Python rouge.Rouge() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of rouge.Rouge().
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Example #1
Source File: From structured-neural-summarization with MIT License | 8 votes |
def compute_rouge(predictions, targets): predictions = [" ".join(prediction).lower() for prediction in predictions] predictions = [prediction if prediction else "EMPTY" for prediction in predictions] targets = [" ".join(target).lower() for target in targets] targets = [target if target else "EMPTY" for target in targets] rouge = Rouge() scores = rouge.get_scores(hyps=predictions, refs=targets, avg=True) return scores['rouge-2']['f']
Example #2
Source File: From summarus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_metrics(refs, hyps, language, metric="all", meteor_jar=None): metrics = dict() metrics["count"] = len(hyps) metrics["ref_example"] = refs[-1] metrics["hyp_example"] = hyps[-1] many_refs = [[r] if r is not list else r for r in refs] if metric in ("bleu", "all"): metrics["bleu"] = corpus_bleu(many_refs, hyps) if metric in ("rouge", "all"): rouge = Rouge() scores = rouge.get_scores(hyps, refs, avg=True) metrics.update(scores) if metric in ("meteor", "all") and meteor_jar is not None and os.path.exists(meteor_jar): meteor = Meteor(meteor_jar, language=language) metrics["meteor"] = meteor.compute_score(hyps, many_refs) if metric in ("duplicate_ngrams", "all"): metrics["duplicate_ngrams"] = dict() metrics["duplicate_ngrams"].update(calc_duplicate_n_grams_rate(hyps)) return metrics
Example #3
Source File: From texar with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_reward(refs, hypo, unk_id, metric): """ calculate the reward given hypo and refs and will return bleu score if metric is 'bleu' or return sum of (Rouge-1, Rouge-2, Rouge-L) if metric is 'rouge' """ if len(hypo) == 0 or len(refs[0]) == 0: return 0. for i in range(len(hypo)): assert isinstance(hypo[i], int) if hypo[i] == unk_id: hypo[i] = -1 if metric == 'bleu': return 0.01 * sentence_bleu( references=refs, hypothesis=hypo, smooth=True) else: ref_str = ' '.join([str(word) for word in refs[0]]) hypo_str = ' '.join([str(word) for word in hypo]) rouge_scores = \ rouge.get_scores(hyps=[hypo_str], refs=[ref_str], avg=True) return sum([value['f'] for key, value in rouge_scores.items()])
Example #4
Source File: From neural_chat with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _rouge(guess, answers): global rouge """Compute ROUGE score between guess and *any* answers. Return the best.""" if rouge is None: return None, None, None evaluator = rouge.Rouge(metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l'], max_n=2) try: scores = [ evaluator.get_scores(normalize_answer(guess), normalize_answer(a)) for a in answers ] except LookupError: warn_once( 'ROUGE requires nltk punkt tokenizer. Please run ' '`python -c "import nltk;\'punkt\')`' ) rouge = None return None, None, None scores_rouge1 = [score['rouge-1']['r'] for score in scores] scores_rouge2 = [score['rouge-2']['r'] for score in scores] scores_rougeL = [score['rouge-l']['r'] for score in scores] return max(scores_rouge1), max(scores_rouge2), max(scores_rougeL)
Example #5
Source File: From neuralmonkey with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, rouge_type: str, name: str = "ROUGE") -> None: check_argument_types() super().__init__(name) if rouge_type.lower() not in ["1", "2", "l"]: raise ValueError( ("Invalid type of rouge metric '{}', " "must be '1', '2' or 'L'").format(rouge_type)) self.rouge_type = rouge_type.lower() self.rouge = rouge.Rouge()
Example #6
Source File: From summarus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build_oracle_records(records, nrows=None, lower=True): references = [] predictions = [] rouge = Rouge() new_records = [] for i, record in enumerate(records): if nrows is not None and i >= nrows: break summary = record["summary"] summary = summary if not lower else summary.lower() references.append(summary) text = record["text"] calc_score = lambda x, y: calc_single_score(x, y, rouge) predicted_summary, sentences, oracle_indices = build_oracle_summary_greedy(text, summary, calc_score=calc_score) predictions.append(predicted_summary) oracle_indices = [1 if i in oracle_indices else 0 for i in range(len(sentences))] new_record = copy.copy(record) new_record["sentences"] = sentences new_record["oracle"] = oracle_indices new_records.append(new_record) print_metrics(references, predictions) return new_records
Example #7
Source File: From MultiTurnDialogZoo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cal_ROUGE(refer, candidate): if len(candidate) == 0: candidate = ['<unk>'] elif len(candidate) == 1: candidate.append('<unk>') if len(refer) == 0: refer = ['<unk>'] elif len(refer) == 1: refer.append('<unk>') rouge = Rouge() scores = rouge.get_scores(' '.join(candidate), ' '.join(refer)) return scores[0]['rouge-2']['f']
Example #8
Source File: From rouge with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.hyp_path = './tests/hyp.txt' self.ref_path = './tests/ref.txt' self.data_path = './tests/data.json' with open(self.data_path) as f: = json.load(f) self.rouge = rouge.Rouge() self.files_rouge = rouge.FilesRouge()
Example #9
Source File: From neuralmonkey with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, rouge_type: str, name: str = "ROUGE") -> None: check_argument_types() super().__init__(name) if rouge_type.lower() not in ["1", "2", "l"]: raise ValueError( ("Invalid type of rouge metric '{}', " "must be '1', '2' or 'L'").format(rouge_type)) self.rouge_type = rouge_type.lower() self.rouge = rouge.Rouge()
Example #10
Source File: From neuralmonkey with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, rouge_type: str, name: str = "ROUGE") -> None: check_argument_types() super().__init__(name) if rouge_type.lower() not in ["1", "2", "l"]: raise ValueError( ("Invalid type of rouge metric '{}', " "must be '1', '2' or 'L'").format(rouge_type)) self.rouge_type = rouge_type.lower() self.rouge = rouge.Rouge()
Example #11
Source File: From vizseq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_sent_rouge( hypothesis: List[str], references: List[List[str]], rouge_type: str, extra_args: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> List[float]: assert rouge_type in {'rouge-1', 'rouge-2', 'rouge-l'} _rouge_type = 'rouge-l' if rouge_type == 'rouge-l' else 'rouge-n' _max_n = 1 if rouge_type == 'rouge-1' else 2 joint_references = [list(r) for r in zip(*references)] scores = _rouge.Rouge( metrics=[_rouge_type], max_n=_max_n, apply_avg=False ).get_scores(hypothesis, joint_references) return [s[STATS_TYPE][0] for s in scores[rouge_type]]
Example #12
Source File: From dgm_latent_bow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config): """Initialization from the configuration""" self.mode = config.controller_mode self.model_name = config.model_name self.model_name_version = config.model_name + "_" + config.model_version self.start_epoch = config.start_epoch self.num_epoch = config.num_epoch self.write_output = config.write_output self.batch_size = config.batch_size self.print_interval = config.train_print_interval self.gpu_id = config.gpu_id self.drop_out = config.drop_out self.dec_start_id = config.dec_start_id self.dec_end_id = config.dec_end_id self.model_path = config.model_path self.output_path = config.output_path self.random_seed = config.random_seed self.bow_pred_method = config.bow_pred_method self.train_log = TrainingLog(config) self.id2word = None self.target_metrics = config.target_metrics self.lm_load_path = config.lm_load_path self.rouge_evaluator = rouge.Rouge(metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l'], max_n=2) self.save_ckpt = config.save_ckpt self.eval_metrics_list = config.eval_metrics_list self.log_metrics = config.log_metrics self.gumbel_samples = config.gumbel_samples self.is_gumbel = config.is_gumbel return
Example #13
Source File: From fastNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def rouge_all(hyps, refer): rouge = Rouge() score = rouge.get_scores(hyps, refer)[0] # mean_score = np.mean([score["rouge-1"]["f"], score["rouge-2"]["f"], score["rouge-l"]["f"]]) return score
Example #14
Source File: From fastNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def rouge_eval(hyps, refer): rouge = Rouge() # print(hyps) # print(refer) # print(rouge.get_scores(hyps, refer)) try: score = rouge.get_scores(hyps, refer)[0] mean_score = np.mean([score["rouge-1"]["f"], score["rouge-2"]["f"], score["rouge-l"]["f"]]) except: mean_score = 0.0 return mean_score
Example #15
Source File: From fastNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_metric(self, reset=True):"[INFO] Hyps and Refer number is %d, %d", len(self.hyps), len(self.refers)) if len(self.hyps) == 0 or len(self.refers) == 0 : logger.error("During testing, no hyps or refers is selected!") return rouge = Rouge() scores_all = rouge.get_scores(self.hyps, self.refers, avg=True) if reset: self.hyps = [] self.refers = [] return scores_all
Example #16
Source File: From Pointer-Generator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rouge(sys, ref): rouge = Rouge() return rouge.get_scores(sys, ref, avg=True)
Example #17
Source File: From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License | 5 votes |
def eval_rouge(instances: List[CFRInstance]): references = [] hypotheses = [] evaluator = rouge.Rouge(metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l', 'rouge-w'], max_n=4, limit_length=True, length_limit=100, length_limit_type='words', apply_avg=True, apply_best=False, alpha=0.5, # Default F1_score weight_factor=1.2, stemming=True) by_instance = [] for instance in instances: _r = [_clean_text(g) for g in instance.gold_cf_endings] _h = _clean_text(instance.predicted_ending) references.append(_r) hypotheses.append(_h) try: by_instance.append(evaluator.get_scores(_h, _r)) except: by_instance.append({}) scores = evaluator.get_scores(hypotheses, references) return {'rouge_all' : scores, 'rouge_by_instance': by_instance }
Example #18
Source File: From nlp-recipes with MIT License | 4 votes |
def compute_rouge_python(cand, ref, is_input_files=False, language="en"): """ Computes ROUGE scores using the python package ( Args: cand (list or str): If `is_input_files` is `False`, `cand` is a list of strings containing predicted summaries. if `is_input_files` is `True`, `cand` is the path to the file containing the predicted summaries. ref (list or str): If `is_input_files` is `False`, `cand` is a list of strings containing reference summaries. if `is_input_files` is `True`, `cand` is the path to the file containing the reference summaries. is_input_files (bool, optional): If True, inputs are file names. Otherwise, inputs are lists of predicted and reference summaries. Defaults to False. language (str, optional): Language of the input text. Supported values are "en" and "hi". Defaults to "en". Returns: dict: Dictionary of ROUGE scores. """ supported_langauges = ["en", "hi"] if language not in supported_langauges: raise Exception( "Language {0} is not supported. Supported languages are: {1}.".format( language, supported_langauges ) ) if is_input_files: candidates = [line.strip() for line in open(cand, encoding="utf-8")] references = [line.strip() for line in open(ref, encoding="utf-8")] else: candidates = cand references = ref print("Number of candidates: {}".format(len(candidates))) print("Number of references: {}".format(len(references))) assert len(candidates) == len(references) if language == "en": evaluator = Rouge( metrics=["rouge-n", "rouge-l"], max_n=2, limit_length=False, apply_avg=True ) else: evaluator = RougeExt( metrics=["rouge-n", "rouge-l"], max_n=2, limit_length=False, apply_avg=True, language=language, ) scores = evaluator.get_scores(candidates, [[it] for it in references]) return scores
Example #19
Source File: From ParlAI with MIT License | 4 votes |
def compute_many( guess: str, answers: List[str] ) -> Tuple[ Optional['RougeMetric'], Optional['RougeMetric'], Optional['RougeMetric'] ]: """ Compute ROUGE score between guess and *any* answer. Done with compute_many due to increased efficiency. :return: (rouge-1, rouge-2, rouge-L) """ # possible global initialization global rouge if rouge is None: return None, None, None if RougeMetric._evaluator is None: RougeMetric._evaluator = rouge.Rouge( metrics=['rouge-n', 'rouge-l'], max_n=2 ) try: scores = [ RougeMetric._evaluator.get_scores( normalize_answer(guess), normalize_answer(a) ) for a in answers ] except LookupError: warn_once( 'ROUGE requires nltk punkt tokenizer. Please run ' '`python -c "import nltk;\'punkt\')`' ) return None, None, None scores_rouge1 = max(score['rouge-1']['r'] for score in scores) scores_rouge2 = max(score['rouge-2']['r'] for score in scores) scores_rougeL = max(score['rouge-l']['r'] for score in scores) return ( RougeMetric(scores_rouge1), RougeMetric(scores_rouge2), RougeMetric(scores_rougeL), )
Example #20
Source File: From structured-neural-summarization with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(args): references_file = args['REFERENCES_FILE'] predictions_file = args['PREDICTIONS_FILE'] file_type = args['--format'] or 'jsonl' case_sensitive = args.get('--case_sensitive', False) if file_type != 'textfolder': references = extract_sentences(references_file, file_type, case_sensitive) predictions = extract_sentences(predictions_file, file_type, case_sensitive) elif file_type == 'textfolder': references = extract_sentences_from_folder(references_file, case_sensitive) predictions = extract_sentences_from_folder(predictions_file, case_sensitive) assert len(references) == len(predictions), 'References and predictions are not of the same length: reference: %s, predictions: %s' % (len(references), len(predictions)) if not args['--use-rouge155']: from rouge import Rouge rouge = Rouge() scores = rouge.get_scores(hyps=predictions, refs=references, avg=True) print(scores) else: import pyrouge with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as data_dir: # First convert to single files ref_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'references') os.makedirs(ref_dir) dec_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'decoded') os.makedirs(dec_dir) for i, (decoded, reference) in enumerate(zip(predictions, references)): with open(os.path.join(ref_dir, '%06d_reference.txt' % i), 'w') as f: f.write(reference.replace('.', '.\n')) with open(os.path.join(dec_dir, '%06d_decoded.txt' % i), 'w') as f: f.write(decoded.replace('.', '.\n')) r = pyrouge.Rouge155() r.model_filename_pattern = '#ID#_reference.txt' r.system_filename_pattern = '(\d+)_decoded.txt' r.model_dir = ref_dir r.system_dir = dec_dir logging.getLogger('global').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # silence pyrouge logging rouge_results = r.convert_and_evaluate() results_dict = r.output_to_dict(rouge_results) print(results_dict) print() log_str = "" for x in ["1","2","l"]: log_str += "\nROUGE-%s:\n" % x for y in ["f_score", "recall", "precision"]: key = "rouge_%s_%s" % (x,y) key_cb = key + "_cb" key_ce = key + "_ce" val = results_dict[key] val_cb = results_dict[key_cb] val_ce = results_dict[key_ce] log_str += "%s: %.4f with confidence interval (%.4f, %.4f)\n" % (key, val, val_cb, val_ce) print(log_str)