Python lmdb.Environment() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of lmdb.Environment().
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Example #1
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def push_find_missing_schemas(self, commit, tmpDB: lmdb.Environment = None): if tmpDB is None: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempD: tmpDF = os.path.join(tempD, 'test.lmdb') tmpDB =, **c.LMDB_SETTINGS) commiting.unpack_commit_ref(self.env.refenv, tmpDB, commit) c_schemaset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).schema_hashes()) c_schemas = list(c_schemaset) tmpDB.close() else: c_schemaset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).schema_hashes()) c_schemas = list(c_schemaset) request = hangar_service_pb2.FindMissingSchemasRequest() request.commit = commit request.schema_digests.extend(c_schemas) response = self.stub.PushFindMissingSchemas(request) return response
Example #2
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_commit_hash_in_history(refenv, commit_hash): """Check if a commit hash exists in the repository history Parameters ---------- refenv : lmdb.Environment refenv where the commit history is stored commit_hash : str hash of the commit to check for existence Returns ------- bool True if exists, otherwise False """ reftxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(refenv) try: commitParentKey = commit_parent_db_key_from_raw_key(commit_hash) commitParentVal = reftxn.get(commitParentKey, default=False) isCommitInHistory = True if commitParentVal is not False else False finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(refenv) return isCommitInHistory
Example #3
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def commit_hash_to_branch_name_map(branchenv: lmdb.Environment) -> dict: """Determine branch names which map to commit hashs Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment db where the branch references are stored Returns ------- dict keys are commit hash strings, values are list of branch names (strings) whose HEAD are at the key commit """ outMap = defaultdict(list) branchNames = get_branch_names(branchenv=branchenv) for branchName in branchNames: branchHEAD = get_branch_head_commit(branchenv=branchenv, branch_name=branchName) outMap[branchHEAD].append(branchName) return outMap # ----------------------------- Remotes ---------------------------------------
Example #4
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def tmp_cmt_env(refenv: lmdb.Environment, commit_hash: str): """create temporary unpacked lmdb environment from compressed structure Parameters ---------- refenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment where the commit refs are stored commit_hash : str hash of the commit to get the contents of Returns ------- lmdb.Environment environment with all db contents from ``commit`` unpacked """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmpDF = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.lmdb') with closing(, sync=False, writemap=True, **LMDB_SETTINGS) ) as tmpDB: unpack_commit_ref(refenv, tmpDB, commit_hash) yield tmpDB
Example #5
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _commit_ref(stageenv: lmdb.Environment) -> DigestAndBytes: """Query and format all staged data records, and format it for ref storage. Parameters ---------- stageenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment where the staged record data is actually stored. Returns ------- DigestAndBytes Serialized and compressed version of all staged record data along with digest of commit refs. """ from .queries import RecordQuery # needed to avoid cyclic import querys = RecordQuery(dataenv=stageenv) allRecords = tuple(querys._traverse_all_records()) res = commit_ref_db_val_from_raw_val(allRecords) return res # -------------------- Format ref k/v pairs and write the commit to disk ----------------
Example #6
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _diff3(a_env: lmdb.Environment, m_env: lmdb.Environment, d_env: lmdb.Environment) -> DiffAndConflictsDB: """Three way diff and conflict finder from ancestor, master, and dev commits. Parameters ---------- a_env : lmdb.Environment unpacked lmdb environment for the ancestor commit m_env : lmdb.Environment unpacked lmdb environment for the master commit, current HEAD d_env : lmdb.Environment unpacked lmdb environment for the dev commit, compare to HEAD Returns ------- DiffAndConflictsDB structure containing (`additions`, `deletions`, `mutations`) for diff, as well as the ConflictRecord struct. """ it = ((a_env, m_env), (a_env, d_env), (d_env, m_env)) diffs = tuple(starmap(diff_envs, it)) # significant perf improvement by map. conflict = find_conflicts(diffs[0], diffs[1]) return DiffAndConflictsDB(diff=diffs[2], conflict=conflict)
Example #7
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def begin_reader_txn(self, lmdbenv: lmdb.Environment, buffer: bool = False) -> lmdb.Transaction: """Start a reader only txn for the given environment If there a read-only transaction for the same environment already exists then the same reader txn handle will be returned, and will not close until all operations on that handle have said they are finished. Parameters ---------- lmdbenv : lmdb.Environment the environment to start the transaction in. buffer : bool, optional weather a buffer transaction should be used (the default is False, which means no buffers are returned) Returns ------- lmdb.Transaction handle to the lmdb transaction. """ if self.ReaderAncestors[lmdbenv] == 0: self.ReaderTxn[lmdbenv] = lmdbenv.begin(write=False, buffers=buffer) self.ReaderAncestors[lmdbenv] += 1 return self.ReaderTxn[lmdbenv]
Example #8
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def begin_writer_txn(self, lmdbenv: lmdb.Environment, buffer: bool = False) -> lmdb.Transaction: """Start a write enabled transaction on the given environment If multiple write transactions are requested for the same handle, only one instance of the transaction handle will be returened, and will not close until all operations on that handle have requested to close Parameters ---------- lmdbenv : lmdb.Environment the environment to open the transaction on buffer : bool, optional if buffer objects should be used (the default is False, which does not use buffers) Returns ------- lmdb.Transaction transaction handle to perform operations on """ if self.WriterAncestors[lmdbenv] == 0: self.WriterTxn[lmdbenv] = lmdbenv.begin(write=True, buffers=buffer) self.WriterAncestors[lmdbenv] += 1 return self.WriterTxn[lmdbenv]
Example #9
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def remove_stage_hash_records_from_hashenv(hashenv, stagehashenv): """Remove references to data additions during a hard reset For every hash record in stagehashenv, remove the corresponding k/v pair from the hashenv db. This is a dangerous operation if the stagehashenv was not appropriately constructed!!! Parameters ---------- hashenv : lmdb.Environment db where all the permanent hash records are stored stagehashenv : lmdb.Environment db where all the staged hash records to be removed are stored. """ stageHashKeys = HashQuery(stagehashenv).gen_all_hash_keys_db() hashtxn = TxnRegister().begin_writer_txn(hashenv) for hashKey in stageHashKeys: hashtxn.delete(hashKey) TxnRegister().commit_writer_txn(hashenv)
Example #10
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_branch_head_commit(branchenv, branch_name): """Find the commit hash which corresponds to the HEAD of a particular branch. Parameters ---------- branchenv: lmdb.Environment lmdb environment for the branch spec branch_name: str name of the branch to find the head commit hash for Returns ------- str the commit hash of the branch head Raises ------ ValueError if `branch_name` does not exist in the repository """ requestedBranchKey = repo_branch_head_db_key_from_raw_key(branch_name) branchtxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(branchenv) try: branchNameVal = branchtxn.get(requestedBranchKey, default=False) if branchNameVal is False: err = f'branch with name: {branch_name} does not exist. cannot get head.' raise ValueError(err) finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(branchenv) commit_hash = repo_branch_head_raw_val_from_db_val(branchNameVal) return commit_hash
Example #11
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_branch_head_commit(branchenv, branch_name, commit_hash): """Update an existing branch HEAD to point to a new commit hash. Does not update stage or refenv contents. If the current HEAD of the branch == the new commit hash, no operation will occur and an exception will be thrown. Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment where the branch records are kept branch_name : string Name of the branch to update the HEAD commit of commit_hash : string Commit hash to update the branch HEAD to point to. Returns ------- string Commit hash of the new branch head if the operation was successful. Raises ------ ValueError If the current HEAD is the same as the new commit hash. """ currentHeadCommit = get_branch_head_commit(branchenv=branchenv, branch_name=branch_name) if currentHeadCommit == commit_hash: err = f'Current branch: {branch_name} HEAD: {currentHeadCommit} is same as the '\ f'requested updated HEAD: {commit_hash}, no-op performed' raise ValueError(err) branchtxn = TxnRegister().begin_writer_txn(branchenv) try: branchHeadKey = repo_branch_head_db_key_from_raw_key(branch_name) branchHeadVal = repo_branch_head_db_val_from_raw_val(commit_hash) branchtxn.put(branchHeadKey, branchHeadVal) finally: TxnRegister().commit_writer_txn(branchenv) return commit_hash
Example #12
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _verify_column_integrity(hashenv: lmdb.Environment, repo_path: Path): hq = hashs.HashQuery(hashenv) narrays, nremote = hq.num_data_records(), 0 array_kvs = hq.gen_all_data_digests_and_parsed_backend_specs() try: bes = {} for digest, spec in tqdm(array_kvs, total=narrays, desc='verifying column data'): if spec.backend not in bes: bes[spec.backend] = BACKEND_ACCESSOR_MAP[spec.backend](repo_path, None, None) bes[spec.backend].open(mode='r') if spec.islocal is False: nremote += 1 continue data = bes[spec.backend].read_data(spec) tcode = hashmachine.hash_type_code_from_digest(digest) hash_func = hashmachine.hash_func_from_tcode(tcode) calc_digest = hash_func(data) if calc_digest != digest: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected for array. Expected digest `{digest}` ' f'currently mapped to spec `{spec}`. Found digest `{calc_digest}`') if nremote > 0: warnings.warn( 'Can not verify integrity of partially fetched array data references. ' f'For complete proof, fetch all remote data locally. Did not verify ' f'{nremote}/{narrays} arrays', RuntimeWarning) finally: for be in bes.keys(): bes[be].close()
Example #13
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_branch_names(branchenv): """get a list of all branches in the repository. Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment storing the branch records. Returns ------- list of str list of branch names active in the repository. """ branchStartKey = K_BRANCH.encode() # TODO: This is odd, why?? branchNames = [] branchTxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(branchenv) try: with branchTxn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.first() branchRangeExists = cursor.set_range(branchStartKey) while branchRangeExists: branchKey = cursor.key() if branchKey.startswith(branchStartKey): name = repo_branch_head_raw_key_from_db_key(branchKey) branchNames.append(name) branchRangeExists = else: branchRangeExists = False cursor.close() finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(branchenv) return branchNames
Example #14
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def writer_lock_held(branchenv): """Check to see if the writer lock is free before attempting to acquire it. Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment where the writer lock is stored Returns ------- bool True if the lock is available to take, False if it is currently held. """ writerLockKey = repo_writer_lock_db_key() writerLockSentinalVal = repo_writer_lock_sentinal_db_val() branchtxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(branchenv) try: currentWriterLockVal = branchtxn.get(writerLockKey) if currentWriterLockVal == writerLockSentinalVal: lockAvailable = True elif currentWriterLockVal is None: # on first initialization, writer lock key/val is not set. lockAvailable = True else: lockAvailable = False finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(branchenv) return lockAvailable
Example #15
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_remote_address(branchenv: lmdb.Environment, name: str) -> str: """Retrieve the IO:PORT of the remote server for a given name Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment db where the branch (and remote) references are stored name : str name of the remote to fetch Raises ------ KeyError if a remote with the provided name does not exist Returns ------- str IP:PORT of the recorded remote server. """ dbKey = remote_db_key_from_raw_key(name) branchTxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(branchenv) try: dbVal = branchTxn.get(dbKey, default=False) finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(branchenv) if dbVal is False: msg = f'No remote with the name: {name} exists in the repo.' raise KeyError(msg) else: remote_address = remote_raw_val_from_db_val(dbVal) return remote_address
Example #16
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def remove_remote(branchenv: lmdb.Environment, name: str) -> str: """remove a remote reference with the provided name. Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment db where the branch (and remote) records are stored. name : str name of the remote to remove from the repo Raises ------ ValueError if a remote with the provided name does not exist Returns ------- str IP:PORT of the remote with provided name (which was removed) """ dbKey = remote_db_key_from_raw_key(name) branchTxn = TxnRegister().begin_writer_txn(branchenv) try: dbVal = branchTxn.pop(dbKey) finally: TxnRegister().commit_writer_txn(branchenv) if dbVal is None: msg = f'No remote with the name: {name} exists in the repo.' raise ValueError(msg) remote_address = remote_raw_val_from_db_val(dbVal) return remote_address
Example #17
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_remote_names(branchenv): """get a list of all remotes in the repository. Parameters ---------- branchenv : lmdb.Environment lmdb environment storing the branch records. Returns ------- list of str list of remote names active in the repository. """ remoteStartKey = K_REMOTES.encode() remoteNames = [] branchTxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(branchenv) try: with branchTxn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.first() remoteRangeExists = cursor.set_range(remoteStartKey) while remoteRangeExists: remoteKey = cursor.key() if remoteKey.startswith(remoteStartKey): name = remote_raw_key_from_db_key(remoteKey) remoteNames.append(name) remoteRangeExists = else: remoteRangeExists = False cursor.close() finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(branchenv) return remoteNames
Example #18
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, dataenv: lmdb.Environment): self._dataenv = dataenv # ------------------ traversing the unpacked records ------------------------------------
Example #19
Source File: From sanet_relocal_demo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __start_session__(self): self.__lmdb_env__ = lmdb.Environment(self.lmdb_path, map_size=1099511627776) self.__lmdb_txn__ = self.__lmdb_env__.begin(write=True)
Example #20
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _verify_schema_integrity(hashenv: lmdb.Environment): hq = hashs.HashQuery(hashenv) schema_kvs = hq.gen_all_schema_digests_and_parsed_specs() nschemas = hq.num_schema_records() for digest, val in tqdm(schema_kvs, total=nschemas, desc='verifying schemas'): tcode = hashmachine.hash_type_code_from_digest(digest) hash_func = hashmachine.hash_func_from_tcode(tcode) calc_digest = hash_func(val) if calc_digest != digest: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected for schema. Expected digest `{digest}` ' f'currently mapped to spec `{val}`. Found digest `{calc_digest}`')
Example #21
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _verify_commit_tree_integrity(refenv: lmdb.Environment): initialCmt = None all_commits = set(commiting.list_all_commits(refenv)) reftxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(refenv) try: for cmt in tqdm(all_commits, desc='verifying commit trees'): pKey = parsing.commit_parent_db_key_from_raw_key(cmt) pVal = reftxn.get(pKey, default=False) if pVal is False: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected for parent ref of commit `{cmt}`. ' f'Parent ref not recorded in refs db.') p_val = parsing.commit_parent_raw_val_from_db_val(pVal) parents = p_val.ancestor_spec if parents.master_ancestor != '': if parents.master_ancestor not in all_commits: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected in commit tree. Commit `{cmt}` ' f'with ancestors val `{parents}` references non-existing ' f'master ancestor `{parents.master_ancestor}`.') if parents.dev_ancestor != '': if parents.dev_ancestor not in all_commits: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected in commit tree. Commit `{cmt}` ' f'with ancestors val `{parents}` references non-existing ' f'dev ancestor `{parents.dev_ancestor}`.') if (parents.master_ancestor == '') and (parents.dev_ancestor == ''): if initialCmt is not None: raise RuntimeError( f'Commit tree integrity compromised. Multiple "initial" (commits ' f'with no parents) found. First `{initialCmt}`, second `{cmt}`') else: initialCmt = cmt finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(refenv)
Example #22
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _verify_commit_ref_digests_exist(hashenv: lmdb.Environment, refenv: lmdb.Environment): all_commits = commiting.list_all_commits(refenv) datatxn = TxnRegister().begin_reader_txn(hashenv, buffer=True) try: with datatxn.cursor() as cur: for cmt in tqdm(all_commits, desc='verifying commit ref digests'): with commiting.tmp_cmt_env(refenv, cmt) as tmpDB: rq = queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB) array_data_digests = set(rq.data_hashes()) schema_digests = set(rq.schema_hashes()) for datadigest in array_data_digests: dbk = hash_data_db_key_from_raw_key(datadigest) exists = cur.set_key(dbk) if exists is False: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected in commit refs. Commit `{cmt}` ' f'references array data digest `{datadigest}` which does not ' f'exist in data hash db.') for schemadigest in schema_digests: dbk = hash_schema_db_key_from_raw_key(schemadigest) exists = cur.set_key(dbk) if exists is False: raise RuntimeError( f'Data corruption detected in commit refs. Commit `{cmt}` ' f'references schema digest `{schemadigest}` which does not ' f'exist in data hash db.') finally: TxnRegister().abort_reader_txn(hashenv)
Example #23
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_verification(branchenv: lmdb.Environment, hashenv: lmdb.Environment, refenv: lmdb.Environment, repo_path: Path): _verify_branch_integrity(branchenv, refenv) _verify_commit_tree_integrity(refenv) _verify_commit_ref_digests_exist(hashenv, refenv) _verify_schema_integrity(hashenv) _verify_column_integrity(hashenv, repo_path)
Example #24
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def push_find_missing_hash_records(self, commit, tmpDB: lmdb.Environment = None): if tmpDB is None: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempD: tmpDF = os.path.join(tempD, 'test.lmdb') tmpDB =, **c.LMDB_SETTINGS) commiting.unpack_commit_ref(self.env.refenv, tmpDB, commit) c_hashs_schemas = queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).data_hash_to_schema_hash() c_hashes = list(set(c_hashs_schemas.keys())) tmpDB.close() else: c_hashs_schemas = queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).data_hash_to_schema_hash() c_hashes = list(set(c_hashs_schemas.keys())) c_hashs_raw = [chunks.serialize_ident(digest, '') for digest in c_hashes] raw_pack = chunks.serialize_record_pack(c_hashs_raw) pb2_func = hangar_service_pb2.FindMissingHashRecordsRequest cIter = chunks.missingHashRequestIterator(commit, raw_pack, pb2_func) responses = self.stub.PushFindMissingHashRecords(cIter) for idx, response in enumerate(responses): if idx == 0: hBytes, offset = bytearray(response.total_byte_size), 0 size = len(response.hashs) hBytes[offset: offset + size] = response.hashs offset += size uncompBytes = blosc.decompress(hBytes) s_missing_raw = chunks.deserialize_record_pack(uncompBytes) s_mis_hsh = [chunks.deserialize_ident(raw).digest for raw in s_missing_raw] s_mis_hsh_sch = [(s_hsh, c_hashs_schemas[s_hsh]) for s_hsh in s_mis_hsh] return s_mis_hsh_sch
Example #25
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, branchenv: lmdb.Environment, refenv: lmdb.Environment, *args, **kwargs): self._branchenv: lmdb.Environment = branchenv self._refenv: lmdb.Environment = refenv
Example #26
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, stageenv: lmdb.Environment, branch_name: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stageenv: lmdb.Environment = stageenv self._branch_name: str = branch_name
Example #27
Source File: From eavatar-me with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self, ctx=None): logger.debug("Starting data engine...") # register with the context if ctx: ctx.bind('dataengine', self) if not self.datapath: self.datapath = os.path.join(environ.data_dir(), 'stores') if not os.path.exists(self.datapath): os.makedirs(self.datapath) logger.debug("Data path: %s", self.datapath) try: self.database = lmdb.Environment(self.datapath, map_size=2000000000, max_dbs=1024) with self.database.begin(write=False) as txn: cur = txn.cursor() for k, v in iter(cur): logger.debug("Found existing store: %s", k) _db = self.database.open_db(k, create=False) self.stores[k] = Store(k, _db, self) except lmdb.Error: logger.exception("Failed to open database.", exc_info=True) raise logger.debug("Data engine started.")
Example #28
Source File: From sawtooth-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, filename, flag): """Constructor for the LMDBNoLockDatabase class. Args: filename (str): The filename of the database file. flag (str): a flag indicating the mode for opening the database. Refer to the documentation for """ super(LMDBNoLockDatabase, self).__init__() create = bool(flag == 'c') if flag == 'n': if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) create = True self._lmdb = lmdb.Environment( path=filename, map_size=1024**4, map_async=True, writemap=True, readahead=False, subdir=False, create=create, lock=True) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
Example #29
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.WriterAncestors = Counter() self.ReaderAncestors = Counter() self.WriterTxn: MutableMapping[lmdb.Environment, lmdb.Transaction] = {} self.ReaderTxn: MutableMapping[lmdb.Environment, lmdb.Transaction] = {}
Example #30
Source File: From hangar-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def commit_writer_txn(self, lmdbenv: lmdb.Environment) -> bool: """Commit changes made in a write-enable transaction handle As multiple objects can have references to the same open transaction handle, the data is not actually committed until all open transactions have called the commit method. Parameters ---------- lmdbenv : lmdb.Environment the environment handle used to open the transaction Raises ------ RuntimeError If the internal reference counting gets out of sync Returns ------- bool True if this operation actually committed, otherwise false if other objects have references to the same (open) handle """ ancestors = self.WriterAncestors[lmdbenv] if ancestors == 0: msg = f'hash ancestors are zero but commit called on {lmdbenv}' raise RuntimeError(msg) elif ancestors == 1: self.WriterTxn[lmdbenv].commit() self.WriterTxn.__delitem__(lmdbenv) ret = True else: ret = False self.WriterAncestors[lmdbenv] -= 1 return ret