Python pymel.core.orientConstraint() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of pymel.core.orientConstraint().
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Example #1
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def update(self): sel = selected(type='transform') if sel: obj = sel[0] else: return self.orient.removeAll() for obj in orientConstraint(obj, q=True, tl=True): self.orient.append(obj) self.point.removeAll() for obj in pointConstraint(obj, q=True, tl=True): self.point.append(obj) self.parent.removeAll() for obj in parentConstraint(obj, q=True, tl=True): self.parent.append(obj)
Example #2
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def getOrientConstrainee(target): # type: (PyNode) -> PyNode ''' Given a target used in an orientConstraint, find the object that is orient constrained to it. ''' try: #target.parentMatrix[0].listConnections( type='orientConstraint', d=True )[0].constraintRotateZ.listConnections()[0] constraints = target.parentMatrix[0].listConnections( type='orientConstraint', d=True ) if not constraints: return None elif len(constraints) == 1: return constraints[0].constraintRotateZ.listConnections()[0] else: raise Exception( '{0} is the target of multiple constraints, too many results'.format( target ) ) except Exception: return None
Example #3
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def oriCns(driver, driven, maintainOffset=False): """Apply orientation constraint Apply orientation constraint changing XYZ default connexions by rotate compound connexions Note: We have found an evaluation difference in the values if the connexion is compound or by axis Arguments: driver (dagNode or dagNode list): Driver object. driven (dagNode): Driven object. maintainOffset (bool): Keep the offset. Returns: pyNode: Orientation constraintn node. Example: .. code-block:: python import mgear.core.applyop as aop import pymel.core as pm sphere = pm.polySphere(n='sphereDriver') cube = pm.polyCube(n='cubeDriven') ori_cns = aop.oriCns(sphere[0], cube[0], True) """ oriCns = pm.orientConstraint(driver, driven, maintainOffset=maintainOffset) for axis in "XYZ": pm.disconnectAttr(oriCns + ".constraintRotate" + axis, driven + ".rotate" + axis) pm.connectAttr(oriCns + ".constraintRotate", driven + ".rotate", f=True) return oriCns
Example #4
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unique_spine_zero_controller(self): # Create Root Costrain Jnt Unde Hip cotrol # Duplicate zero Jnt tempConst = pm.duplicate(self.joints.zeroJoint, po=True, name=("Const_" + self.joints.zeroJoint )) rootConst_jnt = tempConst[0] pm.parent(rootConst_jnt, self.hipCtrl.drawnNode) pm.pointConstraint(rootConst_jnt, self.joints.zeroJoint) pm.orientConstraint(rootConst_jnt, self.joints.zeroJoint) pm.setAttr(rootConst_jnt.visibility, 0) self._stuff.append(rootConst_jnt)
Example #5
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inputOrient(self, target=None, maintainOff=None): if target is None and maintainOff is None: return self._inputOrient else: self._inputOrient = pm.orientConstraint(target, self.drawnNode, mo=maintainOff)
Example #6
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def outputOrient(self, constrained=None, maintainOff=None): if constrained is None and maintainOff is None: return self._outputOrient else: self._outputOrient = pm.orientConstraint(constrained, self.drawnNode, mo=maintainOff)
Example #7
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _getSwitchPlug(obj): # WTF IS THIS?? ''' Given the object a bind joint is constrained to, return the switching plug. ''' bone = core.constraints.getOrientConstrainee(obj) constraint = orientConstraint( bone, q=True ) plugs = orientConstraint(constraint, q=True, wal=True) targets = orientConstraint(constraint, q=True, tl=True) for plug, target in zip(plugs, targets): if target == obj: switchPlug = plug.listConnections(s=True, d=False, p=True) return switchPlug
Example #8
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def orientSerialize(obj): # type: (PyNode) -> Dict return _constraintSerialize('orientConstraint', obj)
Example #9
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def orientDeserialize(obj, data): # type: (PyNode, Dict) -> None kwargs = copy.deepcopy(data) targets, reformattedKwargs = _constraintDeserialize(obj, kwargs) if 'mo' in reformattedKwargs: del reformattedKwargs['mo'] orientConstraint(targets, obj, mo=True, **reformattedKwargs)
Example #10
Source File: From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def orientConst(*args, **kwargs): ''' orientConstraint wrapper that returns the controlling plug ''' return orientConstraint(*args, **kwargs).getWeightAliasList()[-1]
Example #11
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_ik_setup(self, solver='ikRPsolver', controller_radius=0.5): """Creates IK setup """ self.ik_handle, self.ik_end_effector = \ pm.ikHandle(sj=self.start_joint, ee=self.end_joint, solver=solver) self.ik_end_controller, shape = normal=(0, 1, 0), radius=controller_radius ) pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller, self.ik_end_effector) self.ik_end_controller.t.set(0, 0, 0) self.ik_end_controller.r.set(0, 0, 0) # create default scale attribute pm.addAttr(self.ik_end_controller, sn="minScale", at="float", dv=1.0, k=True) pm.addAttr(self.ik_end_controller, sn="maxScale", at="float", dv=2.0, k=True) for j in self.joints[:-1]: # do not scale the last joint self.ik_end_controller.minScale >> pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller, w=1) from anima.env.mayaEnv import auxiliary auxiliary.axial_correction_group(self.ik_end_controller) # constraint the orientation of the last joint to the controller pm.orientConstraint(self.ik_end_controller, self.joints[-1], mo=1) # create the point constraint pm.pointConstraint(self.ik_end_controller, self.ik_handle) # create pole controller self.ik_pole_controller = pm.spaceLocator(name='ikPoleController#') # place it to the extension of the pole vector pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller, self.joints[1], r=1) pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller, w=1) # I don't like this but it will help a lot move_amount = [0, -1, 0] if pm.xform(self.ik_pole_controller, q=1, ws=1, t=1)[0] < 0: move_amount = [0, 1, 0] pm.move(self.ik_pole_controller, move_amount, r=1, os=1, wd=1) pm.poleVectorConstraint(self.ik_pole_controller, self.ik_handle) auxiliary.axial_correction_group(self.ik_pole_controller) # group everything under the main_group self.main_group = pm.nt.Transform(name='IKLimbJointHierarchy_Grp#') pm.parent(self.ik_handle, self.main_group) pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller.getParent(), self.main_group) pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller.getParent(), self.main_group) if self.do_stretchy: self.create_stretch_setup()