Python clint.textui.indent() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of clint.textui.indent().
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Example #1
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def filter_out_deprecated_pillows(environment, pillows): deprecated_pillows = ['GeographyFluffPillow', 'FarmerRecordFluffPillow'] good_pillows = {} bad_pillows = set() for host, pillow_configs in pillows.items(): good_pillows[host] = {} for pillow_name, pillow_config in pillow_configs.items(): if pillow_name not in deprecated_pillows: good_pillows[host][pillow_name] = pillow_config else: bad_pillows.add(pillow_name) if bad_pillows: puts(color_warning( 'This environment references deprecated pillow(s):\n' )) with indent(): for pillow_name in sorted(bad_pillows): puts(color_warning('- {}'.format(pillow_name))) puts(color_warning( '\nThis pillows are unused and no longer needed.\n' 'To get rid of this warning, remove those pillows from {}' .format(environment.paths.app_processes_yml) )) return good_pillows
Example #2
Source File: From indras_net with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def tell(msg, type=INFO, indnt=0, utype=TERMINAL, text_output=None, reverse=True): if utype == WEB: if reverse: return msg + "\n" + text_output else: return text_output + "\n" + msg else: if indnt <= 0: if clint_present: puts(text_colors[type](msg)) else: print(msg) else: if clint_present: with indent(indnt): puts(text_colors[type](msg)) else: for i in range(0, indnt): msg = ' ' + msg print(msg)
Example #3
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_plugins(self): with indent(4): logger.debug("PLUGINS: %s", self._settings['PLUGINS']) for plugin in self._settings['PLUGINS']: for class_name, cls in import_string(plugin): if issubclass(cls, MachineBasePlugin) and cls is not MachineBasePlugin: logger.debug("Found a Machine plugin: {}".format(plugin)) storage = PluginStorage(class_name) instance = cls(SlackClient(), self._settings, storage) missing_settings = self._register_plugin(class_name, instance) if missing_settings: show_invalid(class_name) with indent(4): error_msg = "The following settings are missing: {}".format( ", ".join(missing_settings) ) puts( puts("This plugin will not be loaded!")) del instance else: instance.init() show_valid(class_name) self._storage.set('manual', dill.dumps(self._help))
Example #4
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def stop(): # Shortcut to ask master password before output Configuration message decrypt(config().get('Source', 'password')) output_cli_message("Check active subscriptions in Destination nodes", color='cyan') puts("") subscriptions = get_destination_subscriptions() with indent(4, quote=' >'): for s in iter(subscriptions.keys()): output_cli_message(s) message = colored.yellow("Active") if subscriptions[s] else"Stopped") print(output_cli_result(message)) if subscriptions[s]: with indent(4, quote=' '): output_cli_message("Launch stop command") syncronize_sequences(s) # must be done BEFORE stopping subscriptions print(output_cli_result(stop_subscription(s), 8))
Example #5
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run(self, args, unknown_args): environment = get_environment(args.env_name) couch_config = get_couch_config(environment) puts(u'\nMembership') with indent(): puts(get_membership(couch_config).get_printable()) puts(u'\nDB Info') print_db_info(couch_config) puts(u'\nShard allocation') print_shard_table([ get_shard_allocation(couch_config, db_name) for db_name in sorted(get_db_list(couch_config.get_control_node())) ]) return 0
Example #6
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def resolve_reference_genome(loc): """ Resolve location of reference genome file. """ if loc is None: message("You must specify a genome:") output_genome_list() exit() if os.path.exists(loc): return loc else: if loc in get_genome_list(): reference_location = "{gd}/{loc}/{loc}.fa.gz".format(gd = get_genome_directory(), loc = loc) with indent(4): puts_err("\nUsing reference located at %s\n" % reference_location)) return reference_location else: with indent(4): exit(puts_err("\nGenome '%s' does not exist\n" % loc)))
Example #7
Source File: From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def update(user, password, lang=None): langs = getlangs(lang) puts(u"Updating %s" % ', '.join(langs)) for loc in langs: with indent(2): puts(u"Downloading PO for %s" % loc) url = (u'' u'resource/django/l/%(lang)s/download/for_use/' % {'lang': loc}) try: tmp_po_file = download_with_login(url, TX_LOGIN_URL, login=user, password=password, ext='po', username_field='identification', password_field='password', form_id=1) po_file = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'locale', loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po') with indent(2): puts(u"Copying downloaded file to %s" % po_file) shutil.move(tmp_po_file, po_file) except Exception as e: puts("Unable to update %s " u"from Transifex: %r" % (loc, e))) puts("sucesssfuly retrieved %s" % loc)) compile_mo(langs)
Example #8
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def describe(migration): puts(u'\nMembership') with indent(): puts(get_membership(migration.target_couch_config).get_printable()) puts(u'\nDB Info') print_db_info(migration.target_couch_config) puts(u'\nShard allocation') diff_with_db = diff_plan(migration) if diff_with_db: puts(color_highlight('DB allocation differs from plan:\n')) puts("{}\n\n".format(diff_with_db)) else: puts(color_success('DB allocation matches plan.')) print_shard_table([ get_shard_allocation(migration.target_couch_config, db_name) for db_name in sorted(get_db_list(migration.target_couch_config.get_control_node())) ]) return 0
Example #9
Source File: From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def usage(exit=True, code=1): print(u"i18n wrapper script for formhub.\n") with indent(4): puts(colored.yellow(u",/ add --lang <lang>")) puts(u"Create required files for enabling translation " u"of language with code <lang>\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ refresh [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Update the PO file for <lang> based on code.\n" u"<lang> is optionnal as we only use EN and do " u"all translations in Transifex.\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ update --user <tx_user> " u"--password <tx_pass> [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Downloads new PO files for <lang> (or all) from Transifex " u"then compiles new MO files\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ compile [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Compiles all PO files for <lang> (or all) into MO files.\n" u"Not required unless you want to.\n") if exit: sys.exit(code)
Example #10
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def txn_preference_chooser(user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT): puts('How quickly do you want this transaction to confirm? The higher the miner preference, the higher the transaction fee.') TXN_PREFERENCES = ( ('high', '1-2 blocks to confirm'), ('medium', '3-6 blocks to confirm'), ('low', '7+ blocks to confirm'), # ('zero', 'no fee, may not ever confirm (advanced users only)'), ) for cnt, pref_desc in enumerate(TXN_PREFERENCES): pref, desc = pref_desc with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('%s (%s priority): %s' % (cnt+1, pref, desc))) choice_int = choice_prompt( user_prompt=user_prompt, acceptable_responses=range(1, len(TXN_PREFERENCES)+1), default_input='1', # high pref show_default=True, ) return TXN_PREFERENCES[int(choice_int)-1][0]
Example #11
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def assert_files(migration, alloc_docs_by_db, ansible_context): files_by_node = get_files_for_assertion(alloc_docs_by_db) expected_files_vars = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(migration.working_dir, 'assert_vars.yml')) with open(expected_files_vars, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump({ 'files_by_node': files_by_node, 'couch_data_dir': migration.couchdb2_data_dir, }, f, indent=2) play_path = os.path.join(PLAY_DIR, 'assert_couch_files.yml') return_code = run_ansible_playbook( migration.target_environment, play_path, ansible_context, always_skip_check=True, quiet=True, unknown_args=['-e', '@{}'.format(expected_files_vars)] ) return return_code == 0
Example #12
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def seq_type(filename): """ Resolves sequence filetype using extension. """ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename.lower()) if ext in [".fasta", ".fa"]: extension = 'fasta' elif ext in [".fastq",".fq"]: extension = 'fastq' elif ext in [".ab1", '.abi']: extension = 'abi' else: raise Exception("Unknown sequence file type: " + filename) with indent(4): puts_err("\nReading sequences as %s\n" % extension.upper())) return extension
Example #13
Source File: From pychievements with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_goals(achievement_or_iter, indent=2): """ Displays all of the available goals registered for the given achievement(s) """ from clint.textui import puts from clint.textui.cols import console_width from clint.textui import indent as _indent if _isclass(achievement_or_iter) and issubclass(achievement_or_iter, Achievement): achievement_or_iter = [achievement_or_iter] for achievement in achievement_or_iter: with _indent(indent): puts("{0}\n{1}\n".format(, '='*(console_width({})-indent-2))) for goal in achievement.goals: print_goal(goal, True, indent=indent) puts("\n")
Example #14
Source File: From pychievements with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_goal(goal, achieved=False, level=None, indent=2): """ Print a goals description with its icon. Achieved (True/False) will choose the correct icon from the goal. If a level is specified, a tracker line will be added under the icon showing the current level out of the required level for the goal. If level is > the required level, achieved will be set to true. """ from clint.textui import puts from clint.textui import indent as _indent from clint.textui.cols import columns, console_width if level is not None and level >= goal['level']: achieved = True icon = (goal['icon'].achieved() if achieved else goal['icon'].unachieved()).split('\n') maxiw = max([len(str(_)) for _ in icon]) descw = console_width({})-maxiw-(indent + 4) desc = '{0}\n{1}\n\n{2}'.format(goal['name'], '-'*len(goal['name']), columns([goal['description'], descw])).split('\n') if level is not None: if level > goal['level']: level = goal['level'] maxitw = max([len(_) for _ in icon]) icon.append(("%d/%d" % (level, goal['level'])).center(maxitw)) with _indent(indent): for i, d in _zip_longest(icon, desc): puts("{1:{0}} {2}".format(maxiw, str(i) if i is not None else "", d.strip() if d is not None else ""))
Example #15
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def debug_print(to_print): if type(to_print) is dict: to_print = json.dumps(to_print, cls=DateTimeEncoder, indent=2) puts(colored.yellow(str(to_print)))
Example #16
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def message(message, n_indent = 4, color = "blue"): with indent(n_indent): if color == "blue": puts_err('\n' + message + '\n')) elif color == "red": puts_err('\n' + message + '\n'))
Example #17
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def download_genomes(genome_db): if os.path.isfile(genome_db): fileTime = os.path.getmtime(genome_db) else: fileTime = 0 if (time() - fileTime) > (3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) or is_non_zero_file(genome_db) is False: with indent(2): puts('\nDownloading list of reference genomes\n')) r = requests.get("") genome_file = open(genome_db, "w") with genome_file as f: f.write(r.text.encode('utf-8').strip())
Example #18
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, settings=None): announce("Initializing Slack Machine:") with indent(4): puts("Loading settings...") if settings: self._settings = settings found_local_settings = True else: self._settings, found_local_settings = import_settings() fmt = '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(name)s %(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d |' \ ' %(message)s' date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' log_level = self._settings.get('LOGLEVEL', logging.ERROR) logging.basicConfig( level=log_level, format=fmt, datefmt=date_fmt, ) if not found_local_settings: warn("No local_settings found! Are you sure this is what you want?") if 'SLACK_API_TOKEN' not in self._settings: error("No SLACK_API_TOKEN found in settings! I need that to work...") sys.exit(1) self._client = LowLevelSlackClient() puts("Initializing storage using backend: {}".format(self._settings['STORAGE_BACKEND'])) self._storage = Storage.get_instance() logger.debug("Storage initialized!") self._plugin_actions = { 'listen_to': {}, 'respond_to': {} } self._help = { 'human': {}, 'robot': {} } self._dispatcher = EventDispatcher(self._plugin_actions, self._settings) puts("Loading plugins...") self.load_plugins() logger.debug("The following plugin actions were registered: %s", self._plugin_actions)
Example #19
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dump_private_keys_or_addrs_chooser(wallet_obj): ''' Offline-enabled mechanism to dump everything ''' if wallet_obj.private_key: puts('Which private keys and addresses do you want?') else: puts('Which addresses do you want?') with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('1: Active - have funds to spend')) puts(colored.cyan('2: Spent - no funds to spend (because they have been spent)')) puts(colored.cyan('3: Unused - no funds to spend (because the address has never been used)')) puts(colored.cyan('0: All (works offline) - regardless of whether they have funds to spend (super advanced users only)')) puts(colored.cyan('\nb: Go Back\n')) choice = choice_prompt( user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, acceptable_responses=[0, 1, 2, 3], default_input='1', show_default=True, quit_ok=True, ) if choice is False: return if choice == '1': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=False, used=True) elif choice == '2': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=True, used=True) elif choice == '3': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=None, used=False) elif choice == '0': return dump_all_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj)
Example #20
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def coin_symbol_chooser(user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, quit_ok=True): ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST = [x for x in COIN_SYMBOL_LIST if x != 'uro'] for cnt, coin_symbol_choice in enumerate(ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST): with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('%s: %s' % ( cnt+1, COIN_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS[coin_symbol_choice]['display_name'], ))) if ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST[4] == 'bcy': default_input = 5 show_default = True else: default_input = None show_default = False coin_symbol_int = get_int( min_int=1, user_prompt=user_prompt, max_int=len(ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST), default_input=default_input, show_default=show_default, quit_ok=quit_ok, ) if not coin_symbol_int: return False else: return ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST[coin_symbol_int-1]
Example #21
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_basic_pub_opening(mpub): puts("You've opened your HD wallet in PRIVATE key mode, so you CAN sign transactions.") puts("If you like, you can always open your HD wallet in PUBLIC key mode like this:\n") with indent(2): puts(colored.magenta('$ bcwallet --wallet=%s\n' % mpub))
Example #22
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_basic_priv_opening(priv_to_display): with indent(4): puts(colored.magenta('$ bcwallet --wallet=%s\n' % priv_to_display))
Example #23
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_piped_priv_cat_opening(): with indent(4): puts(colored.magenta('$ cat wallet_seed.txt | bcwallet\n'))
Example #24
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def send_chooser(wallet_obj): puts('What do you want to do?:') if not USER_ONLINE: puts("(since you are NOT connected to BlockCypher, many choices are disabled)") with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('1: Basic send (generate transaction, sign, & broadcast)')) puts(colored.cyan('2: Sweep funds into bcwallet from a private key you hold')) puts(colored.cyan('3: Offline transaction signing (more here)')) puts(colored.cyan('\nb: Go Back\n')) choice = choice_prompt( user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, acceptable_responses=range(0, 5+1), quit_ok=True, default_input='1', show_default=True, ) verbose_print('Choice: %s' % choice) if choice is False: return elif choice == '1': return send_funds(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '2': return sweep_funds_from_privkey(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '3': offline_tx_chooser(wallet_obj=wallet_obj)
Example #25
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_path_info(address, path, coin_symbol, wif=None): assert path, path assert coin_symbol, coin_symbol assert address, address if wif: address_formatted = '%s/%s' % (address, wif) else: address_formatted = address if USER_ONLINE: addr_balance = get_total_balance( address=address, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, ) with indent(2): puts('%s (%s) - %s' % ( path, address_formatted, format_crypto_units( input_quantity=addr_balance, input_type='satoshi', output_type=UNIT_CHOICE, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, print_cs=True, ), ))) else: with indent(2): puts('%s (%s)' % ( path, address_formatted, )))
Example #26
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _print_monitors(api, title, monitors, show_filenames, sort_index): if not monitors: return puts(title) with indent(): output_list = sorted([ (id, _get_display(api, monitor, show_filenames)) for id, monitor in monitors.items() ], key=lambda p: p[sort_index]) for id, name in output_list: puts("{:<10}: {}".format(id, name))
Example #27
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def start_downtime(environment, ansible_context, args): downtime = get_downtime_record(environment) if downtime: puts(color_notice('Downtime already active')) with indent(): print_downtime(downtime) go_down = ask("Do you want to continue?") else: go_down = ask("Are you sure you want to stop all CommCare services?", strict=True) if go_down: if not downtime: create_downtime_record(environment, args.message, args.duration) supervisor_services(environment, ansible_context, 'stop') wait_for_all_processes_to_stop(environment, ansible_context)
Example #28
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def generate_shard_plan(migration): shard_allocations = generate_shard_allocation( migration.source_couch_config, migration.plan.target_allocation ) with open(migration.shard_plan_path, 'w') as f: plan = { shard_allocation_doc.db_name: shard_allocation_doc.to_plan_json() for shard_allocation_doc in shard_allocations } # hack - yaml didn't want to dump this directly yaml.safe_dump(json.loads(json.dumps(plan)), f, indent=2) return shard_allocations
Example #29
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): announce("\nStarting Slack Machine:") with indent(4): show_valid("Connected to Slack") Scheduler.get_instance().start() show_valid("Scheduler started") if not self._settings['DISABLE_HTTP']: self._bottle_thread = Thread(, kwargs=dict( host=self._settings['HTTP_SERVER_HOST'], port=self._settings['HTTP_SERVER_PORT'], server=self._settings['HTTP_SERVER_BACKEND'], ) ) self._bottle_thread.daemon = True self._bottle_thread.start() show_valid("Web server started") if self._settings['KEEP_ALIVE']: self._keep_alive_thread = Thread(target=self._keepalive) self._keep_alive_thread.daemon = True self._keep_alive_thread.start() show_valid( "Keepalive thread started [Interval: %ss]" % self._settings['KEEP_ALIVE'] ) show_valid("Dispatcher started") self._dispatcher.start()
Example #30
Source File: From orbital with MIT License | 5 votes |
def release(): """Bump version, tag, build, gen docs.""" if check_staged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are staged changes, abort.') if check_unstaged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are unstaged changes, abort.') bump() tag() build() doc_gen() puts(colored.yellow("Remember to upload documentation and package:")) with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan("shovel doc.upload")) puts(colored.cyan("shovel version.upload"))