Python pymel.core.connectAttr() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pymel.core.connectAttr().
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Example #1
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _duplicate_shape(old_shape): new_shape = pymel.createNode('nurbsCurve') # Transfert various attributes mel_dst = '{0}.create'.format(new_shape) # prevent annoying pymel warning pymel.connectAttr(old_shape.local, mel_dst) new_shape.create.evaluate() # Force maya to cache the shape before unconnecting pymel.disconnectAttr(old_shape.local, mel_dst) # Transfert various attributes for att_name in transferable_shape_attrs: att_old = old_shape.attr(att_name) att_new = new_shape.attr(att_name) att_new.set(att_old.get()) return new_shape
Example #2
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _buildBaseCtrls(self): # create global ctrl self.globalCtrl = mayautils.createCtrl("{0}_all_ctrl".format(self.prefix), "crossArrow", 1, "yellow") globalCtrlAttr = [ {"ln":"globalScale", "at":"float", "dv":1, "k":1}, {"ln":self.RIG_TOP_TAG, "dt":"string"} ] mayautils.addAttributes(self.globalCtrl, globalCtrlAttr) # create meta ctrl self.metaCtrl = mayautils.createCtrl("{0}_meta_ctrl".format(self.prefix), "fatCross", 1, "yellow", None, [0,0,90]) pm.xform(self.metaCtrl, t=self.metaPos, ws=1) mayautils.aimObject(self.endPos, self.metaCtrl) mayautils.createParentTransform("org", self.metaCtrl).setParent(self.globalCtrl) # build globalScale connections for ch in 'xyz': pm.connectAttr(self.globalCtrl.globalScale, "{0}.s{1}".format(, ch)) pm.setAttr("{0}.s{1}".format(, ch), cb=0, keyable=0, lock=1) pm.setAttr("{0}.s{1}".format(, ch), cb=0, keyable=0, lock=1)
Example #3
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_stretchy(self): #check joints """ """ self._scaleMD = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=self.limbName + "_scaleMD") pm.connectAttr(self.curve.curveInfo.arcLength, self.scaleMD.input1X) pm.setAttr(self.scaleMD.input2X, self.curve.arclen) pm.setAttr(self.scaleMD.operation, 2) for jnt in self.joints.jointChain: factor = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n="factor_" + jnt) pm.connectAttr(self.scaleMD.outputX, factor.input1X) pm.setAttr(factor.input2X, (pm.getAttr(jnt.ty))) pm.connectAttr(factor.outputX, jnt.ty)
Example #4
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _save_settings(self): """save settings inside objects pivotData attribute """ # data to be save : # ----------------- # futurePivot node # create attributes self._create_data_attribute() # connect futurePivot node pm.connectAttr( '%s%s' % (, ".message"), self._object.attr("pivotData.futurePivot"), f=True )
Example #5
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def controller_tag_connect(ctt, tagParent): """Summary Args: ctt (TYPE): Teh control tag tagParent (TYPE): The object with the parent control tag """ if pm.controller(tagParent, q=True): tpTagNode = pm.PyNode(pm.controller(tagParent, q=True)[0]) tpTagNode.cycleWalkSibling.set(True) pm.connectAttr(tpTagNode.prepopulate, ctt.prepopulate, f=True) ni = attribute.get_next_available_index(tpTagNode.children) pm.disconnectAttr(ctt.parent) pm.connectAttr(ctt.parent, tpTagNode.attr( "children[%s]" % str(ni)))
Example #6
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createVertexPositionNode(inShape, vId=0, output=None, name="mgear_vertexPosition"): """Creates a mgear_vertexPosition node""" node = pm.createNode("mgear_vertexPosition", n=name) inShape.worldMesh.connect(node.inputShape) node.vertex.set(vId) if output: pm.connectAttr(output.parentInverseMatrix, node.drivenParentInverseMatrix) pm.connectAttr(node.output, output.translate) return node ############################################# # CREATE MULTI NODES #############################################
Example #7
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createCurveInfoNode(crv): """Create and connect a curveInfo node. Arguments: crv (dagNode): The curve. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. >>> crv_node = nod.createCurveInfoNode(self.slv_crv) """ node = pm.createNode("curveInfo") shape = pm.listRelatives(crv, shapes=True)[0] pm.connectAttr(shape + ".local", node + ".inputCurve") return node # TODO: update using plusMinusAverage node
Example #8
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def createDecomposeMatrixNode(m): """ Create and connect a decomposeMatrix node. Arguments: m(str or attr): The matrix attribute name. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. >>> dm_node = nod.createDecomposeMatrixNode(mulmat_node+".output") """ node = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(m, node + ".inputMatrix") return node
Example #9
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def connectSet(source, target, testInstance): """Connect or set attributes Connects or set attributes depending if is instance of a instance check Args: source (str or Attr): Striname of the attribute or PyNode attribute target (str or Attr): Striname of the attribute or PyNode attribute testInstance (tuple): Tuple of types to check """ if not isinstance(testInstance, tuple): testInstance = tuple(testInstance) if isinstance(source, testInstance): pm.connectAttr(source, target) else: pm.setAttr(target, source)
Example #10
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_inverseRotorder_op(out_obj, in_obj): """ Apply a sn_inverseRotorder_op operator Arguments: out_obj (dagNode): Output object. in_obj (dagNode): Input object. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_inverseRotOrder") pm.connectAttr(in_obj + ".ro", node + ".ro") pm.connectAttr(node + ".output", out_obj + ".ro") return node
Example #11
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_curvecns_op(crv, inputs=[]): """ create mGear curvecns node. Arguments: crv (nurbsCurve): Nurbs curve. inputs (List of dagNodes): Input object to drive the curve. Should be same number as crv points. Also the order should be the same as the points Returns: pyNode: The curvecns node. """ node = pm.deformer(type="mgear_curveCns")[0] for i, item in enumerate(inputs): pm.connectAttr(item + ".worldMatrix", node + ".inputs[%s]" % i) return node
Example #12
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gear_intmatrix_op(mA, mB, blend=0): """ create mGear interpolate Matrix node. Arguments: mA (matrix): Input matrix A. mB (matrix): Input matrix A. blend (float or connection): Blending value. Returns: pyNode: Newly created mGear_intMatrix node """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_intMatrix") pm.connectAttr(mA, node + ".matrixA") pm.connectAttr(mB, node + ".matrixB") if (isinstance(blend, str) or isinstance(blend, unicode) or isinstance(blend, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(blend, node + ".blend") else: pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) return node
Example #13
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def source_nodes(): cmds.file(new=True, force=True) source1, _ = pm.polyCube(name="source1") source2, _ = pm.polyCube(name="source2") target, _ = pm.polyCube(name="target") ch1 = att.addAttribute(source1, "chanName", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) ch2 = att.addAttribute(source2, "chanName", "double", 0, minValue=0, maxValue=1) pm.connectAttr(ch1, source1.ty) pm.connectAttr(ch2, source2.ty)
Example #14
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pathCns(obj, curve, cnsType=False, u=0, tangent=False): """ Apply a path constraint or curve constraint. Arguments: obj (dagNode): Constrained object. curve (Nurbscurve): Constraining Curve. cnsType (int): 0 for Path Constraint, 1 for Curve Constraint (Parametric). u (float): Position of the object on the curve (from 0 to 100 for path constraint, from 0 to 1 for Curve cns). tangent (bool): Keep tangent orientation option. Returns: pyNode: The newly created constraint. """ node = pm.PyNode(pm.createNode("motionPath")) node.setAttr("uValue", u) node.setAttr("fractionMode", not cnsType) node.setAttr("follow", tangent) pm.connectAttr(curve.attr("worldSpace"), node.attr("geometryPath")) pm.connectAttr(node.attr("allCoordinates"), obj.attr("translate")) pm.connectAttr(node.attr("rotate"), obj.attr("rotate")) pm.connectAttr(node.attr("rotateOrder"), obj.attr("rotateOrder")) pm.connectAttr(node.attr("message"), obj.attr("specifiedManipLocation")) return node # TODO: review function to make wupObject optional
Example #15
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createPlusMinusAverage1D(input, operation=1, output=None): """Create a multiple average node 1D. Arguments: input (attr, float or list): The input values. operation (int): Node operation. 0=None, 1=sum, 2=subtract, 3=average output (attr): The attribute to connect the result. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. """ if not isinstance(input, list): input = [input] node = pm.createNode("plusMinusAverage") node.attr("operation").set(operation) for i, x in enumerate(input): try: pm.connectAttr(x, node + ".input1D[%s]" % str(i)) except RuntimeError: pm.setAttr(node + ".input1D[%s]" % str(i), x) if output: pm.connectAttr(node + ".output1D", output) return node
Example #16
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createNegateNodeMulti(name, inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple negate nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to negate Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ s = "XYZ" count = 0 i = 0 outputs = [] for input in inputs: if count == 0: real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) i += 1 pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input1" + s[count], f=True) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2" + s[count], -1) outputs.append(node_name + ".output" + s[count]) count = (count + 1) % 3 return outputs
Example #17
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createAddNodeMulti(inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple add nodes Arguments: inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to add Returns: list: The output attributes list. >>> angle_outputs = nod.createAddNodeMulti(self.angles_att) """ outputs = [inputs[0]] for i, input in enumerate(inputs[1:]): node_name = pm.createNode("addDoubleLinear") if (isinstance(outputs[-1], str) or isinstance(outputs[-1], unicode) or isinstance(outputs[-1], pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(outputs[-1], node_name + ".input1", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input1", outputs[-1]) if (isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, unicode) or isinstance(input, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input2", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2", input) outputs.append(node_name + ".output") return outputs
Example #18
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createMulNodeMulti(name, inputs=[]): """Create and connect multiple multiply nodes Arguments: name (str): The name for the new node. inputs (list of attr): The list of attributes to multiply Returns: list: The output attributes list. """ outputs = [inputs[0]] for i, input in enumerate(inputs[1:]): real_name = name + "_" + str(i) node_name = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide", n=real_name) pm.setAttr(node_name + ".operation", 1) if (isinstance(outputs[-1], str) or isinstance(outputs[-1], unicode) or isinstance(outputs[-1], pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(outputs[-1], node_name + ".input1X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input1X", outputs[-1]) if (isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, unicode) or isinstance(input, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(input, node_name + ".input2X", f=True) else: pm.setAttr(node_name + ".input2X", input) outputs.append(node_name + ".output") return outputs
Example #19
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def oriCns(driver, driven, maintainOffset=False): """Apply orientation constraint Apply orientation constraint changing XYZ default connexions by rotate compound connexions Note: We have found an evaluation difference in the values if the connexion is compound or by axis Arguments: driver (dagNode or dagNode list): Driver object. driven (dagNode): Driven object. maintainOffset (bool): Keep the offset. Returns: pyNode: Orientation constraintn node. Example: .. code-block:: python import mgear.core.applyop as aop import pymel.core as pm sphere = pm.polySphere(n='sphereDriver') cube = pm.polyCube(n='cubeDriven') ori_cns = aop.oriCns(sphere[0], cube[0], True) """ oriCns = pm.orientConstraint(driver, driven, maintainOffset=maintainOffset) for axis in "XYZ": pm.disconnectAttr(oriCns + ".constraintRotate" + axis, driven + ".rotate" + axis) pm.connectAttr(oriCns + ".constraintRotate", driven + ".rotate", f=True) return oriCns
Example #20
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def curvecns_op(crv, inputs=[]): for i, item in enumerate(inputs): node = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(item + ".worldMatrix[0]", node + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(node + ".outputTranslate", crv + ".controlPoints[%s]" % i) return node
Example #21
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def export_blend_connections(): """Exports the connection commands from selected objects to the blendShape of another object. The resulted text file contains all the MEL scripts to reconnect the objects to the blendShape node. So after exporting the connection commands you can export the blendShape targets as another maya file and delete them from the scene, thus your scene gets lite and loads much more quickly. """ selection_list =, sl=1, l=1) dialog_return = pm.fileDialog2(cap="Save As", fm=0, ff='Text Files(*.txt)') filename = dialog_return[0] print(filename) print("\n\nFiles written:\n--------------------------------------------\n") with open(filename, 'w') as fileId: for i in range(0, len(selection_list)): shapes = pm.listRelatives(selection_list[i], s=True, f=True) main_shape = "" for j in range(0, len(shapes)): if pm.getAttr(shapes[j] + '.intermediateObject') == 0: main_shape = shapes break if main_shape == "": main_shape = shapes[0] con = pm.listConnections(main_shape, t="blendShape", c=1, s=1, p=1) cmd = "connectAttr -f %s.worldMesh[0] %s;" % ( ''.join(map(str, main_shape)), ''.join(map(str, con[0].name())) ) print("%s\n" % cmd) fileId.write("%s\n" % cmd) print("\n------------------------------------------------------\n") print("filename: %s ...done\n" % filename)
Example #22
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def attach(self, object): #it connects the given object to the network and return an id number # for the object #all_cons = pm.listConnections( if not object in self.connections: mayaCon = object + ('.message') networkId = len(self.connections) tempAttr = '%s[%s]' % ("affectedBy", networkId) networkCon = + "." + tempAttr pm.connectAttr(mayaCon, networkCon) self.connections.append(object)
Example #23
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_curveInfo(self): #create a new CurveInfo Node self._curveInfo = pm.createNode("curveInfo", n= self._curveNode + "_curveInfo") pm.connectAttr(self._curveNode.worldSpace, self._curveInfo.inputCurve) return self._curveInfo
Example #24
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(sourceObj, sourceAttr, destObj, destAttr): source = sourceObj + "." + sourceAttr dest = destObj + "." + destAttr pm.connectAttr(source, dest)
Example #25
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_action_axisChange(self, iRow, iCol, *args): pCell = self.ui.tblData.item(iRow,iCol) pData = pData.nChildLoc.axis.set(args[0]) #Delete old connection pymel.disconnectAttr(pData.nMD.input1X) lstXCon = pData.nDecM.outputRotateX.listConnections() pymel.disconnectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateX) pymel.delete(lstXCon) lstYCon = pData.nDecM.outputRotateY.listConnections() pymel.disconnectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateY) pymel.delete(lstYCon) lstZCon = pData.nDecM.outputRotateZ.listConnections() pymel.disconnectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateZ) pymel.delete(lstZCon) if args[0] == 0: pymel.connectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateX, pData.nMD.input1X, f=True) elif args[0] == 1: pymel.connectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateY, pData.nMD.input1X, f=True) elif args[0] == 2: pymel.connectAttr(pData.nDecM.outputRotateZ, pData.nMD.input1X, f=True) #Change the axis connection of the system to connect in the good axis
Example #26
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connectChannels(source, destination, channels='trsv'): """ Connect the specified channels of the source and destination objects. :param source: `PyNode` source object :param destination: `PyNode` destination object :param channels: `string` channels to connect :return: """ for channel in channels: pm.connectAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, channel), "{0}.{1}".format(, channel))
Example #27
Source File: From metanode with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def set(self, attr_name, value): """ Set the value of the given attribute. Attribute name must be registered in one of the attr dictionaries. Currently supports attributes of type message, string, bool, float, int, enum :param attr_name: Name of attribute to edit :param value: List or single value representing value of attribute to set """ # Get attribute data attr_data = self._get_attr_data(attr_name) # If multi: (value should be list) if attr_data.get('multi', False): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( "'{0}' is a multi attribute and must be set with a list or tuple of data".format(attr_name)) # Data Type: MESSAGE if attr_data.get('at') == 'message': for attr_element in self.node.attr(attr_name): pm.removeMultiInstance(attr_element, b=True) # Value should be list of PyNodes, we connect node.message to slot for index, item in enumerate(value): pm.connectAttr(item.message, self.node.attr(attr_name)[index]) # Data Type: STRING/BOOL/FLOAT/INT/ENUM else: for attr_element in self.node.attr(attr_name): pm.removeMultiInstance(attr_element, b=True) for index, item in enumerate(value): self.node.attr(attr_name)[index].set(item) # If not multi: else: # Data Type: MESSAGE if attr_data.get('at') == 'message': # Value should be a PyNode, we connect node.message to slot if value is not None: pm.connectAttr(value.message, self.node.attr(attr_name)) # If value is None, disconnect the current value else: pm.disconnectAttr(self.node.attr(attr_name), inputs=True) # Data Type: STRING/BOOL/FLOAT/INT/ENUM else: self.node.attr(attr_name).set(value)
Example #28
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gear_spinePointAtOpWM(cns, startobj, endobj, blend=.5, axis="-Z"): """ Apply a SpinePointAt operator using world matrix Arguments: cns Constraint: The constraint to apply the operator on (must be a curve, path or direction constraint). startobj (dagNode): Start Reference. endobj (dagNode): End Reference. blend (float): Blend influence value from 0 to 1. axis (str): Axis direction. Returns: pyNode: The newly created operator. """ node = pm.createNode("mgear_spinePointAt") # Inputs pm.setAttr(node + ".blend", blend) pm.setAttr(node + ".axe", ["X", "Y", "Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"].index(axis)) dem_node1 = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") dem_node2 = pm.createNode("decomposeMatrix") pm.connectAttr(startobj + ".worldMatrix", dem_node1 + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(endobj + ".worldMatrix", dem_node2 + ".inputMatrix") pm.connectAttr(dem_node1 + ".outputRotate", node + ".rotA") pm.connectAttr(dem_node2 + ".outputRotate", node + ".rotB") # Outputs pm.setAttr(cns + ".worldUpType", 3) pm.connectAttr(node + ".pointAt", cns + ".worldUpVector") return node
Example #29
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createDivNode(inputA, inputB, output=None): """Create and connect a Divide node. Arguments: inputA (attr, float or list of float): The attribute input A inputB (attr, float or list of float): The attribute input B output (attr or list of attr): The attribute to connect the output. Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. Example: .. code-block:: python # Classic Maya style creation and connection = 4 lines div1_node = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide") div1_node.setAttr("operation", 2) div1_node.setAttr("input1X", 1) pm.connectAttr(self.rig.global_ctl+".sx", div1_node+".input2X") # mGear style = 1 line div1_node = nod.createDivNode(1.0, self.rig.global_ctl+".sx") """ return createMulDivNode(inputA, inputB, 2, output)
Example #30
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createSubNode(inputA, inputB): """Create and connect a subtraction node. Arguments: inputA (attr or float): The attribute input A inputB (attr or float): The attribute input B Returns: pyNode: the newly created node. >>> sub_nod = nod.createSubNode(self.roll_att, angle_outputs[i-1]) """ node = pm.createNode("addDoubleLinear") if (isinstance(inputA, str) or isinstance(inputA, unicode) or isinstance(inputA, pm.Attribute)): pm.connectAttr(inputA, node + ".input1") else: pm.setAttr(node + ".input1", inputA) if (isinstance(inputB, str) or isinstance(inputB, unicode) or isinstance(inputB, pm.Attribute)): neg_node = pm.createNode("multiplyDivide") pm.connectAttr(inputB, neg_node + ".input1X") pm.setAttr(neg_node + ".input2X", -1) pm.connectAttr(neg_node + ".outputX", node + ".input2") else: pm.setAttr(node + ".input2", -inputB) return node