Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_init_full(self): nesting_field = data.Field() field = data.NestedField( nesting_field, use_vocab=False, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>", fix_length=10, dtype=torch.float, preprocessing=lambda xs: list(reversed(xs)), postprocessing=lambda xs: [x.upper() for x in xs], tokenize=list, pad_first=True, ) assert not field.use_vocab assert field.init_token == "<s>" assert field.eos_token == "</s>" assert field.fix_length == 10 assert field.dtype is torch.float assert field.preprocessing("a b c".split()) == "c b a".split() assert field.postprocessing("a b c".split()) == "A B C".split() assert field.tokenize("abc") == ["a", "b", "c"] assert field.pad_first
Example #2
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_build_vocab_from_dataset(self): nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>") ex1 = data.Example.fromlist(["aaa bbb c"], [("chars", CHARS)]) ex2 = data.Example.fromlist(["bbb aaa"], [("chars", CHARS)]) dataset = data.Dataset([ex1, ex2], [("chars", CHARS)]) CHARS.build_vocab(dataset, min_freq=2) expected = "a b <w> </w> <s> </s> <cunk> <cpad>".split() assert len(CHARS.vocab) == len(expected) for c in expected: assert c in CHARS.vocab.stoi expected_freqs = Counter({"a": 6, "b": 6, "c": 1}) assert CHARS.vocab.freqs == CHARS.nesting_field.vocab.freqs == expected_freqs
Example #3
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_pad_when_no_init_and_eos_tokens(self): nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field) minibatch = [ ["john", "loves", "mary"], ["mary", "cries"] ] expected = [ [ ["<w>"] + list("john") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("loves") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ], [ ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("cries") + ["</w>"], ["<cpad>"] * 7, ] ] assert CHARS.pad(minibatch) == expected
Example #4
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_init_minimal(self): nesting_field = data.Field() field = data.NestedField(nesting_field) assert isinstance(field, data.Field) assert field.nesting_field is nesting_field assert field.sequential assert field.use_vocab assert field.init_token is None assert field.eos_token is None assert field.unk_token == nesting_field.unk_token assert field.fix_length is None assert field.dtype is torch.long assert field.preprocessing is None assert field.postprocessing is None assert field.lower == nesting_field.lower assert field.tokenize("a b c") == "a b c".split() assert not field.include_lengths assert field.batch_first assert field.pad_token == nesting_field.pad_token assert not field.pad_first
Example #5
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_init_when_nesting_field_is_not_sequential(self): nesting_field = data.Field(sequential=False) field = data.NestedField(nesting_field) assert field.pad_token == "<pad>"
Example #6
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_init_when_nesting_field_has_include_lengths_equal_true(self): nesting_field = data.Field(include_lengths=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: data.NestedField(nesting_field) assert "nesting field cannot have include_lengths=True" in str(excinfo.value)
Example #7
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_init_with_nested_field_as_nesting_field(self): nesting_field = data.NestedField(data.Field()) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: data.NestedField(nesting_field) assert "nesting field must not be another NestedField" in str(excinfo.value)
Example #8
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_build_vocab_from_iterable(self): nesting_field = data.Field(unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field) CHARS.build_vocab( [[list("aaa"), list("bbb"), ["c"]], [list("bbb"), list("aaa")]], [[list("ccc"), list("bbb")], [list("bbb")]], ) expected = "a b c <cunk> <cpad>".split() assert len(CHARS.vocab) == len(expected) for c in expected: assert c in CHARS.vocab.stoi expected_freqs = Counter({"a": 6, "b": 12, "c": 4}) assert CHARS.vocab.freqs == CHARS.nesting_field.vocab.freqs == expected_freqs
Example #9
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_pad(self): nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>") minibatch = [ [list("john"), list("loves"), list("mary")], [list("mary"), list("cries")], ] expected = [ [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("john") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("loves") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ], [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("cries") + ["</w>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<cpad>"] * 7, ] ] assert CHARS.pad(minibatch) == expected # test include_length nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>", include_lengths=True) arr, seq_len, words_len = CHARS.pad(minibatch) assert arr == expected assert seq_len == [5, 4] assert words_len == [[3, 6, 7, 6, 3], [3, 6, 7, 3, 0]]
Example #10
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_pad_when_nesting_field_is_not_sequential(self): nesting_field = data.Field(sequential=False, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>") minibatch = [ ["john", "loves", "mary"], ["mary", "cries"] ] expected = [ ["<s>", "john", "loves", "mary", "</s>"], ["<s>", "mary", "cries", "</s>", "<pad>"], ] assert CHARS.pad(minibatch) == expected
Example #11
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_pad_when_nesting_field_has_fix_length(self): nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>", fix_length=5) CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>") minibatch = [ ["john", "loves", "mary"], ["mary", "cries"] ] expected = [ [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 2, ["<w>"] + list("joh") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("lov") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("mar") + ["</w>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 2, ], [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 2, ["<w>"] + list("mar") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("cri") + ["</w>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 2, ["<cpad>"] * 5, ] ] assert CHARS.pad(minibatch) == expected # test include length nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>", fix_length=5) CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>", include_lengths=True) arr, seq_len, words_len = CHARS.pad(minibatch) assert arr == expected assert seq_len == [5, 4] assert words_len == [[3, 5, 5, 5, 3], [3, 5, 5, 3, 0]]
Example #12
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_pad_when_pad_first_is_true(self): nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>", pad_first=True) minibatch = [ [list("john"), list("loves"), list("mary")], [list("mary"), list("cries")], ] expected = [ [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("john") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("loves") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ], [ ["<cpad>"] * 7, ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("cries") + ["</w>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ] ] assert CHARS.pad(minibatch) == expected # test include_length nesting_field = data.Field(tokenize=list, unk_token="<cunk>", pad_token="<cpad>", init_token="<w>", eos_token="</w>") CHARS = data.NestedField(nesting_field, init_token="<s>", eos_token="</s>", include_lengths=True, pad_first=True) arr, seq_len, words_len = CHARS.pad(minibatch) assert arr == expected assert seq_len == [5, 4] assert words_len == [[3, 6, 7, 6, 3], [0, 3, 6, 7, 3]]
Example #13
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_serialization(self): nesting_field = data.Field(batch_first=True) field = data.NestedField(nesting_field) ex1 = data.Example.fromlist(["john loves mary"], [("words", field)]) ex2 = data.Example.fromlist(["mary cries"], [("words", field)]) dataset = data.Dataset([ex1, ex2], [("words", field)]) field.build_vocab(dataset) examples_data = [ [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("john") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("loves") + ["</w>"], ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ], [ ["<w>", "<s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<w>"] + list("mary") + ["</w>", "<cpad>"], ["<w>"] + list("cries") + ["</w>"], ["<w>", "</s>", "</w>"] + ["<cpad>"] * 4, ["<cpad>"] * 7, ] ] field_pickle_filename = "" field_pickle_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, field_pickle_filename), field_pickle_path) loaded_field = torch.load(field_pickle_path) assert loaded_field == field original_numericalization = field.numericalize(examples_data) pickled_numericalization = loaded_field.numericalize(examples_data) assert torch.all(torch.eq(original_numericalization, pickled_numericalization))
Example #14
Source File: From nlp-experiments-in-pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_fields(self, seq_input=True, seq_ner=True, seq_cat=False): if self.level == "word": sentence_field = data.Field(sequential=seq_input, preprocessing=self.preprocessor, fix_length=self.fix_length, init_token="<start>", eos_token="<end>") elif self.level == "char": sentence_field = data.Field(sequential=seq_input, tokenize=self.evil_workaround_tokenizer, fix_length=1014) # sentence_field = data.NestedField(nested_field) else: raise KeyError("Sentence_field is undefined!") ner_label_field = data.Field(sequential=seq_ner, init_token="<start>", eos_token="<end>", unk_token=None) category_label_field = data.LabelField(sequential=seq_cat) return sentence_field, ner_label_field, category_label_field
Example #15
Source File: From TD-DMN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self): super(DMNIterator, self).__init__() # Define text nested field self.text_sent = data.Field(sequential=True, lower=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" ")) self.text_doc = data.NestedField(self.text_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>"), include_lengths=True) # Define entity nested field self.entity_sent = data.Field(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" "), unk_token=None) self.entity_doc = data.NestedField(self.entity_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>")) # Define label nested field self.label_sent = data.Field(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" "), unk_token=None) self.label_doc = data.NestedField(self.label_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>")) # Define offset nested field self.offset_sent = self.InfoField(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" "), use_vocab=False) self.offset_doc = self.NestedInfoField(self.offset_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>"), use_vocab=False) # Define length nested field self.length_sent = self.InfoField(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" "), use_vocab=False, pad_token=None) self.length_doc = self.NestedInfoField(self.length_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>"), use_vocab=False) # Define word attention field self.word_attn_sent = self.InfoField(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split(" "), use_vocab=False) self.word_attn_doc = self.NestedInfoField(self.word_attn_sent, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>"), use_vocab=False) # Define sentence attention field self.sent_attn_doc = self.InfoField(sequential=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split("<EOS>"), use_vocab=False) # Define doc id field self.doc_id = self.InfoField(sequential=False, use_vocab=False) self.vectors = None
Example #16
Source File: From torchnlp with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_input_processor_words(vocab_word, vocab_char=None, convert_digits=True): """ Returns a function that converts text into a processed batch. Required duing inference. Parameters: vocab_word: Instance of torchtext.Vocab for input word vocabulary vocab_char[optional]: Instance of torchtext.Vocab for input per-word character vocabulary convert_digits: If True will convert numbers to single 0's """ inputs_word = data.Field(init_token="<bos>", eos_token="<eos>", batch_first=True, lower=True, preprocessing=data.Pipeline( lambda w: '0' if convert_digits and w.isdigit() else w )) # Set the vocab object manually without building from training dataset inputs_word.vocab = vocab_word if vocab_char is not None: inputs_char_nesting = data.Field(tokenize=list, init_token="<bos>", eos_token="<eos>", batch_first=True) inputs_char = data.NestedField(inputs_char_nesting, init_token="<bos>", eos_token="<eos>") # Set the vocab object manually without building from training dataset inputs_char.vocab = inputs_char_nesting.vocab = vocab_char fields = [(('inputs_word', 'inputs_char'), (inputs_word, inputs_char))] else: fields = [('inputs_word', inputs_word)] def input_processor_fn(inputs): if not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] examples = [] for line in inputs: examples.append(data.Example.fromlist([line], fields)) dataset = data.Dataset(examples, fields) # Entire input in one batch return data.Batch(data=dataset, dataset=dataset, device=torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")) return input_processor_fn