Python tables.Float32Atom() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of tables.Float32Atom().
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Example #1
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init_data(ske_file_id, tot_rows): #create and reference all the arrays field = 'skeleton' dims = (tot_rows,2,2) if '/' + field in ske_file_id: ske_file_id.remove_node('/', field) skeletons = ske_file_id.create_carray('/', field, tables.Float32Atom(dflt=np.nan), dims, filters=TABLE_FILTERS) traj_dat = ske_file_id.get_node('/trajectories_data') has_skeleton = traj_dat.cols.has_skeleton has_skeleton[:] = np.zeros_like(has_skeleton) #delete previous return skeletons, has_skeleton
Example #2
Source File: From TextDetector with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init_hdf5(self, path, shapes, title="Pytables Dataset", y_dtype='float'): """ Initializes the hdf5 file into which the data will be stored. This must be called before calling fill_hdf5. Parameters ---------- path : string The name of the hdf5 file. shapes : tuple The shapes of X and y. title : string, optional Name of the dataset. e.g. For SVHN, set this to "SVHN Dataset". "Pytables Dataset" is used as title, by default. y_dtype : string, optional Either 'float' or 'int'. Decides the type of pytables atom used to store the y data. By default 'float' type is used. """ assert y_dtype in ['float', 'int'], ( "y_dtype can be 'float' or 'int' only" ) x_shape, y_shape = shapes # make pytables ensure_tables() h5file = tables.openFile(path, mode="w", title=title) gcolumns = h5file.createGroup(h5file.root, "Data", "Data") atom = (tables.Float32Atom() if config.floatX == 'float32' else tables.Float64Atom()) h5file.createCArray(gcolumns, 'X', atom=atom, shape=x_shape, title="Data values", filters=self.filters) if y_dtype != 'float': # For 1D ndarray of int labels, override the atom to integer atom = (tables.Int32Atom() if config.floatX == 'float32' else tables.Int64Atom()) h5file.createCArray(gcolumns, 'y', atom=atom, shape=y_shape, title="Data targets", filters=self.filters) return h5file, gcolumns
Example #3
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _initSkeletonsArrays(ske_file_id, tot_rows, resampling_N, worm_midbody): '''initialize arrays to save the skeletons data. Used by trajectories2Skeletons ''' # this is to initialize the arrays to one row, pytables do not accept empty arrays as initializers of carrays if tot_rows == 0: tot_rows = 1 #define dimession of each array, it is the only part of the array that varies data_dims = {} for data_str in ['skeleton', 'contour_side1', 'contour_side2']: data_dims[data_str + '_length'] = (tot_rows,) data_dims[data_str] = (tot_rows, resampling_N, 2) data_dims['contour_width'] = (tot_rows, resampling_N) data_dims['width_midbody'] = (tot_rows,) data_dims['contour_area'] = (tot_rows,) #create and reference all the arrays def _create_array(field, dims): if '/' + field in ske_file_id: ske_file_id.remove_node('/', field) return ske_file_id.create_carray('/', field, tables.Float32Atom(dflt=np.nan), dims, filters=TABLE_FILTERS) skel_arrays = {field:_create_array(field, dims) for field, dims in data_dims.items()} inram_skel_arrays = {field:np.ones(dims, dtype=np.float32)*np.nan for field, dims in data_dims.items()} # flags to mark if a frame was skeletonized traj_dat = ske_file_id.get_node('/trajectories_data') has_skeleton = traj_dat.cols.has_skeleton has_skeleton[:] = np.zeros_like(has_skeleton) #delete previous # return skel_arrays, has_skeleton return skel_arrays, has_skeleton, inram_skel_arrays
Example #4
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initMasksGroups(fid, expected_frames, im_height, im_width, attr_params, save_full_interval, is_expandable=True): # open node to store the compressed (masked) data mask_dataset = createImgGroup(fid, "/mask", expected_frames, im_height, im_width, is_expandable) tot_save_full = (expected_frames // save_full_interval) + 1 full_dataset = createImgGroup(fid, "/full_data", tot_save_full, im_height, im_width, is_expandable) full_dataset._v_attrs['save_interval'] = save_full_interval assert all(x in ['expected_fps', 'is_light_background', 'microns_per_pixel'] for x in attr_params) set_unit_conversions(mask_dataset, **attr_params) set_unit_conversions(full_dataset, **attr_params) if is_expandable: mean_intensity = fid.create_earray('/', 'mean_intensity', atom=tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0,), expectedrows=expected_frames, filters=TABLE_FILTERS) else: mean_intensity = fid.create_carray('/', 'mean_intensity', atom=tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(expected_frames,), filters=TABLE_FILTERS) return mask_dataset, full_dataset, mean_intensity
Example #5
Source File: From deepQuest with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def numpy2hdf5(filepath, mylist, data_name='data', permission='w'): if permission == 'w': f = tables.open_file(filepath, mode=permission) atom = tables.Float32Atom() array_c = f.create_earray(f.root, data_name, atom, tuple([0] + [mylist.shape[i] for i in range(1, len(mylist.shape))])) array_c.append(mylist) f.close() elif permission == 'a': f = tables.open_file(filepath, mode='a') f.close()
Example #6
Source File: From 3DUnetCNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #7
Source File: From 3D-CNNs-for-Liver-Classification with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #8
Source File: From 3D-CNNs-for-Liver-Classification with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1]) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage
Example #9
Source File: From Keras-Brats-Improved-Unet3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_data_file(out_file, n_channels, n_samples, image_shape): hdf5_file = tables.open_file(out_file, mode='w') filters = tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc') data_shape = tuple([0, n_channels] + list(image_shape)) truth_shape = tuple([0, 1] + list(image_shape)) data_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'data', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=data_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) truth_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'truth', tables.UInt8Atom(), shape=truth_shape, filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) affine_storage = hdf5_file.create_earray(hdf5_file.root, 'affine', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(0, 4, 4), filters=filters, expectedrows=n_samples) return hdf5_file, data_storage, truth_storage, affine_storage
Example #10
Source File: From RATM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dump_test_set(self, h5filepath, nframes, framesize): # set rng to a hardcoded state, so we always have the same test set! self.numpy_rng.seed(1) with tables.openFile(h5filepath, 'w') as h5file: h5file.createArray(h5file.root, 'test_targets', self.partitions['test']['targets']) vids = h5file.createCArray( h5file.root, 'test_images', tables.Float32Atom(), shape=(10000, nframes, framesize, framesize), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib')) pos = h5file.createCArray( h5file.root, 'test_pos', tables.UInt16Atom(), shape=(10000, nframes, 2), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib')) for i in range(100): print i (vids[i*100:(i+1)*100], pos[i*100:(i+1)*100], _) = self.get_batch( 'test', 100, nframes, framesize, idx=np.arange(i*100,(i+1)*100)) h5file.flush()
Example #11
Source File: From TextDetector with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def resize(self, h5file, start, stop): """ Resizes the X and y tables. This must be called before calling fill_hdf5. Parameters ---------- h5file : hdf5 file handle Handle to an hdf5 object. start : int The start index to write data. stop : int The index of the record following the last record to be written. """ ensure_tables() # TODO is there any smarter and more efficient way to this? data = h5file.getNode('/', "Data") try: gcolumns = h5file.createGroup('/', "Data_", "Data") except tables.exceptions.NodeError: h5file.removeNode('/', "Data_", 1) gcolumns = h5file.createGroup('/', "Data_", "Data") start = 0 if start is None else start stop = gcolumns.X.nrows if stop is None else stop atom = (tables.Float32Atom() if config.floatX == 'float32' else tables.Float64Atom()) x = h5file.createCArray(gcolumns, 'X', atom=atom, shape=((stop - start, data.X.shape[1])), title="Data values", filters=self.filters) if np.issubdtype(data.y, int): # For 1D ndarray of int labels, override the atom to integer atom = (tables.Int32Atom() if config.floatX == 'float32' else tables.Int64Atom()) y = h5file.createCArray(gcolumns, 'y', atom=atom, shape=((stop - start, data.y.shape[1])), title="Data targets", filters=self.filters) x[:] = data.X[start:stop] y[:] = data.y[start:stop] h5file.removeNode('/', "Data", 1) h5file.renameNode('/', "Data", "Data_") h5file.flush() return h5file, gcolumns
Example #12
Source File: From Concurrent_AP with MIT License | 4 votes |
def check_HDF5_arrays(hdf5_file, N, convergence_iter): """Check that the HDF5 data structure of file handle 'hdf5_file' has all the required nodes organizing the various two-dimensional arrays required for Affinity Propagation clustering ('Responsibility' matrix, 'Availability', etc.). Parameters ---------- hdf5_file : string or file handle Name of the Hierarchical Data Format under consideration. N : int The number of samples in the data-set that will undergo Affinity Propagation clustering. convergence_iter : int Number of iterations with no change in the number of estimated clusters that stops the convergence. """ Worker.hdf5_lock.acquire() with tables.open_file(hdf5_file, 'r+') as fileh: if not hasattr(fileh.root, 'aff_prop_group'): fileh.create_group(fileh.root, "aff_prop_group") atom = tables.Float32Atom() filters = None #filters = tables.Filters(5, 'blosc') for feature in ('availabilities', 'responsibilities', 'similarities', 'temporaries'): if not hasattr(fileh.root.aff_prop_group, feature): fileh.create_carray(fileh.root.aff_prop_group, feature, atom, (N, N), "Matrix of {0} for affinity " "propagation clustering".format(feature), filters = filters) if not hasattr(fileh.root.aff_prop_group, 'parallel_updates'): fileh.create_carray(fileh.root.aff_prop_group, 'parallel_updates', atom, (N, convergence_iter), "Matrix of parallel updates for affinity propagation " "clustering", filters = filters) Worker.hdf5_lock.release()
Example #13
Source File: From voice-corpus-tool with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _hdf5(self, alphabet_path, hdf5_path, ninput=26, ncontext=9): skipped = [] str_to_label = {} alphabet_size = 0 with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fin: for line in fin: if line[0:2] == '\\#': line = '#\n' elif line[0] == '#': continue str_to_label[line[:-1]] = alphabet_size alphabet_size += 1 def process_sample(sample): if len(sample.transcript) == 0: skipped.append(sample.original_name) return None sample.write() try: samplerate, audio = transcript = np.asarray([str_to_label[c] for c in sample.transcript]) except: skipped.append(sample.original_name) return None features = mfcc(audio, samplerate=samplerate, numcep=ninput)[::2] empty_context = np.zeros((ncontext, ninput), dtype=features.dtype) features = np.concatenate((empty_context, features, empty_context)) if (2*ncontext + len(features)) < len(transcript): skipped.append(sample.original_name) return None return features, len(features), transcript, len(transcript) out_data = self._map('Computing MFCC features...', self.samples, process_sample) out_data = [s for s in out_data if s is not None] if len(skipped) > 0: log('WARNING - Skipped %d samples that had no transcription, had been too short for their transcription or had been missed:' % len(skipped)) for s in skipped: log(' - Sample origin: "%s".' % s) if len(out_data) <= 0: log('No samples written to feature DB "%s".' % hdf5_path) return # list of tuples -> tuple of lists features, features_len, transcript, transcript_len = zip(*out_data) log('Writing feature DB...') with tables.open_file(hdf5_path, 'w') as file: features_dset = file.create_vlarray(file.root, 'features', tables.Float32Atom(), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=1)) # VLArray atoms need to be 1D, so flatten feature array for f in features: features_dset.append(np.reshape(f, -1)) features_len_dset = file.create_array(file.root, 'features_len', features_len) transcript_dset = file.create_vlarray(file.root, 'transcript', tables.Int32Atom(), filters=tables.Filters(complevel=1)) for t in transcript: transcript_dset.append(t) transcript_len_dset = file.create_array(file.root, 'transcript_len', transcript_len) log('Wrote features of %d samples to feature DB "%s".' % (len(features), hdf5_path))