Python six.moves.http_client.responses() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of six.moves.http_client.responses().
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Example #1
Source File: From cfn-custom-resource with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def send_response(cls, resource, url, response_content): if url == cls.DUMMY_RESPONSE_URL_SILENT: return elif url == cls.DUMMY_RESPONSE_URL_PRINT: six.print_(json.dumps(response_content, indent=2)) else: put_response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(response_content)) status_code = put_response.status_code response_text = put_response.text body_text = "" if status_code // 100 != 2: body_text = "\n" + response_text resource._base_logger.debug("Status code: {} {}{}".format(put_response.status_code, http_client.responses[put_response.status_code], body_text)) return put_response
Example #2
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, logfunc=None, response=None, err=None): """Initialize a RestResult containing the results from a REST call. :param logfunc: debug log function. :param response: HTTP response. :param err: HTTP error. """ self.response = response self.log_function = logfunc self.error = err = "" self.status = 0 if self.response: self.status = self.response.getcode() result = while result: += result result = if self.error: self.status = self.error.code = http_client.responses[self.status] log_debug_msg(self, 'Response code: %s' % self.status) log_debug_msg(self, 'Response data: %s' %
Example #3
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, status, name="ERR_INTERNAL", message=None): """Create a REST Response exception. :param status: HTTP response status. :param name: The name of the REST API error type. :param message: Descriptive error message returned from REST call. """ super(RestClientError, self).__init__(message) self.code = status = name self.msg = message if status in http_client.responses: self.msg = http_client.responses[status]
Example #4
Source File: From realms-wiki with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def error_handler(e): try: if isinstance(e, HTTPException): status_code = e.code message = e.description if e.description != type(e).description else None tb = None else: status_code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR message = None tb = traceback.format_exc() if current_user.admin else None if request.is_xhr or in ['application/json', 'text/javascript']: response = { 'message': message, 'traceback': tb } else: response = render_template('errors/error.html', title=httplib.responses[status_code], status_code=status_code, message=message, traceback=tb) except HTTPException as e2: return error_handler(e2) return response, status_code
Example #5
Source File: From syntribos with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def check_status_code(response): """Returns a signal with info about a response's HTTP status code :param response: A `Response` object :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :returns: Signal with status code details :rtype: :class:`syntribos.signal.SynSignal` """ check_name = "HTTP_STATUS_CODE" codes = httplib.responses data = { "response": response, "status_code": response.status_code, "reason": response.reason, } if codes.get(response.status_code, None): data["details"] = codes[response.status_code] else: data["details"] = "Unknown" text = ("A {code} HTTP status code was returned by the server, with reason" " '{reason}'. This status code usually means '{details}'.").format( code=data["status_code"], reason=data["reason"], details=data["details"]) slug = "HTTP_STATUS_CODE_{range}" tags = [] if data["status_code"] in range(200, 300): slug = slug.format(range="2XX") elif data["status_code"] in range(300, 400): slug = slug.format(range="3XX") # CCNEILL: 304 == use local cache; not really a redirect if data["status_code"] != 304: tags.append("SERVER_REDIRECT") elif data["status_code"] in range(400, 500): slug = slug.format(range="4XX") tags.append("CLIENT_FAIL") elif data["status_code"] in range(500, 600): slug = slug.format(range="5XX") tags.append("SERVER_FAIL") slug = (slug + "_{code}").format(code=data["status_code"]) return syntribos.signal.SynSignal( text=text, slug=slug, strength=1, tags=tags, data=data, check_name=check_name)