Python gensim.utils.simple_preprocess() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of gensim.utils.simple_preprocess().
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Example #1
Source File: From asreview with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def fit(self, texts): model_param = { "vector_size": self.vector_size, "epochs": self.epochs, "min_count": self.min_count, "workers": self.n_jobs, "window": self.window, "dm_concat": self.dm_concat, "dbow_words": self.dbow_words, } corpus = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(text), [i]) for i, text in enumerate(texts)] # If is 2, train both models and concatenate the feature # vectors later. Resulting vector size should be the same. if == 2: model_param["vector_size"] = int(model_param["vector_size"]/2) self.model_dm = _train_model(corpus, **model_param, dm=1) self.model_dbow = _train_model(corpus, **model_param, dm=0) else: self.model = _train_model(corpus, **model_param,
Example #2
Source File: From keras-pandas with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, y=None): # Format text for processing, by creating a list of strings observations = self.prepare_input(X) # Preprocess & tokenize observations = list(map(lambda x: simple_preprocess(x), observations)) # Generate embedding_sequence_length, if necessary if self.max_sequence_length is None: self.max_sequence_length = self.generate_embedding_sequence_length(observations) # Update index_lookup tokens = set() for observation in observations: tokens.update(observation) logging.debug('Fitting with tokens: {}'.format(tokens)) current_max_index = max(self.token_index_lookup.values()) index_range = range(current_max_index, len(tokens) + current_max_index) learned_token_index_lookup = dict(zip(tokens, index_range)) self.token_index_lookup.update(learned_token_index_lookup) new_max_token_index = max(self.token_index_lookup.values())'Learned tokens, new_max_token_index: {}'.format(new_max_token_index)) return self
Example #3
Source File: From Semantic-Search-for-Sustainable-Development with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def read_corpus(path = '.', exclude = [], targets = None): i= 0 for file in os.listdir(path): if file[-4:] == '.txt' and file not in exclude and 'no_en' not in file: # ensure file is an english txt file print(file) with open(os.path.join(path, file), encoding="utf8") as document_text: for line in document_text: count = 0 words = simple_preprocess(line) for word in words: # count the number of words with <= 3 characters if len(word) <= 3: count += 1 if count < len(words)/2 and len(words) > 10: # exclude lines in which 1/2 the words have less yield(doc2vec.TaggedDocument(words, [i])) # than 3 characters or have less than 10 words i+=1 if targets: for key, val in targets.items(): yield(doc2vec.TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(val), [i])) i+=1
Example #4
Source File: From Semantic-Search-for-Sustainable-Development with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def inferVector1(self, line): ''' Given a new line, infer a custom vector representation using the corpus tfidf. Args: line : new sentence to be inferred Returns: numpy.ndarray : vector representation of the line ''' line = ' '.join(simple_preprocess(line)) # pre-process the line line_tf_idf = self.tf_idf_obj.transform([line]) # infer the tf-idf values for the words in the line rows, cols = line_tf_idf.nonzero() new_vec = np.zeros(self.dimensions) # Apply the same sentence to vector conversion as above. for col in cols: try: new_vec += (self.word2vec_model[(self.word_index[col])] * line_tf_idf[0, col]) except: continue return np.asarray(new_vec)
Example #5
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #6
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #7
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #8
Source File: From keras-pandas with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_string(self, input_string): """ Turn a string into padded sequences, consistent with Keras's Embedding layer - Simple preprocess & tokenize - Convert tokens to indices - Pad sequence to be the correct length :param input_string: A string, to be converted into a padded sequence of token indices :type input_string: str :return: A padded, fixed-length array of token indices :rtype: [int] """ logging.debug('Processing string: {}'.format(input_string)) # Convert to tokens tokens = simple_preprocess(input_string) logging.debug('Tokens: {}'.format(tokens)) # Convert to indices indices = list(map(lambda x: self.token_index_lookup[x], tokens)) logging.debug('Indices: {}'.format(indices)) # Pad indices padding_index = self.token_index_lookup['__PAD__'] padding_length = self.max_sequence_length padded_indices = self.pad(indices, length=padding_length, pad_char=padding_index) logging.debug('Padded indices: {}'.format(padded_indices)) return padded_indices
Example #9
Source File: From Semantic-Search-for-Sustainable-Development with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def inferVector2(self, line): ''' Given a new line, infer a custom vector representation using the ground truth tfidf. Args: line : new sentence to be inferred Returns: numpy.ndarray : vector representation of the line ''' line = ' '.join(simple_preprocess(line)) # pre-process the line replacement_words = [] for word in line.split(): if word not in self.extra_tf_idf_obj.vocabulary_: try: similar_words = self.word2vec_model.similar_by_word(word, topn=10, restrict_vocab=None) for sim in similar_words: if sim[0] in self.extra_tf_idf_obj.vocabulary_: replacement_words.append((word, sim[0])) break except: continue for old, new in replacement_words: line = line.replace(old, new) line_tf_idf = self.extra_tf_idf_obj.transform([line]) # infer the tf-idf values for the words in the line rows, cols = line_tf_idf.nonzero() new_vec = np.zeros(self.dimensions) # Apply the same sentence to vector conversion as above. for col in cols: try: new_vec += (self.word2vec_model[(self.extra_word_index[col])] * line_tf_idf[0, col]) except: continue return np.asarray(new_vec)
Example #10
Source File: From vec4ir with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_doc2vec_inference(): tagged_docs = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(doc), [i]) for i, doc in enumerate(documents)] model = Doc2Vec(tagged_docs, epochs=1, min_count=1) d2v = Doc2VecInference(model, DEFAULT_ANALYZER) match_op = Matching() retrieval = Retrieval(d2v, matching=match_op).fit(documents) result = retrieval.query("scientists") assert result[0] == 1
Example #11
Source File: From vec4ir with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_doc2vec_inference_saveload(): tagged_docs = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(doc), [i]) for i, doc in enumerate(documents)] model = Doc2Vec(tagged_docs, epochs=1, min_count=1, vector_size=10) del model model = Doc2Vec.load(TEST_FILE) os.remove(TEST_FILE) d2v = Doc2VecInference(model, DEFAULT_ANALYZER) match_op = Matching() retrieval = Retrieval(d2v, matching=match_op).fit(documents) result = retrieval.query("scientists") assert result[0] == 1
Example #12
Source File: From asreview with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def transform(self, texts): corpus = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(text), [i]) for i, text in enumerate(texts)] if == 2: X_dm = _transform_text(self.model_dm, corpus) X_dbow = _transform_text(self.model_dbow, corpus) X = np.concatenate((X_dm, X_dbow), axis=1) else: X = _transform_text(self.model, corpus) return X
Example #13
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #14
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #15
Source File: From topical_word_embeddings with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __iter__(self): with open(datapath('lee_background.cor')) as f: for line in f: yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
Example #16
Source File: From aristo-mini with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tokenizer(sentence: str) -> List[str]: """use gensim's `simple_preprocess` and `STOPWORDS` list""" return [stem(token) for token in simple_preprocess(sentence) if token not in STOPWORDS]