Python regex.fullmatch() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of regex.fullmatch().
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, or try the search function
Example #1
Source File: From wikitextparser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, string: Union[str, MutableSequence[str]], pattern: str, _match: Match = None, _type_to_spans: Dict[str, List[List[int]]] = None, _span: List[int] = None, _type: str = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(string, _type_to_spans, _span, _type) self.pattern = pattern if _match: self._match_cache = _match, self.string else: self._match_cache = fullmatch( LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT.replace( b'{pattern}', pattern.encode(), 1), self._shadow, MULTILINE, ), self.string
Example #2
Source File: From paper2remarkable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_url(string): # pattern adapted from CleverCSV pattern = "((https?|ftp):\/\/(?!\-))?(((([\p{L}\p{N}]*[\-\_]?[\p{L}\p{N}]+)+\.)+([a-z]{2,}|local)(\.[a-z]{2,3})?)|localhost|(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?))(\/[\p{L}\p{N}_\/()~?=&%\-\#\.:+]*)?(\.[a-z]+)?" string = string.strip(" ") match = regex.fullmatch(pattern, string) return match is not None
Example #3
Source File: புணர்ச்சி.py From pytamil with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getmatchingவிதிகள்(நிலைமொழி, வருமொழி): தொடர்மொழி_விதிகள் =[] நிலைமொழிவிரி = எழுத்து.உயிர்மெய்விரி(நிலைமொழி) வருமொழிவிரி = எழுத்து.உயிர்மெய்விரி(வருமொழி) for விதி in விதிகள்: if regex.fullmatch(விதி.நிலைமொழி_regex, நிலைமொழிவிரி ) and \ regex.fullmatch(விதி.வருமொழி_regex, வருமொழிவிரி ): தொடர்மொழி_விதிகள்.append(விதி) # print(தொடர்மொழி_விதிகள்) return தொடர்மொழி_விதிகள்
Example #4
Source File: From wikitextparser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _match(self): """Return the match object for the current list.""" cache_match, cache_string = self._match_cache string = self.string if cache_string == string: return cache_match cache_match = fullmatch( LIST_PATTERN_FORMAT.replace( b'{pattern}', self.pattern.encode(), 1), self._shadow, MULTILINE) self._match_cache = cache_match, string return cache_match
Example #5
Source File: From CleverCSV with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_elementary(cell): return not ( regex.fullmatch("[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\&\-\@\+\%\(\)\ \/]+", cell) is None )
Example #6
Source File: From thingsboard-gateway with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __search_node(self, current_node, fullpath, search_method=False, result=None): if result is None: result = [] try: if regex.match(r"ns=\d*;[isgb]=.*", fullpath, regex.IGNORECASE): if self.__show_map: log.debug("Looking for node with config") node = self.client.get_node(fullpath) if node is None: log.warning("NODE NOT FOUND - using configuration %s", fullpath) else: log.debug("Found in %s", node) result.append(node) else: fullpath_pattern = regex.compile(fullpath) for child_node in current_node.get_children(): new_node = self.client.get_node(child_node) new_node_path = '\\\\.'.join(char.split(":")[1] for char in new_node.get_path(200000, True)) if self.__show_map: log.debug("SHOW MAP: Current node path: %s", new_node_path) new_node_class = new_node.get_node_class() regex_fullmatch = regex.fullmatch(fullpath_pattern, new_node_path.replace('\\\\.', '.')) or \ new_node_path.replace('\\\\', '\\') == fullpath.replace('\\\\', '\\') or \ new_node_path.replace('\\\\', '\\') == fullpath regex_search = fullpath_pattern.fullmatch(new_node_path.replace('\\\\.', '.'), partial=True) or \ new_node_path.replace('\\\\', '\\') in fullpath.replace('\\\\', '\\') if regex_fullmatch: if self.__show_map: log.debug("SHOW MAP: Current node path: %s - NODE FOUND", new_node_path.replace('\\\\', '\\')) result.append(new_node) elif regex_search: if self.__show_map: log.debug("SHOW MAP: Current node path: %s - NODE FOUND", new_node_path) if new_node_class == ua.NodeClass.Object: if self.__show_map: log.debug("SHOW MAP: Search in %s", new_node_path) self.__search_node(new_node, fullpath, result=result) elif new_node_class == ua.NodeClass.Variable: log.debug("Found in %s", new_node_path) result.append(new_node) elif new_node_class == ua.NodeClass.Method and search_method: log.debug("Found in %s", new_node_path) result.append(new_node) except CancelledError: log.error("Request during search has been canceled by the OPC-UA server.") except BrokenPipeError: log.error("Broken Pipe. Connection lost.") except OSError: log.debug("Stop on scanning.") except Exception as e: log.exception(e)