Python autopep8.parse_args() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of autopep8.parse_args().
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Example #1
Source File: From vfp2py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prg2py_after_preproc(data, parser_start, input_filename): input_stream = antlr4.InputStream(data) lexer = VisualFoxpro9Lexer(input_stream) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = VisualFoxpro9Parser(stream) tree = run_parser(stream, parser, parser_start) TreeCleanVisitor().visit(tree) output_tree = PythonConvertVisitor(input_filename).visit(tree) if not isinstance(output_tree, list): return output_tree output = add_indents(output_tree, 0) options = autopep8.parse_args(['--max-line-length', '100000', '-']) output = autopep8.fix_code(output, options) tokens = list(tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(output).readline)) for i, token in enumerate(tokens): token = list(token) if token[0] == tokenize.STRING and token[1].startswith('u'): token[1] = token[1][1:] tokens[i] = tuple(token) return tokenize.untokenize(tokens)
Example #2
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def autopep8(args): """Format code according to PEP8 """ try: import autopep8 except: error('autopep8 not found! Run "paver install_devtools".') sys.exit(1) if any(x not in args for x in ['-i', '--in-place']): args.append('-i') args.append('--ignore=E261,E265,E402,E501') args.insert(0, 'dummy') cmd_args = autopep8.parse_args(args) excludes = ('ext-lib', 'ext-src') for p in options.plugin.source_dir.walk(): if any(exclude in p for exclude in excludes): continue if p.fnmatch('*.py'): autopep8.fix_file(p, options=cmd_args)
Example #3
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_autopep8_args(self): import autopep8 args = [''] us = parse_args(args) them = autopep8.parse_args(args) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(us.ignore, them.ignore) args = ['', '--select=E1,W1', '--ignore=W601', '--max-line-length', '120'] us = parse_args(args) them = autopep8.parse_args(args) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(us.ignore, them.ignore) self.assertEqual(us.max_line_length, them.max_line_length) args = ['', '--aggressive', '-v'] us = parse_args(args) them = autopep8.parse_args(args) self.assertEqual(us.aggressive, them.aggressive)
Example #4
Source File: From django-silk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen(path, method=None, query_params=None, data=None, content_type=None): # generates python code representing a call via django client. # useful for use in testing method = method.lower() t = jinja2.Template(template) if method == 'get': r = t.render(path=path, data=query_params, lower_case_method=method, content_type=content_type) else: if query_params: query_params = _encode_query_params(query_params) path += query_params if is_str_typ(data): data = "'%s'" % data r = t.render(path=path, data=data, lower_case_method=method, query_params=query_params, content_type=content_type) return autopep8.fix_code( r, options=autopep8.parse_args(['--aggressive', '']) )
Example #5
Source File: From django-silk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen(path, method=None, query_params=None, data=None, content_type=None): # generates python code representing a call via django client. # useful for use in testing method = method.lower() t = jinja2.Template(template) if method == 'get': r = t.render(path=path, data=query_params, lower_case_method=method, content_type=content_type) else: if query_params: query_params = _encode_query_params(query_params) path += query_params if is_str_typ(data): data = "'%s'" % data r = t.render(path=path, data=data, lower_case_method=method, query_params=query_params, content_type=content_type) return autopep8.fix_code( r, options=autopep8.parse_args(['--aggressive', '']) )
Example #6
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_no_config(self): args_before = parse_args(apply_config=False, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertNotIn('E999', args_before.ignore)
Example #7
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_global_config(self): with open(GLOBAL_CONFIG, mode='w') as f: f.write("[pep8]\nignore=E999") args_after = parse_args(['--global-config=%s' % GLOBAL_CONFIG], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertIn('E999', args_after.ignore) args_after = parse_args(['--global-config=False'], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertNotIn('E999', args_after.ignore)
Example #8
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_local_config(self): with open(LOCAL_CONFIG, mode='w') as f: f.write("[pep8]\nignore=E999") args_after = parse_args([''], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertIn('E999', args_after.ignore) args_after = parse_args(['--ignore-local-config'], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertNotIn('E999', args_after.ignore)
Example #9
Source File: From pep8radius with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_local_and_global_config(self): with open(GLOBAL_CONFIG, mode='w') as f: f.write("[pep8]\nindent-size=2") with open(LOCAL_CONFIG, mode='w') as f: f.write("[pep8]\nindent-size=3") args_after = parse_args(['--global-config=%s' % GLOBAL_CONFIG], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertEqual(3, args_after.indent_size) args_after = parse_args(['--global-config=%s' % GLOBAL_CONFIG, '--ignore-local-config'], apply_config=True, root=TEMP_DIR) self.assertEqual(2, args_after.indent_size)
Example #10
Source File: From operator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_pep8(self): # verify all files are nicely styled python_filepaths = get_python_filepaths() style_guide = get_style_guide() fake_stdout = io.StringIO() with patch('sys.stdout', fake_stdout): report = style_guide.check_files(python_filepaths) # if flake8 didnt' report anything, we're done if report.total_errors == 0: return # grab on which files we have issues flake8_issues = fake_stdout.getvalue().split('\n') broken_filepaths = {item.split(':')[0] for item in flake8_issues if item} # give hints to the developer on how files' style could be improved options = autopep8.parse_args(['']) options.aggressive = 1 options.diff = True options.max_line_length = 99 issues = [] for filepath in broken_filepaths: diff = autopep8.fix_file(filepath, options=options) if diff: issues.append(diff) report = ["Please fix files as suggested by autopep8:"] + issues report += ["\n-- Original flake8 reports:"] + flake8_issues"\n".join(report))