Python numpy.float_power() Examples
The following are 24
code examples of numpy.float_power().
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Example #1
Source File: From alpha_zero_othello with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pick_move(self, game, side): possible_moves = game.possible_moves(side) if len(possible_moves) == 0: possible_moves.append((-1,-1)) monte_prob = self.monte_carlo(game, side) if self.train: self.temp_state.append((self.preprocess_input(game.board, side), np.divide(monte_prob, np.sum(monte_prob)))) monte_prob = np.float_power(monte_prob, 1/self.tau) monte_prob = np.divide(monte_prob, np.sum(monte_prob)) r = random() for i, move in enumerate(possible_moves): r -= monte_prob[Othello.move_id(move)] if r <= 0: return move return possible_moves[-1]
Example #2
Source File: From slates_semisynth_expts with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def estimate(self, query, logged_ranking, new_ranking, logged_value): exactMatch=numpy.absolute(new_ranking-logged_ranking).sum() == 0 currentValue=0.0 if exactMatch: numAllowedDocs=self.loggingPolicy.dataset.docsPerQuery[query] validDocs=logged_ranking.size invPropensity=None if self.loggingPolicy.allowRepetitions: invPropensity=numpy.float_power(numAllowedDocs, validDocs) else:, numAllowedDocs+1), dtype=numpy.float64) currentValue=logged_value*invPropensity self.updateRunningAverage(currentValue) denominatorDelta=invPropensity-self.runningDenominatorMean self.runningDenominatorMean+=denominatorDelta/self.runningSum if self.runningDenominatorMean!=0.0: return 1.0*self.runningMean/self.runningDenominatorMean else: return 0.0
Example #3
Source File: From slates_semisynth_expts with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def estimate(self, query, logged_ranking, new_ranking, logged_value): exactMatch=numpy.absolute(new_ranking-logged_ranking).sum() == 0 currentValue=0.0 if exactMatch: numAllowedDocs=self.loggingPolicy.dataset.docsPerQuery[query] validDocs=logged_ranking.size invPropensity=None if self.loggingPolicy.allowRepetitions: invPropensity=numpy.float_power(numAllowedDocs, validDocs) else:, numAllowedDocs+1), dtype=numpy.float64) currentValue=logged_value*invPropensity self.updateRunningAverage(currentValue) return self.runningMean
Example #4
Source File: From ViolenceDetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _draw_samples(self, size, random_state): seed = random_state.randint(0, 10**6, 1)[0] samples = self.other_param.draw_samples(size, random_state=ia.new_random_state(seed)) elementwise = self.elementwise and not isinstance(self.val, Deterministic) if elementwise: exponents = self.val.draw_samples(size, random_state=ia.new_random_state(seed+1)) else: exponents = self.val.draw_sample(random_state=ia.new_random_state(seed+1)) # without this we get int results in the case of # Power(<int>, <stochastic float param>) samples, exponents = both_np_float_if_one_is_float(samples, exponents) samples_dtype = samples.dtype # float_power requires numpy>=1.12 #result = np.float_power(samples, exponents) # TODO why was float32 type here replaced with complex number # formulation? result = np.power(samples.astype(np.complex), exponents).real if result.dtype != samples_dtype: result = result.astype(samples_dtype) return result
Example #5
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #6
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #7
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #8
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #9
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #10
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _argcheck(self, h, k): condlist = [np.logical_and(h > 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k < 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k < 0)] def f0(h, k): return (1.0 - float_power(h, -k))/k def f1(h, k): return np.log(h) def f3(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = -np.inf return a def f5(h, k): return 1.0/k self.a = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f0, f3, f3, f5], [h, k], default=np.nan) def f0(h, k): return 1.0/k def f1(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = np.inf return a self.b = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f1, f0, f1, f1], [h, k], default=np.nan) return h == h
Example #11
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #12
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #13
Source File: From VSE-C with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_saliency(raw_img, image_var, img_embedding_var, caption_var): dis = (caption_var.squeeze() * img_embedding_var.squeeze()).sum() dis.backward(retain_graph=True) grad =, 2, 0)) grad = normalize_grad(grad, stat=True) grad = imresize((grad * 255).astype('uint8'), (raw_img.height, raw_img.width)) / 255 grad = normalize_grad(grad.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True).repeat(3, axis=-1)) grad = np.float_power(grad, args.grad_power) np_img = np.array(raw_img) masked_img = np_img * grad final = np.hstack([np_img, masked_img.astype('uint8'), (grad * 255).astype('uint8')]) return Image.fromarray(final.astype('uint8'))
Example #14
Source File: From DL.EyeSight with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _draw_samples(self, size, random_state): seed = random_state.randint(0, 10**6, 1)[0] samples = self.other_param.draw_samples( size, random_state=eu.new_random_state(seed)) elementwise = self.elementwise and not isinstance(self.val, Deterministic) if elementwise: exponents = self.val.draw_samples( size, random_state=eu.new_random_state(seed+1)) else: exponents = self.val.draw_sample( random_state=eu.new_random_state(seed+1)) # without this we get int results in the case of # Power(<int>, <stochastic float param>) samples, exponents = both_np_float_if_one_is_float(samples, exponents) samples_dtype = samples.dtype # float_power requires numpy>=1.12 #result = np.float_power(samples, exponents) # TODO why was float32 type here replaced with complex number # formulation? result = np.power(samples.astype(np.complex), exponents).real if result.dtype != samples_dtype: result = result.astype(samples_dtype) return result
Example #15
Source File: From imgaug with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _draw_samples(self, size, random_state): rngs = random_state.duplicate(2) samples = self.other_param.draw_samples(size, random_state=rngs[0]) elementwise = ( self.elementwise and not isinstance(self.val, Deterministic)) if elementwise: exponents = self.val.draw_samples(size, random_state=rngs[1]) else: exponents = self.val.draw_sample(random_state=rngs[1]) # without this we get int results in the case of # Power(<int>, <stochastic float param>) samples, exponents = both_np_float_if_one_is_float(samples, exponents) samples_dtype = samples.dtype # TODO switch to this as numpy>=1.15 is now a requirement # float_power requires numpy>=1.12 # result = np.float_power(samples, exponents) # TODO why was float32 type here replaced with complex number # formulation? result = np.power(samples.astype(np.complex), exponents).real if result.dtype != samples_dtype: result = result.astype(samples_dtype) return result
Example #16
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _argcheck(self, h, k): condlist = [np.logical_and(h > 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k < 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k < 0)] def f0(h, k): return (1.0 - float_power(h, -k))/k def f1(h, k): return np.log(h) def f3(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = -np.inf return a def f5(h, k): return 1.0/k self.a = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f0, f3, f3, f5], [h, k], default=np.nan) def f0(h, k): return 1.0/k def f1(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = np.inf return a self.b = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f1, f0, f1, f1], [h, k], default=np.nan) return h == h
Example #17
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #18
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def float_power(x1, x2): return power(x1, x2)
Example #19
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #20
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #21
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _argcheck(self, h, k): condlist = [np.logical_and(h > 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h > 0, k < 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k > 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k == 0), np.logical_and(h <= 0, k < 0)] def f0(h, k): return (1.0 - float_power(h, -k))/k def f1(h, k): return np.log(h) def f3(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = -np.inf return a def f5(h, k): return 1.0/k self.a = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f0, f3, f3, f5], [h, k], default=np.nan) def f0(h, k): return 1.0/k def f1(h, k): a = np.empty(np.shape(h)) a[:] = np.inf return a self.b = _lazyselect(condlist, [f0, f1, f1, f0, f1, f1], [h, k], default=np.nan) return h == h
Example #22
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_type_conversion(self): arg_type = '?bhilBHILefdgFDG' res_type = 'ddddddddddddgDDG' for dtin, dtout in zip(arg_type, res_type): msg = "dtin: %s, dtout: %s" % (dtin, dtout) arg = np.ones(1, dtype=dtin) res = np.float_power(arg, arg) assert_( == np.dtype(dtout).name, msg)
Example #23
Source File: From NeuroKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _fractal_mfdfa_q(q=2): # TODO: Add log calculator for q ≈ 0 # Fractal powers as floats q = np.asarray_chkfinite(q, dtype=np.float) # Ensure q≈0 is removed, since it does not converge. Limit set at |q| < 0.1 q = q[(q < -0.1) + (q > 0.1)] # Reshape q to perform np.float_power q = q.reshape(-1, 1) return q
Example #24
Source File: From NeuroKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _fractal_dfa_fluctuation(segments, trends, multifractal=False, q=2): detrended = segments - trends if multifractal is True: var = np.var(detrended, axis=1) fluctuation = np.float_power(np.mean(np.float_power(var, q / 2), axis=1) / 2, 1 / q.T) fluctuation = np.mean(fluctuation) # Average over qs (not sure of that!) else: # Compute Root Mean Square (RMS) fluctuation = np.sum(detrended ** 2, axis=1) / detrended.shape[1] fluctuation = np.sqrt(np.sum(fluctuation) / len(fluctuation)) return fluctuation