Python tables.UInt8Atom() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of tables.UInt8Atom().
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Example #1
Source File: From WASP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_carray(h5f, chrom, data_type): if data_type == "uint8": atom = tables.UInt8Atom(dflt=0) elif data_type == "uint16": atom = tables.UInt16Atom(dflt=0) else: raise NotImplementedError("unsupported datatype %s" % data_type) zlib_filter = tables.Filters(complevel=1, complib="zlib") # create CArray for this chromosome shape = [chrom.length] carray = h5f.create_carray(h5f.root,, atom, shape, filters=zlib_filter) return carray
Example #2
Source File: From batchup with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fetch_svhn_extra(source_paths, target_path): extra_path = source_paths[0] print('Converting {} to HDF5 (compressed)...'.format(extra_path)) f_out = tables.open_file(target_path, mode='w') g_out = f_out.create_group(f_out.root, 'svhn', 'SVHN data') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc') X_u8_arr = f_out.create_earray( g_out, 'extra_X_u8', tables.UInt8Atom(), (0, 3, 32, 32), filters=filters) y_arr = f_out.create_earray( g_out, 'extra_y', tables.Int32Atom(), (0,), filters=filters) # Load in the extra data Matlab file _insert_svhn_matlab_to_h5(X_u8_arr, y_arr, extra_path) f_out.close() return target_path
Example #3
Source File: From attention-lvcsr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): num_rows = 500 filters = tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5) h5file = tables.open_file( 'tmp.h5', mode='w', title='Test', filters=filters) group = h5file.create_group("/", 'Data') atom = tables.UInt8Atom() y = h5file.create_carray(group, 'y', atom=atom, title='Data targets', shape=(num_rows, 1), filters=filters) for i in range(num_rows): y[i] = i h5file.flush() h5file.close() self.dataset = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',), 20, 500) self.dataset_default = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',))
Example #4
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createImgGroup(fid, name, tot_frames, im_height, im_width, is_expandable=True): parentnode, _, name = name.rpartition('/') parentnode += '/' if is_expandable: img_dataset = fid.create_earray( parentnode, name, atom=tables.UInt8Atom(), shape =(0, im_height, im_width), chunkshape=(1, im_height, im_width), expectedrows=tot_frames, filters=TABLE_FILTERS ) else: img_dataset = fid.create_carray( parentnode, name, atom=tables.UInt8Atom(), shape =(tot_frames, im_height, im_width), filters=TABLE_FILTERS ) img_dataset._v_attrs["CLASS"] = np.string_("IMAGE") img_dataset._v_attrs["IMAGE_SUBCLASS"] = np.string_("IMAGE_GRAYSCALE") img_dataset._v_attrs["IMAGE_WHITE_IS_ZERO"] = np.array(0, dtype="uint8") img_dataset._v_attrs["DISPLAY_ORIGIN"] = np.string_("UL") # not rotated img_dataset._v_attrs["IMAGE_VERSION"] = np.string_("1.2") return img_dataset
Example #5
Source File: From fuel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): num_rows = 500 filters = tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5) h5file = tables.open_file( 'tmp.h5', mode='w', title='Test', filters=filters) group = h5file.create_group("/", 'Data') atom = tables.UInt8Atom() y = h5file.create_carray(group, 'y', atom=atom, title='Data targets', shape=(num_rows, 1), filters=filters) for i in range(num_rows): y[i] = i h5file.flush() h5file.close() self.dataset = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',), 20, 500) self.dataset_default = PytablesDataset('tmp.h5', ('y',))
Example #6
Source File: From 3DUnetCNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #7
Source File: From 3D-CNNs-for-Liver-Classification with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #8
Source File: From 3D-CNNs-for-Liver-Classification with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1]) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage
Example #9
Source File: From Keras-Brats-Improved-Unet3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #10
Source File: From deepdish with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _save_ndarray(handler, group, name, x, filters=None): if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.unicode_): # Convert unicode strings to pure byte arrays strtype = b'unicode' itemsize = x.itemsize // 4 atom = tables.UInt8Atom() x = x.view(dtype=np.uint8) elif np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.string_): strtype = b'ascii' itemsize = x.itemsize atom = tables.StringAtom(itemsize) elif x.dtype == np.object: # Not supported by HDF5, force pickling _save_pickled(handler, group, x, name=name) return else: atom = tables.Atom.from_dtype(x.dtype) strtype = None itemsize = None if x.ndim > 0 and np.min(x.shape) == 0: sh = np.array(x.shape) atom0 = tables.Atom.from_dtype(np.dtype(np.int64)) node = handler.create_array(group, name, atom=atom0, shape=(sh.size,)) node._v_attrs.zeroarray_dtype = np.dtype(x.dtype).str.encode('ascii') node[:] = sh return if x.ndim == 0 and len(x.shape) == 0: # This is a numpy array scalar. We will store it as a regular scalar # instead, which means it will be unpacked as a numpy scalar (not numpy # array scalar) setattr(group._v_attrs, name, x[()]) return # For small arrays, compression actually leads to larger files, so we are # settings a threshold here. The threshold has been set through # experimentation. if filters is not None and x.size > 300: node = handler.create_carray(group, name, atom=atom, shape=x.shape, chunkshape=None, filters=filters) else: node = handler.create_array(group, name, atom=atom, shape=x.shape) if strtype is not None: node._v_attrs.strtype = strtype node._v_attrs.itemsize = itemsize node[:] = x
Example #11
Source File: From self-ensemble-visual-domain-adapt with MIT License | 4 votes |
def prepare(): import os import sys import numpy as np import tables import tqdm import domain_datasets import cv2 synsigns_path = domain_datasets.get_data_dir('syn_signs') data_path = os.path.join(synsigns_path, 'synthetic_data') labels_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'train_labelling.txt') if not os.path.exists(labels_path): print('Labels path {} does not exist'.format(labels_path)) sys.exit(0) # Open the file that lists the image files along with their ground truth class lines = [line.strip() for line in open(labels_path, 'r').readlines()] lines = [line for line in lines if line != ''] output_path = os.path.join(synsigns_path, 'syn_signs.h5') print('Creating {}...'.format(output_path)) f_out = tables.open_file(output_path, mode='w') g_out = f_out.create_group(f_out.root, 'syn_signs', 'Syn-Signs data') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc') X_u8_arr = f_out.create_earray( g_out, 'X_u8', tables.UInt8Atom(), (0, 3, 40, 40), expectedrows=len(lines), filters=filters) y = [] for line in tqdm.tqdm(lines): image_filename, gt, _ = line.split() image_path = os.path.join(data_path, image_filename) if not os.path.exists(image_path): print('Could not find image file {} mentioned in annotations'.format(image_path)) return image_data = cv2.imread(image_path)[:, :, ::-1] X_u8_arr.append(image_data.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, ...]) y.append(int(gt)) y = np.array(y, dtype=np.int32) f_out.create_array(g_out, 'y', y) print('X.shape={}'.format(X_u8_arr.shape)) print('y.shape={}'.format(y.shape)) f_out.close()