row['image_id'] _category = _row['image_category'] imageName = os.path.join("../../data/test", _image_id) print _image_id, _category dtkp = xEval.predict_kp_with_rotate(imageName, _category) visualize_keypoint(imageName, _category, dtkp)
Example #3
Source File: From rcnn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def evaluate(self, data, eval_func): res = [ ] for idts, labels in data: scores = eval_func(idts) #print scores.shape, len(labels) #print labels assert len(scores) == len(labels) ranks = (-scores).argsort() ranked_labels = labels[ranks] res.append(ranked_labels) e = Evaluation(res) MAP = e.MAP()*100 MRR = e.MRR()*100 P1 = e.Precision(1)*100 P5 = e.Precision(5)*100 return MAP, MRR, P1, P5
Example #4
Source File: From FashionAI_KeyPoint_Detection_Challenge_Keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): modelName = os.path.join(self.foldPath, self.category+"_weights_"+str(epoch)+".hdf5") keras.models.save_model(self.model, modelName) print "Saving model to ", modelName print "Runing evaluation ........." xEval = Evaluation(self.category, None) xEval.init_from_model(self.model) start = time() neScore, categoryDict = xEval.eval(self.multiOut, details=True) end = time() print "Evaluation Done", str(neScore), " cost ", end - start, " seconds!" for key in categoryDict.keys(): scores = categoryDict[key] print key, ' score ', sum(scores)/len(scores) with open(self.valLog , 'a+') as xfile: xfile.write(modelName + ", Socre "+ str(neScore)+"\n") for key in categoryDict.keys(): scores = categoryDict[key] xfile.write(key + ": " + str(sum(scores)/len(scores)) + "\n") xfile.close()
Example #5
Source File: From FashionAI_KeyPoint_Detection_Challenge_Keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main_test(savepath, modelpath, augmentFlag): valfile = os.path.join(modelpath, 'val.log') bestmodels = get_best_single_model(valfile) print bestmodels, augmentFlag xEval = Evaluation('all', bestmodels[0]) # load images and run prediction testfile = os.path.join("../../data/test/", 'test.csv') for category in ['skirt', 'blouse', 'trousers', 'outwear', 'dress']: xdict = dict() xdf = load_image_names(testfile, category) print len(xdf), " images to process ", category count = 0 for _index, _row in xdf.iterrows(): count += 1 if count%1000 == 0: print count, "images have been processed" _image_id = _row['image_id'] imageName = os.path.join("../../data/test", _image_id) if augmentFlag: dtkp = xEval.predict_kp_with_rotate(imageName, _row['image_category']) else: dtkp = xEval.predict_kp(imageName, _row['image_category'], multiOutput=True) xdict[_image_id] = dtkp savefile = os.path.join(savepath, category+'.pkl') with open(savefile, 'wb') as xfile: pickle.dump(xdict, xfile) print "prediction save to ", savefile
Example #6
Source File: From rcnn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self, data, eval_func): res = [ ] for idts, idbs, labels in data: scores = eval_func(idts, idbs) assert len(scores) == len(labels) ranks = (-scores).argsort() ranked_labels = labels[ranks] res.append(ranked_labels) e = Evaluation(res) MAP = e.MAP()*100 MRR = e.MRR()*100 P1 = e.Precision(1)*100 P5 = e.Precision(5)*100 return MAP, MRR, P1, P5
Example #7
Source File: From rcnn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self, data, eval_func): res = [ ] for t, b, labels in data: idts, idbs = myio.create_one_batch(t, b, self.padding_id) scores = eval_func(idts) #assert len(scores) == len(labels) ranks = (-scores).argsort() ranked_labels = labels[ranks] res.append(ranked_labels) e = Evaluation(res) MAP = e.MAP()*100 MRR = e.MRR()*100 P1 = e.Precision(1)*100 P5 = e.Precision(5)*100 return MAP, MRR, P1, P5
Example #8
Source File: From blitznet with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(argv=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument assert args.ckpt > 0 or args.batch_eval assert args.detect or args.segment, "Either detect or segment should be True" if args.trunk == 'resnet50': net = ResNet depth = 50 if args.trunk == 'resnet101': net = ResNet depth = 101 if args.trunk == 'vgg16': net = VGG depth = 16 net = net(config=net_config, depth=depth, training=False) if args.dataset == 'voc07' or args.dataset == 'voc07+12': loader = VOCLoader('07', 'test') if args.dataset == 'voc12': loader = VOCLoader('12', 'val', segmentation=args.segment) if args.dataset == 'coco': loader = COCOLoader(args.split) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) as sess: detector = Detector(sess, net, loader, net_config, no_gt=args.no_seg_gt) if args.dataset == 'coco': tester = COCOEval(detector, loader) else: tester = Evaluation(detector, loader, iou_thresh=args.voc_iou_thresh) if not args.batch_eval: detector.restore_from_ckpt(args.ckpt) tester.evaluate_network(args.ckpt) else:'Evaluating %s' % args.run_name) ckpts_folder = CKPT_ROOT + args.run_name + '/' out_file = ckpts_folder + evaluation_logfile max_checked = get_last_eval(out_file) log.debug("Maximum checked ckpt is %i" % max_checked) with open(out_file, 'a') as f: start = max(args.min_ckpt, max_checked+1) ckpt_files = glob(ckpts_folder + '*.data*') folder_has_nums = np.array(list((map(filename2num, ckpt_files))), dtype='int') nums_available = sorted(folder_has_nums[folder_has_nums >= start]) nums_to_eval = [nums_available[-1]] for n in reversed(nums_available): if nums_to_eval[-1] - n >= args.step: nums_to_eval.append(n) nums_to_eval.reverse() for ckpt in nums_to_eval:"Evaluation of ckpt %i" % ckpt) tester.reset() detector.restore_from_ckpt(ckpt) res = tester.evaluate_network(ckpt) f.write(res) f.flush()
Example #9
Source File: From incremental_detectors with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def eval_network(sess): net = Network(num_classes=args.num_classes+args.extend, distillation=False) _, _, remain = split_classes() loader = get_loader(False, remain) is_voc = loader.dataset == 'voc' if args.eval_ckpts != '': ckpts = args.eval_ckpts.split(',') else: ckpts = [args.ckpt] global_results = {cat: [] for cat in loader.categories} global_results[AVERAGE+" 1-10"] = [] global_results[AVERAGE+" 11-20"] = [] global_results[AVERAGE+" ALL"] = [] for ckpt in ckpts: if ckpt[-1].lower() == 'k': ckpt_num = int(ckpt[:-1])*1000 else: ckpt_num = int(ckpt) init_op, init_feed_dict = restore_ckpt(ckpt_num=ckpt_num), feed_dict=init_feed_dict)"Checkpoint {}".format(ckpt)) if is_voc: results = Evaluation(net, loader, ckpt_num, args.conf_thresh, args.nms_thresh).evaluate_network(args.eval_first_n) for cat in loader.categories: global_results[cat].append(results[cat] if cat in results else 0.0) # TODO add output formating, line after learnt cats old_classes = [results.get(k, 0) for k in loader.categories[:10]] new_classes = [results.get(k, 0) for k in loader.categories[10:]] all_classes = [results.get(k, 0) for k in loader.categories] global_results[AVERAGE+" 1-10"].append(np.mean(old_classes)) global_results[AVERAGE+" 11-20"].append(np.mean(new_classes)) global_results[AVERAGE+" ALL"].append(np.mean(all_classes)) headers = ['Category'] + [("mAP (%s, %i img)" % (ckpt, args.eval_first_n)) for ckpt in ckpts] table_src = [] for cat in loader.categories: table_src.append([cat] + global_results[cat]) table_src.append([AVERAGE+" 1-10", ] + global_results[AVERAGE+" 1-10"]) table_src.append([AVERAGE+" 11-20", ] + global_results[AVERAGE+" 11-20"]) table_src.append([AVERAGE+" ALL", ] + global_results[AVERAGE+" ALL"]) out = tabulate(table_src, headers=headers, floatfmt=".1f", tablefmt='orgtbl') with open("/home/lear/kshmelko/scratch/logs/results_voc/%s.pkl" % args.run_name, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(global_results, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)"Summary table over %i checkpoints\nExperiment: %s\n%s", len(ckpts), args.run_name, out) else: results = COCOEval(net, loader, ckpt_num, args.conf_thresh, args.nms_thresh).evaluate_network(args.eval_first_n)