Python tables.NaturalNameWarning() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of tables.NaturalNameWarning().
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Example #1
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_contains(self): with ensure_clean_store(self.path) as store: store['a'] = tm.makeTimeSeries() store['b'] = tm.makeDataFrame() store['foo/bar'] = tm.makeDataFrame() self.assert_('a' in store) self.assert_('b' in store) self.assert_('c' not in store) self.assert_('foo/bar' in store) self.assert_('/foo/bar' in store) self.assert_('/foo/b' not in store) self.assert_('bar' not in store) # GH 2694 warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=tables.NaturalNameWarning) store['node())'] = tm.makeDataFrame() self.assert_('node())' in store)
Example #2
Source File: From ctapipe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def write_to_hdf5(metadata, h5file): """ Write metadata fields to a PyTables HDF5 file handle. Parameters ---------- metadata: dict flat dict as generated by `Reference.to_dict()` h5file: tables.file.File pytables filehandle """ from tables import NaturalNameWarning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NaturalNameWarning) for key, value in metadata.items(): h5file.root._v_attrs[key] = value # pylint: disable=protected-access
Example #3
Source File: From urbs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def save(prob, filename): """Save urbs model input and result cache to a HDF5 store file. Args: - prob: a urbs model instance containing a solution - filename: HDF5 store file to be written Returns: Nothing """ import warnings import tables warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=tables.NaturalNameWarning) if not hasattr(prob, '_result'): prob._result = create_result_cache(prob) with pd.HDFStore(filename, mode='w') as store: for name in prob._data.keys(): store['data/'+name] = prob._data[name] for name in prob._result.keys(): store['result/'+name] = prob._result[name]
Example #4
Source File: From pywr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def test_parameters(self, simple_linear_model, tmpdir): """ Test the TablesRecorder """ from pywr.parameters import ConstantParameter model = simple_linear_model otpt = model.nodes['Output'] inpt = model.nodes['Input'] p = ConstantParameter(model, 10.0, name='max_flow') inpt.max_flow = p # ensure TablesRecorder can handle parameters with a / in the name p_slash = ConstantParameter(model, 0.0, name='name with a / in it') inpt.min_flow = p_slash agg_node = AggregatedNode(model, 'Sum', [otpt, inpt]) inpt.max_flow = 10.0 otpt.cost = -2.0 h5file = tmpdir.join('output.h5') import tables with tables.open_file(str(h5file), 'w') as h5f: with pytest.warns(ParameterNameWarning): rec = TablesRecorder(model, h5f, parameters=[p, p_slash]) # check parameters have been added to the component tree # this is particularly important for parameters which update their # values in `after`, e.g. DeficitParameter (see #465) assert(not model.find_orphaned_parameters()) assert(p in rec.children) assert(p_slash in rec.children) with pytest.warns(tables.NaturalNameWarning): for node_name in model.nodes.keys(): ca = h5f.get_node('/', node_name) assert ca.shape == (365, 1) if node_name == 'Sum': np.testing.assert_allclose(ca, 20.0) elif "name with a" in node_name: assert(node_name == "name with a _ in it") np.testing.assert_allclose(ca, 0.0) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(ca, 10.0)