Python nbformat.NotebookNode() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of nbformat.NotebookNode().
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Example #1
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_html_from_notebook(self, nb: NotebookNode) -> Text: """Converts a provided NotebookNode to HTML. Args: nb: NotebookNode that should be converted to HTML. Returns: HTML from converted NotebookNode as a string. """ # HTML generator and exporter object html_exporter = HTMLExporter() template_file = "templates/{}.tpl".format(self.template_type.value) html_exporter.template_file = str(Path.cwd() / template_file) # Output generator self.ep.preprocess(nb, {"metadata": {"path": Path.cwd()}}, # Export all html and outputs body, _ = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb, resources={}) return body
Example #2
Source File: From podoc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def read(self, notebook, context=None): assert isinstance(notebook, nbformat.NotebookNode) self.resources = {} # Dictionary {filename: data}. context = context or {} # Get the unique key for image names: basename of the output file, if it exists. self._unique_key = op.basename(context.get('output', None) or '') self._unique_key = self._unique_key or op.basename(context.get('path', None) or '') self._unique_key = op.splitext(self._unique_key)[0] or None # Create the output tree. self.tree = ASTNode('root') # Language of the notebook. m = notebook.metadata # NOTE: if no language is available in the metadata, use Python # by default. self.language = m.get('language_info', {}).get('name', 'python') # NOTE: for performance reasons, we parse the Markdown of all cells at once # to reduce the overhead of calling pandoc. self._markdown_tree = [] self._read_all_markdown(notebook.cells) for cell_index, cell in enumerate(notebook.cells): getattr(self, 'read_{}'.format(cell.cell_type))(cell, cell_index) return self.tree
Example #3
Source File: From bookbook with MIT License | 6 votes |
def combine_notebooks(notebook_files: Sequence[Path]) -> NotebookNode: combined_nb = new_notebook() count = 0 for filename in notebook_files: count += 1 log.debug('Adding notebook: %s', filename) nbname = filename.stem nb =, as_version=4) try: combined_nb.cells.extend(add_sec_label(nb.cells[0], nbname)) except NoHeader: raise NoHeader("Failed to find header in " + filename) combined_nb.cells.extend(nb.cells[1:]) if not combined_nb.metadata: combined_nb.metadata = nb.metadata.copy()'Combined %d files' % count) return combined_nb
Example #4
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def from_notebook_node(self, nb, resources=None, **kw): """ Convert a notebook from a notebook node instance. Parameters ---------- nb : :class:`~nbformat.NotebookNode` Notebook node (dict-like with attr-access) resources : dict Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by preprocessors and filters. `**kw` Ignored """ nb_copy = copy.deepcopy(nb) resources = self._init_resources(resources) if 'language' in nb['metadata']: resources['language'] = nb['metadata']['language'].lower() # Preprocess nb_copy, resources = self._preprocess(nb_copy, resources) return nb_copy, resources
Example #5
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_notebook_from_arguments( self, arguments: dict, source: Text, visualization_type: Text ) -> NotebookNode: """Generates a NotebookNode from provided arguments. Args: arguments: JSON object containing provided arguments. source: Path or path pattern to be used as data reference for visualization. visualization_type: Name of visualization to be generated. Returns: NotebookNode that contains all parameters from a post request. """ nb = new_notebook() nb.cells.append(exporter.create_cell_from_args(arguments)) nb.cells.append(new_code_cell('source = "{}"'.format(source))) if visualization_type == "custom": code = arguments.get("code", []) nb.cells.append(exporter.create_cell_from_custom_code(code)) else: visualization_file = str(Path.cwd() / "types/{}.py".format(visualization_type)) nb.cells.append(exporter.create_cell_from_file(visualization_file)) return nb
Example #6
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_cell_from_args(variables: dict) -> NotebookNode: """Creates NotebookNode object containing dict of provided variables. Args: variables: Arguments that need to be injected into a NotebookNode. Returns: NotebookNode with provided arguments as variables. """ return new_code_cell("variables = {}".format(repr(variables)))
Example #7
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_cell_from_file(filepath: Text) -> NotebookNode: """Creates a NotebookNode object with provided file as code in node. Args: filepath: Path to file that should be used. Returns: NotebookNode with specified file as code within node. """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: code = return new_code_cell(code)
Example #8
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_cell_from_custom_code(code: list) -> NotebookNode: """Creates a NotebookNode object with provided list as code in node. Args: code: list representing lines of code to be run. Returns: NotebookNode with specified file as code within node. """ cell = new_code_cell("\n".join(code)) cell.get("metadata")["hide_logging"] = False return cell
Example #9
Source File: From bookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
def new_latex_cell(source=''): return NotebookNode( cell_type='raw', metadata=NotebookNode(raw_mimetype='text/latex'), source=source, )
Example #10
Source File: From bookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_sec_label(cell: NotebookNode, nbname) -> Sequence[NotebookNode]: """Adds a Latex \\label{} under the chapter heading. This takes the first cell of a notebook, and expects it to be a Markdown cell starting with a level 1 heading. It inserts a label with the notebook name just underneath this heading. """ assert cell.cell_type == 'markdown', cell.cell_type lines = cell.source.splitlines() if lines[0].startswith('# '): header_lines = 1 elif len(lines) > 1 and lines[1].startswith('==='): header_lines = 2 else: raise NoHeader header = '\n'.join(lines[:header_lines]) intro_remainder = '\n'.join(lines[header_lines:]).strip() res = [ new_markdown_cell(header), new_latex_cell('\label{sec:%s}' % nbname) ] res[0].metadata = cell.metadata if intro_remainder: res.append(new_markdown_cell(intro_remainder)) return res
Example #11
Source File: From bookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
def export(combined_nb: NotebookNode, output_file: Path, pdf=False, template_file=None): resources = {} resources['unique_key'] = 'combined' resources['output_files_dir'] = 'combined_files''Converting to %s', 'pdf' if pdf else 'latex') exporter = MyLatexPDFExporter() if pdf else MyLatexExporter() if template_file is not None: exporter.template_file = str(template_file) writer = FilesWriter(build_directory=str(output_file.parent)) output, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(combined_nb, resources) writer.write(output, resources, notebook_name=output_file.stem)
Example #12
Source File: From jupytext with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_nbnode(value): """Recursively convert NotebookNode to dict.""" if isinstance(value, nbf.NotebookNode): return {k: from_nbnode(v) for k, v in value.items()} return value
Example #13
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def export(exporter, nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object using specific exporter class. Parameters ---------- exporter : :class:`~nbconvert.exporters.exporter.Exporter` class or instance Class or instance of the exporter that should be used. If the method initializes its own instance of the class, it is ASSUMED that the class type provided exposes a constructor (``__init__``) with the same signature as the base Exporter class. nb : :class:`~nbformat.NotebookNode` The notebook to export. config : config (optional, keyword arg) User configuration instance. resources : dict (optional, keyword arg) Resources used in the conversion process. Returns ------- tuple output : str The resulting converted notebook. resources : dictionary Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process. """ #Check arguments if exporter is None: raise TypeError("Exporter is None") elif not isinstance(exporter, Exporter) and not issubclass(exporter, Exporter): raise TypeError("exporter does not inherit from Exporter (base)") if nb is None: raise TypeError("nb is None") #Create the exporter resources = kw.pop('resources', None) if isinstance(exporter, Exporter): exporter_instance = exporter else: exporter_instance = exporter(**kw) #Try to convert the notebook using the appropriate conversion function. if isinstance(nb, NotebookNode): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_notebook_node(nb, resources) elif isinstance(nb, string_types): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_filename(nb, resources) else: output, resources = exporter_instance.from_file(nb, resources) return output, resources