Python cvxopt.spdiag() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of cvxopt.spdiag().
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Example #1
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def radius(K): """evaluate the radius of the MEB (Minimum Enclosing Ball) of examples in feature space. Parameters ---------- K : (n,n) ndarray, the kernel that represents the data. Returns ------- r : np.float64, the radius of the minimum enclosing ball of examples in feature space. """ K = validation.check_K(K).numpy() n = K.shape[0] P = 2 * matrix(K) p = -matrix(K.diagonal()) G = -spdiag([1.0] * n) h = matrix([0.0] * n) A = matrix([1.0] * n).T b = matrix([1.0]) solvers.options['show_progress']=False sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b) return abs(sol['primal objective'])**.5
Example #2
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def initialize_optimization(self): YY = spdiag([1 if y==self.Y[0] else -1 for y in self.Y]) weights = uniform_vector(self.n_kernels) ker_matrix = self.func_form(self.KL, weights) alpha,r2 = opt_radius(ker_matrix) gamma,m2 = opt_margin(ker_matrix, YY) obj = (r2 / m2) / len(self.Y) #caching self.cache.YY = YY self.cache.alpha = alpha self.cache.gamma = gamma return Solution( weights=weights, objective=obj, ker_matrix=ker_matrix, )
Example #3
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def diag(self, dim): if self.size != (1, 1): raise Exception('not implemented') selfcopy = self.copy() idx = cvx.spdiag([1.] * dim)[:].I for k in self.factors: tc = 'z' if self.factors[k].typecode=='z' else 'd' selfcopy.factors[k] = spmatrix( [], [], [], (dim**2, self.factors[k].size[1]),tc=tc) for i in idx: selfcopy.factors[k][i, :] = self.factors[k] if not self.constant is None: tc = 'z' if self.constant.typecode=='z' else 'd' selfcopy.constant = cvx.matrix(0., (dim**2, 1),tc=tc) for i in idx: selfcopy.constant[i] = self.constant[0] else: selfcopy.constant = None selfcopy._size = (dim, dim) selfcopy.string = 'diag(' + selfcopy.string + ')' return selfcopy
Example #4
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def margin(K,Y): """evaluate the margin in a classification problem of examples in feature space. If the classes are not linearly separable in feature space, then the margin obtained is 0. Note that it works only for binary tasks. Parameters ---------- K : (n,n) ndarray, the kernel that represents the data. Y : (n) array_like, the labels vector. """ K, Y = validation.check_K_Y(K, Y, binary=True) n = Y.size()[0] Y = [1 if y==Y[0] else -1 for y in Y] YY = spdiag(Y) P = 2*(YY*matrix(K.numpy())*YY) p = matrix([0.0]*n) G = -spdiag([1.0]*n) h = matrix([0.0]*n) A = matrix([[1.0 if Y[i]==+1 else 0 for i in range(n)], [1.0 if Y[j]==-1 else 0 for j in range(n)]]).T b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1)) solvers.options['show_progress']=False sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b) return sol['primal objective']**.5
Example #5
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def opt_radius(K, init_sol=None): n = K.shape[0] K = matrix(K.numpy()) P = 2 * K p = -matrix([K[i,i] for i in range(n)]) G = -spdiag([1.0] * n) h = matrix([0.0] * n) A = matrix([1.0] * n).T b = matrix([1.0]) solvers.options['show_progress']=False sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b,initvals=init_sol) radius2 = (-p.T * sol['x'])[0] - (sol['x'].T * K * sol['x'])[0] return sol, radius2
Example #6
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def opt_margin(K, YY, init_sol=None): '''optimized margin evaluation''' n = K.shape[0] P = 2 * (YY * matrix(K.numpy()) * YY) p = matrix([0.0]*n) G = -spdiag([1.0]*n) h = matrix([0.0]*n) A = matrix([[1.0 if YY[i,i]==+1 else 0 for i in range(n)], [1.0 if YY[j,j]==-1 else 0 for j in range(n)]]).T b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1)) solvers.options['show_progress']=False sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b,initvals=init_sol) margin2 = sol['primal objective'] return sol, margin2
Example #7
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def opt_margin(K,YY,init_sol=None): '''optimized margin evaluation''' n = K.shape[0] P = 2 * (YY * matrix(K) * YY) p = matrix([0.0]*n) G = -spdiag([1.0]*n) h = matrix([0.0]*n) A = matrix([[1.0 if YY[i,i]==+1 else 0 for i in range(n)], [1.0 if YY[j,j]==-1 else 0 for j in range(n)]]).T b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1)) solvers.options['show_progress']=False sol = solvers.qp(P,p,G,h,A,b,initvals=init_sol) margin2 = sol['primal objective'] return margin2, sol['x'], sol
Example #8
Source File: From MKLpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _combine_kernels(self): assert len(self.Y.unique()) == 2 Y = [1 if y==self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y] n_sample = len(self.Y) ker_matrix = matrix(self.func_form(self.KL).numpy()) YY = spdiag(Y) #KLL = (1.0-self.lam)*YY*ker_matrix*YY #LID = spdiag([self.lam]*n_sample) #Q = 2*(KLL+LID) Q = 2 * ((1.0-self.lam)*YY*ker_matrix*YY + spdiag([self.lam]*n_sample)) p = matrix([0.0]*n_sample) G = -spdiag([1.0]*n_sample) h = matrix([0.0]*n_sample,(n_sample,1)) A = matrix([[1.0 if lab==+1 else 0 for lab in Y],[1.0 if lab2==-1 else 0 for lab2 in Y]]).T b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1)) solvers.options['show_progress'] = False solvers.options['maxiters'] = 200 sol = solvers.qp(Q,p,G,h,A,b) gamma = sol['x'] yg = gamma.T * YY weights = [(yg*matrix(K.numpy())*yg.T)[0] for K in self.KL] norm2 = sum([w for w in weights]) weights = torch.tensor([w / norm2 for w in weights]) ker_matrix = self.func_form(self.KL, weights) return Solution( weights=weights, objective=None, ker_matrix=ker_matrix, )
Example #9
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def diag_vect(exp): """ Returns the vector with the diagonal elements of the matrix expression ``exp`` **Example** >>> import picos as pic >>> prob=pic.Problem() >>> X=prob.add_variable('X',(3,3)) >>> # (3 x 1)-affine expression: diag(X) # """ from .expression import AffinExp (n, m) = exp.size n = min(n, m) idx = cvx.spdiag([1.] * n)[:].I expcopy = AffinExp(exp.factors.copy(), exp.constant, exp.size, exp.string) proj = spmatrix([1.] * n, range(n), idx, (n, exp.size[0] * exp.size[1])) for k in exp.factors.keys(): expcopy.factors[k] = proj * expcopy.factors[k] if not exp.constant is None: expcopy.constant = proj * expcopy.constant expcopy._size = (n, 1) expcopy.string = 'diag(' + exp.string + ')' return expcopy
Example #10
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def eval(self, ind=None): val = self.exp.eval(ind) if not isinstance(val, cvx.base.matrix): val = cvx.matrix(val) p = float(self.numerator) / float(self.denominator) if self.M is None: ev = np.linalg.eigvalsh(np.matrix(val)) return sum([vi**p for vi in ev]) else: Mval = self.M.eval(ind) U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(val) Xp = cvx.matrix(U) * cvx.spdiag([s**p for s in S]) * cvx.matrix(V) return np.trace(Mval * Xp)
Example #11
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def diag(exp, dim=1): r""" if ``exp`` is an affine expression of size (n,m), ``diag(exp,dim)`` returns a diagonal matrix of size ``dim*n*m`` :math:`\times` ``dim*n*m``, with ``dim`` copies of the vectorized expression ``exp[:]`` on the diagonal. In particular: * when ``exp`` is scalar, ``diag(exp,n)`` returns a diagonal matrix of size :math:`n \times n`, with all diagonal elements equal to ``exp``. * when ``exp`` is a vector of size :math:`n`, ``diag(exp)`` returns the diagonal matrix of size :math:`n \times n` with the vector ``exp`` on the diagonal **Example** >>> import picos as pic >>> prob=pic.Problem() >>> x=prob.add_variable('x',1) >>> y=prob.add_variable('y',1) >>>,4) # (4 x 4)-affine expression: Diag(x -y) # >>> # (2 x 2)-affine expression: Diag([x;y]) # """ from .expression import AffinExp if not isinstance(exp, AffinExp): mat, name = _retrieve_matrix(exp) exp = AffinExp({}, constant=mat[:], size=mat.size, string=name) (n, m) = exp.size expcopy = AffinExp(exp.factors.copy(), exp.constant, exp.size, exp.string) idx = cvx.spdiag([1.] * dim * n * m)[:].I for k in exp.factors.keys(): # ensure it's sparse mat = cvx.sparse(expcopy.factors[k]) I, J, V = list(mat.I), list(mat.J), list(mat.V) newI = [] for d in range(dim): for i in I: newI.append(idx[i + n * m * d]) expcopy.factors[k] = spmatrix( V * dim, newI, J * dim, ((dim * n * m)**2, exp.factors[k].size[1])) expcopy.constant = cvx.matrix(0., ((dim * n * m)**2, 1)) if not exp.constant is None: for k, i in enumerate(idx): expcopy.constant[i] = exp.constant[k % (n * m)] expcopy._size = (dim * n * m, dim * n * m) expcopy.string = 'Diag(' + exp.string + ')' return expcopy
Example #12
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __xor__(self, fact): """hadamard (elementwise) product""" selfcopy = self.copy() if isinstance(fact, AffinExp): if fact.isconstant(): fac, facString = cvx.sparse(fact.eval()), fact.string else: if self.isconstant(): return fact ^ self else: raise Exception('not implemented') else: fac, facString = _retrieve_matrix(fact, self.size[0]) if fac.size == (1, 1) and selfcopy.size[0] != 1: fac = fac[0] * cvx.spdiag([1.] * selfcopy.size[0]) if self.size == (1, 1) and fac.size[1] != 1: oldstring = selfcopy.string selfcopy = selfcopy.diag(fac.size[1]) selfcopy.string = oldstring if selfcopy.size[0] != fac.size[0] or selfcopy.size[1] != fac.size[1]: raise Exception('incompatible dimensions') mm, nn = selfcopy.size bfac = spmatrix([], [], [], (mm * nn, mm * nn)) for i, j, v in zip(fac.I, fac.J, fac.V): bfac[j * mm + i, j * mm + i] = v for k in selfcopy.factors: newfac = bfac * selfcopy.factors[k] selfcopy.factors[k] = newfac if selfcopy.constant is None: newfac = None else: newfac = bfac * selfcopy.constant selfcopy.constant = newfac """ #the following removes 'I' from the string when a matrix is multiplied #by the identity. We leave the 'I' when the factor of identity is a scalar if len(facString)>0: if facString[-1]=='I' and (len(facString)==1 or facString[-2].isdigit() or facString[-2]=='.') and ( self.size != (1,1)): facString=facString[:-1] """ sstring = selfcopy.affstring() if len(facString) > 0: if ('+' in sstring) or ('-' in sstring): sstring = '( ' + sstring + ' )' if ('+' in facString) or ('-' in facString): facString = '( ' + facString + ' )' selfcopy.string = facString + '∘' + sstring return selfcopy
Example #13
Source File: From picos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __gt__(self, exp): if isinstance(exp, AffinExp): if exp.size != (1, 1): raise Exception( 'lower bound of a sum_k_smallest must be scalar') from .problem import Problem Ptmp = Problem() if self.eigenvalues: n = self.exp.size[0] I = new_param('I', cvx.spdiag([1.] * n)) if self.k == n: return (I | self.exp) < exp elif self.k == 1: cons = self.exp >> exp * I cons.myconstring = self.string + '>=' + exp.string return cons else: s = Ptmp.add_variable('s', 1) Z = Ptmp.add_variable('Z', (n, n), 'symmetric') Ptmp.add_constraint(Z >> 0) Ptmp.add_constraint(-self.exp << Z + s * I) Ptmp.add_constraint(-exp > (I | Z) + (self.k * s)) else: n = self.exp.size[0] * self.exp.size[1] if self.k == 1: cons = self.exp > exp cons.myconstring = self.string + '>=' + exp.string return cons elif self.k == n: return (1 | self.exp) > exp else: lbda = Ptmp.add_variable('lambda', 1) mu = Ptmp.add_variable('mu', self.exp.size, lower=0) Ptmp.add_constraint(-self.exp < lbda + mu) Ptmp.add_constraint(self.k * lbda + (1 | mu) < -exp) return Sumklargest_Constraint( exp, self.exp, self.k, self.eigenvalues, False, Ptmp, self.string + '>' + exp.string) else: # constant term, termString = _retrieve_matrix(exp, (1, 1)) exp1 = AffinExp( factors={}, constant=term, size=( 1, 1), string=termString) return self > exp1