Python jax.random.split() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of jax.random.split(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module jax.random , or try the search function .
Example #1
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def make_dataset(rng_key) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
    Make simulated dataset where potential customers who get a
    sales calls have ~2% higher chance of making another purchase.
    key1, key2, key3 = random.split(rng_key, 3)

    num_calls = 51342
    num_no_calls = 48658

    made_purchase_got_called = dist.Bernoulli(0.084).sample(key1, sample_shape=(num_calls,))
    made_purchase_no_calls = dist.Bernoulli(0.061).sample(key2, sample_shape=(num_no_calls,))

    made_purchase = jnp.concatenate([made_purchase_got_called, made_purchase_no_calls])

    is_female = dist.Bernoulli(0.5).sample(key3, sample_shape=(num_calls + num_no_calls,))
    got_called = jnp.concatenate([jnp.ones(num_calls), jnp.zeros(num_no_calls)])
    design_matrix = jnp.hstack([jnp.ones((num_no_calls + num_calls, 1)),
                               got_called.reshape(-1, 1),
                               is_female.reshape(-1, 1)])

    return design_matrix, made_purchase 
Example #2
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def evaluate(self, svi_state, *args, **kwargs):
        Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data).

        :param svi_state: current state of SVI.
        :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide.
        :return: evaluate ELBO loss given the current parameter values
            (held within `svi_state.optim_state`).
        # we split to have the same seed as `update_fn` given an svi_state
        _, rng_key_eval = random.split(svi_state.rng_key)
        params = self.get_params(svi_state)
        return self.loss.loss(rng_key_eval, params, self.model,,
                              *args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs) 
Example #3
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def update(self, svi_state, *args, **kwargs):
        Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data),
        using the optimizer.

        :param svi_state: current state of SVI.
        :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary
            during the course of fitting).
        :return: tuple of `(svi_state, loss)`.
        rng_key, rng_key_step = random.split(svi_state.rng_key)
        params = self.optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state)
        loss_val, grads = value_and_grad(
            lambda x: self.loss.loss(rng_key_step, self.constrain_fn(x), self.model,,
                                     *args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs))(params)
        optim_state = self.optim.update(grads, svi_state.optim_state)
        return SVIState(optim_state, rng_key), loss_val 
Example #4
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def _binomial_inversion(key, p, n):
    def _binom_inv_body_fn(val):
        i, key, geom_acc = val
        key, key_u = random.split(key)
        u = random.uniform(key_u)
        geom = jnp.floor(jnp.log1p(-u) / log1_p) + 1
        geom_acc = geom_acc + geom
        return i + 1, key, geom_acc

    def _binom_inv_cond_fn(val):
        i, _, geom_acc = val
        return geom_acc <= n

    log1_p = jnp.log1p(-p)
    ret = lax.while_loop(_binom_inv_cond_fn, _binom_inv_body_fn,
                         (-1, key, 0.))
    return ret[0] 
Example #5
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def __call__(self, rng_key, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns dict of samples from the predictive distribution. By default, only sample sites not
        contained in `posterior_samples` are returned. This can be modified by changing the
        `return_sites` keyword argument of this :class:`Predictive` instance.

        :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng_key: random key to draw samples.
        :param args: model arguments.
        :param kwargs: model kwargs.
        posterior_samples = self.posterior_samples
        if is not None:
            rng_key, guide_rng_key = random.split(rng_key)
            # use return_sites='' as a special signal to return all sites
            guide = substitute(, self.params)
            posterior_samples = _predictive(guide_rng_key, guide, posterior_samples,
                                            self.num_samples, return_sites='', parallel=self.parallel,
                                            model_args=args, model_kwargs=kwargs)
        model = substitute(self.model, self.params)
        return _predictive(rng_key, model, posterior_samples, self.num_samples,
                           return_sites=self.return_sites, parallel=self.parallel,
                           model_args=args, model_kwargs=kwargs) 
Example #6
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def _onion(self, key, size):
        key_beta, key_normal = random.split(key)
        # Now we generate w term in Algorithm 3.2 of [1].
        beta_sample = self._beta.sample(key_beta, size)
        # The following Normal distribution is used to create a uniform distribution on
        # a hypershere (ref:
        normal_sample = random.normal(
            shape=size + self.batch_shape + (self.dimension * (self.dimension - 1) // 2,)
        normal_sample = vec_to_tril_matrix(normal_sample, diagonal=0)
        u_hypershere = normal_sample / jnp.linalg.norm(normal_sample, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        w = jnp.expand_dims(jnp.sqrt(beta_sample), axis=-1) * u_hypershere

        # put w into the off-diagonal triangular part
        cholesky = ops.index_add(jnp.zeros(size + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape),
                                 ops.index[..., 1:, :-1], w)
        # correct the diagonal
        # NB: we clip due to numerical precision
        diag = jnp.sqrt(jnp.clip(1 - jnp.sum(cholesky ** 2, axis=-1), a_min=0.))
        cholesky = cholesky + jnp.expand_dims(diag, axis=-1) * jnp.identity(self.dimension)
        return cholesky 
Example #7
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def main(args):
    _, fetch_train = load_dataset(BASEBALL, split='train', shuffle=False)
    train, player_names = fetch_train()
    _, fetch_test = load_dataset(BASEBALL, split='test', shuffle=False)
    test, _ = fetch_test()
    at_bats, hits = train[:, 0], train[:, 1]
    season_at_bats, season_hits = test[:, 0], test[:, 1]
    for i, model in enumerate((fully_pooled,
        rng_key, rng_key_predict = random.split(random.PRNGKey(i + 1))
        zs = run_inference(model, at_bats, hits, rng_key, args)
        predict(model, at_bats, hits, zs, rng_key_predict, player_names)
        predict(model, season_at_bats, season_hits, zs, rng_key_predict, player_names, train=False) 
Example #8
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def main(args):
    _, fetch_train = load_dataset(UCBADMIT, split='train', shuffle=False)
    dept, male, applications, admit = fetch_train()
    rng_key, rng_key_predict = random.split(random.PRNGKey(1))
    zs = run_inference(dept, male, applications, admit, rng_key, args)
    pred_probs = Predictive(glmm, zs)(rng_key_predict, dept, male, applications)['probs']
    header = '=' * 30 + 'glmm - TRAIN' + '=' * 30
    print_results(header, pred_probs, dept, male, admit / applications)

    # make plots
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    ax.plot(range(1, 13), admit / applications, "o", ms=7, label="actual rate")
    ax.errorbar(range(1, 13), jnp.mean(pred_probs, 0), jnp.std(pred_probs, 0),
                fmt="o", c="k", mfc="none", ms=7, elinewidth=1, label=r"mean $\pm$ std")
    ax.plot(range(1, 13), jnp.percentile(pred_probs, 5, 0), "k+")
    ax.plot(range(1, 13), jnp.percentile(pred_probs, 95, 0), "k+")
    ax.set(xlabel="cases", ylabel="admit rate", title="Posterior Predictive Check with 90% CI")

Example #9
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def test_functional_map(algo, map_fn):
    if map_fn is pmap and xla_bridge.device_count() == 1:
        pytest.skip('pmap test requires device_count greater than 1.')

    true_mean, true_std = 1., 2.
    warmup_steps, num_samples = 1000, 8000

    def potential_fn(z):
        return 0.5 * jnp.sum(((z - true_mean) / true_std) ** 2)

    init_kernel, sample_kernel = hmc(potential_fn, algo=algo)
    init_params = jnp.array([0., -1.])
    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 2)

    init_kernel_map = map_fn(lambda init_param, rng_key: init_kernel(
        init_param, trajectory_length=9, num_warmup=warmup_steps, rng_key=rng_key))
    init_states = init_kernel_map(init_params, rng_keys)

    fori_collect_map = map_fn(lambda hmc_state: fori_collect(0, num_samples, sample_kernel, hmc_state,
                                                             transform=lambda x: x.z, progbar=False))
    chain_samples = fori_collect_map(init_states)

    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(chain_samples, axis=1), jnp.repeat(true_mean, 2), rtol=0.06)
    assert_allclose(jnp.std(chain_samples, axis=1), jnp.repeat(true_std, 2), rtol=0.06) 
Example #10
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def GatedResnet(Conv=None, nonlinearity=concat_elu, dropout_p=0.):
    def gated_resnet(inputs, aux=None):
        chan = inputs.shape[-1]
        c1 = Conv(chan)(nonlinearity(inputs))
        if aux is not None:
            c1 = c1 + NIN(chan)(nonlinearity(aux))
        c1 = nonlinearity(c1)
        if dropout_p > 0:
            c1 = Dropout(rate=dropout_p)(c1)
        c2 = Conv(2 * chan, init_scale=0.1)(c1)
        a, b = jnp.split(c2, 2, axis=-1)
        c3 = a * sigmoid(b)
        return inputs + c3

    return gated_resnet 
Example #11
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def main(batch_size=32, nr_filters=8, epochs=10, step_size=.001, decay_rate=.999995,
    loss, _ = PixelCNNPP(nr_filters=nr_filters)
    get_train_batches, test_batches = dataset(batch_size)
    key, init_key = random.split(PRNGKey(0))
    opt = Adam(exponential_decay(step_size, 1, decay_rate))
    state = opt.init(loss.init_parameters(next(test_batches), key=init_key))

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for batch in get_train_batches():
            key, update_key = random.split(key)
            i = opt.get_step(state)

            state, train_loss = opt.update_and_get_loss(loss.apply, state, batch, key=update_key,

            if i % 100 == 0 or i < 10:
                key, test_key = random.split(key)
                test_loss = loss.apply(opt.get_parameters(state), next(test_batches), key=test_key,
                print(f"Epoch {epoch}, iteration {i}, "
                      f"train loss {train_loss:.3f}, "
                      f"test loss {test_loss:.3f} ")

        save(opt.get_parameters(state), model_path) 
Example #12
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def test_initialize_model_dirichlet_categorical(init_strategy):
    def model(data):
        concentration = jnp.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        p_latent = numpyro.sample('p_latent', dist.Dirichlet(concentration))
        numpyro.sample('obs', dist.Categorical(p_latent), obs=data)
        return p_latent

    true_probs = jnp.array([0.1, 0.6, 0.3])
    data = dist.Categorical(true_probs).sample(random.PRNGKey(1), (2000,))

    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(1), 2)
    init_params, _, _, _ = initialize_model(rng_keys, model,
    for i in range(2):
        init_params_i, _, _, _ = initialize_model(rng_keys[i], model,
        for name, p in init_params[0].items():
            # XXX: the result is equal if we disable fast-math-mode
            assert_allclose(p[i], init_params_i[0][name], atol=1e-6) 
Example #13
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def test_auto_reg_nn(input_dim, hidden_dims, param_dims, skip_connections):
    rng_key, rng_key_perm = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0))
    perm = random.permutation(rng_key_perm, np.arange(input_dim))
    arn_init, arn = AutoregressiveNN(input_dim, hidden_dims, param_dims=param_dims,
                                     skip_connections=skip_connections, permutation=perm)

    batch_size = 4
    input_shape = (batch_size, input_dim)
    _, init_params = arn_init(rng_key, input_shape)

    output = arn(init_params, np.random.rand(*input_shape))

    if param_dims == [1]:
        assert output.shape == (batch_size, input_dim)
        jac = jacfwd(lambda x: arn(init_params, x))(np.random.rand(input_dim))
    elif param_dims == [1, 1]:
        assert output[0].shape == (batch_size, input_dim)
        assert output[1].shape == (batch_size, input_dim)
        jac = jacfwd(lambda x: arn(init_params, x)[0])(np.random.rand(input_dim))
    elif param_dims == [2]:
        assert output.shape == (2, batch_size, input_dim)
        jac = jacfwd(lambda x: arn(init_params, x))(np.random.rand(input_dim))
    elif param_dims == [2, 3]:
        assert output[0].shape == (2, batch_size, input_dim)
        assert output[1].shape == (3, batch_size, input_dim)
        jac = jacfwd(lambda x: arn(init_params, x)[0])(np.random.rand(input_dim))

    # permute jacobian as necessary
    permuted_jac = np.zeros(jac.shape)

    for j in range(input_dim):
        for k in range(input_dim):
            permuted_jac[..., j, k] = jac[..., perm[j], perm[k]]

    # make sure jacobians are triangular
    assert np.sum(np.abs(np.triu(permuted_jac))) == 0.0 
Example #14
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def test_flows(flow_class, flow_args, input_dim, batch_shape):
    transform = flow_class(*flow_args)
    x = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), batch_shape + (input_dim,))

    # test inverse is correct
    y = transform(x)
        inv = transform.inv(y)
        assert_allclose(x, inv, atol=1e-5)
    except NotImplementedError:

    # test jacobian shape
    actual = transform.log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)
    assert np.shape(actual) == batch_shape

    if batch_shape == ():
        # make sure transform.log_abs_det_jacobian is correct
        jac = jacfwd(transform)(x)
        expected = np.linalg.slogdet(jac)[1]
        assert_allclose(actual, expected, atol=1e-5)

        # make sure jacobian is triangular, first permute jacobian as necessary
        if isinstance(transform, InverseAutoregressiveTransform):
            permuted_jac = np.zeros(jac.shape)
            _, rng_key_perm = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0))
            perm = random.permutation(rng_key_perm, np.arange(input_dim))

            for j in range(input_dim):
                for k in range(input_dim):
                    permuted_jac[j, k] = jac[perm[j], perm[k]]

            jac = permuted_jac

        assert np.sum(np.abs(np.triu(jac, 1))) == 0.00
        assert np.all(np.abs(matrix_to_tril_vec(jac)) > 0) 
Example #15
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def _make_bnaf_args(input_dim, hidden_factors):
    arn_init, arn = BlockNeuralAutoregressiveNN(input_dim, hidden_factors)
    _, rng_key_perm = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0))
    _, init_params = arn_init(random.PRNGKey(0), (input_dim,))
    return partial(arn, init_params), 
Example #16
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def loss(self, rng_key, param_map, model, guide, *args, **kwargs):
        Evaluates the Renyi ELBO with an estimator that uses num_particles many samples/particles.

        :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng_key: random number generator seed.
        :param dict param_map: dictionary of current parameter values keyed by site
        :param model: Python callable with NumPyro primitives for the model.
        :param guide: Python callable with NumPyro primitives for the guide.
        :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary
            during the course of fitting).
        :returns: negative of the Renyi Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO) to be minimized.
        def single_particle_elbo(rng_key):
            model_seed, guide_seed = random.split(rng_key)
            seeded_model = seed(model, model_seed)
            seeded_guide = seed(guide, guide_seed)
            guide_log_density, guide_trace = log_density(seeded_guide, args, kwargs, param_map)
            # NB: we only want to substitute params not available in guide_trace
            model_param_map = {k: v for k, v in param_map.items() if k not in guide_trace}
            seeded_model = replay(seeded_model, guide_trace)
            model_log_density, _ = log_density(seeded_model, args, kwargs, model_param_map)

            # log p(z) - log q(z)
            elbo = model_log_density - guide_log_density
            return elbo

        rng_keys = random.split(rng_key, self.num_particles)
        elbos = vmap(single_particle_elbo)(rng_keys)
        scaled_elbos = (1. - self.alpha) * elbos
        avg_log_exp = logsumexp(scaled_elbos) - jnp.log(self.num_particles)
        weights = jnp.exp(scaled_elbos - avg_log_exp)
        renyi_elbo = avg_log_exp / (1. - self.alpha)
        weighted_elbo =, elbos) / self.num_particles
        return - (stop_gradient(renyi_elbo - weighted_elbo) + weighted_elbo) 
Example #17
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def init_to_uniform(site=None, radius=2):
    Initialize to a random point in the area `(-radius, radius)` of unconstrained domain.

    :param float radius: specifies the range to draw an initial point in the unconstrained domain.
    if site is None:
        return partial(init_to_uniform, radius=radius)

    if site['type'] == 'sample' and not site['is_observed'] and not site['fn'].is_discrete:
        rng_key = site['kwargs'].get('rng_key')
        sample_shape = site['kwargs'].get('sample_shape')
        rng_key, subkey = random.split(rng_key)

        # this is used to interpret the changes of event_shape in
        # domain and codomain spaces
            prototype_value = site['fn'].sample(subkey, sample_shape=())
        except NotImplementedError:
            # XXX: this works for ImproperUniform prior,
            # we can't use this logic for general priors
            # because some distributions such as TransformedDistribution might
            # have wrong event_shape.
            prototype_value = jnp.full(site['fn'].shape(), jnp.nan)

        transform = biject_to(site['fn'].support)
        unconstrained_shape = jnp.shape(transform.inv(prototype_value))
        unconstrained_samples = dist.Uniform(-radius, radius).sample(
            rng_key, sample_shape=sample_shape + unconstrained_shape)
        return transform(unconstrained_samples) 
Example #18
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def MaskedDense(mask, bias=True, W_init=glorot_normal(), b_init=normal()):
    As in jax.experimental.stax, each layer constructor function returns
    an (init_fun, apply_fun) pair, where `init_fun` takes an rng_key key and
    an input shape and returns an (output_shape, params) pair, and
    `apply_fun` takes params, inputs, and an rng_key key and applies the layer.

    :param array mask: Mask of shape (input_dim, out_dim) applied to the weights of the layer.
    :param bool bias: whether to include bias term.
    :param array W_init: initialization method for the weights.
    :param array b_init: initialization method for the bias terms.
    :return: a (`init_fn`, `update_fn`) pair.
    def init_fun(rng_key, input_shape):
        k1, k2 = random.split(rng_key)
        W = W_init(k1, mask.shape)
        if bias:
            b = b_init(k2, mask.shape[-1:])
            params = (W, b)
            params = W
        return input_shape[:-1] + mask.shape[-1:], params

    def apply_fun(params, inputs, **kwargs):
        if bias:
            W, b = params
            return, W * mask) + b
            W = params
            return, W * mask)

    return init_fun, apply_fun 
Example #19
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def _make_iaf_args(input_dim, hidden_dims):
    _, rng_perm = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0))
    perm = random.permutation(rng_perm, np.arange(input_dim))
    # we use Elu nonlinearity because the default one, Relu, masks out negative hidden values,
    # which in turn create some zero entries in the lower triangular part of Jacobian.
    arn_init, arn = AutoregressiveNN(input_dim, hidden_dims, param_dims=[1, 1],
                                     permutation=perm, nonlinearity=stax.Elu)
    _, init_params = arn_init(random.PRNGKey(0), (input_dim,))
    return partial(arn, init_params), 
Example #20
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def test_param():
    # this test the validity of model/guide sites having
    # param constraints contain composed transformed
    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 5)
    a_minval = 1
    c_minval = -2
    c_maxval = -1
    a_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[0])) + a_minval
    b_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[1]))
    c_init = random.uniform(rng_keys[2], minval=c_minval, maxval=c_maxval)
    d_init = random.uniform(rng_keys[3])
    obs = random.normal(rng_keys[4])

    def model():
        a = numpyro.param('a', a_init, constraint=constraints.greater_than(a_minval))
        b = numpyro.param('b', b_init, constraint=constraints.positive)
        numpyro.sample('x', dist.Normal(a, b), obs=obs)

    def guide():
        c = numpyro.param('c', c_init, constraint=constraints.interval(c_minval, c_maxval))
        d = numpyro.param('d', d_init, constraint=constraints.unit_interval)
        numpyro.sample('y', dist.Normal(c, d), obs=obs)

    adam = optim.Adam(0.01)
    svi = SVI(model, guide, adam, ELBO())
    svi_state = svi.init(random.PRNGKey(0))

    params = svi.get_params(svi_state)
    assert_allclose(params['a'], a_init)
    assert_allclose(params['b'], b_init)
    assert_allclose(params['c'], c_init)
    assert_allclose(params['d'], d_init)

    actual_loss = svi.evaluate(svi_state)
    assert jnp.isfinite(actual_loss)
    expected_loss = dist.Normal(c_init, d_init).log_prob(obs) - dist.Normal(a_init, b_init).log_prob(obs)
    # not so precisely because we do transform / inverse transform stuffs
    assert_allclose(actual_loss, expected_loss, rtol=1e-6) 
Example #21
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def _binomial(key, p, n, shape):
    shape = shape or lax.broadcast_shapes(jnp.shape(p), jnp.shape(n))
    # reshape to map over axis 0
    p = jnp.reshape(jnp.broadcast_to(p, shape), -1)
    n = jnp.reshape(jnp.broadcast_to(n, shape), -1)
    key = random.split(key, jnp.size(p))
    if xla_bridge.get_backend().platform == 'cpu':
        ret = x: _binomial_dispatch(*x),
                      (key, p, n))
        ret = vmap(lambda *x: _binomial_dispatch(*x))(key, p, n)
    return jnp.reshape(ret, shape) 
Example #22
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def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        key_normal, key_chi2 = random.split(key)
        std_normal = random.normal(key_normal, shape=sample_shape + self.batch_shape)
        z = self._chi2.sample(key_chi2, sample_shape)
        y = std_normal * jnp.sqrt(self.df / z)
        return self.loc + self.scale * y 
Example #23
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        key_beta, key_binom = random.split(key)
        probs = self._beta.sample(key_beta, sample_shape)
        return Binomial(self.total_count, probs).sample(key_binom) 
Example #24
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        key_gamma, key_poisson = random.split(key)
        rate = self._gamma.sample(key_gamma, sample_shape)
        return Poisson(rate).sample(key_poisson) 
Example #25
Source File:    From BERT with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def split(self, prng, num=2):
    return backend()["random_split"](prng, num) 
Example #26
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        return jnp.reshape(random.split(key,,
                           sample_shape + self.event_shape) 
Example #27
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        key_bern, key_poisson = random.split(key)
        shape = sample_shape + self.batch_shape
        mask = random.bernoulli(key_bern, self.gate, shape)
        samples = random.poisson(key_poisson, device_put(self.rate), shape)
        return jnp.where(mask, 0, samples) 
Example #28
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_param():
    # this test the validity of model having
    # param sites contain composed transformed constraints
    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 3)
    a_minval = 1
    a_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[0])) + a_minval
    b_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[1]))
    x_init = random.normal(rng_keys[2])

    def model():
        a = numpyro.param('a', a_init, constraint=constraints.greater_than(a_minval))
        b = numpyro.param('b', b_init, constraint=constraints.positive)
        numpyro.sample('x', dist.Normal(a, b))

    # this class is used to force init value of `x` to x_init
    class _AutoGuide(AutoDiagonalNormal):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return substitute(super(_AutoGuide, self).__call__,
                              {'_auto_latent': x_init})(*args, **kwargs)

    adam = optim.Adam(0.01)
    rng_key_init = random.PRNGKey(1)
    guide = _AutoGuide(model)
    svi = SVI(model, guide, adam, ELBO())
    svi_state = svi.init(rng_key_init)

    params = svi.get_params(svi_state)
    assert_allclose(params['a'], a_init)
    assert_allclose(params['b'], b_init)
    assert_allclose(params['auto_loc'], guide._init_latent)
    assert_allclose(params['auto_scale'], jnp.ones(1) * guide._init_scale)

    actual_loss = svi.evaluate(svi_state)
    assert jnp.isfinite(actual_loss)
    expected_loss = dist.Normal(guide._init_latent, guide._init_scale).log_prob(x_init) \
        - dist.Normal(a_init, b_init).log_prob(x_init)
    assert_allclose(actual_loss, expected_loss, rtol=1e-6) 
Example #29
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_compile_warmup_run(num_chains, chain_method, progress_bar):
    def model():
        numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal(0, 1))

    if num_chains == 1 and chain_method in ['sequential', 'vectorized']:
        pytest.skip('duplicated test')
    if num_chains > 1 and chain_method == 'parallel':
        pytest.skip('duplicated test')

    rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    num_samples = 10
    mcmc = MCMC(NUTS(model), 10, num_samples, num_chains,
                chain_method=chain_method, progress_bar=progress_bar)
    expected_samples = mcmc.get_samples()["x"]

    # no delay after compiling
    actual_samples = mcmc.get_samples()["x"]

    assert_allclose(actual_samples, expected_samples)

    # test for reproducible
    if num_chains > 1:
        mcmc = MCMC(NUTS(model), 10, num_samples, 1, progress_bar=progress_bar)
        rng_key = random.split(rng_key)[0]
        first_chain_samples = mcmc.get_samples()["x"]
        assert_allclose(actual_samples[:num_samples], first_chain_samples, atol=1e-5) 
Example #30
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def simulate_data(rng_key, num_categories, num_words, num_supervised_data, num_unsupervised_data):
    rng_key, rng_key_transition, rng_key_emission = random.split(rng_key, 3)

    transition_prior = jnp.ones(num_categories)
    emission_prior = jnp.repeat(0.1, num_words)

    transition_prob = dist.Dirichlet(transition_prior).sample(key=rng_key_transition,
    emission_prob = dist.Dirichlet(emission_prior).sample(key=rng_key_emission,

    start_prob = jnp.repeat(1. / num_categories, num_categories)
    categories, words = [], []
    for t in range(num_supervised_data + num_unsupervised_data):
        rng_key, rng_key_transition, rng_key_emission = random.split(rng_key, 3)
        if t == 0 or t == num_supervised_data:
            category = dist.Categorical(start_prob).sample(key=rng_key_transition)
            category = dist.Categorical(transition_prob[category]).sample(key=rng_key_transition)
        word = dist.Categorical(emission_prob[category]).sample(key=rng_key_emission)

    # split into supervised data and unsupervised data
    categories, words = jnp.stack(categories), jnp.stack(words)
    supervised_categories = categories[:num_supervised_data]
    supervised_words = words[:num_supervised_data]
    unsupervised_words = words[num_supervised_data:]
    return (transition_prior, emission_prior, transition_prob, emission_prob,
            supervised_categories, supervised_words, unsupervised_words)