Python numpy.geomspace() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of numpy.geomspace().
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Example #1
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_scott_vs_stone(self): """Verify that Scott's rule and Stone's rule converges for normally distributed data""" def nbins_ratio(seed, size): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=size) a, b = len(np.histogram(x, 'stone')[0]), len(np.histogram(x, 'scott')[0]) return a / (a + b) ll = [[nbins_ratio(seed, size) for size in np.geomspace(start=10, stop=100, num=4).round().astype(int)] for seed in range(256)] # the average difference between the two methods decreases as the dataset size increases. assert_almost_equal(abs(np.mean(ll, axis=0) - 0.5), [0.1065248, 0.0968844, 0.0331818, 0.0178057], decimal=3)
Example #2
Source File: From phoebe2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def monkeypatch(): """ monkeypatch built-in numpy functions to call those provided by nparray instead. ```py import nparray import numpy as np nparray.monkeypatch() print(np.linspace(0,1,11)) ``` """ np.array = array np.arange = arange np.linspace = linspace np.logspace = logspace np.geomspace = geomspace np.full = full np.full_like = full_like np.zeros = zeros np.zeros_like = zeros_like np.ones = ones np.ones_like = ones_like np.eye = eye
Example #3
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_scott_vs_stone(self): """Verify that Scott's rule and Stone's rule converges for normally distributed data""" def nbins_ratio(seed, size): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=size) a, b = len(np.histogram(x, 'stone')[0]), len(np.histogram(x, 'scott')[0]) return a / (a + b) ll = [[nbins_ratio(seed, size) for size in np.geomspace(start=10, stop=100, num=4).round().astype(int)] for seed in range(256)] # the average difference between the two methods decreases as the dataset size increases. assert_almost_equal(abs(np.mean(ll, axis=0) - 0.5), [0.1065248, 0.0968844, 0.0331818, 0.0178057], decimal=3)
Example #4
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_scott_vs_stone(self): """Verify that Scott's rule and Stone's rule converges for normally distributed data""" def nbins_ratio(seed, size): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=size) a, b = len(np.histogram(x, 'stone')[0]), len(np.histogram(x, 'scott')[0]) return a / (a + b) ll = [[nbins_ratio(seed, size) for size in np.geomspace(start=10, stop=100, num=4).round().astype(int)] for seed in range(256)] # the average difference between the two methods decreases as the dataset size increases. assert_almost_equal(abs(np.mean(ll, axis=0) - 0.5), [0.1065248, 0.0968844, 0.0331818, 0.0178057], decimal=3)
Example #5
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testGeomSpace(self): def run_test(start, stop, **kwargs): arg1 = start arg2 = stop self.match( array_ops.geomspace(arg1, arg2, **kwargs), np.geomspace(arg1, arg2, **kwargs), msg='geomspace({}, {})'.format(arg1, arg2), almost=True, decimal=4) run_test(1, 1000, num=5) run_test(1, 1000, num=5, endpoint=False) run_test(-1, -1000, num=5) run_test(-1, -1000, num=5, endpoint=False)
Example #6
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def geomspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, dtype=float): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring if dtype: dtype = utils.result_type(dtype) if num < 0: raise ValueError('Number of samples {} must be non-negative.'.format(num)) if not num: return empty([0]) step = 1. if endpoint: if num > 1: step = tf.pow((stop / start), 1 / (num - 1)) else: step = tf.pow((stop / start), 1 / num) result = tf.cast(tf.range(num), step.dtype) result = tf.pow(step, result) result = tf.multiply(result, start) if dtype: result = tf.cast(result, dtype=dtype) return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray(result) # Building matrices.
Example #7
Source File: From celer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_celer_path_logreg(): X, y = build_dataset( n_samples=50, n_features=100, sparse_X=True) y = np.sign(y) alpha_max = norm(, ord=np.inf) / 2 alphas = alpha_max * np.geomspace(1, 1e-2, 10) tol = 1e-8 coefs, Cs, n_iters = _logistic_regression_path( X, y, Cs=1. / alphas, fit_intercept=False, penalty='l1', solver='liblinear', tol=tol) _, coefs_c, gaps = celer_path( X, y, "logreg", alphas=alphas, tol=tol, verbose=2) np.testing.assert_array_less(gaps, tol) np.testing.assert_allclose(coefs != 0, coefs_c.T != 0) np.testing.assert_allclose(coefs, coefs_c.T, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-3)
Example #8
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_scott_vs_stone(self): """Verify that Scott's rule and Stone's rule converges for normally distributed data""" def nbins_ratio(seed, size): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=size) a, b = len(np.histogram(x, 'stone')[0]), len(np.histogram(x, 'scott')[0]) return a / (a + b) ll = [[nbins_ratio(seed, size) for size in np.geomspace(start=10, stop=100, num=4).round().astype(int)] for seed in range(256)] # the average difference between the two methods decreases as the dataset size increases. assert_almost_equal(abs(np.mean(ll, axis=0) - 0.5), [0.1065248, 0.0968844, 0.0331818, 0.0178057], decimal=3)
Example #9
Source File: From dwave-hybrid with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def next(self, state, **runopts): bqm = state.problem # get a reasonable beta range beta_hot, beta_cold = neal.default_beta_range(bqm) # generate betas if self.interpolation == 'linear': beta_schedule = np.linspace(beta_hot, beta_cold, self.length) elif self.interpolation == 'geometric': beta_schedule = np.geomspace(beta_hot, beta_cold, self.length) else: raise ValueError("Beta schedule type {} not implemented".format(self.interpolation)) # store the schedule in output state return state.updated(beta_schedule=beta_schedule)
Example #10
Source File: From dwave-hybrid with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def next(self, state, **runopts): bqm = state.problem # get a reasonable beta range beta_hot, beta_cold = neal.default_beta_range(bqm) # generate betas for all branches/replicas betas = np.geomspace(beta_hot, beta_cold, self.num_replicas) # create num_replicas with betas spaced with geometric progression states = hybrid.States(*[state.updated(beta=b) for b in betas]) return states # # A few PT workflow generators. Should be treated as Runnable classes #
Example #11
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_irregular_grid_kernel(resolution, radius): """ Create an isometric grid kernel (centered at 0) Args: resolution: [s0] radius (float): Maximum distance of the kernel Returns: tuple: center of the voxel, left edge of each voxel (for xyz), right edge of each voxel (for xyz). """ if radius is not list or radius is not np.ndarray: radius = np.repeat(radius, 3) g_ = [] g_2 = [] d_ = [] for xyz in [0, 1, 2]: if xyz == 2: # Make the grid only negative for the z axis g_.append(np.geomspace(0.01, 1, int(resolution[xyz]))) g_2.append((np.concatenate(([0], g_[xyz])) + 0.05) * - radius[xyz] * 1.2) else: g_.append(np.geomspace(0.01, 1, int(resolution[xyz] / 2))) g_2.append(np.concatenate((-g_[xyz][::-1], [0], g_[xyz])) * radius[xyz]) d_.append(np.diff(np.pad(g_2[xyz], 1, 'reflect', reflect_type='odd'))) g = np.meshgrid(*g_2) d_left = np.meshgrid(d_[0][:-1]/2, d_[1][:-1]/2, d_[2][:-1]/2) d_right = np.meshgrid(d_[0][1:]/2, d_[1][1:]/2, d_[2][1:]/2) kernel_g = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, g))).T.astype("float64") kernel_d_left = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, d_left))).T.astype("float64") kernel_d_right = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, d_right))).T.astype("float64") return kernel_g, kernel_d_left, kernel_d_right
Example #12
Source File: From corrscope with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, scfg: SpectrumConfig, subsmp_s: float, dummy_data: np.ndarray): self.scfg = scfg n_fftindex: FFTIndex = signal.next_fast_len(len(dummy_data)) # Increase n_fftindex until every note has nonzero width. while True: # Compute parameters self.min_hz = scfg.min_hz self.max_hz = self.min_hz * 2 ** scfg.octaves n_fencepost = scfg.notes_per_octave * scfg.octaves + 1 note_fenceposts_hz = np.geomspace( self.min_hz, self.max_hz, n_fencepost, dtype=FLOAT ) # Convert fenceposts to FFTIndex fft_from_hertz = n_fftindex / subsmp_s note_fenceposts: FFTIndexArray = ( fft_from_hertz * note_fenceposts_hz ).astype(np.int32) note_widths = np.diff(note_fenceposts) if np.any(note_widths == 0): n_fftindex = signal.next_fast_len(n_fftindex + n_fftindex // 5 + 1) continue else: break self.n_fftindex = n_fftindex # Passed to rfft() to automatically zero-pad data. self.note_fenceposts = note_fenceposts self.n_fencepost = len(note_fenceposts)
Example #13
Source File: From phoebe2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def array(self): """ Compute the underyling numpy array by calling: ```py np.geomspace(start, stop, num, endpoint) ``` Returns --------- * (numpy array): the underlying (computed) numpy array """ return np.geomspace(self.start, self.stop, self.num, self.endpoint)
Example #14
Source File: From phoebe2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, start, stop, num, endpoint=True, unit=None): """ This is available as a top-level convenience function as <nparray.geomspace>. Arguments ------------ * `start` (int or float): the starting point of the sequence. * `stop` (int or float): the final value of the sequence, unless `endpoint` is False. In that case, ``num + 1`` values are spaced over the interval in log-space, of which all but the last (a sequence of length `num`) are returned. * `num` (int): number of samples to generate. * `endpoint` (bool, optional, default=True): If True, `stop` is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. * `unit` (astropy unit or string, optional, default=None): unit corresponding to the passed values. Returns ----------- * <Geomspace> """ super(Geomspace, self).__init__(('start', start, is_float), ('stop', stop, is_float), ('num', num, is_int_positive), ('endpoint', endpoint, is_bool), ('unit', unit, is_unit_or_unitstring_or_none))
Example #15
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_geomspace(self): out = np.geomspace(1000.*u.m, 10.*, 5) expected = np.geomspace(1, 10, 5) * assert np.all(out == expected) q1 = np.arange(1., 7.).reshape(2, 3) * u.m q2 = 10000. * out = np.geomspace(q1, q2, 5) expected = np.geomspace(q1.to_value(q2.unit), q2.value, 5) * q2.unit assert np.all(out == expected)
Example #16
Source File: From phoebe2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def geomspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=True, unit=None): """ See also: * <nparray.logspace> Arguments ------------ * `start` (int or float): the starting point of the sequence. * `stop` (int or float): the final value of the sequence, unless `endpoint` is False. In that case, ``num + 1`` values are spaced over the interval in log-space, of which all but the last (a sequence of length `num`) are returned. * `num` (int): number of samples to generate. * `endpoint` (bool, optional, default=True): If True, `stop` is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. * `unit` (astropy unit or string, optional, default=None): unit corresponding to the passed values. Returns ----------- * <Geomspace> """ if LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= LooseVersion("1.13"): return _wrappers.Geomspace(start, stop, num, endpoint, unit) else: raise NotImplementedError("geomspace requires numpy version >= 1.13")
Example #17
Source File: From phoebe2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def logspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=True, base=10.0, unit=None): """ See also: * <nparray.geomspace> Arguments ------------ * `start` (int or float): ``base ** start`` is the starting value of the sequence. * `stop` (int or float): ``base ** stop`` is the final value of the sequence, unless `endpoint` is False. In that case, ``num + 1`` values are spaced over the interval in log-space, of which all but the last (a sequence of length `num`) are returned. * `num` (int): number of samples to generate. * `endpoint` (bool, optional, default=True): If True, `stop` is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. * `base` (float, optional, default=10.0): The base of the log space. The step size between the elements in ``ln(samples) / ln(base)`` (or ``log_base(samples)``) is uniform. * `unit` (astropy unit or string, optional, default=None): unit corresponding to the passed values. Returns ----------- * <Logspace> """ return _wrappers.Logspace(start, stop, num, endpoint, base, unit)
Example #18
Source File: From polyaxon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def to_numpy(matrix): if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpChoice.IDENTIFIER: return matrix.value if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpPChoice.IDENTIFIER: raise ValidationError( "Distribution should not call `to_numpy`, " "instead it should call `sample`." ) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpRange.IDENTIFIER: return np.arange(**matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpLinSpace.IDENTIFIER: return np.linspace(**matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpLogSpace.IDENTIFIER: return np.logspace(**matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpGeomSpace.IDENTIFIER: return np.geomspace(**matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER in { V1HpUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpLogUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQLogUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpLogNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQLogNormal.IDENTIFIER, }: raise ValidationError( "Distribution should not call `to_numpy`, " "instead it should call `sample`." )
Example #19
Source File: From polyaxon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_length(matrix): if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpChoice.IDENTIFIER: return len(matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpPChoice.IDENTIFIER: return len(matrix.value) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpRange.IDENTIFIER: return len(np.arange(**matrix.value)) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpLinSpace.IDENTIFIER: return len(np.linspace(**matrix.value)) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpLogSpace.IDENTIFIER: return len(np.logspace(**matrix.value)) if matrix.IDENTIFIER == V1HpGeomSpace.IDENTIFIER: return len(np.geomspace(**matrix.value)) if matrix.IDENTIFIER in { V1HpUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpLogUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQLogUniform.IDENTIFIER, V1HpNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpLogNormal.IDENTIFIER, V1HpQLogNormal.IDENTIFIER, }: raise ValidationError("Distribution should not call `length`")
Example #20
Source File: From ctapipe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def bin_dataframe(df, n_bins): """ Assign a "bin" column to the dataframe to indicate which bin the true charges belong to. Bins are assigned in log space. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame n_bins : int Number of bins to allow in range Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ true = df["true"].values min_ = true.min() max_ = true.max() bins = np.geomspace(min_, max_, n_bins) log_bin_width = np.diff(np.log10(bins))[0] bins = np.append(bins, 10 ** (np.log10(bins[-1]) + log_bin_width)) df["bin"] = np.digitize(true, bins, right=True) - 1 return df
Example #21
Source File: From combine-FEVER-NSMN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def preceding_sent_weighed_similarity(self, sent_list, item, k=5, start=1.1, end=0.8, *args): k = min(len(sent_list), k) return np.arange(k), np.geomspace(start, end, k)
Example #22
Source File: From CatLearn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _lasso(self): """Order features according to their corresponding coefficients.""" if self.line_search: pred = None try: alpha_list = np.geomspace(self.max_alpha, self.min_alpha, self.steps) except AttributeError: alpha_list = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(self.max_alpha), np.log(self.min_alpha), self.steps)) for alpha in alpha_list: regr = Lasso(alpha=alpha, max_iter=self.iter, fit_intercept=True, normalize=True, selection='random') model =, self.train_target) nz = len(model.coef_) - (model.coef_ == 0.).sum() if nz >= self.size: coeff = model.coef_ break else: regr = LassoCV(fit_intercept=True, normalize=True, n_alphas=self.steps, max_iter=self.iter, eps=self.eps, cv=None) model =, y=self.train_target) coeff = model.coef_ # Make the linear prediction. pred = None if self.predict: data = model.predict(self.test_matrix) pred = get_error(prediction=data, target=self.test_target)['average'] return coeff, pred
Example #23
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testGeomspace(self, start_shape, stop_shape, num, endpoint, dtype, rng_factory): rng = rng_factory() # relax default tolerances slightly tol = {onp.float16: 4e-3, onp.float32: 2e-3, onp.complex128: 1e-14} def args_maker(): """Test the set of inputs onp.geomspace is well-defined on.""" start, stop = self._GetArgsMaker(rng, [start_shape, stop_shape], [dtype, dtype])() # onp.geomspace can't handle differently ranked tensors # w. negative numbers! start, stop = lnp.broadcast_arrays(start, stop) if dtype in complex_dtypes: return start, stop # to avoid NaNs, non-complex start and stop cannot # differ in sign, elementwise start = start * lnp.sign(start) * lnp.sign(stop) return start, stop start, stop = args_maker() ndim = len(onp.shape(start + stop)) for axis in range(-ndim, ndim): def lnp_op(start, stop): return lnp.geomspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=dtype, axis=axis) def onp_op(start, stop): start = start.astype(onp.float32) if dtype == lnp.bfloat16 else start stop = stop.astype(onp.float32) if dtype == lnp.bfloat16 else stop return onp.geomspace( start, stop, num, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=dtype if dtype != lnp.bfloat16 else onp.float32, axis=axis).astype(dtype) self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_op, lnp_op, args_maker, check_dtypes=False, tol=tol) if dtype in (inexact_dtypes + [None,]): self._CompileAndCheck(lnp_op, args_maker, check_dtypes=False, atol=tol, rtol=tol, check_incomplete_shape=True)
Example #24
Source File: From AMPL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_combo(self, params_dict): """ Method to generate all combinations from a given set of key-value pairs Args: params_dict: Set of key-value pairs with the key being the param name and the value being the list of values you want to try for that param Returns: new_dict: The list of all combinations of parameters """ if not params_dict: return None new_dict = {} for key, value in params_dict.items(): assert isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) if key == 'layers': new_dict[key] = value elif type(value[0]) != str: tmp_list = list(np.geomspace(value[0], value[1], value[2])) if key in self.convert_to_int: new_dict[key] = [int(x) for x in tmp_list] else: new_dict[key] = tmp_list else: new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
Example #25
Source File: From reliability with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __expon_CI(self, func, plot_CI, text_title, color): ''' Generates the confidence intervals for CDF, SF, HF, CHF This is a hidden function intended only for use by other functions. ''' if func not in ['CDF', 'SF', 'HF', 'CHF']: raise ValueError('func must be either CDF, SF, HF, or CHF') # determine the xrange so it can be reimposed after plotting the CI. Without this the xrange gets too large as some CI can extend a long way. x_lims = plt.xlim() y_lims = plt.ylim() # this section plots the confidence interval if self.Lambda_SE is not None and self.Z is not None and plot_CI is True: # add a line to the plot title to include the confidence bounds information CI_100 = round((1 - ss.norm.cdf(-self.Z) * 2) * 100, 4) # Converts Z to CI and formats the confidence interval value ==> 0.95 becomes 95 if CI_100 % 1 == 0: CI_100 = int(CI_100) # removes decimals if the only decimal is 0 text_title = str(text_title + '\n' + str(CI_100) + '% confidence bounds') # Adds the CI and CI_type to the title plt.title(text_title) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.83) Lambda_upper = self.Lambda * (np.exp(self.Z * (self.Lambda_SE / self.Lambda))) Lambda_lower = self.Lambda * (np.exp(-self.Z * (self.Lambda_SE / self.Lambda))) t_max = self.b95 * 5 t = np.geomspace(1e-5, t_max, 1000) if func == 'CDF': yy_upper0 = 1 - np.exp(-Lambda_upper * t) yy_lower0 = 1 - np.exp(-Lambda_lower * t) y_max = 1 - 1e-8 y_min = 1e-8 if func == 'SF': yy_upper0 = np.exp(-Lambda_upper * t) yy_lower0 = np.exp(-Lambda_lower * t) y_max = 1 - 1e-8 y_min = 1e-8 if func == 'HF': yy_upper0 = Lambda_upper * np.ones_like(t) yy_lower0 = Lambda_lower * np.ones_like(t) y_min = 0 y_max = Lambda_upper * 2 y_lims = (0, Lambda_upper * 1.2) # this changes the ylims to ensure the CI will be included as it is a constant if func == 'CHF': yy_upper0 = -np.log(np.exp(-Lambda_upper * t)) # same as -np.log(SF) yy_lower0 = -np.log(np.exp(-Lambda_lower * t)) y_min = 0 y_max = 1e10 # impose plotting limits so not plotting to infinity yy_lower = np.where(yy_lower0 < y_min, y_min, np.where(yy_lower0 > y_max, y_max, yy_lower0)) yy_upper = np.where(yy_upper0 < y_min, y_min, np.where(yy_upper0 > y_max, y_max, yy_upper0)) plt.fill_between(t + self.gamma, yy_lower, yy_upper, color=color, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0) # the linewidth and linestyle hides the boundary between the two parts plt.plot(t + self.gamma, yy_lower, color=color, linewidth=0) plt.plot(t + self.gamma, yy_upper, color=color, linewidth=0) # reimpose the xlim and ylim to be what it was before the CI was plotted plt.xlim(x_lims) plt.ylim(y_lims)
Example #26
Source File: From MyGrad with MIT License | 4 votes |
def logspace( start, stop, num=50, include_endpoint=True, base=10, dtype=None, constant=False ): """ Return a Tensor with evenly-spaced numbers over a specified interval on a log scale. In linear space, values are generated within [base**start, base**stop], with the endpoint optionally excluded. Parameters ---------- start : Real The starting value of the sequence, inclusive; start at `base ** start`. stop : Real The ending value of the sequence, inclusive unless `include_endpoint` is False; end at `base ** stop`. num : int, optional (default=50) The number of values to generate. Must be non-negative. include_endpoint : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to include the endpoint in the Tensor. Note that if False, the step size changes to accommodate the sequence excluding the endpoint. base : Real, optional (default=10) The base of the log space. dtype : data-type, optional (default=None) The data type of the output Tensor, or None to infer from the inputs. constant : bool, optional (default=False) If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient) See Also -------- arange : Similar to linspace, with the step size specified instead of the number of samples. Note that, when used with a float endpoint, the endpoint may or may not be included. linspace : Similar to logspace, but with the samples uniformly distributed in linear space, instead of log space. geomspace : Similar to logspace, but with endpoints specified directly. Examples -------- >>> import mygrad as mg >>> mg.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=4) Tensor([ 100. , 215.443469 , 464.15888336, 1000. ]) >>> mg.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=4, endpoint=False) Tensor([ 100. , 177.827941 , 316.22776602, 562.34132519]) >>> mg.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=4, base=2.0) Tensor([ 4. , 5.0396842 , 6.34960421, 8. ]) Returns ------- Tensor A Tensor of `num` evenly-spaced values in the log interval [base**start, base**stop]. """ return Tensor( np.logspace(start, stop, num, include_endpoint, base, dtype), constant=constant )