Python numpy.signedinteger() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.signedinteger().
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Example #1
Source File: From onnxmltools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calculate_xgboost_classifier_output_shapes(operator): check_input_and_output_numbers(operator, input_count_range=1, output_count_range=2) check_input_and_output_types(operator, good_input_types=[FloatTensorType, Int64TensorType]) N = operator.inputs[0].type.shape[0] xgb_node = operator.raw_operator params = get_xgb_params(xgb_node) booster = xgb_node.get_booster() atts = booster.attributes() ntrees = len(booster.get_dump(with_stats=True, dump_format = 'json')) objective = params["objective"] if objective == "binary:logistic": ncl = 2 else: ncl = ntrees // params['n_estimators'] if objective == "reg:logistic" and ncl == 1: ncl = 2 classes = xgb_node.classes_ if (np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.signedinteger)): operator.outputs[0].type = Int64TensorType(shape=[N]) else: operator.outputs[0].type = StringTensorType(shape=[N]) operator.outputs[1].type = operator.outputs[1].type = FloatTensorType([N, ncl])
Example #2
Source File: From coremltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def promote_types(dtype1, dtype2): """ Get the smallest type to which the given scalar types can be cast. Args: dtype1 (builtin): dtype2 (builtin): Returns: A builtin datatype or None. """ nptype1 = nptype_from_builtin(dtype1) nptype2 = nptype_from_builtin(dtype2) # Circumvent the undesirable np type promotion: # >> np.promote_types(np.float32, # dtype('float64') if np.issubdtype(nptype1, np.floating) and np.issubdtype(nptype2, np.signedinteger): nppromoted = nptype1 elif np.issubdtype(nptype2, np.floating) and np.issubdtype( nptype1, np.signedinteger ): nppromoted = nptype2 else: nppromoted = np.promote_types(nptype1, nptype2) return numpy_type_to_builtin_type(nppromoted)
Example #3
Source File: From sklearn-onnx with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_sklearn_label_encoder(scope, operator, container): op = operator.raw_operator op_type = 'LabelEncoder' attrs = {'name': scope.get_unique_operator_name(op_type)} classes = op.classes_ if np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.floating): attrs['keys_floats'] = classes elif np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.signedinteger): attrs['keys_int64s'] = classes else: attrs['keys_strings'] = np.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) attrs['values_int64s'] = np.arange(len(classes)) container.add_node(op_type, operator.input_full_names, operator.output_full_names, op_domain='', op_version=2, **attrs)
Example #4
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _dtypes_are_compatible_for_bitwise_ops(args): if len(args) <= 1: return True is_signed = lambda dtype: lnp.issubdtype(dtype, onp.signedinteger) width = lambda dtype: lnp.iinfo(dtype).bits x, y = args # `lnp.iinfo(dtype).bits` can't be called on bools, so we convert bools to # ints. if x == lnp.bool_: x = lnp.int32 if y == lnp.bool_: y = lnp.int32 if width(x) > width(y): x, y = y, x if x == lnp.uint32 and y == lnp.uint64: return False # The following condition seems a little ad hoc, but seems to capture what # numpy actually implements. return ( is_signed(x) == is_signed(y) or (width(x) == 32 and width(y) == 32) or (width(x) == 32 and width(y) == 64 and is_signed(y)))
Example #5
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def safe_mask(X, mask): """Return a mask which is safe to use on X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} Data on which to apply mask. mask : array Mask to be used on X. Returns ------- mask """ mask = np.asarray(mask) if np.issubdtype(mask.dtype, np.signedinteger): return mask if hasattr(X, "toarray"): ind = np.arange(mask.shape[0]) mask = ind[mask] return mask
Example #6
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit the estimator. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data y : numpy, shape (n_samples, n_targets) Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary sample_weight : array, shape (n_samples,) Individual weights for each sample """ if np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.signedinteger): # classification self.n_classes = np.unique(y).shape[0] if self.n_classes == 2: self.n_classes = 1 else: # regression self.n_classes = 1
Example #7
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def safe_mask(X, mask): """Return a mask which is safe to use on X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} Data on which to apply mask. mask : array Mask to be used on X. Returns ------- mask """ mask = np.asarray(mask) if np.issubdtype(mask.dtype, np.signedinteger): return mask if hasattr(X, "toarray"): ind = np.arange(mask.shape[0]) mask = ind[mask] return mask
Example #8
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #9
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #10
Source File: From sklearn-onnx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _finalize_converter_classes(scope, argmax_output_name, output_full_name, container, classes): """ See :func:`convert_voting_classifier`. """ if np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.floating): class_type = onnx_proto.TensorProto.INT32 classes = np.array(list(map(lambda x: int(x), classes))) elif np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.signedinteger): class_type = onnx_proto.TensorProto.INT32 else: classes = np.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) class_type = onnx_proto.TensorProto.STRING classes_name = scope.get_unique_variable_name('classes') container.add_initializer(classes_name, class_type, classes.shape, classes) array_feature_extractor_result_name = scope.get_unique_variable_name( 'array_feature_extractor_result') container.add_node( 'ArrayFeatureExtractor', [classes_name, argmax_output_name], array_feature_extractor_result_name, op_domain='', name=scope.get_unique_operator_name('ArrayFeatureExtractor')) output_shape = (-1,) if class_type == onnx_proto.TensorProto.INT32: cast2_result_name = scope.get_unique_variable_name('cast2_result') reshaped_result_name = scope.get_unique_variable_name( 'reshaped_result') apply_cast(scope, array_feature_extractor_result_name, cast2_result_name, container, to=onnx_proto.TensorProto.FLOAT) apply_reshape(scope, cast2_result_name, reshaped_result_name, container, desired_shape=output_shape) apply_cast(scope, reshaped_result_name, output_full_name, container, to=onnx_proto.TensorProto.INT64) else: # string labels apply_reshape(scope, array_feature_extractor_result_name, output_full_name, container, desired_shape=output_shape)
Example #11
Source File: From sklearn-onnx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _parse_sklearn_classifier(scope, model, inputs, custom_parsers=None): probability_tensor = _parse_sklearn_simple_model( scope, model, inputs, custom_parsers=custom_parsers) if model.__class__ in [NuSVC, SVC] and not model.probability: return probability_tensor options = scope.get_options(model, dict(zipmap=True)) if not options['zipmap']: return probability_tensor this_operator = scope.declare_local_operator('SklearnZipMap') this_operator.inputs = probability_tensor label_type = Int64TensorType([None]) classes = get_label_classes(scope, model) if (isinstance(model.classes_, list) and isinstance(model.classes_[0], np.ndarray)): # multi-label problem pass elif np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.floating): classes = np.array(list(map(lambda x: int(x), classes))) if set(map(lambda x: float(x), classes)) != set(model.classes_): raise RuntimeError("skl2onnx implicitly converts float class " "labels into integers but at least one label " "is not an integer. Class labels should " "be integers or strings.") this_operator.classlabels_int64s = classes elif np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.signedinteger): this_operator.classlabels_int64s = classes elif np.issubdtype(classes.dtype, np.unsignedinteger): this_operator.classlabels_int64s = classes else: classes = np.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) this_operator.classlabels_strings = classes label_type = StringTensorType([None]) output_label = scope.declare_local_variable('output_label', label_type) output_probability = scope.declare_local_variable( 'output_probability', SequenceType(DictionaryType(label_type, scope.tensor_type()))) this_operator.outputs.append(output_label) this_operator.outputs.append(output_probability) return this_operator.outputs
Example #12
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #13
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): if np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.signedinteger): # classification self.n_classes = np.unique(y).shape[0] if self.n_classes == 2: self.n_classes = 1 else: # regression self.n_classes = 1
Example #14
Source File: From sklearn-onnx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calculate_sklearn_one_hot_encoder_output_shapes(operator): op = operator.raw_operator categories_len = 0 for index, categories in enumerate(op.categories_): if hasattr(op, 'drop_idx_') and op.drop_idx_ is not None: categories = (categories[np.arange(len(categories)) != op.drop_idx_[index]]) categories_len += len(categories) instances = operator.inputs[0].type.shape[0] if np.issubdtype(op.dtype, np.signedinteger): operator.outputs[0].type = Int64TensorType([instances, categories_len]) else: operator.outputs[0].type = FloatTensorType([instances, categories_len])
Example #15
Source File: From onnxmltools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _parse_sklearn_classifier(scope, model, inputs): probability_tensor = _parse_lightgbm_simple_model( scope, model, inputs) this_operator = scope.declare_local_operator('LgbmZipMap') this_operator.inputs = probability_tensor classes = model.classes_ label_type = Int64Type() if (isinstance(model.classes_, list) and isinstance(model.classes_[0], numpy.ndarray)): # multi-label problem # this_operator.classlabels_int64s = list(range(0, len(classes))) raise NotImplementedError("multi-label is not supported") elif numpy.issubdtype(model.classes_.dtype, numpy.floating): classes = numpy.array(list(map(lambda x: int(x), classes))) if set(map(lambda x: float(x), classes)) != set(model.classes_): raise RuntimeError("skl2onnx implicitly converts float class " "labels into integers but at least one label " "is not an integer. Class labels should " "be integers or strings.") this_operator.classlabels_int64s = classes elif numpy.issubdtype(model.classes_.dtype, numpy.signedinteger): this_operator.classlabels_int64s = classes else: classes = numpy.array([s.encode('utf-8') for s in classes]) this_operator.classlabels_strings = classes label_type = StringType() output_label = scope.declare_local_variable('label', label_type) output_probability = scope.declare_local_variable( 'probabilities', SequenceType(DictionaryType(label_type, FloatTensorType()))) this_operator.outputs.append(output_label) this_operator.outputs.append(output_probability) return this_operator.outputs
Example #16
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Ensure incoming data can be represented as ints. """ if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.signedinteger): if not np.array_equal(data, subarr): raise TypeError('Unsafe NumPy casting, you must ' 'explicitly cast')
Example #17
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Ensure incoming data can be represented as ints. """ if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.signedinteger): if not np.array_equal(data, subarr): raise TypeError('Unsafe NumPy casting, you must ' 'explicitly cast')
Example #18
Source File: From spatial_access with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_type_of_series(series): """ Returns: type of the series (int16, int32, int64, int128 or str) Raises: ImproperIndecesTypeException: If the series is not one of the expected types. """ if type(series[0]) == str: return str elif issubdtype(series.dtype, integer) or issubdtype(series.dtype, signedinteger): return integer raise ImproperIndecesTypeException(str(series.dtype))
Example #19
Source File: From Brancher with MIT License | 5 votes |
def coerce_to_dtype(data, is_observed=False): """Summary""" def reformat_tensor(result): if is_observed: result = torch.unsqueeze(result, dim=0) result_shape = result.shape if len(result_shape) == 2: result = result.contiguous().view(size=result_shape + tuple([1, 1])) elif len(result_shape) == 3: result = result.contiguous().view(size=result_shape + tuple([1])) #if len(result_shape) == 2: # result = result.contiguous().view(size=result_shape + tuple([1])) else: result = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(result, dim=0), dim=1) return result dtype = type(data) ##TODO: do we need any additional shape checking? if dtype is torch.Tensor: # to tensor result = data.float() elif dtype is np.ndarray: # to tensor result = torch.tensor(data).float() elif dtype is pd.DataFrame: result = torch.tensor(data.values).float() elif dtype in [float, int] or dtype.__base__ in [np.floating, np.signedinteger]: # to tensor result = torch.tensor(data * np.ones(shape=(1, 1))).float() elif dtype in [list, set, tuple, dict, str]: # to discrete return data else: raise TypeError("Invalid input dtype {} - expected float, integer, np.ndarray, or torch var.".format(dtype)) result = reformat_tensor(result) return
Example #20
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #21
Source File: From PHATE with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_simple(): tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_branch=3) phate_operator = phate.PHATE(knn=15, t=100, verbose=False) tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) assert tree_phate.shape == (tree_data.shape[0], 2) clusters = phate.cluster.kmeans(phate_operator, n_clusters='auto') assert np.issubdtype(clusters.dtype, np.signedinteger) assert len(np.unique(clusters)) >= 2 assert len(clusters.shape) == 1 assert len(clusters) == tree_data.shape[0] clusters = phate.cluster.kmeans(phate_operator, n_clusters=3) assert np.issubdtype(clusters.dtype, np.signedinteger) assert len(np.unique(clusters)) == 3 assert len(clusters.shape) == 1 assert len(clusters) == tree_data.shape[0] G = graphtools.Graph( phate_operator.graph.kernel, precomputed="affinity", use_pygsp=True, verbose=False, ) G = pygsp.graphs.Graph(G.W) with assert_raises_message(TypeError, "Expected phate_op to be of type PHATE. Got 1"): phate.cluster.kmeans(1)
Example #22
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Ensure incoming data can be represented as ints. """ if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.signedinteger): if not np.array_equal(data, subarr): raise TypeError('Unsafe NumPy casting, you must ' 'explicitly cast')
Example #23
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #24
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Ensure incoming data can be represented as ints. """ if not issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.signedinteger): if not np.array_equal(data, subarr): raise TypeError('Unsafe NumPy casting, you must ' 'explicitly cast')
Example #25
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #26
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #27
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_abstract(self): assert_(issubclass(np.number, numbers.Number)) assert_(issubclass(np.inexact, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.complexfloating, numbers.Complex)) assert_(issubclass(np.floating, numbers.Real)) assert_(issubclass(np.integer, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.signedinteger, numbers.Integral)) assert_(issubclass(np.unsignedinteger, numbers.Integral))
Example #28
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _safely_castable_to_int(dt): """Test whether the numpy data type `dt` can be safely cast to an int.""" int_size = np.dtype(int).itemsize safe = ((np.issubdtype(dt, np.signedinteger) and dt.itemsize <= int_size) or (np.issubdtype(dt, np.unsignedinteger) and dt.itemsize < int_size)) return safe
Example #29
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_constructor6(self): # infer dimensions and dtype from lists indptr = [0, 1, 3, 3] indices = [0, 5, 1, 2] data = [1, 2, 3, 4] csr = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr)) assert_array_equal(csr.shape, (3,6)) assert_(np.issubdtype(csr.dtype, np.signedinteger))
Example #30
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_constructor6(self): # infer dimensions and dtype from lists indptr = [0, 1, 3, 3] indices = [0, 5, 1, 2] data = [1, 2, 3, 4] csc = csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr)) assert_array_equal(csc.shape,(6,3)) assert_(np.issubdtype(csc.dtype, np.signedinteger))