Python impacket.dcerpc.v5.drsuapi.OidFromAttid() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of impacket.dcerpc.v5.drsuapi.OidFromAttid().
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Example #1
Source File: From PiBunny with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __decryptSupplementalInfo(self, record, prefixTable=None): # This is based on [MS-SAMR] 2.2.10 Supplemental Credentials Structures plainText = None for attr in record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pObjects']['Entinf']['AttrBlock']['pAttr']: try: attId = drsuapi.OidFromAttid(prefixTable, attr['attrTyp']) LOOKUP_TABLE = self.ATTRTYP_TO_ATTID except Exception, e: logging.debug('Failed to execute OidFromAttid with error %s' % e) # Fallbacking to fixed table and hope for the best attId = attr['attrTyp'] LOOKUP_TABLE = self.NAME_TO_ATTRTYP if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['supplementalCredentials']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: blob = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) plainText = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, blob) if len(plainText) < 24: plainText = None
Example #2
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __decryptHash(self, record, prefixTable=None): logging.debug('Decrypting hash for user: %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1]) rid = 0 LMHash = None NTHash = None for attr in record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pObjects']['Entinf']['AttrBlock']['pAttr']: try: attId = drsuapi.OidFromAttid(prefixTable, attr['attrTyp']) LOOKUP_TABLE = self.ATTRTYP_TO_ATTID except Exception as e: logging.debug('Failed to execute OidFromAttid with error %s, fallbacking to fixed table' % e) # Fallbacking to fixed table and hope for the best attId = attr['attrTyp'] LOOKUP_TABLE = self.NAME_TO_ATTRTYP if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['dBCSPwd']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: encrypteddBCSPwd = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) encryptedLMHash = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, encrypteddBCSPwd) else: LMHash = LMOWFv1('', '') elif attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['unicodePwd']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: encryptedUnicodePwd = b''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) encryptedNTHash = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, encryptedUnicodePwd) else: NTHash = NTOWFv1('', '') elif attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['objectSid']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: objectSid = b''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) rid = unpack('<L', objectSid[-4:])[0] else: raise Exception('Cannot get objectSid for %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1]) if LMHash is None: LMHash = drsuapi.removeDESLayer(encryptedLMHash, rid) if NTHash is None: NTHash = drsuapi.removeDESLayer(encryptedNTHash, rid) return rid, hexlify(LMHash), hexlify(NTHash)
Example #3
Source File: From PiBunny with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __decryptHash(self, record, prefixTable=None): logging.debug('Decrypting hash for user: %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1]) rid = 0 LMHash = None NTHash = None for attr in record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pObjects']['Entinf']['AttrBlock']['pAttr']: try: attId = drsuapi.OidFromAttid(prefixTable, attr['attrTyp']) LOOKUP_TABLE = self.ATTRTYP_TO_ATTID except Exception, e: logging.debug('Failed to execute OidFromAttid with error %s, fallbacking to fixed table' % e) # Fallbacking to fixed table and hope for the best attId = attr['attrTyp'] LOOKUP_TABLE = self.NAME_TO_ATTRTYP if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['dBCSPwd']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: encrypteddBCSPwd = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) encryptedLMHash = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, encrypteddBCSPwd) else: LMHash = LMOWFv1('', '') elif attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['unicodePwd']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: encryptedUnicodePwd = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) encryptedNTHash = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, encryptedUnicodePwd) else: NTHash = NTOWFv1('', '') elif attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['objectSid']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: objectSid = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) rid = unpack('<L', objectSid[-4:])[0] else: raise Exception('Cannot get objectSid for %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1])
Example #4
Source File: From smbwrapper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __decryptSupplementalInfo(self, record, prefixTable=None): # This is based on [MS-SAMR] 2.2.10 Supplemental Credentials Structures haveInfo = False if self.__useVSSMethod is True: if record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['supplementalCredentials']] is not None: if len(unhexlify(record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['supplementalCredentials']])) > 24: if record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['userPrincipalName']] is not None: domain = record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['userPrincipalName']].split('@')[-1] userName = '%s\\%s' % (domain, record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['sAMAccountName']]) else: userName = '%s' % record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['sAMAccountName']] cipherText = self.CRYPTED_BLOB(unhexlify(record[self.NAME_TO_INTERNAL['supplementalCredentials']])) plainText = self.__removeRC4Layer(cipherText) haveInfo = True else: domain = None userName = None for attr in record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pObjects']['Entinf']['AttrBlock']['pAttr']: try: attId = drsuapi.OidFromAttid(prefixTable, attr['attrTyp']) LOOKUP_TABLE = self.ATTRTYP_TO_ATTID except Exception, e: logging.debug('Failed to execute OidFromAttid with error %s' % e) # Fallbacking to fixed table and hope for the best attId = attr['attrTyp'] LOOKUP_TABLE = self.NAME_TO_ATTRTYP if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['userPrincipalName']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: try: domain = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']).decode('utf-16le').split('@')[-1] except: domain = None else: domain = None elif attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['sAMAccountName']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: try: userName = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']).decode('utf-16le') except: logging.error('Cannot get sAMAccountName for %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1]) userName = 'unknown' else: logging.error('Cannot get sAMAccountName for %s' % record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pNC']['StringName'][:-1]) userName = 'unknown' if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['supplementalCredentials']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: blob = ''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) plainText = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__remoteOps.getDrsr(), blob) if len(plainText) > 24: haveInfo = True if domain is not None: userName = '%s\\%s' % (domain, userName)
Example #5
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __decryptSupplementalInfo(self, record, prefixTable=None): # This is based on [MS-SAMR] 2.2.10 Supplemental Credentials Structures plainText = None for attr in record['pmsgOut']['V6']['pObjects']['Entinf']['AttrBlock']['pAttr']: try: attId = drsuapi.OidFromAttid(prefixTable, attr['attrTyp']) LOOKUP_TABLE = self.ATTRTYP_TO_ATTID except Exception as e: logging.debug('Failed to execute OidFromAttid with error %s' % e) # Fallbacking to fixed table and hope for the best attId = attr['attrTyp'] LOOKUP_TABLE = self.NAME_TO_ATTRTYP if attId == LOOKUP_TABLE['supplementalCredentials']: if attr['AttrVal']['valCount'] > 0: blob = b''.join(attr['AttrVal']['pAVal'][0]['pVal']) plainText = drsuapi.DecryptAttributeValue(self.__drsr, blob) if len(plainText) < 24: plainText = None if plainText: try: userProperties = samr.USER_PROPERTIES(plainText) except: # On some old w2k3 there might be user properties that don't # match [MS-SAMR] structure, discarding them return propertiesData = userProperties['UserProperties'] for propertyCount in range(userProperties['PropertyCount']): userProperty = samr.USER_PROPERTY(propertiesData) propertiesData = propertiesData[len(userProperty):] if userProperty['PropertyName'].decode('utf-16le') == 'Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys': propertyValueBuffer = unhexlify(userProperty['PropertyValue']) kerbStoredCredentialNew = samr.KERB_STORED_CREDENTIAL_NEW(propertyValueBuffer) data = kerbStoredCredentialNew['Buffer'] for credential in range(kerbStoredCredentialNew['CredentialCount']): keyDataNew = samr.KERB_KEY_DATA_NEW(data) data = data[len(keyDataNew):] keyValue = propertyValueBuffer[keyDataNew['KeyOffset']:][:keyDataNew['KeyLength']] if keyDataNew['KeyType'] in self.KERBEROS_TYPE: # Give me only the AES256 if keyDataNew['KeyType'] == 18: return hexlify(keyValue) return None