Python sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta().
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Example #1
Source File: From uszipcode-project with MIT License | 6 votes |
def from_everything(everything, engine, limit=None): """ Construct a Prettytable from any kinds of sqlalchemy query. """ if isinstance(everything, Table): return from_table(everything, engine, limit=limit) if type(everything) is DeclarativeMeta: return from_object(everything, engine, limit=limit) if isinstance(everything, Query): return from_query(everything, engine, limit=limit) if isinstance(everything, Select): return from_sql(everything, engine, limit=limit) if isinstance(everything, ResultProxy): return from_resultproxy(everything) if isinstance(everything, list): return from_data(everything)
Example #2
Source File: From scoringengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_base_class(self): assert isinstance(Base, DeclarativeMeta)
Example #3
Source File: From news_spider with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_items(): """ 创建 items $ python gen_items 字段规则: 去除自增主键,非自增是需要的。 """ from models import news file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'news/') model_list = [(k, v) for k, v in news.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, DeclarativeMeta) and k != 'Base'] with open(file_path, b'w') as f: f.write(b'# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n') f.write(b'# Define here the models for your scraped items\n#\n') f.write(b'# See documentation in:\n') f.write(b'#\n\n') f.write(b'import scrapy\n') for model_name, model_class in model_list: result = model_class().to_dict() table_name = model_class().__tablename__ model_pk = inspect(model_class).primary_key[0].name f.write(b'\n\nclass %sItem(scrapy.Item):\n' % model_name) f.write(b' """\n') f.write(b' table_name: %s\n' % table_name) f.write(b' primary_key: %s\n' % model_pk) f.write(b' """\n') for field_name in list(result.keys()): if field_name in [model_pk, 'create_time', 'update_time']: continue f.write(b' %s = scrapy.Field()\n' % field_name)
Example #4
Source File: From asgard-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_alchemy_obj( self ) -> Tuple[DeclarativeMeta, Type[DeclarativeMeta]]: raise NotImplementedError
Example #5
Source File: From pyramid-jsonapi with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def create_resource(self, model, collection_name=None, expose_fields=None): """Produce a set of resource endpoints. Arguments: model: a model class derived from DeclarativeMeta. Keyword Args: collection_name: string name of collection. Passed through to ``collection_view_factory()`` expose_fields: set of field names to be exposed. Passed through to ``collection_view_factory()`` """ # Find the primary key column from the model and use as 'id_col_name' try: keycols = sqlalchemy.inspect(model).primary_key except sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable: # Trying to inspect the declarative_base() raises this exception. We # don't want to add it to the API. return # Only deal with one primary key column. if len(keycols) > 1: raise Exception( 'Model {} has more than one primary key.'.format( model.__name__ ) ) if not hasattr(model, '__pyramid_jsonapi__'): model.__pyramid_jsonapi__ = {} if 'id_col_name' not in model.__pyramid_jsonapi__: model.__pyramid_jsonapi__['id_col_name'] = keycols[0].name # Create a view class for use in the various add_view() calls below. view = self.collection_view_factory(model, collection_name or getattr( model, '__pyramid_jsonapi__', {} ).get('collection_name') or sqlalchemy.inspect(model).tables[-1].name, expose_fields=expose_fields) self.view_classes[model] = view view.default_limit = int(self.settings.paging_default_limit) view.max_limit = int(self.settings.paging_max_limit) self.endpoint_data.add_routes_views(view)