Python jax.numpy.sum() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of jax.numpy.sum(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module jax.numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_correlated_mvn():
    # This requires dense mass matrix estimation.
    D = 5

    warmup_steps, num_samples = 5000, 8000

    true_mean = 0.
    a = jnp.tril(0.5 * jnp.fliplr(jnp.eye(D)) + 0.1 * jnp.exp(random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), shape=(D, D))))
    true_cov =, a.T)
    true_prec = jnp.linalg.inv(true_cov)

    def potential_fn(z):
        return 0.5 *,, z))

    init_params = jnp.zeros(D)
    kernel = NUTS(potential_fn=potential_fn, dense_mass=True)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps, num_samples), init_params=init_params)
    samples = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(samples), true_mean, atol=0.02)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(np.cov(samples.T) - true_cov)) / D**2 < 0.02 
Example #2
Source File:    From jaxnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_parameters_from_subsubmodule():
    subsublayer = Dense(2)
    sublayer = Sequential(subsublayer, relu)
    net = Sequential(sublayer, jnp.sum)
    inputs = jnp.zeros((1, 3))
    params = net.init_parameters(inputs, key=PRNGKey(0))
    out = net.apply(params, inputs)

    subsublayer_params = subsublayer.init_parameters(inputs, key=PRNGKey(0))

    params_ = net.parameters_from({subsublayer: subsublayer_params}, inputs)
    assert_dense_parameters_equal(subsublayer_params, params_[0][0])
    out_ = net.apply(params_, inputs)
    assert out.shape == out_.shape

    out_ = net.apply_from({subsublayer: subsublayer_params}, inputs)
    assert out.shape == out_.shape

    out_ = net.apply_from({subsublayer: subsublayer_params}, inputs, jit=True)
    assert out.shape == out_.shape 
Example #3
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_data(N=20, S=2, P=10, sigma_obs=0.05):
    assert S < P and P > 1 and S > 0

    X = np.random.randn(N, P)
    # generate S coefficients with non-negligible magnitude
    W = 0.5 + 2.5 * np.random.rand(S)
    # generate data using the S coefficients and a single pairwise interaction
    Y = np.sum(X[:, 0:S] * W, axis=-1) + X[:, 0] * X[:, 1] + sigma_obs * np.random.randn(N)
    Y -= jnp.mean(Y)
    Y_std = jnp.std(Y)

    assert X.shape == (N, P)
    assert Y.shape == (N,)

    return X, Y / Y_std, W / Y_std, 1.0 / Y_std

# Helper function for analyzing the posterior statistics for coefficient theta_i 
Example #4
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def test_parameters_from_sharing_between_multiple_parents():
    a = Dense(2)
    b = Sequential(a, jnp.sum)

    def net(inputs):
        return a(inputs), b(inputs)

    inputs = jnp.zeros((1, 3))
    a_params = a.init_parameters(inputs, key=PRNGKey(0))
    out = a.apply(a_params, inputs)

    params = net.parameters_from({a: a_params}, inputs)
    assert_dense_parameters_equal(a_params, params.dense)
    assert_parameters_equal((), params.sequential)
    assert 2 == len(params)
    out_, _ = net.apply(params, inputs)
    assert jnp.array_equal(out, out_) 
Example #5
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_beta_bernoulli(auto_class):
    data = jnp.array([[1.0] * 8 + [0.0] * 2,
                     [1.0] * 4 + [0.0] * 6]).T

    def model(data):
        f = numpyro.sample('beta', dist.Beta(jnp.ones(2), jnp.ones(2)))
        numpyro.sample('obs', dist.Bernoulli(f), obs=data)

    adam = optim.Adam(0.01)
    guide = auto_class(model, init_strategy=init_strategy)
    svi = SVI(model, guide, adam, ELBO())
    svi_state = svi.init(random.PRNGKey(1), data)

    def body_fn(i, val):
        svi_state, loss = svi.update(val, data)
        return svi_state

    svi_state = fori_loop(0, 3000, body_fn, svi_state)
    params = svi.get_params(svi_state)
    true_coefs = (jnp.sum(data, axis=0) + 1) / (data.shape[0] + 2)
    # test .sample_posterior method
    posterior_samples = guide.sample_posterior(random.PRNGKey(1), params, sample_shape=(1000,))
    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(posterior_samples['beta'], 0), true_coefs, atol=0.05) 
Example #6
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def test_categorical_log_prob_grad():
    data = jnp.repeat(jnp.arange(3), 10)

    def f(x):
        return dist.Categorical(jax.nn.softmax(x * jnp.arange(1, 4))).log_prob(data).sum()

    def g(x):
        return dist.Categorical(logits=x * jnp.arange(1, 4)).log_prob(data).sum()

    x = 0.5
    fx, grad_fx = jax.value_and_grad(f)(x)
    gx, grad_gx = jax.value_and_grad(g)(x)
    assert_allclose(fx, gx)
    assert_allclose(grad_fx, grad_gx, atol=1e-4)

# Tests for constraints and transforms #
Example #7
Source File:    From cleverhans with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def clip_eta(eta, norm, eps):
  Helper function to clip the perturbation to epsilon norm ball.
  :param eta: A tensor with the current perturbation.
  :param norm: Order of the norm (mimics Numpy).
              Possible values: np.inf or 2.
  :param eps: Epsilon, bound of the perturbation.

  # Clipping perturbation eta to self.norm norm ball
  if norm not in [np.inf, 2]:
    raise ValueError('norm must be np.inf or 2.')

  axis = list(range(1, len(eta.shape)))
  avoid_zero_div = 1e-12
  if norm == np.inf:
    eta = np.clip(eta, a_min=-eps, a_max=eps)
  elif norm == 2:
    # avoid_zero_div must go inside sqrt to avoid a divide by zero in the gradient through this operation
    norm = np.sqrt(np.maximum(avoid_zero_div, np.sum(np.square(eta), axis=axis, keepdims=True)))
    # We must *clip* to within the norm ball, not *normalize* onto the surface of the ball
    factor = np.minimum(1., np.divide(eps, norm))
    eta = eta * factor
  return eta 
Example #8
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def test_unnormalized_normal_x64(kernel_cls, dense_mass):
    true_mean, true_std = 1., 0.5
    warmup_steps, num_samples = (100000, 100000) if kernel_cls is SA else (1000, 8000)

    def potential_fn(z):
        return 0.5 * jnp.sum(((z - true_mean) / true_std) ** 2)

    init_params = jnp.array(0.)
    if kernel_cls is SA:
        kernel = SA(potential_fn=potential_fn, dense_mass=dense_mass)
        kernel = kernel_cls(potential_fn=potential_fn, trajectory_length=8, dense_mass=dense_mass)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps, num_samples, progress_bar=False), init_params=init_params)
    hmc_states = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(hmc_states), true_mean, rtol=0.07)
    assert_allclose(jnp.std(hmc_states), true_std, rtol=0.07)

    if 'JAX_ENABLE_X64' in os.environ:
        assert hmc_states.dtype == jnp.float64 
Example #9
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def test_diverging(kernel_cls, adapt_step_size):
    data = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), (1000,))

    def model(data):
        loc = numpyro.sample('loc', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
        numpyro.sample('obs', dist.Normal(loc, 1), obs=data)

    kernel = kernel_cls(model, step_size=10., adapt_step_size=adapt_step_size, adapt_mass_matrix=False)
    num_warmup = num_samples = 1000
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, num_warmup, num_samples)
    mcmc.warmup(random.PRNGKey(1), data, extra_fields=['diverging'], collect_warmup=True)
    warmup_divergences = mcmc.get_extra_fields()['diverging'].sum(), data, extra_fields=['diverging'])
    num_divergences = warmup_divergences + mcmc.get_extra_fields()['diverging'].sum()
    if adapt_step_size:
        assert num_divergences <= num_warmup
        assert_allclose(num_divergences, num_warmup + num_samples) 
Example #10
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def test_functional_map(algo, map_fn):
    if map_fn is pmap and xla_bridge.device_count() == 1:
        pytest.skip('pmap test requires device_count greater than 1.')

    true_mean, true_std = 1., 2.
    warmup_steps, num_samples = 1000, 8000

    def potential_fn(z):
        return 0.5 * jnp.sum(((z - true_mean) / true_std) ** 2)

    init_kernel, sample_kernel = hmc(potential_fn, algo=algo)
    init_params = jnp.array([0., -1.])
    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 2)

    init_kernel_map = map_fn(lambda init_param, rng_key: init_kernel(
        init_param, trajectory_length=9, num_warmup=warmup_steps, rng_key=rng_key))
    init_states = init_kernel_map(init_params, rng_keys)

    fori_collect_map = map_fn(lambda hmc_state: fori_collect(0, num_samples, sample_kernel, hmc_state,
                                                             transform=lambda x: x.z, progbar=False))
    chain_samples = fori_collect_map(init_states)

    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(chain_samples, axis=1), jnp.repeat(true_mean, 2), rtol=0.06)
    assert_allclose(jnp.std(chain_samples, axis=1), jnp.repeat(true_std, 2), rtol=0.06) 
Example #11
Source File:    From BERT with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def masked_entropy(log_probs, mask):
  """Computes the entropy for the given log-probs.

    log_probs: (B, T+1, A) log probs
    mask: (B, T) mask.

  # Cut the last time-step out.
  lp = log_probs[:, :-1]
  # Mask out the irrelevant part.
  lp *= mask[:, :, np.newaxis]  # make mask (B, T, 1)
  p = np.exp(lp) * mask[:, :, np.newaxis]  # (B, T, 1)
  # Average on non-masked part and take negative.
  return -(np.sum(lp * p) / np.sum(mask)) 
Example #12
Source File:    From BERT with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def approximate_kl(log_prob_new, log_prob_old, mask):
  """Computes the approximate KL divergence between the old and new log-probs.

    log_prob_new: (B, T+1, A) log probs new
    log_prob_old: (B, T+1, A) log probs old
    mask: (B, T)

    Approximate KL.
  diff = log_prob_old - log_prob_new
  # Cut the last time-step out.
  diff = diff[:, :-1]
  # Mask out the irrelevant part.
  diff *= mask[:, :, np.newaxis]  # make mask (B, T, 1)
  # Average on non-masked part.
  return np.sum(diff) / np.sum(mask) 
Example #13
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def kinetic_fn(m_inv, p):
        return 0.5 * jnp.sum(m_inv * p['x'] ** 2) 
Example #14
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def log_prob(self, value):
        if self._validate_args:
        normalize_term = self.total_count * logsumexp(self.logits, axis=-1) \
            - gammaln(self.total_count + 1)
        return jnp.sum(value * self.logits - gammaln(value + 1), axis=-1) - normalize_term 
Example #15
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def loss(params):
    return jnp.sum(params['x'] ** 2 + params['y'] ** 2) 
Example #16
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def test_log_prob(jax_dist, sp_dist, params, prepend_shape, jit):
    jit_fn = _identity if not jit else jax.jit
    jax_dist = jax_dist(*params)
    rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    samples = jax_dist.sample(key=rng_key, sample_shape=prepend_shape)
    assert jax_dist.log_prob(samples).shape == prepend_shape + jax_dist.batch_shape
    if not sp_dist:
        if isinstance(jax_dist, dist.TruncatedCauchy) or isinstance(jax_dist, dist.TruncatedNormal):
            low, loc, scale = params
            high = jnp.inf
            sp_dist = osp.cauchy if isinstance(jax_dist, dist.TruncatedCauchy) else osp.norm
            sp_dist = sp_dist(loc, scale)
            expected = sp_dist.logpdf(samples) - jnp.log(sp_dist.cdf(high) - sp_dist.cdf(low))
            assert_allclose(jit_fn(jax_dist.log_prob)(samples), expected, atol=1e-5)
        pytest.skip('no corresponding scipy distn.')
    if _is_batched_multivariate(jax_dist):
        pytest.skip('batching not allowed in multivariate distns.')
    if jax_dist.event_shape and prepend_shape:
        # >>> d = sp.dirichlet([1.1, 1.1])
        # >>> samples = d.rvs(size=(2,))
        # >>> d.logpdf(samples)
        # ValueError: The input vector 'x' must lie within the normal simplex ...
        pytest.skip('batched samples cannot be scored by multivariate distributions.')
    sp_dist = sp_dist(*params)
        expected = sp_dist.logpdf(samples)
    except AttributeError:
        expected = sp_dist.logpmf(samples)
    except ValueError as e:
        # precision issue: jnp.sum(x / jnp.sum(x)) = 0.99999994 != 1
        if "The input vector 'x' must lie within the normal simplex." in str(e):
            samples = samples.copy().astype('float64')
            samples = samples / samples.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
            expected = sp_dist.logpdf(samples)
            raise e
    assert_allclose(jit_fn(jax_dist.log_prob)(samples), expected, atol=1e-5) 
Example #17
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_logistic_regression_x64(kernel_cls):
    N, dim = 3000, 3
    warmup_steps, num_samples = (100000, 100000) if kernel_cls is SA else (1000, 8000)
    data = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), (N, dim))
    true_coefs = jnp.arange(1., dim + 1.)
    logits = jnp.sum(true_coefs * data, axis=-1)
    labels = dist.Bernoulli(logits=logits).sample(random.PRNGKey(1))

    def model(labels):
        coefs = numpyro.sample('coefs', dist.Normal(jnp.zeros(dim), jnp.ones(dim)))
        logits = numpyro.deterministic('logits', jnp.sum(coefs * data, axis=-1))
        return numpyro.sample('obs', dist.Bernoulli(logits=logits), obs=labels)

    if kernel_cls is SA:
        kernel = SA(model=model, adapt_state_size=9)
        kernel = kernel_cls(model=model, trajectory_length=8, find_heuristic_step_size=True)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps, num_samples, progress_bar=False), labels)
    samples = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert samples['logits'].shape == (num_samples, N)
    assert_allclose(jnp.mean(samples['coefs'], 0), true_coefs, atol=0.22)

    if 'JAX_ENABLE_X64' in os.environ:
        assert samples['coefs'].dtype == jnp.float64 
Example #18
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_mnist_data_load():
    def mean_pixels(i, mean_pix):
        batch, _ = fetch(i, idx)
        return mean_pix + jnp.sum(batch) / batch.size

    init, fetch = load_dataset(MNIST, batch_size=128, split='train')
    num_batches, idx = init()
    assert fori_loop(0, num_batches, mean_pixels, jnp.float32(0.)) / num_batches < 0.15 
Example #19
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def log_prob(self, value):
        init_prob = Normal(0., self.scale).log_prob(value[..., 0])
        scale = jnp.expand_dims(self.scale, -1)
        step_probs = Normal(value[..., :-1], scale).log_prob(value[..., 1:])
        return init_prob + jnp.sum(step_probs, axis=-1) 
Example #20
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def variance(self):
        raw_variance = jnp.square(self.cov_factor).sum(-1) + self.cov_diag
        return jnp.broadcast_to(raw_variance, self.batch_shape + self.event_shape) 
Example #21
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def variance(self):
        con0 = jnp.sum(self.concentration, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return self.concentration * (con0 - self.concentration) / (con0 ** 2 * (con0 + 1)) 
Example #22
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def mean(self):
        return self.concentration / jnp.sum(self.concentration, axis=-1, keepdims=True) 
Example #23
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def log_prob(self, value):
        normalize_term = (jnp.sum(gammaln(self.concentration), axis=-1) -
                          gammaln(jnp.sum(self.concentration, axis=-1)))
        return jnp.sum(jnp.log(value) * (self.concentration - 1.), axis=-1) - normalize_term 
Example #24
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def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
        shape = sample_shape + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape
        gamma_samples = random.gamma(key, self.concentration, shape=shape)
        samples = gamma_samples / jnp.sum(gamma_samples, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        return jnp.clip(samples, a_min=jnp.finfo(samples).tiny, a_max=1 - jnp.finfo(samples).eps) 
Example #25
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def _categorical(key, p, shape):
    # this implementation is fast when event shape is small, and slow otherwise
    # Ref:
    shape = shape or p.shape[:-1]
    s = jnp.cumsum(p, axis=-1)
    r = random.uniform(key, shape=shape + (1,))
    # FIXME: replace this computation by using binary search as suggested in the above
    # reference. A while_loop + vmap for a reshaped 2D array would be enough.
    return jnp.sum(s < r, axis=-1) 
Example #26
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
        # Ref:
        # |det|(J) = Product(y * (1 - z))
        x = x - jnp.log(x.shape[-1] - jnp.arange(x.shape[-1]))
        z = jnp.clip(expit(x), a_min=jnp.finfo(x.dtype).tiny)
        # XXX we use the identity 1 - z = z * exp(-x) to not worry about
        # the case z ~ 1
        return jnp.sum(jnp.log(y[..., :-1] * z) - x, axis=-1) 
Example #27
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
        return jnp.sum(x[..., 1:], -1) 
Example #28
Source File:    From numpyro with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
        # the jacobian is diagonal, so logdet is the sum of diagonal `exp` transform
        n = round((math.sqrt(1 + 8 * x.shape[-1]) - 1) / 2)
        return x[..., -n:].sum(-1) 
Example #29
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def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
        return jnp.broadcast_to(jnp.log(jnp.diagonal(self.scale_tril, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)).sum(-1),
Example #30
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def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
        # NB: because domain and codomain are two spaces with different dimensions, determinant of
        # Jacobian is not well-defined. Here we return `log_abs_det_jacobian` of `x` and the
        # flatten lower triangular part of `y`.

        # stick_breaking_logdet = log(y / r) = log(z_cumprod)  (modulo right shifted)
        z1m_cumprod = 1 - jnp.cumsum(y * y, axis=-1)
        # by taking diagonal=-2, we don't need to shift z_cumprod to the right
        # NB: diagonal=-2 works fine for (2 x 2) matrix, where we get an empty array
        z1m_cumprod_tril = matrix_to_tril_vec(z1m_cumprod, diagonal=-2)
        stick_breaking_logdet = 0.5 * jnp.sum(jnp.log(z1m_cumprod_tril), axis=-1)

        tanh_logdet = -2 * jnp.sum(x + softplus(-2 * x) - jnp.log(2.), axis=-1)
        return stick_breaking_logdet + tanh_logdet