Python config.config.num_classes() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of config.config.num_classes(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module config.config , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def next_sample(self):
      """Helper function for reading in next sample."""
      if self.cur >= len(self.seq):
        raise StopIteration
      idx = self.seq[self.cur]
      self.cur += 1
      uv_path = self.uv_file_list[idx]
      image_path = self.image_file_list[idx]
      uvmap = np.load(uv_path)
      img = cv2.imread(image_path)[:,:,::-1]#to rgb
      hlabel = uvmap
      #hlabel = np.array(header.label).reshape( (self.output_label_size, self.output_label_size, self.num_classes) )
      hlabel /= self.input_img_size

      return img, hlabel 
Example #2
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #3
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #4
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #5
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #6
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #7
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #8
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #9
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #10
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #11
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #12
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #13
Source File:    From FNA with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #14
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def next_sample(self):
      """Helper function for reading in next sample."""
      if self.cur >= len(self.seq):
        raise StopIteration
      idx = self.seq[self.cur]
      self.cur += 1
      s = self.imgrec.read_idx(idx)
      header, img = recordio.unpack(s)
      img = mx.image.imdecode(img).asnumpy()
      hlabel = np.array(header.label).reshape( (self.num_classes,2) )
      if not config.label_xfirst:
        hlabel = hlabel[:,::-1] #convert to X/W first
      annot = {'scale': config.base_scale}

      #ul = np.array( (50000,50000), dtype=np.int32)
      #br = np.array( (0,0), dtype=np.int32)
      #for i in range(hlabel.shape[0]):
      #  h = int(hlabel[i][0])
      #  w = int(hlabel[i][1])
      #  key = np.array((h,w))
      #  ul = np.minimum(key, ul)
      #  br = np.maximum(key, br)

      return img, hlabel, annot 
Example #15
Source File:    From 1.FaceRecognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def next_sample(self):
      """Helper function for reading in next sample."""
      if self.cur >= len(self.seq):
        raise StopIteration
      idx = self.seq[self.cur]
      self.cur += 1
      uv_path = self.uv_file_list[idx]
      image_path = self.image_file_list[idx]
      uvmap = np.load(uv_path)
      img = cv2.imread(image_path)[:,:,::-1]#to rgb
      hlabel = uvmap
      #hlabel = np.array(header.label).reshape( (self.output_label_size, self.output_label_size, self.num_classes) )
      hlabel /= self.input_img_size

      return img, hlabel 
Example #16
Source File:    From ecg_pytorch with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def split_data(file2idx, val_ratio=0.1):
    :param file2idx:
    :param val_ratio:验证集占总数据的比例
    data = set(os.listdir(config.train_dir))
    val = set()
    idx2file = [[] for _ in range(config.num_classes)]
    for file, list_idx in file2idx.items():
        for idx in list_idx:
    for item in idx2file:
        # print(len(item), item)
        num = int(len(item) * val_ratio)
        val = val.union(item[:num])
    train = data.difference(val)
    return list(train), list(val) 
Example #17
Source File:    From insightface with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def next_sample(self):
      """Helper function for reading in next sample."""
      if self.cur >= len(self.seq):
        raise StopIteration
      idx = self.seq[self.cur]
      self.cur += 1
      s = self.imgrec.read_idx(idx)
      header, img = recordio.unpack(s)
      img = mx.image.imdecode(img).asnumpy()
      hlabel = np.array(header.label).reshape( (self.num_classes,2) )
      if not config.label_xfirst:
        hlabel = hlabel[:,::-1] #convert to X/W first
      annot = {'scale': config.base_scale}

      #ul = np.array( (50000,50000), dtype=np.int32)
      #br = np.array( (0,0), dtype=np.int32)
      #for i in range(hlabel.shape[0]):
      #  h = int(hlabel[i][0])
      #  w = int(hlabel[i][1])
      #  key = np.array((h,w))
      #  ul = np.minimum(key, ul)
      #  br = np.maximum(key, br)

      return img, hlabel, annot 
Example #18
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #19
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #20
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #21
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #22
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_metric(self, results):
        hist = np.zeros((config.num_classes, config.num_classes))
        correct = 0
        labeled = 0
        count = 0
        for d in results:
            hist += d['hist']
            correct += d['correct']
            labeled += d['labeled']
            count += 1

        iu, mean_IU, _, mean_pixel_acc = compute_score(hist, correct,
        result_line = print_iou(iu, mean_pixel_acc,
                                dataset.get_class_names(), True)
        return result_line 
Example #23
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def func_per_iteration(self, data, device):
        img = data['data']
        label = data['label']
        name = data['fn']

        pred = self.sliding_eval(img, config.eval_crop_size,
                                 config.eval_stride_rate, device)
        hist_tmp, labeled_tmp, correct_tmp = hist_info(config.num_classes,
        results_dict = {'hist': hist_tmp, 'labeled': labeled_tmp,
                        'correct': correct_tmp}

        if self.save_path is not None:
            fn = name + '.png'
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.save_path, fn), pred)
  'Save the image ' + fn)

        if self.show_image:
            colors = self.dataset.get_class_colors()
            image = img
            clean = np.zeros(label.shape)
            comp_img = show_img(colors, config.background, image, clean,
            cv2.imshow('comp_image', comp_img)

        return results_dict 
Example #24
Source File:    From ecg_pytorch with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def count_labels(data, file2idx):
    :param data:
    :param file2idx:
    cc = [0] * config.num_classes
    for fp in data:
        for i in file2idx[fp]:
            cc[i] += 1
    return np.array(cc) 
Example #25
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get():
    return BiSeNet(config.num_classes, None, None) 
Example #26
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def func_per_iteration(self, data, device):
        img = data['data']
        label = data['label']
        name = data['fn']

        img = cv2.resize(img, (config.image_width, config.image_height),
        label = cv2.resize(label,
                           (config.image_width // config.gt_down_sampling,
                            config.image_height // config.gt_down_sampling),

        pred = self.whole_eval(img,
                               (config.image_height // config.gt_down_sampling,
                                config.image_width // config.gt_down_sampling),
        hist_tmp, labeled_tmp, correct_tmp = hist_info(config.num_classes,
        results_dict = {'hist': hist_tmp, 'labeled': labeled_tmp,
                        'correct': correct_tmp}

        if self.save_path is not None:
            fn = name + '.png'
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.save_path, fn), pred)
  'Save the image ' + fn)

        if self.show_image:
            colors = self.dataset.get_class_colors
            image = img
            clean = np.zeros(label.shape)
            comp_img = show_img(colors, config.background, image, clean,
            cv2.imshow('comp_image', comp_img)

        return results_dict 
Example #27
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get():
    return BiSeNet(config.num_classes, None, None) 
Example #28
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def func_per_iteration(self, data, device):
        img = data['data']
        label = data['label']
        name = data['fn']

        pred = self.sliding_eval(img, config.eval_crop_size,
                                 config.eval_stride_rate, device)
        hist_tmp, labeled_tmp, correct_tmp = hist_info(config.num_classes,
        results_dict = {'hist': hist_tmp, 'labeled': labeled_tmp,
                        'correct': correct_tmp}

        if self.save_path is not None:
            fn = name + '.png'
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.save_path, fn), pred)
  'Save the image ' + fn)

        if self.show_image:
            colors = self.dataset.get_class_colors()
            image = img
            clean = np.zeros(label.shape)
            comp_img = show_img(colors, config.background, image, clean,
            cv2.imshow('comp_image', comp_img)

        return results_dict 
Example #29
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get():
    return BiSeNet(config.num_classes, None, None) 
Example #30
Source File:    From TorchSeg with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def func_per_iteration(self, data, device):
        img = data['data']
        label = data['label']
        name = data['fn']

        img = cv2.resize(img, (config.image_width, config.image_height),
        label = cv2.resize(label,
                           (config.image_width // config.gt_down_sampling,
                            config.image_height // config.gt_down_sampling),

        pred = self.whole_eval(img,
                               (config.image_height // config.gt_down_sampling,
                                config.image_width // config.gt_down_sampling),
        hist_tmp, labeled_tmp, correct_tmp = hist_info(config.num_classes,
        results_dict = {'hist': hist_tmp, 'labeled': labeled_tmp,
                        'correct': correct_tmp}

        if self.save_path is not None:
            fn = name + '.png'
            cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.save_path, fn), pred)
  'Save the image ' + fn)

        if self.show_image:
            colors = self.dataset.get_class_colors
            image = img
            clean = np.zeros(label.shape)
            comp_img = show_img(colors, config.background, image, clean,
            cv2.imshow('comp_image', comp_img)

        return results_dict