Python numpy.longfloat() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of numpy.longfloat().
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Example #1
Source File: From indra with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _setup_unsigned_graph(): edges, signed_edges, edge_beliefs, all_ns = _digraph_setup() dg = nx.DiGraph() dg.add_edges_from(edges) # Add belief for e in dg.edges: dg.edges[e]['belief'] = edge_beliefs[e] dg.edges[e]['weight'] = -np.log(edge_beliefs[e], dtype=np.longfloat) # Add namespaces nodes1, nodes2 = list(zip(*edges)) nodes = set(nodes1).union(nodes2) for node in nodes: ns = node[0] _id = node[1] dg.nodes[node]['ns'] = ns dg.nodes[node]['id'] = _id return dg, all_ns
Example #2
Source File: From indra with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def test_to_digraph(): ia = IndraNetAssembler([ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4, bc1, bc2, bc3, bc4]) df = ia.make_df() net = IndraNet.from_df(df) assert len(net.nodes) == 3 assert len(net.edges) == 8 digraph = net.to_digraph(weight_mapping=_weight_mapping) assert len(digraph.nodes) == 3 assert len(digraph.edges) == 2 assert set([ stmt['stmt_type'] for stmt in digraph['a']['b']['statements']]) == { 'Activation', 'Phosphorylation', 'Inhibition', 'IncreaseAmount'} assert all(digraph.edges[e].get('belief', False) for e in digraph.edges) assert all(isinstance(digraph.edges[e]['belief'], (float, np.longfloat)) for e in digraph.edges) assert all(digraph.edges[e].get('weight', False) for e in digraph.edges) assert all(isinstance(digraph.edges[e]['weight'], (float, np.longfloat)) for e in digraph.edges) digraph_from_df = IndraNet.digraph_from_df(df) assert nx.is_isomorphic(digraph, digraph_from_df)
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_arange_endian(self,level=rlevel): """Ticket #111""" ref = np.arange(10) x = np.arange(10, dtype='<f8') assert_array_equal(ref, x) x = np.arange(10, dtype='>f8') assert_array_equal(ref, x) # Longfloat support is not consistent enough across # platforms for this test to be meaningful. # def test_longfloat_repr(self,level=rlevel): # """Ticket #112""" # if np.longfloat(0).itemsize > 8: # a = np.exp(np.array([1000],dtype=np.longfloat)) # assert_(str(a)[1:9] == str(a[0])[:8])
Example #4
Source File: From indra with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_to_signed_graph(): ia = IndraNetAssembler([ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4, bc1, bc2, bc3, bc4]) df = ia.make_df() net = IndraNet.from_df(df) signed_graph = net.to_signed_graph( sign_dict=default_sign_dict, weight_mapping=_weight_mapping) assert len(signed_graph.nodes) == 3 assert len(signed_graph.edges) == 4 assert set([stmt['stmt_type'] for stmt in signed_graph['a']['b'][0]['statements']]) == { 'Activation', 'IncreaseAmount'} assert set([stmt['stmt_type'] for stmt in signed_graph['a']['b'][1]['statements']]) == {'Inhibition'} assert set([stmt['stmt_type'] for stmt in signed_graph['b']['c'][0]['statements']]) == { 'Activation', 'IncreaseAmount'} assert set([stmt['stmt_type'] for stmt in signed_graph['b']['c'][1]['statements']]) == { 'Inhibition', 'DecreaseAmount'} assert all(signed_graph.edges[e].get('belief', False) for e in signed_graph.edges) assert all(isinstance(signed_graph.edges[e]['belief'], (float, np.longfloat)) for e in signed_graph.edges) assert all(signed_graph.edges[e].get('weight', False) for e in signed_graph.edges) assert all(isinstance(signed_graph.edges[e]['weight'], (float, np.longfloat)) for e in signed_graph.edges)
Example #5
Source File: From indra with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _complementary_belief(G, edge): # Aggregate belief score: 1-prod(1-belief_i) np.seterr(all='raise') NP_PRECISION = 10 ** -np.finfo(np.longfloat).precision # Numpy precision belief_list = [s['belief'] for s in G.edges[edge]['statements']] try: ag_belief = np.longfloat(1.0) - map(lambda belief: np.longfloat(1.0) - belief, belief_list), dtype=np.longfloat)) except FloatingPointError as err: logger.warning('%s: Resetting ag_belief to 10*np.longfloat precision ' '(%.0e)' % (err, Decimal(NP_PRECISION * 10))) ag_belief = NP_PRECISION * 10 return ag_belief
Example #6
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_arange_endian(self,level=rlevel): """Ticket #111""" ref = np.arange(10) x = np.arange(10, dtype='<f8') assert_array_equal(ref, x) x = np.arange(10, dtype='>f8') assert_array_equal(ref, x) # Longfloat support is not consistent enough across # platforms for this test to be meaningful. # def test_longfloat_repr(self,level=rlevel): # """Ticket #112""" # if np.longfloat(0).itemsize > 8: # a = np.exp(np.array([1000],dtype=np.longfloat)) # assert_(str(a)[1:9] == str(a[0])[:8])
Example #7
Source File: From AiLearning with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, weighted_input): return np.longfloat(1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-weighted_input)))