Python config.config.Config() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of config.config.Config().
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Example #1
Source File: From ner_with_dependency with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def evaluate(config:Config, model: NNCRF, batch_insts_ids, name:str, insts: List[Instance]): ## evaluation metrics = np.asarray([0, 0, 0], dtype=int) batch_id = 0 batch_size = config.batch_size for batch in batch_insts_ids: one_batch_insts = insts[batch_id * batch_size:(batch_id + 1) * batch_size] sorted_batch_insts = sorted(one_batch_insts, key=lambda inst: len(inst.input.words), reverse=True) batch_max_scores, batch_max_ids = model.decode(batch) metrics += eval.evaluate_num(sorted_batch_insts, batch_max_ids, batch[-2], batch[1], config.idx2labels) batch_id += 1 p, total_predict, total_entity = metrics[0], metrics[1], metrics[2] precision = p * 1.0 / total_predict * 100 if total_predict != 0 else 0 recall = p * 1.0 / total_entity * 100 if total_entity != 0 else 0 fscore = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) if precision != 0 or recall != 0 else 0 print("[%s set] Precision: %.2f, Recall: %.2f, F1: %.2f" % (name, precision, recall,fscore), flush=True) return [precision, recall, fscore]
Example #2
Source File: From ner_with_dependency with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_optimizer(config: Config, model: nn.Module): params = model.parameters() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": print(colored("Using SGD: lr is: {}, L2 regularization is: {}".format(config.learning_rate, config.l2), 'yellow')) return optim.SGD(params, lr=config.learning_rate, weight_decay=float(config.l2)) elif config.optimizer.lower() == "adam": print(colored("Using Adam", 'yellow')) return optim.Adam(params) else: print("Illegal optimizer: {}".format(config.optimizer)) exit(1)
Example #3
Source File: From ner_with_dependency with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def batching_list_instances(config: Config, insts:List[Instance]): train_num = len(insts) batch_size = config.batch_size total_batch = train_num // batch_size + 1 if train_num % batch_size != 0 else train_num // batch_size batched_data = [] for batch_id in range(total_batch): one_batch_insts = insts[batch_id * batch_size:(batch_id + 1) * batch_size] batched_data.append(simple_batching(config, one_batch_insts)) return batched_data
Example #4
Source File: From ner_with_dependency with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_model(config: Config, test_insts): dep_model_name = if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: dep_model_name += '(' + str(config.num_gcn_layers) + ","+str(config.gcn_dropout)+ ","+str(config.gcn_mlp_layers)+")" model_name = "model_files/lstm_{}_{}_crf_{}_{}_{}_dep_{}_elmo_{}_{}_gate_{}_epoch_{}_lr_{}_comb_{}.m".format(config.num_lstm_layer, config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.affix, config.train_num, dep_model_name,, config.optimizer.lower(), config.edge_gate, config.num_epochs, config.learning_rate, config.interaction_func) res_name = "results/lstm_{}_{}_crf_{}_{}_{}_dep_{}_elmo_{}_{}_gate_{}_epoch_{}_lr_{}_comb_{}.results".format(config.num_lstm_layer, config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.affix, config.train_num, dep_model_name,, config.optimizer.lower(), config.edge_gate, config.num_epochs, config.learning_rate, config.interaction_func) model = NNCRF(config) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) model.eval() test_batches = batching_list_instances(config, test_insts) evaluate(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) write_results(res_name, test_insts)
Example #5
Source File: From rubbergod with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_attr(attr_key: str): """ Helper method for getting values from config override or config template. """ if not hasattr(ConfigOverride.Config, attr_key): return getattr(config_template.Config, attr_key) return getattr(ConfigOverride.Config, attr_key)
Example #6
Source File: From ner_with_dependency with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dependency-Guided LSTM CRF implementation") opt = parse_arguments(parser) conf = Config(opt) reader = Reader(conf.digit2zero) setSeed(opt, conf.seed) trains = reader.read_conll(conf.train_file, -1, True) devs = reader.read_conll(conf.dev_file, conf.dev_num, False) tests = reader.read_conll(conf.test_file, conf.test_num, False) if conf.context_emb != ContextEmb.none: print('Loading the {} vectors for all datasets.'.format( conf.context_emb_size = reader.load_elmo_vec(conf.train_file.replace(".sd", "").replace(".ud", "").replace(".sud", "").replace(".predsd", "").replace(".predud", "").replace(".stud", "").replace(".ssd", "") + "."".vec", trains) reader.load_elmo_vec(conf.dev_file.replace(".sd", "").replace(".ud", "").replace(".sud", "").replace(".predsd", "").replace(".predud", "").replace(".stud", "").replace(".ssd", "") + "."".vec", devs) reader.load_elmo_vec(conf.test_file.replace(".sd", "").replace(".ud", "").replace(".sud", "").replace(".predsd", "").replace(".predud", "").replace(".stud", "").replace(".ssd", "") + "."".vec", tests) conf.use_iobes(trains + devs + tests) conf.build_label_idx(trains) conf.build_deplabel_idx(trains + devs + tests) print("# deplabels: ", len(conf.deplabels)) print("dep label 2idx: ", conf.deplabel2idx) conf.build_word_idx(trains, devs, tests) conf.build_emb_table() conf.map_insts_ids(trains + devs + tests) print("num chars: " + str(conf.num_char)) # print(str(config.char2idx)) print("num words: " + str(len(conf.word2idx))) # print(config.word2idx) if opt.mode == "train": if conf.train_num != -1: random.shuffle(trains) trains = trains[:conf.train_num] learn_from_insts(conf, conf.num_epochs, trains, devs, tests) else: ## Load the trained model. test_model(conf, tests) # pass print(opt.mode)