Python tensorflow.python.ops.gradient_checker.compute_gradient() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of tensorflow.python.ops.gradient_checker.compute_gradient().
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Example #1
Source File: From UnFlow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _warp_test(self, first, second, flow, debug=False): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: num_batch, height, width, channels = second.shape #second_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=second.shape, name='im') flow_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=flow.shape, name='flow') inv_warped_second = ops.backward_warp(second, flow_) pred =, feed_dict={flow_: flow}) if debug: print('-- result channels') for c in range(channels): print(np.reshape(pred[0, :, :, c], [height, width])) self.assertAllClose(first, pred) jacob_t, jacob_n = gradient_checker.compute_gradient(flow_, flow.shape, inv_warped_second, pred.shape) self.assertAllClose(jacob_t, jacob_n, 1e-3, 1e-3)
Example #2
Source File: From UnFlow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _test_correlation(self, in0, in1, out=None, **kwargs): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: in0_op = tf.constant(in0, tf.float32) in1_op = tf.constant(in1, tf.float32) result_op = ops.correlation(in0_op, in1_op, **kwargs) result = if out is not None: self.assertAllClose(out, result) jacob_t, jacob_n = gradient_checker.compute_gradient([in0_op, in1_op], [in0.shape, in1.shape], result_op, result.shape) #print("--------------- n") #print(jacob_n) #print("--------------- t") #print(jacob_t) self.assertAllClose(jacob_t, jacob_n, 1e-3, 1e-3)
Example #3
Source File: From crfasrnn_keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_high_dim_filter_grad(self): x_shape = [5, 10, 10] # Test inputs: unaries and RGB values unary_np = np.random.randn(*x_shape).astype(np.float32) rgb_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=256, size=x_shape).astype(np.float32) with self.test_session(): unary_tf = constant_op.constant(unary_np) rgb_tf = constant_op.constant(rgb_np) y_tf = custom_module.high_dim_filter(unary_tf, rgb_tf, bilateral=True, theta_alpha=1000., theta_beta=1000., theta_gamma=1000.) out = gradient_checker.compute_gradient([unary_tf, rgb_tf], [x_shape, x_shape], y_tf, x_shape) # We only need to compare gradients w.r.t. unaries computed = out[0][0].flatten() estimated = out[0][1].flatten() mask = (computed != 0) computed = computed[mask] estimated = estimated[mask] difference = computed - estimated measure1 = np.mean(difference) / np.mean(computed) measure2 = np.max(difference) / np.max(computed) print('Gradient check: measure1 = {:.6f}, measure2 = {:.6f}'.format(measure1, measure2)) self.assertLess(measure1, 1e-3, 'Errors found in the gradient computation.') self.assertLess(measure2, 2e-2, 'Errors found in the gradient computation.') print('Gradient check: success!')
Example #4
Source File: From UnFlow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_grad(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: flow_shape = [1, 10, 10, 2] warped_shape = [1, 10, 10, 1] flow_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=flow_shape, name='flow') warped_ = ops.forward_warp(flow_) jacob_t, jacob_n = gradient_checker.compute_gradient(flow_, flow_shape, warped_, warped_shape) self.assertAllClose(jacob_t, jacob_n, 1e-3, 1e-3)
Example #5
Source File: From framework-determinism with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _computeGradient(self, np_input, bias, dtype, data_format): input_shape = output_shape = np_input.shape bias_shape = bias.shape input_tensor = constant_op.constant( np_input, shape=input_shape, dtype=dtype) bias_tensor = constant_op.constant(bias, shape=bias_shape, dtype=dtype) if context.executing_eagerly(): def bias_add(input_tensor, bias_tensor): return nn_ops.bias_add( input_tensor, bias_tensor, data_format=data_format) # The following is a work-around for TF issue 33660. Instead of # calculating the analytical and numerical gradients for both # inputs in a single call to compute_gradient, compute_gradient # is called for each input separately. def bias_add_1(input_tensor): return bias_add(input_tensor, bias_tensor) def bias_add_2(bias_tensor): return bias_add(input_tensor, bias_tensor) input_jacob_a, input_jacob_n = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient( bias_add_1, [input_tensor]) bias_jacob_a, bias_jacob_n = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient( bias_add_2, [bias_tensor]) # Test gradient of BiasAddGrad def bias_add_grad_function(upstream_gradients): with backprop.GradientTape() as tape: bias_add_output = bias_add(input_tensor, bias_tensor) gradient_injector_output = bias_add_output * upstream_gradients return tape.gradient(gradient_injector_output, bias_tensor) upstream_tensor = self._random_tensor(output_shape, dtype) grad_jacob_a, grad_jacob_n = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient( bias_add_grad_function, [upstream_tensor]) else: output_tensor = nn_ops.bias_add( input_tensor, bias_tensor, data_format=data_format) jacobians = gradient_checker.compute_gradient( [input_tensor, bias_tensor], [input_shape, bias_shape], output_tensor, output_shape) (input_jacob_a, input_jacob_n), (bias_jacob_a, bias_jacob_n) = jacobians # Test gradient of BiasAddGrad bias_add_grad = gradients_impl.gradients( nn_ops.l2_loss(output_tensor), bias_tensor)[0] grad_jacob_a, grad_jacob_n = gradient_checker.compute_gradient( output_tensor, output_shape, bias_add_grad, bias_shape) return ((input_jacob_a, bias_jacob_a, grad_jacob_a), (input_jacob_n, bias_jacob_n, grad_jacob_n))