Python caffe2.python.workspace.RunNetOnce() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of caffe2.python.workspace.RunNetOnce().
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Example #1
Source File: From DetectAndTrack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def initialize_model_from_cfg(): def create_input_blobs(net_def): for op in net_def.op: for blob_in in op.input: if not workspace.HasBlob(blob_in): workspace.CreateBlob(blob_in) model = model_builder.create( cfg.MODEL.TYPE, train=False, init_params=cfg.TEST.INIT_RANDOM_VARS_BEFORE_LOADING) model_builder.add_inputs(model) if cfg.TEST.INIT_RANDOM_VARS_BEFORE_LOADING: workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) net_utils.initialize_from_weights_file( model, cfg.TEST.WEIGHTS, broadcast=False) create_input_blobs( workspace.CreateNet( workspace.CreateNet(model.conv_body_net) if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON: create_input_blobs(model.mask_net.Proto()) workspace.CreateNet(model.mask_net) if cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINTS_ON: create_input_blobs(model.keypoint_net.Proto()) workspace.CreateNet(model.keypoint_net) return model
Example #2
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_model_pb(net_file, init_file=None, is_run_init=True, is_create_net=True): net = core.Net("net") if net_file is not None: net.Proto().ParseFromString(open(net_file, "rb").read()) if init_file is None: fn, ext = os.path.splitext(net_file) init_file = fn + "_init" + ext init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef() init_net.ParseFromString(open(init_file, "rb").read()) if is_run_init: workspace.RunNetOnce(init_net) create_blobs_if_not_existed(net.external_inputs) if net.Proto().name == "": net.Proto().name = "net" if is_create_net: workspace.CreateNet(net) return (net, init_net)
Example #3
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_AveragedLoss(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() shape = (32,) net = core.Net("net") X = net.GivenTensorFill([], "Y", shape=shape, values=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape)) X.AveragedLoss([], ["loss"]) # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("loss") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() assert(np.allclose(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("loss"), equal_nan=False))
Example #4
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_SquaredL2Distance(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() shape = (10, 10) net = core.Net("net") Y = net.GivenTensorFill([], "Y", shape=shape, values=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape)) T = net.GivenTensorFill([], "T", shape=shape, values=np.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape)) net.SquaredL2Distance([Y, T], "dist") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("dist") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() assert(np.allclose(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("dist"), equal_nan=False))
Example #5
Source File: From dlrm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_model(self, X, S_lengths, S_indices, T): #setup tril indices for the interactions offset = 1 if self.arch_interaction_itself else 0 num_fea = len(self.emb_l) + 1 tril_indices = np.array([j + i * num_fea for i in range(num_fea) for j in range(i + offset)]) self.FeedBlobWrapper(self.tint + "_tril_indices", tril_indices) # create compute graph if T is not None: # WARNING: RunNetOnce call is needed only if we use brew and ConstantFill. # We could use direct calls to self.model functions above to avoid it workspace.RunNetOnce(self.model.param_init_net) workspace.CreateNet( if self.test_net is not None: workspace.CreateNet(self.test_net)
Example #6
Source File: From inference with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_model_pb(net_file, init_file=None, is_run_init=True, is_create_net=True): net = core.Net("net") if net_file is not None: net.Proto().ParseFromString(open(net_file, "rb").read()) if init_file is None: fn, ext = os.path.splitext(net_file) init_file = fn + "_init" + ext init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef() init_net.ParseFromString(open(init_file, "rb").read()) if is_run_init: workspace.RunNetOnce(init_net) create_blobs_if_not_existed(net.external_inputs) if net.Proto().name == "": net.Proto().name = "net" if is_create_net: workspace.CreateNet(net) return (net, init_net)
Example #7
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_constant(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() shape = [10, 10] val = random.random() net = core.Net("net") net.ConstantFill([], ["Y"], shape=shape, value=val, run_once=0, name="Y") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(, workspace.FetchBlob("Y"))) assert(np.isclose(f_result[0][0], val, atol=1e-6, rtol=0))
Example #8
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_all_close_compare_initiated_with_random_gauss(c2_op_name, shape=None, data=None, expected=None): workspace.ResetWorkspace() if not shape: shape = [2, 7] if not data: data = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") net.GivenTensorFill([], "X", shape=shape, values=data, name="X") getattr(net, c2_op_name)(["X"], ["Y"], name="Y") # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() c2_y = workspace.FetchBlob("Y") # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.allclose(f_result, c2_y, atol=1e-4, rtol=0, equal_nan=False)) # compare expected results and ngraph results if expected: assert(np.allclose(f_result, expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=0, equal_nan=False))
Example #9
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #10
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_avgpool(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() # shape is in NCHW format # [[shape], kernel, stride, caffe_padding_type] param_list = [[[1, 3, 10, 10], 2, 2, caffe2_legacy_pb2.NOTSET], [[2, 3, 5, 5], 1, 1, caffe2_legacy_pb2.NOTSET], [[2, 2, 7, 7], 3, 2, caffe2_legacy_pb2.NOTSET], [[8, 5, 8, 8], 4, 4, caffe2_legacy_pb2.NOTSET], [[8, 3, 4, 4], 3, 3, caffe2_legacy_pb2.VALID], [[12, 6, 5, 5], 4, 3, caffe2_legacy_pb2.VALID], [[8, 3, 4, 4], 3, 3, caffe2_legacy_pb2.SAME], [[12, 6, 5, 5], 4, 3, caffe2_legacy_pb2.SAME]] for param_iter in param_list: shape, kernel, stride, pad_type = param_iter data1 = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") net.GivenTensorFill([], ["X"], shape=shape, values=data1, name="X") net.AveragePool('X', 'Y', kernel=kernel, stride=stride, legacy_pad=pad_type) # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.allclose(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("Y"), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-3, equal_nan=False))
Example #11
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_convolution_nhwc_no_pad_no_bias(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() # shape is in NCHW format # [batch, input_feature_map, spatial, output_feature_map, kernel, stride] n, ifm, spatial, ofm, kernel, stride = [2, 3, 8, 1, 2, 2] shape_x = (n, spatial, spatial, ifm) shape_w = (ofm, kernel, kernel, ifm) shape_b = (ofm, ) data_x = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] data_w = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] data_b = [0. for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") X = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["X"], shape=shape_x, values=data_x, name="X") W = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["W"], shape=shape_w, values=data_w, name="W") B = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["B"], shape=shape_b, values=data_b, name="B") net.Conv([X, W, B], 'Y', kernel=kernel, stride=stride, order='NHWC') # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert(np.allclose(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("Y"), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-3, equal_nan=False))
Example #12
Source File: From ngraph-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_convolution_nchw_no_pad_no_bias(): workspace.ResetWorkspace() # shape is in NCHW format # [batch, input_feature_map, spatial, output_feature_map, kernel, stride] n, ifm, spatial, ofm, kernel, stride = [2, 3, 8, 1, 2, 2] shape_x = (n, ifm, spatial, spatial) shape_w = (ofm, ifm, kernel, kernel) shape_b = (ofm,) data_x = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] data_w = [random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=10) for i in range(] data_b = [0. for i in range(] net = core.Net("net") X = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["X"], shape=shape_x, values=data_x, name="X") W = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["W"], shape=shape_w, values=data_w, name="W") B = net.GivenTensorFill([], ["B"], shape=shape_b, values=data_b, name="B") net.Conv([X, W, B], 'Y', kernel=kernel, stride=stride, order='NCHW') # Execute via Caffe2 workspace.RunNetOnce(net) # Import caffe2 network into ngraph importer = C2Importer() importer.parse_net_def(net.Proto(), verbose=False) # Get handle f_ng = importer.get_op_handle("Y") # Execute with ExecutorFactory() as ex: f_result = ex.executor(f_ng)() # compare Caffe2 and ngraph results assert (np.allclose(f_result, workspace.FetchBlob("Y"), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-3, equal_nan=False))
Example #13
Source File: From optimized-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def OptimizeTorchModel(init_def, predict_def, model_info, device_opts): ws.RunNetOnce(init_def) RemoveOutputInBN(predict_def) ClipToRelu(predict_def) FusePadConv(predict_def, model_info) MergeConvAdd(init_def, predict_def, model_info, ws, device_opts) MergeConvMulAdd(init_def, predict_def, model_info, ws, device_opts)
Example #14
Source File: From optimized-models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_model(self, X, S_lengths, S_indices, T): #setup tril indices for the interactions offset = 1 if self.arch_interaction_itself else 0 num_fea = len(self.emb_l) + 1 tril_indices = np.array([j + i * num_fea for i in range(num_fea) for j in range(i + offset)]) self.FeedBlobWrapper(self.tint + "_tril_indices", tril_indices) # create compute graph if T is not None: # WARNING: RunNetOnce call is needed only if we use brew and ConstantFill. # We could use direct calls to self.model functions above to avoid it workspace.RunNetOnce(self.model.param_init_net) workspace.CreateNet(
Example #15
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #16
Source File: From seg_every_thing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #17
Source File: From seg_every_thing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #18
Source File: From masktextspotter.caffe2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #19
Source File: From masktextspotter.caffe2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_model(): """Build the model and look for saved model checkpoints in case we can resume from one. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) start_iter = 0 checkpoints = {} output_dir = get_output_dir(training=True) if cfg.TRAIN.AUTO_RESUME: # Check for the final model (indicates training already finished) final_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_final.pkl') if os.path.exists(final_path):'model_final.pkl exists; no need to train!') return None, None, {'final': final_path}, output_dir # Find the most recent checkpoint (highest iteration number) files = os.listdir(output_dir) for f in files: iter_string = re.findall(r'(?<=model_iter)\d+(?=\.pkl)', f) if len(iter_string) > 0: checkpoint_iter = int(iter_string[0]) if checkpoint_iter > start_iter: # Start one iteration immediately after the checkpoint iter start_iter = checkpoint_iter + 1 resume_weights_file = f if start_iter > 0: # Override the initialization weights with the found checkpoint cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHTS = os.path.join(output_dir, resume_weights_file) '========> Resuming from checkpoint {} at start iter {}'. format(cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHTS, start_iter) )'Building model: {}'.format(cfg.MODEL.TYPE)) model = model_builder.create(cfg.MODEL.TYPE, train=True) if cfg.MEMONGER: optimize_memory(model) # Performs random weight initialization as defined by the model workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) return model, start_iter, checkpoints, output_dir
Example #20
Source File: From Detectron-Cascade-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #21
Source File: From Detectron-Cascade-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #22
Source File: From Detectron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #23
Source File: From Detectron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #24
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #25
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #26
Source File: From CBNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #27
Source File: From CBNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_weights(model): # init weights in gpu_id = 0 and then broadcast workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nu.broadcast_parameters(model)
Example #28
Source File: From NucleiDetectron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data
Example #29
Source File: From NucleiDetectron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_model(): """Build the model and look for saved model checkpoints in case we can resume from one. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) start_iter = 0 checkpoints = {} output_dir = get_output_dir(training=True) if cfg.TRAIN.AUTO_RESUME: # Check for the final model (indicates training already finished) final_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_final.pkl') if os.path.exists(final_path):'model_final.pkl exists; no need to train!') return None, None, {'final': final_path}, output_dir # Find the most recent checkpoint (highest iteration number) files = os.listdir(output_dir) for f in files: iter_string = re.findall(r'(?<=model_iter)\d+(?=\.pkl)', f) if len(iter_string) > 0: checkpoint_iter = int(iter_string[0]) if checkpoint_iter > start_iter: # Start one iteration immediately after the checkpoint iter start_iter = checkpoint_iter + 1 resume_weights_file = f if start_iter > 0: # Override the initialization weights with the found checkpoint cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHTS = os.path.join(output_dir, resume_weights_file) '========> Resuming from checkpoint {} at start iter {}'. format(cfg.TRAIN.WEIGHTS, start_iter) )'Building model: {}'.format(cfg.MODEL.TYPE)) model = model_builder.create(cfg.MODEL.TYPE, train=True) if cfg.MEMONGER: optimize_memory(model) # Performs random weight initialization as defined by the model workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) return model, start_iter, checkpoints, output_dir
Example #30
Source File: From DetectAndTrack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_net(net): workspace.RunNetOnce(net) gpu_dev = core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0) name_scope = 'gpu_{}'.format(0) with core.NameScope(name_scope): with core.DeviceScope(gpu_dev): data = workspace.FetchBlob(core.ScopedName('data')) return data