Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_numericalize_basic(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] # Test default default_numericalized = question_field.numericalize(test_example_data) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, default_numericalized)
Example #2
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_batch_iter(self): self.write_test_numerical_features_dataset() FLOAT = data.Field(use_vocab=False, sequential=False, dtype=torch.float) INT = data.Field(use_vocab=False, sequential=False, is_target=True) TEXT = data.Field(sequential=False) dst = data.TabularDataset(path=self.test_numerical_features_dataset_path, format="tsv", skip_header=False, fields=[("float", FLOAT), ("int", INT), ("text", TEXT)]) TEXT.build_vocab(dst) itr = data.Iterator(dst, batch_size=2, device=-1, shuffle=False) fld_order = [k for k, v in dst.fields.items() if v is not None and not v.is_target] batch = next(iter(itr)) (x1, x2), y = batch x = (x1, x2)[fld_order.index("float")] self.assertEquals([0], 1) self.assertEquals([1], 12) self.assertAlmostEqual([0], 0.1, places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual([1], 0.5, places=4)
Example #3
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_numericalize_include_lengths(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, include_lengths=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] test_example_lengths = [8, 3, 7] # Test with include_lengths include_lengths_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( (test_example_data, test_example_lengths), device=-1) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, include_lengths_numericalized, test_example_lengths)
Example #4
Source File: From DIAG-NRE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init_test_set(self): test_file_path = self.config['test_file'] print('Loading test set {}'.format(test_file_path)) self.test_set = tt_data.TabularDataset(path=test_file_path, format='csv', fields=[('Id', self.ID), ('Text', self.TEXT), ('Pos1', self.POS), ('Pos2', self.POS), ('Label', self.LABEL)], skip_header=False) self.test_iter = tt_data.Iterator(self.test_set, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.Text), batch_size=self.config['test_batch_size'], train=False, repeat=False, sort_within_batch=True, device=self.device)
Example #5
Source File: From DIAG-NRE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init_dev_set(self): dev_file_path = self.config['dev_file'] print('Loading dev set from {}'.format(dev_file_path)) self.dev_set = tt_data.TabularDataset(path=dev_file_path, format='csv', fields=[('Id', self.ID), ('Text', self.TEXT), ('Pos1', self.POS), ('Pos2', self.POS), ('Label', self.LABEL)], skip_header=False) self.dev_iter = tt_data.Iterator(self.dev_set, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.Text), batch_size=self.config['test_batch_size'], train=False, repeat=False, sort_within_batch=True, device=self.device)
Example #6
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_errors(self): # Test that passing a non-tuple (of data and length) to numericalize # with Field.include_lengths = True raises an error. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, include_lengths=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] question_field.numericalize( test_example_data, device=-1)
Example #7
Source File: From DIAG-NRE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init_train_set(self): set_all_random_seed(self.config['random_seed']) train_file_path = self.config['train_file'] print('Loading train set from {}'.format(train_file_path)) self.train_set = tt_data.TabularDataset(path=train_file_path, format='csv', fields=[('Id', self.ID), ('Text', self.TEXT), ('Pos1', self.POS), ('Pos2', self.POS), ('Label', self.TRAIN_LABEL)], skip_header=False) self.train_iter = tt_data.Iterator(self.train_set, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.Text), batch_size=self.config['train_batch_size'], train=True, repeat=False, sort_within_batch=True, device=self.device)
Example #8
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_numericalize_include_lengths(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, include_lengths=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] test_example_lengths = [8, 3, 7] # Test with include_lengths include_lengths_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( (test_example_data, test_example_lengths)) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, include_lengths_numericalized, test_example_lengths)
Example #9
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_vocab_size(self): # Set up fields question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) label_field = data.LabelField() # Copied from test_build_vocab with minor changes # Write TSV dataset and construct a Dataset self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", label_field)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) # Skipping json dataset as we can rely on the original build vocab test label_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) assert label_field.vocab.freqs == Counter({'1': 2, '0': 1}) expected_stoi = {'1': 0, '0': 1} # No <unk> assert dict(label_field.vocab.stoi) == expected_stoi # Turn the stoi dictionary into an itos list expected_itos = [x[0] for x in sorted(expected_stoi.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[1])] assert label_field.vocab.itos == expected_itos
Example #10
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_numericalize_batch_first(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, batch_first=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] # Test with batch_first include_lengths_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( test_example_data) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, include_lengths_numericalized, batch_first=True)
Example #11
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_errors(self): # Test that passing a non-tuple (of data and length) to numericalize # with Field.include_lengths = True raises an error. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, include_lengths=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] question_field.numericalize( test_example_data)
Example #12
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_csv_dataset_quotechar(self): # Based on issue #349 example_data = [("text", "label"), ('" hello world', "0"), ('goodbye " world', "1"), ('this is a pen " ', "0")] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.test_dir) as f: for example in example_data: f.write("{}\n".format(",".join(example)).encode("latin-1")) TEXT = data.Field(lower=True, tokenize=lambda x: x.split()) fields = { "label": ("label", data.Field(use_vocab=False, sequential=False)), "text": ("text", TEXT) } dataset = data.TabularDataset(, format="csv", skip_header=False, fields=fields, csv_reader_params={"quotechar": None}) TEXT.build_vocab(dataset) self.assertEqual(len(dataset), len(example_data) - 1) for i, example in enumerate(dataset): self.assertEqual(example.text, example_data[i + 1][0].lower().split()) self.assertEqual(example.label, example_data[i + 1][1])
Example #13
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_json_valid_and_invalid_nested_key(self): self.write_test_nested_key_json_dataset() valid_fields = {'': ('vegs', data.Field()), 'foods.fruits': ('fruits', data.Field())} invalid_fields = {'foods.vegetables.color': ('vegs', data.Field())} expected_examples = [ {"fruits": ["Apple", "Banana"], "vegs": ["Broccoli", "Cabbage"]}, {"fruits": ["Cherry", "Grape", "Lemon"], "vegs": ["Cucumber", "Lettuce"]}, {"fruits": ["Orange", "Pear", "Strawberry"], "vegs": ["Marrow", "Spinach"]} ] dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_nested_key_json_dataset_path, format="json", fields=valid_fields) # check results for example, expect in zip(dataset.examples, expected_examples): self.assertEqual(example.vegs, expect['vegs']) self.assertEqual(example.fruits, expect['fruits']) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_nested_key_json_dataset_path, format="json", fields=invalid_fields)
Example #14
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_numericalize_stop_words(self): # Based on request from #354 self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, batch_first=True, stop_words=set(["do", "you"])) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = question_field.pad( [question_field.preprocess(x) for x in [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]]] ) # Test with batch_first stopwords_removed_numericalized = question_field.numericalize(test_example_data) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, stopwords_removed_numericalized, batch_first=True)
Example #15
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_numerical_features_no_vocab(self): self.write_test_numerical_features_dataset() # Test basic usage int_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False) float_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, dtype=torch.float) tsv_fields = [("int", int_field), ("float", float_field), ("string", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_numerical_features_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) int_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) float_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_int_data = ["1", "0", "1", "3", "19"] test_float_data = ["1.1", "0.1", "3.91", "0.2", "10.2"] numericalized_int = int_field.numericalize(test_int_data) self.assertEqual(, [1, 0, 1, 3, 19]) numericalized_float = float_field.numericalize(test_float_data) self.assertEqual(, [1.1, 0.1, 3.91, 0.2, 10.2]) # Test with postprocessing applied int_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, postprocessing=lambda arr, _: [x + 1 for x in arr]) float_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, dtype=torch.float, postprocessing=lambda arr, _: [x * 0.5 for x in arr]) tsv_fields = [("int", int_field), ("float", float_field), ("string", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_numerical_features_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) int_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) float_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_int_data = ["1", "0", "1", "3", "19"] test_float_data = ["1.1", "0.1", "3.91", "0.2", "10.2"] numericalized_int = int_field.numericalize(test_int_data) self.assertEqual(, [2, 1, 2, 4, 20]) numericalized_float = float_field.numericalize(test_float_data) self.assertEqual(, [0.55, 0.05, 1.955, 0.1, 5.1])
Example #16
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_serialization_built_vocab(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) question_pickle_filename = "" question_pickle_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, question_pickle_filename), question_pickle_path) loaded_question_field = torch.load(question_pickle_path) assert loaded_question_field == question_field test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] # Test results of numericalization original_numericalization = question_field.numericalize(test_example_data) pickled_numericalization = loaded_question_field.numericalize(test_example_data) assert torch.all(torch.eq(original_numericalization, pickled_numericalization))
Example #17
Source File: From lightKG with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_dataset(self, path: str, fields=Fields, file_type='csv', skip_header=False):'loading dataset from {}'.format(path)) rl_dataset = TabularDataset(path, format=file_type, fields=fields, skip_header=skip_header)'successed loading dataset') return rl_dataset
Example #18
Source File: From DIAG-NRE with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init_heldout_test_set(self): # TODO: change this into input arguments data_dir_path = os.path.dirname(self.config['test_file']) heldout_test_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir_path, 'nyt_heldout_test.csv') heldout_test_entitypair_fp = os.path.join(data_dir_path, 'nyt_heldout_test_entitypair.csv') def read_entity_pair_info(entitypair_file_path): tmp_df = pd.read_csv(entitypair_file_path, header=None) tmp_df.columns = ['span1_guid', 'span2_guid', 'span1', 'span2'] entitypair_infos = tmp_df.to_dict(orient='records') entity_pairs = [] for ep_info in entitypair_infos: entity_pairs.append((ep_info['span1_guid'], ep_info['span2_guid'])) return entity_pairs print('Loading heldout test set {}'.format(heldout_test_file_path)) self.heldout_test_set = tt_data.TabularDataset(path=heldout_test_file_path, format='csv', fields=[('Id', self.ID), ('Text', self.TEXT), ('Pos1', self.POS), ('Pos2', self.POS), ('Label', self.LABEL)], skip_header=False) self.heldout_entity_pairs = read_entity_pair_info(heldout_test_entitypair_fp) self.heldout_test_iter = tt_data.Iterator(self.heldout_test_set, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.Text), batch_size=self.config['test_batch_size'], train=False, repeat=False, sort_within_batch=True, device=self.device)
Example #19
Source File: From nlp-experiments-in-pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_dataset(self, batch_size=128, split_ratio=0.7, format="tsv"): sf, nlf, clf = self.create_fields() if self.task == "classification": dataset = data.TabularDataset(path=self.data_path, format=format, skip_header=True, fields=[("category_labels", clf), ("ner_labels", None), ("sentence", sf)]) elif self.task == "ner": dataset = data.TabularDataset(path=self.data_path, format=format, skip_header=True, fields=[("category_labels", None), ("ner_labels", nlf), ("sentence", sf)]) else: raise ValueError("Training task is not defined! It can be 'classification' or 'ner'")"Splitting dataset into train/dev/test") train, val, test = self.create_splits(dataset, split_ratio)"Splitting done!")"Creating vocabulary") self.create_vocabs(dataset, sf, clf, nlf)"Vocabulary created!")"Creating iterators") self.create_iterator(train, val, test, batch_size) return train, val, test
Example #20
Source File: From pytorch-sentiment-analysis-classification with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, root_dir='data', batch_size=64, use_vector=True): self.TEXT = Field(sequential=True, use_vocab=True, tokenize='spacy', lower=True, batch_first=True) self.LABEL = LabelField(tensor_type=torch.FloatTensor) vectors = Vectors(name='mr_vocab.txt', cache='./') dataset_path = os.path.join(root_dir, '{}.tsv') self.dataset = {} self.dataloader = {} for target in ['train', 'dev', 'test']: self.dataset[target] = TabularDataset( path=dataset_path.format(target), format='tsv', fields=[('text', self.TEXT), ('label', self.LABEL)] ) if use_vector: self.TEXT.build_vocab(self.dataset[target], max_size=25000, vectors=vectors) else: self.TEXT.build_vocab(self.dataset[target], max_size=25000) self.LABEL.build_vocab(self.dataset[target]) self.dataloader[target] = Iterator(self.dataset[target], batch_size=batch_size, device=None, repeat=False, sort_key=lambda x: len(x.text), shuffle=True)
Example #21
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_dataset(self, path: str, fields=Fields, file_type='tsv', skip_header=True):'loading dataset from {}'.format(path)) st_dataset = TabularDataset(path, format=file_type, fields=fields, skip_header=skip_header)'successed loading dataset') return st_dataset
Example #22
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_json_dataset_one_key_multiple_fields(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="json") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) spacy_tok_question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, tokenize="spacy") label_field = data.Field(sequential=False) fields = {"question1": [("q1", question_field), ("q1_spacy", spacy_tok_question_field)], "question2": [("q2", question_field), ("q2_spacy", spacy_tok_question_field)], "label": ("label", label_field)} dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="json", fields=fields) expected_examples = [ (["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し", "?"], ["When", "do", "you", "use", "\"&\"", "instead", "of", "\"and\"?"], ["When", "do", "you", "use", "\"", "&", "\"", "instead", "of", "\"", "and", "\"", "?"], "0"), (["Where", "was", "Lincoln", "born?"], ["Where", "was", "Lincoln", "born", "?"], ["Which", "location", "was", "Abraham", "Lincoln", "born?"], ["Which", "location", "was", "Abraham", "Lincoln", "born", "?"], "1"), (["What", "is", "2+2"], ["What", "is", "2", "+", "2"], ["2+2=?"], ["2", "+", "2=", "?"], "1")] for i, example in enumerate(dataset): self.assertEqual(example.q1, expected_examples[i][0]) self.assertEqual(example.q1_spacy, expected_examples[i][1]) self.assertEqual(example.q2, expected_examples[i][2]) self.assertEqual(example.q2_spacy, expected_examples[i][3]) self.assertEqual(example.label, expected_examples[i][4])
Example #23
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_errors(self): # Ensure that trying to retrieve a key not in JSON data errors self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="json") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) label_field = data.Field(sequential=False) fields = {"qeustion1": ("q1", question_field), "question2": ("q2", question_field), "label": ("label", label_field)} with self.assertRaises(ValueError): data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="json", fields=fields)
Example #24
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_numericalize_basic(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] # Test default default_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( test_example_data, device=-1) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, default_numericalized) # Test with train=False volatile_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( test_example_data, device=-1, train=False) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, test_example_data, volatile_numericalized, train=False)
Example #25
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_numericalize_postprocessing(self): self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="tsv") def reverse_postprocess(arr, vocab, train): return [list(reversed(sentence)) for sentence in arr] question_field = data.Field(sequential=True, postprocessing=reverse_postprocess) tsv_fields = [("id", None), ("q1", question_field), ("q2", question_field), ("label", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) question_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_example_data = [["When", "do", "you", "use", "シ", "instead", "of", "し?"], ["What", "is", "2+2", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>", "<pad>"], ["Here", "is", "a", "sentence", "with", "some", "oovs", "<pad>"]] reversed_test_example_data = [list(reversed(sentence)) for sentence in test_example_data] postprocessed_numericalized = question_field.numericalize( (test_example_data), device=-1) verify_numericalized_example(question_field, reversed_test_example_data, postprocessed_numericalized)
Example #26
Source File: From decaNLP with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_numerical_features_no_vocab(self): self.write_test_numerical_features_dataset() # Test basic usage int_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False) float_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, tensor_type=torch.FloatTensor) tsv_fields = [("int", int_field), ("float", float_field), ("string", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_numerical_features_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) int_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) float_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_int_data = ["1", "0", "1", "3", "19"] test_float_data = ["1.1", "0.1", "3.91", "0.2", "10.2"] numericalized_int = int_field.numericalize(test_int_data, device=-1) assert_allclose(, [1, 0, 1, 3, 19]) numericalized_float = float_field.numericalize(test_float_data, device=-1) assert_allclose(, [1.1, 0.1, 3.91, 0.2, 10.2]) # Test with postprocessing applied int_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, postprocessing=lambda arr, _, __: [x + 1 for x in arr]) float_field = data.Field(sequential=False, use_vocab=False, tensor_type=torch.FloatTensor, postprocessing=lambda arr, _, __: [x * 0.5 for x in arr]) tsv_fields = [("int", int_field), ("float", float_field), ("string", None)] tsv_dataset = data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_numerical_features_dataset_path, format="tsv", fields=tsv_fields) int_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) float_field.build_vocab(tsv_dataset) test_int_data = ["1", "0", "1", "3", "19"] test_float_data = ["1.1", "0.1", "3.91", "0.2", "10.2"] numericalized_int = int_field.numericalize(test_int_data, device=-1) assert_allclose(, [2, 1, 2, 4, 20]) numericalized_float = float_field.numericalize(test_float_data, device=-1) assert_allclose(, [0.55, 0.05, 1.955, 0.1, 5.1])
Example #27
Source File: From Transformer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_dataset(opt, SRC, TRG): print("creating dataset and iterator... ") raw_data = {'src' : [line for line in opt.src_data], 'trg': [line for line in opt.trg_data]} df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=["src", "trg"]) mask = (df['src'].str.count(' ') < opt.max_strlen) & (df['trg'].str.count(' ') < opt.max_strlen) df = df.loc[mask] df.to_csv("translate_transformer_temp.csv", index=False) data_fields = [('src', SRC), ('trg', TRG)] train = data.TabularDataset('./translate_transformer_temp.csv', format='csv', fields=data_fields) train_iter = MyIterator(train, batch_size=opt.batchsize, device=opt.device, repeat=False, sort_key=lambda x: (len(x.src), len(x.trg)), batch_size_fn=batch_size_fn, train=True, shuffle=True) os.remove('translate_transformer_temp.csv') if opt.load_weights is None: SRC.build_vocab(train) TRG.build_vocab(train) if opt.checkpoint > 0: try: os.mkdir("weights") except: print("weights folder already exists, run program with -load_weights weights to load them") quit() pickle.dump(SRC, open('weights/SRC.pkl', 'wb')) pickle.dump(TRG, open('weights/TRG.pkl', 'wb')) opt.src_pad = SRC.vocab.stoi['<pad>'] opt.trg_pad = TRG.vocab.stoi['<pad>'] opt.train_len = get_len(train_iter) return train_iter
Example #28
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_dataset(self, path: str, fields=Fields, file_type='tsv', skip_header=True):'loading dataset from {}'.format(path)) te_dataset = TabularDataset(path, format=file_type, fields=fields, skip_header=skip_header)'successed loading dataset') return te_dataset
Example #29
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_dataset(self, path: str, fields=Fields, file_type='tsv', skip_header=True):'loading dataset from {}'.format(path)) st_dataset = TabularDataset(path, format=file_type, fields=fields, skip_header=skip_header)'successed loading dataset') return st_dataset
Example #30
Source File: From text with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_errors(self): # Ensure that trying to retrieve a key not in JSON data errors self.write_test_ppid_dataset(data_format="json") question_field = data.Field(sequential=True) label_field = data.Field(sequential=False) fields = {"qeustion1": ("q1", question_field), "question2": ("q2", question_field), "label": ("label", label_field)} with self.assertRaises(ValueError): data.TabularDataset( path=self.test_ppid_dataset_path, format="json", fields=fields)