Python pymel.core.addAttr() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of pymel.core.addAttr().
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Example #1
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getBaseCtrl(self, sCtrlType, sAttrName, sCtrlName, fRadius, iDegree = 1, iSection = 8): nCtrl = None self.ctrlCreated = False try: nCtrl= self.masterGrp.getAttr(sAttrName) except pymel.MayaAttributeError: try: nCtrl = pymel.PyNode(self.prefix + sCtrlName) except pymel.MayaNodeError: if (sCtrlName != (self.prefix + "Option_Ctrl")): nCtrl = pymel.PyNode(self.ctrls.cvControl(sCtrlType, sCtrlName, r=fRadius, d=iDegree, dir="+X")) else: nCtrl = pymel.PyNode(self.ctrls.cvCharacter(sCtrlType, sCtrlName, r=(fRadius*0.2))) self.ctrlCreated = True finally: #Since there is no connection between the master and the node found, create the connection self.masterGrp.addAttr(sAttrName, attributeType='message') nCtrl.message.connect(self.masterGrp.attr(sAttrName)) return nCtrl
Example #2
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_finalGatherHide(cls, value): """sets the finalGatherHide to on or off for the given list of objects """ attr_name = "miFinalGatherHide" objects = for obj in objects: shape = obj if isinstance(obj, pm.nt.Transform): shape = obj.getShape() if not isinstance(shape, (pm.nt.Mesh, pm.nt.NurbsSurface)): continue # add the attribute if it doesn't already exists if not shape.hasAttr(attr_name): pm.addAttr(shape, ln=attr_name, at="long", min=0, max=1, k=1) obj.setAttr(attr_name, value)
Example #3
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create(self): # reverse_foot_controller = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_ankle_joint = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_ball_joint = pm.selected()[0] # foot_ik_tip_joint = pm.selected()[0] # # attrs = [ # 'tipHeading', # 'tipRoll', # 'tipBank', # 'ballRoll', # 'ballBank' # ] # # # for attr in attrs: # pm.addAttr(reverse_foot_controller, ln=attr, at='float', k=1) # # reverse_foot_controller.tipHeading >> foot_ik_tip_joint.ry # reverse_foot_controller.tipRoll >> foot_ik_tip_joint.rx # reverse_foot_controller.tipBank >> foot_ik_tip_joint.rz # # reverse_foot_controller.ballRoll >> foot_ik_ball_joint.rx # reverse_foot_controller.ballBank >> foot_ik_ball_joint.rz pass
Example #4
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addBreakLine(ctrl, contentString): """ add a breakline to object's channelbox, usually for ctrlers :param ctrl: `PyNode` object to add breakline to :param contentString: `string` breakline content :return: """ attrName = "_" while pm.objExists("{0}.{1}".format(, attrName)): attrName = attrName + "_" pm.addAttr(ctrl, ln=attrName, at="enum", en=contentString) pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attrName), e=1, channelBox=1)
Example #5
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getBaseGrp(self, sAttrName, sGrpName): nGrpNode = None try: nGrpNode = self.masterGrp.getAttr(sAttrName) except pymel.MayaAttributeError: try: nGrpNode = pymel.PyNode(sGrpName) except pymel.MayaNodeError: nGrpNode = pymel.createNode("transform", name=sGrpName) finally: #Since there is no connection between the master and the node found, create the connection self.masterGrp.addAttr(sAttrName, attributeType='message') nGrpNode.message.connect(self.masterGrp.attr(sAttrName)) return nGrpNode
Example #6
Source File: From DynRigBuilder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addAttributes(target, attrList): """ Add attributes to target. :param target: `PyNode` target node :param attrList: `list` list of dictionaries defining attribute properties [{ "ln": `string` - name of the attribtue, "at": `string` - type of the attribute, ... - other pm.addAttr funtion flags, "cb": `bool` - display in channelBox }, { } ... ] :return: """ if not isinstance(attrList, list): attrList = [attrList] for attrDict in attrList: paramDict = attrDict.copy() cb = 0 if "cb" in attrDict.keys(): cb = attrDict["cb"] del paramDict["cb"] pm.addAttr(target, **paramDict) if "cb" in attrDict.keys(): pm.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(, attrDict["ln"]), cb=cb)
Example #7
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_miLabel(cls): selection = for node in selection: if node.type() == 'Transform': if node.hasAttr('miLabel'): pass else: pm.addAttr(node, ln='miLabel', at='long', keyable=True)
Example #8
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_switch_setup(self): """Creates the required IK/FK blend setup """ if self.ik_hierarchy is None: raise RuntimeError("No IK hierarchy!") if self.fk_hierarchy is None: raise RuntimeError("No FK_hierarchy!") self.ik_fk_switch_handle, shape =, 0, 0), radius=0.5) pm.parent(self.ik_fk_switch_handle, self.base_hierarchy.joints[0], r=1) pm.parent(self.ik_fk_switch_handle, self.base_hierarchy.joints[0].getParent()) pm.addAttr(self.ik_fk_switch_handle, sn="ikFkSwitch", dv=0, at="float", min=0, max=1, k=True) # reverser reverser = pm.nt.Reverse() self.ik_fk_switch_handle.ikFkSwitch >> reverser.inputX for i in range(len(self.base_hierarchy.joints)): bj = self.base_hierarchy.joints[i] ikj = self.ik_hierarchy.joints[i] fkj = self.fk_hierarchy.joints[i] parent_constraint1 = pm.parentConstraint(ikj, bj) parent_constraint2 = pm.parentConstraint(fkj, bj) # get the weight alias list wal = pm.parentConstraint(parent_constraint1, q=1, wal=1) reverser.outputX >> wal[0] self.ik_fk_switch_handle.ikFkSwitch >> wal[1] # lock the transforms self.ik_fk_switch_handle.t.setKeyable(False) self.ik_fk_switch_handle.t.lock() self.ik_fk_switch_handle.r.setKeyable(False) self.ik_fk_switch_handle.r.lock() self.ik_fk_switch_handle.s.setKeyable(False) self.ik_fk_switch_handle.s.lock() self.ik_fk_switch_handle.v.setKeyable(False)
Example #9
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def store_node(self, node): """stores the node in the storage attribute """ if not self.light.hasAttr(self.message_storage_attr_name): pm.addAttr( self.light, ln=self.message_storage_attr_name, m=1 ) node.message >> self.light.attr(self.message_storage_attr_name).next_available
Example #10
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def store_data(self, data): """stores the given data """ if not self.light.hasAttr(self.custom_data_storage_attr_name): pm.addAttr( self.light, ln=self.custom_data_storage_attr_name, dt='string' ) self.light.setAttr(self.custom_data_storage_attr_name, data)
Example #11
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_vertigo(camera): """sets up the vertigo for the given camera """ # camera should have the vertigo locator global vertigo_attr_name global vertigo_global_attr_name vertigo_loc = camera.attr(vertigo_attr_name).inputs()[0] # get the initial distance of the vertigo locator z1 = f1 = camera.focalLength.get() # create a locator under world to hold the locator at the same place world_loc = pm.spaceLocator( + "vertigo_space_loc#") # connect world_loc to camera if not camera.hasAttr(vertigo_global_attr_name): pm.addAttr(camera, ln=vertigo_global_attr_name, at="message") world_loc.message >> camera.attr(vertigo_global_attr_name) # position the world_loc to the correct place pm.parent(world_loc, vertigo_loc) world_loc.t.set(0, 0, 0) world_loc.r.set(0, 0, 0) pm.parent(world_loc, w=True) # unlock vertigo_loc's translate vertigo_loc.tx.unlock() vertigo_loc.ty.unlock() pm.pointConstraint(world_loc, vertigo_loc) # create the expression expr_str = + ".focalLength = (" + + \ ".tz / " + str(z1) + ") * " + str(f1) + ";" expr = pm.expression(s=expr_str)
Example #12
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_look_at(camera): """sets up the look at locator for the given camera """ # just create a locator under the camera # and move it to -10 loc = pm.spaceLocator( + "vertigo_loc#") # create a new attribute under the camera global vertigo_attr_name camera_shape = camera.getShape() if not camera.hasAttr(vertigo_attr_name): pm.addAttr(camera, ln=vertigo_attr_name, at="message") # connect the message attribute of the locator to the camera loc.message >> camera.attr(vertigo_attr_name) pm.parent(loc, camera) loc.t.set(0, 0, -10) loc.r.set(0, 0, 0) # lock locators tx, ty and rotate channels loc.tx.lock() loc.ty.lock() loc.r.lock()
Example #13
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_data_attribute(self): """creates attribute in self._object to hold the data """ if not self._object.hasAttr("pivotData"): pm.addAttr(self._object, ln="pivotData", at="compound", nc=1) if not self._object.hasAttr("futurePivot"): pm.addAttr( self._object, ln="futurePivot", at="message", p="pivotData" )
Example #14
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def export_network(_data, **kwargs): log.debug('CreateNetwork {0}'.format(_data)) # We'll deal with two additional attributes, '_network' and '_uid'. # Thoses two attributes allow us to find the network from the value and vice-versa. # Note that since the '_uid' refer to the current python context, it's value could be erroned when calling import_network. # However the change of collisions are extremely improbable so checking the type of the python variable is sufficient. # Please feel free to provide a better design if any if possible. # Optimisation: Use existing network if already present in scene if hasattr(_data, '_network') and libPymel.is_valid_PyNode(_data._network): network = _data._network else: # Automaticly name network whenever possible if hasattr(_data, '__getNetworkName__') and _data.__getNetworkName__ is None: networkName = _data.__class__.__name__ else: networkName = _data.__getNetworkName__() if hasattr(_data, '__getNetworkName__') else _data.__class__.__name__ _data._network = networkName network = pymel.createNode('network', name=networkName) # Ensure the network have the current python id stored if not network.hasAttr('_uid'): pymel.addAttr(network, longName='_uid', niceName='_uid', at='long') # todo: validate attributeType # network._uid.set(id(_data)) # Convert _pData to basic data dictionary (recursive for now) dicData = core._export_basicData(_data, _bRecursive=False, **kwargs) assert(isinstance(dicData, dict)) fnNet = network.__apimfn__() for key, val in dicData.items(): if val is not None: if key == '_class' or key[0] != '_': # Attributes starting with '_' are protected or private _addAttr(fnNet, key, val) return network # todo: add an optimisation to prevent recreating the python variable if it already exist.
Example #15
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_ik_setup(self, solver='ikRPsolver', controller_radius=0.5): """Creates IK setup """ self.ik_handle, self.ik_end_effector = \ pm.ikHandle(sj=self.start_joint, ee=self.end_joint, solver=solver) self.ik_end_controller, shape = normal=(0, 1, 0), radius=controller_radius ) pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller, self.ik_end_effector) self.ik_end_controller.t.set(0, 0, 0) self.ik_end_controller.r.set(0, 0, 0) # create default scale attribute pm.addAttr(self.ik_end_controller, sn="minScale", at="float", dv=1.0, k=True) pm.addAttr(self.ik_end_controller, sn="maxScale", at="float", dv=2.0, k=True) for j in self.joints[:-1]: # do not scale the last joint self.ik_end_controller.minScale >> pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller, w=1) from anima.env.mayaEnv import auxiliary auxiliary.axial_correction_group(self.ik_end_controller) # constraint the orientation of the last joint to the controller pm.orientConstraint(self.ik_end_controller, self.joints[-1], mo=1) # create the point constraint pm.pointConstraint(self.ik_end_controller, self.ik_handle) # create pole controller self.ik_pole_controller = pm.spaceLocator(name='ikPoleController#') # place it to the extension of the pole vector pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller, self.joints[1], r=1) pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller, w=1) # I don't like this but it will help a lot move_amount = [0, -1, 0] if pm.xform(self.ik_pole_controller, q=1, ws=1, t=1)[0] < 0: move_amount = [0, 1, 0] pm.move(self.ik_pole_controller, move_amount, r=1, os=1, wd=1) pm.poleVectorConstraint(self.ik_pole_controller, self.ik_handle) auxiliary.axial_correction_group(self.ik_pole_controller) # group everything under the main_group self.main_group = pm.nt.Transform(name='IKLimbJointHierarchy_Grp#') pm.parent(self.ik_handle, self.main_group) pm.parent(self.ik_end_controller.getParent(), self.main_group) pm.parent(self.ik_pole_controller.getParent(), self.main_group) if self.do_stretchy: self.create_stretch_setup()
Example #16
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 4 votes |
def addProxyAttribute(sourceAttrs, targets, duplicatedPolicy=None): """Add proxy paramenter to a list of target dagNode Duplicated channel policy, stablish the rule in case the channel already exist on the target. Duplicate policy options ================ ======================================================= index This policy will add an index to avoid clashing channel names fullName This policy will add the name of the source object to the channel merge This policy will merge the channels ================ ======================================================= Arguments: sourceAttrs (attr or list of attr): The parameters to be connected as proxy targets (dagNode or list of dagNode): The list of dagNode to add the proxy paramenter duplicatedPolicy (string, optional): Set the duplicated channel policy """ if not isinstance(targets, list): targets = [targets] if not isinstance(sourceAttrs, list): sourceAttrs = [sourceAttrs] for sourceAttr in sourceAttrs: for target in targets: attrName = sourceAttr.longName() if target.hasAttr(sourceAttr.longName()): if duplicatedPolicy == "index": i = 0 while target.hasAttr(sourceAttr.longName() + str(i)): i += 1 attrName = sourceAttr.longName() + str(i) elif duplicatedPolicy == "fullName": attrName = "{}_{}".format(sourceAttr.nodeName(), sourceAttr.longName()) if not target.hasAttr(attrName): target.addAttr(attrName, pxy=sourceAttr) else: pm.displayWarning( "The proxy channel %s already exist on: %s." % (sourceAttr.longName(),
Example #17
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 4 votes |
def addEnumAttribute(node, longName, value, enum, niceName=None, shortName=None, keyable=True, readable=True, storable=True, writable=True): """ Add an enumerate attribute to a node Arguments: node (dagNode): The object to add the new attribute. longName (str): The attribute name. value (int): The default value. enum (list of str): The list of elements in the enumerate control niceName (str): The attribute nice name. (optional) shortName (str): The attribute short name. (optional) keyable (bool): Set if the attribute is keyable or not. (optional) readable (bool): Set if the attribute is readable or not. (optional) storable (bool): Set if the attribute is storable or not. (optional) writable (bool): Set if the attribute is writable or not. (optional) Returns: str: The long name of the new attribute """ if node.hasAttr(longName): mgear.log("Attribute '" + longName + "' already exists", mgear.sev_warning) return data = {} if shortName is not None: data["shortName"] = shortName if niceName is not None: data["niceName"] = niceName data["attributeType"] = "enum" data["en"] = ":".join(enum) data["keyable"] = keyable data["readable"] = readable data["storable"] = storable data["writable"] = writable node.addAttr(longName, **data) node.setAttr(longName, value) return node.attr(longName)