Python numpy.flatten() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of numpy.flatten().
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Example #1
Source File: From adversarial-policies with MIT License | 5 votes |
def flatten_space(tuple_space): """Flattens a Tuple of like-spaces into a single bigger space of the appropriate type. The spaces do not have to have the same shape, but do need to be of compatible types. For example, we can flatten a (Box(10), Box(5)) into Box(15) or a (Discrete(2), Discrete(2)) into a MultiDiscrete([2, 2]), but cannot flatten a (Box(10), Discrete(2)).""" unique_types = set(type(space) for space in tuple_space.spaces) if len(unique_types) > 1: raise TypeError(f"Cannot flatten a space with more than one type: {unique_types}") uniq_type = unique_types.pop() if isinstance(uniq_type, gym.spaces.Discrete): flat_space = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([space.n for space in tuple_space.spaces]) flatten = unflatten = lambda x: x elif isinstance(uniq_type, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): flat_space = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([space.nvec for space in tuple_space.spaces]) flatten = unflatten = lambda x: x elif isinstance(uniq_type, gym.spaces.Box): low = np.concatenate(*[space.low for space in tuple_space.spaces], axis=0) high = np.concatenate(*[space.high for space in tuple_space.spaces], axis=0) flat_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=low, high=high) def flatten(x): return np.flatten(x) def unflatten(x): sizes = [ for space in tuple_space.spaces] start = np.cumsum(sizes) end = start[1:] + len(x) orig = [ np.reshape(x[s:e], space.shape) for s, e, space in zip(start, end, tuple_space.spaces) ] return orig else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported type: f{type}") return flat_space, flatten, unflatten
Example #2
Source File: From PaddlePaddle_code with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def eval(self,x): # 补零后的宽度ww和高度hh ww = self.h - self.k_x + 2 * self.p_x + 1 hh = self.h - self.k_y + 2 * self.p_y + 1 ret = np.array([[[np.ravel(xx[:, a:a + self.k_x, b:b + self.k_y]) for b in range(0, hh, self.s_y)] for a in range(0, ww, self.s_x)] for xx in x]) #ret = np.array([[[np.ravel(xx[:,a:a +self.k_x, b:b, self.k_y]) for b in range(0,hh,self.s_y)] for a in range(0,ww,self.s_x)] for xx in x])# here using np.ravel rather than np.flatten to save memory return ret