Python matplotlib.offsetbox.DrawingArea() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of matplotlib.offsetbox.DrawingArea().
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Example #1
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def add_offsetboxes(ax, size=10, margin=.1, color='black'): """ Surround ax with OffsetBoxes """ m, mp = margin, 1+margin anchor_points = [(-m, -m), (-m, .5), (-m, mp), (mp, .5), (.5, mp), (mp, mp), (.5, -m), (mp, -m), (.5, -m)] for point in anchor_points: da = DrawingArea(size, size) background = Rectangle((0, 0), width=size, height=size, facecolor=color, edgecolor='None', linewidth=0, antialiased=False) da.add_artist(background) anchored_box = AnchoredOffsetbox( loc='center', child=da, pad=0., frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=point, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0.) ax.add_artist(anchored_box) return anchored_box
Example #2
Source File: From plotnine with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_segmented_colorbar(da, colors, direction): """ Add 'non-rastered' colorbar to DrawingArea """ nbreak = len(colors) if direction == 'vertical': linewidth = da.height/nbreak verts = [None] * nbreak x1, x2 = 0, da.width for i, color in enumerate(colors): y1 = i * linewidth y2 = y1 + linewidth verts[i] = ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)) else: linewidth = da.width/nbreak verts = [None] * nbreak y1, y2 = 0, da.height for i, color in enumerate(colors): x1 = i * linewidth x2 = x1 + linewidth verts[i] = ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)) coll = mcoll.PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=colors, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) da.add_artist(coll)
Example #3
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_offsetboxes(ax, size=10, margin=.1, color='black'): """ Surround ax with OffsetBoxes """ m, mp = margin, 1+margin anchor_points = [(-m, -m), (-m, .5), (-m, mp), (mp, .5), (.5, mp), (mp, mp), (.5, -m), (mp, -m), (.5, -m)] for point in anchor_points: da = DrawingArea(size, size) background = Rectangle((0, 0), width=size, height=size, facecolor=color, edgecolor='None', linewidth=0, antialiased=False) da.add_artist(background) anchored_box = AnchoredOffsetbox( loc='center', child=da, pad=0., frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=point, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0.) ax.add_artist(anchored_box) return anchored_box
Example #4
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_offsetboxes(ax, size=10, margin=.1, color='black'): """ Surround ax with OffsetBoxes """ m, mp = margin, 1+margin anchor_points = [(-m, -m), (-m, .5), (-m, mp), (mp, .5), (.5, mp), (mp, mp), (.5, -m), (mp, -m), (.5, -m)] for point in anchor_points: da = DrawingArea(size, size) background = Rectangle((0, 0), width=size, height=size, facecolor=color, edgecolor='None', linewidth=0, antialiased=False) da.add_artist(background) anchored_box = AnchoredOffsetbox( loc=10, child=da, pad=0., frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=point, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0.) ax.add_artist(anchored_box) return anchored_box
Example #5
Source File: From plotnine with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_interpolated_colorbar(da, colors, direction): """ Add 'rastered' colorbar to DrawingArea """ # Special case that arises due to not so useful # aesthetic mapping. if len(colors) == 1: colors = [colors[0], colors[0]] # Number of horizontal egdes(breaks) in the grid # No need to create more nbreak than colors, provided # no. of colors = no. of breaks = no. of cmap colors # the shading does a perfect interpolation nbreak = len(colors) if direction == 'vertical': mesh_width = 1 mesh_height = nbreak-1 linewidth = da.height/mesh_height # Construct rectangular meshgrid # The values(Z) at each vertex are just the # normalized (onto [0, 1]) vertical distance x = np.array([0, da.width]) y = np.arange(0, nbreak) * linewidth X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = Y/y.max() else: mesh_width = nbreak-1 mesh_height = 1 linewidth = da.width/mesh_width x = np.arange(0, nbreak) * linewidth y = np.array([0, da.height]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = X/x.max() # As a 2D coordinates array coordinates = np.zeros( ((mesh_width+1)*(mesh_height+1), 2), dtype=float) coordinates[:, 0] = X.ravel() coordinates[:, 1] = Y.ravel() cmap = ListedColormap(colors) coll = mcoll.QuadMesh(mesh_width, mesh_height, coordinates, antialiased=False, shading='gouraud', linewidth=0, cmap=cmap, array=Z.ravel()) da.add_artist(coll)