Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def next(self): """Returns the next batch of data.""" if self.curr_idx == len(self.idx): raise StopIteration #i = batches index, j = starting record i, j = self.idx[self.curr_idx] self.curr_idx += 1 indices = self.ndindex[i][j:j + self.batch_size] sentences = self.ndsent[i][j:j + self.batch_size] characters = self.ndchar[i][j:j + self.batch_size] label = self.ndlabel[i][j:j + self.batch_size] return DataBatch([sentences, characters], [label], pad=0, index = indices, bucket_key=self.buckets[i], provide_data=[DataDesc(name=self.data_names[0], shape=sentences.shape, layout=self.layout), DataDesc(name=self.data_names[1], shape=characters.shape, layout=self.layout)], provide_label=[DataDesc(name=self.label_name, shape=label.shape, layout=self.layout)])
Example #2
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def next(self): """Returns the next batch of data.""" if self.curr_idx == len(self.idx): raise StopIteration #i = batches index, j = starting record i, j = self.idx[self.curr_idx] self.curr_idx += 1 indices = self.ndindex[i][j:j + self.batch_size] sentences = self.ndsent[i][j:j + self.batch_size] characters = self.ndchar[i][j:j + self.batch_size] label = self.ndlabel[i][j:j + self.batch_size] return DataBatch([sentences, characters], [label], pad=0, index = indices, bucket_key=self.buckets[i], provide_data=[DataDesc(name=self.data_names[0], shape=sentences.shape, layout=self.layout), DataDesc(name=self.data_names[1], shape=characters.shape, layout=self.layout)], provide_label=[DataDesc(name=self.label_name, shape=label.shape, layout=self.layout)])
Example #3
Source File: From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #4
Source File: From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #5
Source File: From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #6
Source File: From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #7
Source File: From Relation-Networks-for-Object-Detection with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #8
Source File: From Relation-Networks-for-Object-Detection with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #9
Source File: From Accel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #10
Source File: From Accel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #11
Source File: From mx-DeepIM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum( [ [ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters) ], [], )
Example #12
Source File: From mx-DeepIM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum( [ [ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters) ], [], )
Example #13
Source File: From Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #14
Source File: From Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #15
Source File: From Sequence-Level-Semantics-Aggregation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #16
Source File: From Sequence-Level-Semantics-Aggregation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #17
Source File: From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #18
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_batch(self, frame): """ :param frame: an (w,h,channels) numpy array (image) :return: DataBatch of (1,channels,data_shape,data_shape) """ frame_resize = mx.nd.array(cv2.resize(frame, (self.data_shape[0], self.data_shape[1]))) #frame_resize = mx.img.imresize(frame, self.data_shape[0], self.data_shape[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # Change dimensions from (w,h,channels) to (channels, w, h) frame_t = mx.nd.transpose(frame_resize, axes=(2,0,1)) frame_norm = frame_t - self.mean_pixels_nd # Add dimension for batch, results in (1,channels,w,h) batch_frame = [mx.nd.expand_dims(frame_norm, axis=0)] batch_shape = [DataDesc('data', batch_frame[0].shape)] batch = DataBatch(data=batch_frame, provide_data=batch_shape) return batch
Example #19
Source File: From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #20
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow-Segmentation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #21
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow-Segmentation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #22
Source File: From sagemaker-python-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def model_fn(path_to_model_files): from import DataDesc loaded_symbol = mx.symbol.load(os.path.join(path_to_model_files, "symbol")) created_module = mx.mod.Module(symbol=loaded_symbol) created_module.bind([DataDesc("data", (1, 1, 28, 28))]) created_module.load_params(os.path.join(path_to_model_files, "params")) return created_module # --- Option 1 - provide just 1 entry point for end2end prediction --- # if this function is specified, no other overwriting described in Option 2 will have effect # returns serialized data and content type it has used
Example #23
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_batch(self, frame): """ :param frame: an (w,h,channels) numpy array (image) :return: DataBatch of (1,channels,data_shape,data_shape) """ frame_resize = mx.nd.array(cv2.resize(frame, (self.data_shape[0], self.data_shape[1]))) #frame_resize = mx.img.imresize(frame, self.data_shape[0], self.data_shape[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # Change dimensions from (w,h,channels) to (channels, w, h) frame_t = mx.nd.transpose(frame_resize, axes=(2,0,1)) frame_norm = frame_t - self.mean_pixels_nd # Add dimension for batch, results in (1,channels,w,h) batch_frame = [mx.nd.expand_dims(frame_norm, axis=0)] batch_shape = [DataDesc('data', batch_frame[0].shape)] batch = DataBatch(data=batch_frame, provide_data=batch_shape) return batch
Example #24
Source File: From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #25
Source File: From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #26
Source File: From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #27
Source File: From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #28
Source File: From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
Example #29
Source File: From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def provide_label(self): """The name and shape of label provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_label is None: return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_label ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
Example #30
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def provide_data(self): """The name and shape of data provided by this iterator""" if self.rename_data is None: return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], []) else: return sum([[ DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype) if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x) for x in i.provide_data ] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])