Python pychromecast.Chromecast() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of pychromecast.Chromecast().
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Example #1
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, cast: pychromecast.Chromecast, app: App, prep: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._cast = cast = self.info_type = None self.save_capability = None self.playlist_capability = None self._cast_listener = CastStatusListener(, self._cast.app_id) self._cast.register_status_listener(self._cast_listener) try: self._cast.register_handler(self._controller) # type: ignore except AttributeError: self._controller = self._cast.media_controller if prep == "app": self.prep_app() elif prep == "control": self.prep_control() elif prep == "info": self.prep_info()
Example #2
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def kill(self, idle_only=False, force=False): """ Kills current Chromecast session. :param idle_only: If set, session is only killed if the active Chromecast app is idle. Use to avoid killing an active streaming session when catt fails with certain invalid actions (such as trying to cast an empty playlist). :type idle_only: bool :param force: If set, a dummy chromecast app is launched before killing the session. This is a workaround for some devices that do not respond to this command under certain circumstances. :type force: bool """ if idle_only and not self._is_idle: return # The Google cloud app which is launched by the workaround is functionally # identical to the Default Media Receiver. if force: listener = CastStatusListener(CLOUD_APP_ID) self._cast.register_status_listener(listener) self._cast.start_app(CLOUD_APP_ID) listener.app_ready.wait() self._cast.quit_app()
Example #3
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mute(self, chromecast=None): """ Toggle the mute status on the Chromecast :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ chromecast = chromecast or self.chromecast cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.set_volume_muted(not cast.status.volume_muted) cast.wait() return self.status(chromecast=chromecast) # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:
Example #4
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 6 votes |
def voldown(self, chromecast=None, step=10): """ Turn down the Chromecast volume by 10% or step. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param step: Volume decrement between 0 and 100 (default: 100%) :type step: float """ chromecast = chromecast or self.chromecast cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) step /= 100 cast.volume_down(max(step, 0)) cast.wait() return self.status(chromecast=chromecast)
Example #5
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 6 votes |
def disconnect(self, chromecast=None, timeout=None, blocking=True): """ Disconnect a Chromecast and wait for it to terminate :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination) :type timeout: float :param blocking: If set (default), then the code will wait until disconnection, otherwise it will return immediately. :type blocking: bool """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.disconnect(timeout=timeout, blocking=blocking)
Example #6
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 6 votes |
def volup(self, chromecast=None, step=10): """ Turn up the Chromecast volume by 10% or step. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param step: Volume increment between 0 and 100 (default: 100%) :type step: float """ chromecast = chromecast or self.chromecast cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) step /= 100 cast.volume_up(min(step, 1)) cast.wait() return self.status(chromecast=chromecast)
Example #7
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_volume(self, volume, chromecast=None): """ Set the Chromecast volume :param volume: Volume to be set, between 0 and 100 :type volume: float :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ chromecast = chromecast or self.chromecast cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.set_volume(volume/100) cast.wait() status = self.status(chromecast=chromecast) status.output['volume'] = volume return status
Example #8
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def join(self, chromecast=None, timeout=None): """ Blocks the thread until the Chromecast connection is terminated. :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination) :type timeout: float """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.join(timeout=timeout)
Example #9
Source File: From GassistPi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def chromecast_control(action): # Chromecast declarations # Do not rename/change "TV" its a variable TV = pychromecast.Chromecast("") #Change ip to match the ip-address of your Chromecast mc = TV.media_controller if 'pause'.lower() in str(action).lower(): TV.wait() time.sleep(1) mc.pause() if 'resume'.lower() in str(action).lower(): TV.wait() time.sleep(1) if 'end'.lower() in str(action).lower(): TV.wait() time.sleep(1) mc.stop() if 'volume'.lower() in str(action).lower(): if 'up'.lower() in str(action).lower(): TV.wait() time.sleep(1) TV.volume_up(0.2) if 'down'.lower() in str(action).lower(): TV.wait() time.sleep(1) TV.volume_down(0.2) #-------------------End of Chromecast Functions--------------------------------- #-------------------Start of Kickstarter Search functions-----------------------
Example #10
Source File: From GassistPi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def chromecast_play_video(phrase): # Chromecast declarations # Do not rename/change "TV" its a variable TV = pychromecast.Chromecast("") #Change ip to match the ip-address of your Chromecast mc = TV.media_controller idx1=phrase.find(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['Play']) idx2=phrase.find('on chromecast') query=phrase[idx1:idx2] query=query.replace(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['Play'],'',1) query=query.replace('on chromecast','',1) query=query.strip() youtubelinks=youtube_search(query) youtubeurl=youtubelinks[0] streams=youtube_stream_link(youtubeurl) videostream=streams[1] TV.wait() time.sleep(1) mc.play_media(videostream,'video/mp4')
Example #11
Source File: From GassistPi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def YouTube_No_Autoplay(phrase): try: urllist=[] currenttrackid=0 idx1=phrase.find(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['Play']) idx2=phrase.find(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['From_youtube']) track=phrase[idx1:idx2] track = track.replace(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['Play'],'',1) track = track.replace(custom_action_keyword['Dict']['From_youtube'],'',1) track=track.strip() say("Getting youtube link") print(track) urlid=youtube_search(track) if urlid is not None: fullurl=""+urlid audiostream,videostream=youtube_stream_link(fullurl) streamurl=audiostream urllist.append(streamurl) vlcplayer.media_manager(urllist,'YouTube') vlcplayer.youtube_player(currenttrackid) else: say("Unable to find songs matching your request") except Exception as e: print(e) say('Encountered an exception please check the logs.') #-----------------End of Functions for YouTube Streaming--------------------- #--------------Start of Chromecast functions-----------------------------------
Example #12
Source File: From gnomecast with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_nonlocal_cast(self): dialogWindow = Gtk.MessageDialog(, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK_CANCEL, '\nPlease specify the IP address or hostname of a Chromecast device:') dialogWindow.set_title('Add a non-local Chromecast') dialogBox = dialogWindow.get_content_area() userEntry = Gtk.Entry() # userEntry.set_size_request(250,0) dialogBox.pack_end(userEntry, False, False, 0) dialogWindow.show_all() response = text = userEntry.get_text() dialogWindow.destroy() if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) and (text != ''): print(text) try: cast = pychromecast.Chromecast(text) self.cast_store.append([cast, text]) self.cast_combo.set_active(len(self.cast_store)-1) except pychromecast.error.ChromecastConnectionError: dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, "Chromecast Not Found") dialog.format_secondary_text("The Chromecast '%s' wasn't found." % text) dialog.destroy()
Example #13
Source File: From gnomecast with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load_casts(self, device=None): chromecasts = pychromecast.get_chromecasts() def f(): self.cast_store.clear() self.cast_store.append([None, "Select a cast device..."]) self.cast_store.append([-1, 'Add a non-local Chromecast...']) for cc in chromecasts: friendly_name = cc.device.friendly_name if cc.cast_type!='cast': friendly_name = '%s (%s)' % (friendly_name, cc.cast_type) self.cast_store.append([cc, friendly_name]) if device: found = False for i, cc in enumerate(chromecasts): if device == cc.device.friendly_name: self.cast_combo.set_active(i+1) found = True if not found: self.cast_combo.set_active(0) dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE, "Chromecast Not Found") dialog.format_secondary_text("The Chromecast '%s' wasn't found." % device) dialog.destroy() else: self.cast_combo.set_active(2 if len(chromecasts) == 1 else 0) GLib.idle_add(f)
Example #14
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reboot(self, chromecast=None): """ Reboots the Chromecast :param chromecast: Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used. :type chromecast: str """ cast = self.get_chromecast(chromecast) cast.reboot()
Example #15
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_chromecasts() -> List[pychromecast.Chromecast]: devices = pychromecast.get_chromecasts() devices.sort(key=lambda cc: return devices
Example #16
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_chromecast(self, chromecast=None, n_tries=2): import pychromecast if isinstance(chromecast, pychromecast.Chromecast): return chromecast if not chromecast: if not self.chromecast: raise RuntimeError('No Chromecast specified nor default Chromecast configured') chromecast = self.chromecast if chromecast not in self.chromecasts: casts = {} while n_tries > 0: n_tries -= 1 casts.update({ cast.device.friendly_name: cast for cast in pychromecast.get_chromecasts() }) if chromecast in casts: self.chromecasts.update(casts) break if chromecast not in self.chromecasts: raise RuntimeError('Device {} not found'.format(chromecast)) cast = self.chromecasts[chromecast] cast.wait() return cast
Example #17
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, chromecast=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param chromecast: Default Chromecast to cast to if no name is specified :type chromecast: str """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._is_local = False self.chromecast = chromecast self.chromecasts = {} self._media_listeners = {}
Example #18
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def wait_for(self, states: list, invert: bool = False, fail: bool = False, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: media_listener = MediaStatusListener( self._cast.media_controller.status.player_state, states, invert=invert, fail=fail ) self._cast.media_controller.register_status_listener(media_listener) try: return media_listener.wait_for_states(timeout=timeout) except pychromecast.error.UnsupportedNamespace: raise CastError("Chromecast app operation was interrupted")
Example #19
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_cast(device: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[pychromecast.Chromecast, CCInfo]: """ Attempt to connect with requested device (or any device if none has been specified). :param device: Can be an ip-address or a name. :type device: str :returns: Chromecast object for use in a CastController, and CCInfo object for use in setup_cast and StreamInfo :rtype: (pychromecast.Chromecast, CCInfo) """ cast = None if device and is_ipaddress(device): cast = get_chromecast_with_ip(device, DEFAULT_PORT) if not cast: msg = "No device found at {}".format(device) raise CastError(msg) cc_info = CCInfo(, cast.port, None, None, cast.cast_type) else: cache = Cache() maybe_cc_info = cache.get_data(device) if maybe_cc_info: # Get the Chromecast from the CCInfo IP/port. cast = get_chromecast_with_ip(maybe_cc_info.ip, maybe_cc_info.port) cc_info = maybe_cc_info if not cast: cast = get_chromecast(device) if not cast: msg = 'Specified device "{}" not found'.format(device) if device else "No devices found" raise CastError(msg) cc_info = CCInfo(, cast.port, cast.device.manufacturer, cast.model_name, cast.cast_type) cache.set_data(, cc_info) cast.wait() return (cast, cc_info)
Example #20
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_chromecast_with_ip(device_ip: str, port: int = DEFAULT_PORT) -> Optional[pychromecast.Chromecast]: try: # tries = 1 is necessary in order to stop pychromecast engaging # in a retry behaviour when ip is correct, but port is wrong. return pychromecast.Chromecast(device_ip, port=port, tries=1) except pychromecast.error.ChromecastConnectionError: return None
Example #21
Source File: From catt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_chromecast(device_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[pychromecast.Chromecast]: devices = get_chromecasts() if not devices: return None if device_name: try: return next(cc for cc in devices if == device_name) except StopIteration: return None else: return devices[0]
Example #22
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_chromecasts(self, tries=2, retry_wait=10, timeout=60, blocking=True, callback=None): """ Get the list of Chromecast devices :param tries: Number of retries (default: 2) :type tries: int :param retry_wait: Number of seconds between retries (default: 10 seconds) :type retry_wait: int :param timeout: Timeout before failing the call (default: 60 seconds) :type timeout: int :param blocking: If true, then the function will block until all the Chromecast devices have been scanned. If false, then the provided callback function will be invoked when a new device is discovered :type blocking: bool :param callback: If blocking is false, then you can provide a callback function that will be invoked when a new device is discovered :type callback: func """ import pychromecast self.chromecasts.update({ cast.device.friendly_name: cast for cast in pychromecast.get_chromecasts(tries=tries, retry_wait=retry_wait, timeout=timeout, blocking=blocking, callback=callback) }) for name, cast in self.chromecasts.items(): self._update_listeners(name, cast) return [{ 'type': cc.cast_type, 'name':, 'manufacturer': cc.device.manufacturer, 'model_name': cc.model_name, 'uuid': str(cc.device.uuid), 'address':, 'port': cc.port, 'status': ({ 'app': { 'id': cc.app_id, 'name': cc.app_display_name, }, 'media': self.status(, 'is_active_input': cc.status.is_active_input, 'is_stand_by': cc.status.is_stand_by, 'is_idle': cc.is_idle, 'namespaces': cc.status.namespaces, 'volume': round(100*cc.status.volume_level, 2), 'muted': cc.status.volume_muted, } if cc.status else {}), } for cc in self.chromecasts.values()]