Python mmdet.core.multi_apply() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of mmdet.core.multi_apply().
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Example #1
Source File: From mmdetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def forward(self, feats): """Forward features from the upstream network. Args: feats (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. Returns: tuple: Usually contain classification scores and bbox predictions. cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * num_classes. bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box energies / deltas for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * 4. """ return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)[:2]
Example #2
Source File: From kaggle-kuzushiji-recognition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fovea_target(self, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_sizes, points): label_list, bbox_target_list = multi_apply( self.fovea_target_single, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_size_list=featmap_sizes, point_list=points) flatten_labels = [[ labels_level_img.flatten() for labels_level_img in labels_level ]) for labels_level in zip(*label_list) ] flatten_bbox_targets = [[ bbox_targets_level_img.reshape(-1, 4) for bbox_targets_level_img in bbox_targets_level ]) for bbox_targets_level in zip(*bbox_target_list) ] flatten_labels = flatten_bbox_targets = return flatten_labels, flatten_bbox_targets
Example #3
Source File: From Cascade-RPN with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def fovea_target(self, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_sizes, points): label_list, bbox_target_list = multi_apply( self.fovea_target_single, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_size_list=featmap_sizes, point_list=points) flatten_labels = [[ labels_level_img.flatten() for labels_level_img in labels_level ]) for labels_level in zip(*label_list) ] flatten_bbox_targets = [[ bbox_targets_level_img.reshape(-1, 4) for bbox_targets_level_img in bbox_targets_level ]) for bbox_targets_level in zip(*bbox_target_list) ] flatten_labels = flatten_bbox_targets = return flatten_labels, flatten_bbox_targets
Example #4
Source File: From IoU-Uniform-R-CNN with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def fovea_target(self, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_sizes, points): label_list, bbox_target_list = multi_apply( self.fovea_target_single, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_size_list=featmap_sizes, point_list=points) flatten_labels = [[ labels_level_img.flatten() for labels_level_img in labels_level ]) for labels_level in zip(*label_list) ] flatten_bbox_targets = [[ bbox_targets_level_img.reshape(-1, 4) for bbox_targets_level_img in bbox_targets_level ]) for bbox_targets_level in zip(*bbox_target_list) ] flatten_labels = flatten_bbox_targets = return flatten_labels, flatten_bbox_targets
Example #5
Source File: From ttfnet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def fovea_target(self, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_sizes, points): label_list, bbox_target_list = multi_apply( self.fovea_target_single, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_size_list=featmap_sizes, point_list=points) flatten_labels = [[ labels_level_img.flatten() for labels_level_img in labels_level ]) for labels_level in zip(*label_list) ] flatten_bbox_targets = [[ bbox_targets_level_img.reshape(-1, 4) for bbox_targets_level_img in bbox_targets_level ]) for bbox_targets_level in zip(*bbox_target_list) ] flatten_labels = flatten_bbox_targets = return flatten_labels, flatten_bbox_targets
Example #6
Source File: From mmdetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_targets(self, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_sizes, points): label_list, bbox_target_list = multi_apply( self._get_target_single, gt_bbox_list, gt_label_list, featmap_size_list=featmap_sizes, point_list=points) flatten_labels = [[ labels_level_img.flatten() for labels_level_img in labels_level ]) for labels_level in zip(*label_list) ] flatten_bbox_targets = [[ bbox_targets_level_img.reshape(-1, 4) for bbox_targets_level_img in bbox_targets_level ]) for bbox_targets_level in zip(*bbox_target_list) ] flatten_labels = flatten_bbox_targets = return flatten_labels, flatten_bbox_targets
Example #7
Source File: From mmdetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def forward(self, feats): """Forward features from the upstream network. Args: feats (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. Returns: tuple: cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * num_classes. bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box energies / deltas for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * 4. centernesses (list[Tensor]): Centerss for each scale level, each is a 4D-tensor, the channel number is num_points * 1. """ return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales, self.strides)
Example #8
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def center_target(self, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas, all_level_points): assert len(self.featmap_sizes) == len(self.regress_ranges) # get heatmaps and targets of each image # heatmaps in heatmaps_list: [num_points, 80] # wh_targets: [num_points, 2] => [batch_size, num_points, 2] heatmaps_list, wh_targets_list, offset_targets_list = multi_apply( self.center_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas ) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in all_level_points] # 每一层多少个点 all_level_points [[12414, 2], []] heatmaps_list = [heatmaps.split(num_points, 0) for heatmaps in heatmaps_list] wh_targets_list = [wh_targets.split(num_points, 0) for wh_targets in wh_targets_list] offset_targets_list = [offset_targets.split(num_points, 0) for offset_targets in offset_targets_list] # concat per level image, 同一层的concat # [(batch_size,featmap_size[1]), ...) concat_lvl_heatmaps = [] concat_lvl_wh_targets = [] concat_lvl_offset_targets = [] num_levels = len(self.featmap_sizes) for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_heatmaps.append([heatmaps[i] for heatmaps in heatmaps_list])) # (num_levels, batch_size * w * h, 80) concat_lvl_wh_targets.append( [wh_targets[i] for wh_targets in wh_targets_list])) concat_lvl_offset_targets.append( [offset_targets[i] for offset_targets in offset_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_heatmaps, concat_lvl_wh_targets, concat_lvl_offset_targets
Example #9
Source File: From Libra_R-CNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets
Example #10
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def center_target(self, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas, all_level_points): #assert len(self.featmap_sizes) == len(self.regress_ranges) assert len(self.featmap_sizes) == len(self.strides) # get heatmaps and targets of each image # heatmaps in heatmaps_list: [num_points, 80] # wh_targets: [num_points, 2] => [batch_size, num_points, 2] heatmaps_list, wh_targets_list, offset_targets_list = multi_apply( self.center_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas ) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in all_level_points] # 每一层多少个点 all_level_points [[12414, 2], []] heatmaps_list = [heatmaps.split(num_points, 0) for heatmaps in heatmaps_list] wh_targets_list = [wh_targets.split(num_points, 0) for wh_targets in wh_targets_list] offset_targets_list = [offset_targets.split(num_points, 0) for offset_targets in offset_targets_list] # concat per level image, 同一层的concat # [(batch_size,featmap_size[1]), ...) concat_lvl_heatmaps = [] concat_lvl_wh_targets = [] concat_lvl_offset_targets = [] num_levels = len(self.featmap_sizes) for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_heatmaps.append([heatmaps[i] for heatmaps in heatmaps_list])) # (num_levels, batch_size * w * h, 80) concat_lvl_wh_targets.append( [wh_targets[i] for wh_targets in wh_targets_list])) concat_lvl_offset_targets.append( [offset_targets[i] for offset_targets in offset_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_heatmaps, concat_lvl_wh_targets, concat_lvl_offset_targets
Example #11
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def center_target(self, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas, all_level_points): assert len(self.featmap_sizes) == len(self.regress_ranges) # get heatmaps and targets of each image # heatmaps in heatmaps_list: [num_points, 80] # wh_targets: [num_points, 2] => [batch_size, num_points, 2] heatmaps_list, wh_targets_list, offset_targets_list = multi_apply( self.center_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas ) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in all_level_points] # 每一层多少个点 all_level_points [[12414, 2], []] heatmaps_list = [heatmaps.split(num_points, 0) for heatmaps in heatmaps_list] wh_targets_list = [wh_targets.split(num_points, 0) for wh_targets in wh_targets_list] offset_targets_list = [offset_targets.split(num_points, 0) for offset_targets in offset_targets_list] # concat per level image, 同一层的concat # [(batch_size,featmap_size[1]), ...) concat_lvl_heatmaps = [] concat_lvl_wh_targets = [] concat_lvl_offset_targets = [] num_levels = len(self.featmap_sizes) for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_heatmaps.append([heatmaps[i] for heatmaps in heatmaps_list])) # (num_levels, batch_size * w * h, 80) concat_lvl_wh_targets.append( [wh_targets[i] for wh_targets in wh_targets_list])) concat_lvl_offset_targets.append( [offset_targets[i] for offset_targets in offset_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_heatmaps, concat_lvl_wh_targets, concat_lvl_offset_targets
Example #12
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #13
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #14
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets
Example #15
Source File: From ttfnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def target_generator(self, gt_boxes, gt_labels, img_metas): """ Args: gt_boxes: list(tensor). tensor <=> image, (gt_num, 4). gt_labels: list(tensor). tensor <=> image, (gt_num,). img_metas: list(dict). Returns: heatmap: tensor, (batch, 80, h, w). box_target: tensor, (batch, 4, h, w) or (batch, 80 * 4, h, w). reg_weight: tensor, same as box_target. """ with torch.no_grad(): feat_shape = (img_metas[0]['pad_shape'][0] // self.down_ratio, img_metas[0]['pad_shape'][1] // self.down_ratio) heatmap, box_target, reg_weight = multi_apply( self.target_single_image, gt_boxes, gt_labels, feat_shape=feat_shape ) heatmap, box_target = [torch.stack(t, dim=0).detach() for t in [heatmap, box_target]] reg_weight = torch.stack(reg_weight, dim=0).detach() return heatmap, box_target, reg_weight
Example #16
Source File: From ttfnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
Example #17
Source File: From ttfnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #18
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #19
Source File: From AugFPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #20
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def center_target(self, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas, all_level_points): assert len(self.featmap_sizes) == len(self.regress_ranges) # get heatmaps and targets of each image # heatmaps in heatmaps_list: [num_points, 80] # wh_targets: [num_points, 2] => [batch_size, num_points, 2] heatmaps_list, wh_targets_list, offset_targets_list = multi_apply( self.center_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, img_metas ) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in all_level_points] # 每一层多少个点 all_level_points [[12414, 2], []] heatmaps_list = [heatmaps.split(num_points, 0) for heatmaps in heatmaps_list] wh_targets_list = [wh_targets.split(num_points, 0) for wh_targets in wh_targets_list] offset_targets_list = [offset_targets.split(num_points, 0) for offset_targets in offset_targets_list] # concat per level image, 同一层的concat # [(batch_size,featmap_size[1]), ...) concat_lvl_heatmaps = [] concat_lvl_wh_targets = [] concat_lvl_offset_targets = [] num_levels = len(self.featmap_sizes) for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_heatmaps.append([heatmaps[i] for heatmaps in heatmaps_list])) # (num_levels, batch_size * w * h, 80) concat_lvl_wh_targets.append( [wh_targets[i] for wh_targets in wh_targets_list])) concat_lvl_offset_targets.append( [offset_targets[i] for offset_targets in offset_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_heatmaps, concat_lvl_wh_targets, concat_lvl_offset_targets
Example #21
Source File: From CenterNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #22
Source File: From Feature-Selective-Anchor-Free-Module-for-Single-Shot-Object-Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets
Example #23
Source File: From Feature-Selective-Anchor-Free-Module-for-Single-Shot-Object-Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #24
Source File: From Cascade-RPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets
Example #25
Source File: From Cascade-RPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #26
Source File: From Cascade-RPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
Example #27
Source File: From FoveaBox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets
Example #28
Source File: From FoveaBox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats, self.scales)
Example #29
Source File: From FoveaBox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def forward(self, feats): return multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats)
Example #30
Source File: From AugFPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fcos_target(self, points, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list): assert len(points) == len(self.regress_ranges) num_levels = len(points) # expand regress ranges to align with points expanded_regress_ranges = [ points[i].new_tensor(self.regress_ranges[i])[None].expand_as( points[i]) for i in range(num_levels) ] # concat all levels points and regress ranges concat_regress_ranges =, dim=0) concat_points =, dim=0) # get labels and bbox_targets of each image labels_list, bbox_targets_list = multi_apply( self.fcos_target_single, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, points=concat_points, regress_ranges=concat_regress_ranges) # split to per img, per level num_points = [center.size(0) for center in points] labels_list = [labels.split(num_points, 0) for labels in labels_list] bbox_targets_list = [ bbox_targets.split(num_points, 0) for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list ] # concat per level image concat_lvl_labels = [] concat_lvl_bbox_targets = [] for i in range(num_levels): concat_lvl_labels.append([labels[i] for labels in labels_list])) concat_lvl_bbox_targets.append( [bbox_targets[i] for bbox_targets in bbox_targets_list])) return concat_lvl_labels, concat_lvl_bbox_targets