Python oslo_messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of oslo_messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer().
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Example #1
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init(conf): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport(conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) if utils.notifications_enabled(conf): json_serializer = messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(json_serializer) NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer) else: NOTIFIER = utils.DO_NOTHING
Example #2
Source File: From karbor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init(conf): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport(conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) # get_notification_transport has loaded oslo_messaging_notifications config # group, so we can now check if notifications are actually enabled. if utils.notifications_enabled(conf): json_serializer = messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(json_serializer) NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer) else: NOTIFIER = utils.DO_NOTHING
Example #3
Source File: From galaxia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, topic, host, handler): serializer = messaging.RequestContextSerializer( messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer()) transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF) target = messaging.Target(topic=topic, server=host) self.rpc_server = messaging.get_rpc_server(transport, target, handler, serializer=serializer)
Example #4
Source File: From tacker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init(conf): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_transport(conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = oslo_messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) json_serializer = oslo_messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(json_serializer) NOTIFIER = oslo_messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer)
Example #5
Source File: From watcher with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init(conf): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) serializer = RequestContextSerializer(JsonPayloadSerializer()) if not conf.notification_level: NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier( NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer, driver='noop') else: NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer)
Example #6
Source File: From senlin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setup(url=None, optional=False): """Initialise the oslo_messaging layer.""" global TRANSPORT, GLOBAL_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER if url and url.startswith("fake://"): # NOTE: oslo_messaging fake driver uses time.sleep # for task switch, so we need to monkey_patch it eventlet.monkey_patch(time=True) messaging.set_transport_defaults('senlin') if not TRANSPORT: exmods = ['senlin.common.exception'] try: TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport( cfg.CONF, url, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) except messaging.InvalidTransportURL as e: TRANSPORT = None if not optional or e.url: # NOTE: oslo_messaging is configured but unloadable # so reraise the exception raise if not NOTIFIER: exmods = ['senlin.common.exception'] try: NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( cfg.CONF, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) except Exception: raise serializer = RequestContextSerializer(JsonPayloadSerializer()) NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer, topics=cfg.CONF.notification_topics)
Example #7
Source File: From senlin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_rpc_server(target, endpoint, serializer=None): """Return a configured oslo_messaging rpc server.""" if serializer is None: serializer = JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer) return messaging.get_rpc_server(TRANSPORT, target, [endpoint], executor='eventlet', serializer=serializer)
Example #8
Source File: From senlin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_rpc_client(topic, server, serializer=None): """Return a configured oslo_messaging RPCClient.""" target = messaging.Target(topic=topic, server=server, version=consts.RPC_API_VERSION_BASE) if serializer is None: serializer = JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer) return messaging.RPCClient(TRANSPORT, target, serializer=serializer)
Example #9
Source File: From cyborg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init(conf): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport(conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) serializer = RequestContextSerializer(messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer()) NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer, topics=['notifications'])