Python bluetooth.find_service() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of bluetooth.find_service().
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Example #1
Source File: From bluescan with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def scan(self, addr:str): print(INFO, 'Scanning...') exitcode, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('sdptool records --xml ' + addr) if exitcode != 0: sys.exit(exitcode) # print('[DEBUG] output:', output) self.parse_sdptool_output(output) # services = find_service(address=addr) # # print(services) # # print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') # for service in services: # print('Name:', service['name'] ) # print('ProtocolDescriptorList', service['protocol']) # print('channel/PSM', service['port']) # print('ServiceClassIDList:', service['service-classes']) # print('Profiles:', service['profiles']) # print('Description:', service['description']) # print('Provider:', service['provider']) # print('ServiceID', service['service-id']) # print()
Example #2
Source File: From HomePWN with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def connect(device_address): d = bluetooth.find_service(address=device_address, uuid="1130") if not d: logging.error('No Phonebook service found.') raise Exception('No Phonebook service found.') port = d[0]["port"] # Use the generic Client class to connect to the phone. c = client.Client(device_address, port) uuid = b'\x79\x61\x35\xf0\xf0\xc5\x11\xd8\x09\x66\x08\x00\x20\x0c\x9a\x66' # result = c.connect(header_list=[headers.Target(uuid)]) try: c.connect(header_list=[headers.Target(uuid)]) return c except: logging.error('Failed to connect to phone.') raise Exception('Failed to connect to phone.') # if not isinstance(result, responses.ConnectSuccess): # logging.error('Failed to connect to phone.') # raise Exception('Failed to connect to phone.') # return c
Example #3
Source File: From pyescpos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def find_rfcomm_port(address): _check_lib_bluetooth() services = bluetooth.find_service(address=address) if not services: raise BluetoothPortDiscoveryError( 'cannot find address: {!r}'.format(address) ) for service in services: if service['host'] == address and service['protocol'] == 'RFCOMM': return service['port'] raise BluetoothPortDiscoveryError( 'cannot find RFCOMM port for address: {!r}'.format(address) )
Example #4
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def safe_connect(self,target): """ Connect to all services on target as a client. """ services = bluetooth.find_service(address=target) if len(services) <= 0: print( 'Running inquiry scan') services = inquire(target) socks = [] for svc in services: try: socks.append( svc ) except BluetoothError as e: print('Couldn\'t connect: ',e) if len(services) > 0: return remove_duplicate_services(socks) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not lookup '+target)
Example #5
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def find_service(self, name: str = None, addr: str = None, uuid: str = None) -> BluetoothLookupServiceResponse: """ Look up for a service published by a nearby bluetooth device. If all the parameters are null then all the published services on the nearby devices will be returned. See `:class:platypush.message.response.bluetoothBluetoothLookupServiceResponse` for response structure reference. :param name: Service name :param addr: Service/device address :param uuid: Service UUID """ import bluetooth from bluetooth import find_service services = find_service(name=name, address=addr, uuid=uuid) self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_uuid.update({ (srv['host'], srv['service-id']): (srv['port'], getattr(bluetooth, srv['protocol'])) for srv in services if srv.get('service-id') }) self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_name.update({ (srv['host'], srv['name']): (srv['port'], getattr(bluetooth, srv['protocol'])) for srv in services if srv.get('name') }) return BluetoothLookupServiceResponse(services)
Example #6
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_addr_port_protocol(self, protocol=None, device: str = None, port: int = None, service_uuid: str = None, service_name: str = None) -> tuple: import bluetooth addr = self._get_device_addr(device) if device else None if service_uuid or service_name: if addr: if service_uuid: (port, protocol) = self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_uuid[(addr, service_uuid)] \ if (addr, service_uuid) in self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_uuid else \ (None, None) else: (port, protocol) = self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_name[(addr, service_name)] \ if (addr, service_name) in self._port_and_protocol_by_addr_and_srv_name else \ (None, None) if not (addr and port):'Discovering devices, service_name={name}, uuid={uuid}, address={addr}'.format( name=service_name, uuid=service_uuid, addr=addr)) services = [ srv for srv in self.find_service().services if (service_name is None or srv.get('name') == service_name) and (addr is None or srv.get('host') == addr) and (service_uuid is None or srv.get('service-id') == service_uuid) ] if not services: raise RuntimeError('No such service: name={name} uuid={uuid} address={addr}'.format( name=service_name, uuid=service_uuid, addr=addr)) service = services[0] addr = service['host'] port = service['port'] protocol = getattr(bluetooth, service['protocol']) elif protocol: if isinstance(protocol, str): protocol = getattr(bluetooth, protocol) else: raise RuntimeError('No service name/UUID nor bluetooth protocol (RFCOMM/L2CAP) specified') if not (addr and port): raise RuntimeError('No valid device name/address, port, service name or UUID specified') return addr, port, protocol
Example #7
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(self, protocol=None, device: str = None, port: int = None, service_uuid: str = None, service_name: str = None): """ Connect to a bluetooth device. You can query the advertised services through ``find_service``. :param protocol: Supported values: either 'RFCOMM'/'L2CAP' (str) or bluetooth.RFCOMM/bluetooth.L2CAP int constants (int) :param device: Device address or name :param port: Port number :param service_uuid: Service UUID :param service_name: Service name """ from bluetooth import BluetoothSocket addr, port, protocol = self._get_addr_port_protocol(protocol=protocol, device=device, port=port, service_uuid=service_uuid, service_name=service_name) sock = self._get_sock(protocol=protocol, device=addr, port=port) if sock: self.close(device=addr, port=port) sock = BluetoothSocket(protocol)'Opening connection to device {} on port {}'.format(addr, port)) sock.connect((addr, port))'Connected to device {} on port {}'.format(addr, port)) self._socks[(addr, port)] = sock
Example #8
Source File: From miaomiaoji-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def scanservices(self):"Searching for services...") service_matches = find_service(uuid=self.uuid, address=self.address) valid_service = filter( lambda s: 'protocol' in s and 'name' in s and s['protocol'] == 'RFCOMM' and s['name'] == 'SerialPort', service_matches ) if len(valid_service) == 0: logging.error("Cannot find valid services on device with MAC %s." % self.address) return False"Found a valid service on target device.") self.service = valid_service[0] return True
Example #9
Source File: From peach with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def enumerate_services(device): print("Find services on device: %s" % device) if usingBluetooth: services = bluetooth.find_service(bdaddr=device) # name ? if usingLightBlue: services = lightblue.findservices(device) print(services) return services
Example #10
Source File: From HomePWN with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): print_info("Searching services...") bmac = self.args["bmac"] # User input is String (just in case) if str(bmac) == "None": print_info("This process can take time, patience") bmac = None services = find_service(address=bmac) if len(services) > 0: print_ok(f"Found {len(services)} services") print("") self._show_services(services) else: print_info("No services found")