Python utils.metrics.AverageMeter() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of utils.metrics.AverageMeter().
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Example #1
Source File: From Pytorch-Project-Template with MIT License | 5 votes |
def validate(self): """ One epoch validation :return: """ tqdm_batch = tqdm(self.data_loader.valid_loader, total=self.data_loader.valid_iterations, desc="Valiation at -{}-".format(self.current_epoch)) # set the model in training mode self.model.eval() epoch_loss = AverageMeter() top1_acc = AverageMeter() top5_acc = AverageMeter() for x, y in tqdm_batch: if self.cuda: x, y = x.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading), y.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading) x, y = Variable(x), Variable(y) # model pred = self.model(x) # loss cur_loss = self.loss(pred, y) if np.isnan(float(cur_loss.item())): raise ValueError('Loss is nan during validation...') top1, top5 = cls_accuracy(,, topk=(1, 5)) epoch_loss.update(cur_loss.item()) top1_acc.update(top1.item(), x.size(0)) top5_acc.update(top5.item(), x.size(0))"Validation results at epoch-" + str(self.current_epoch) + " | " + "loss: " + str( epoch_loss.avg) + "- Top1 Acc: " + str(top1_acc.val) + "- Top5 Acc: " + str(top5_acc.val)) tqdm_batch.close() return top1_acc.avg
Example #2
Source File: From pytorch_segmentation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _reset_metrics(self): self.batch_time = AverageMeter() self.data_time = AverageMeter() self.total_loss = AverageMeter() self.total_inter, self.total_union = 0, 0 self.total_correct, self.total_label = 0, 0
Example #3
Source File: From deep_gcns_torch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): opt = OptInit().get_args()'===> Creating dataloader ...') train_dataset = GeoData.S3DIS(opt.data_dir, opt.area, True, pre_transform=T.NormalizeScale()) train_loader = DenseDataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) opt.n_classes = train_loader.dataset.num_classes'===> Loading the network ...') model = DenseDeepGCN(opt).to(opt.device) if opt.multi_gpus: model = DataParallel(DenseDeepGCN(opt)).to(opt.device)'===> loading pre-trained ...') model, opt.best_value, opt.epoch = load_pretrained_models(model, opt.pretrained_model, opt.phase)'===> Init the optimizer ...') criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, opt.lr_adjust_freq, opt.lr_decay_rate) optimizer, scheduler, = load_pretrained_optimizer(opt.pretrained_model, optimizer, scheduler,'===> Init Metric ...') opt.losses = AverageMeter() # opt.test_metric = miou # opt.test_values = AverageMeter() opt.test_value = 0.'===> start training ...') for _ in range(opt.epoch, opt.total_epochs): opt.epoch += 1 train(model, train_loader, optimizer, scheduler, criterion, opt) # test_value = test(model, test_loader, test_metric, opt) scheduler.step()'Saving the final model.Finish!')
Example #4
Source File: From deep_gcns_torch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): opt = OptInit().get_args()'===> Creating dataloader ...') train_dataset = GeoData.S3DIS(opt.data_dir, test_area=5, train=True, pre_transform=T.NormalizeScale()) if opt.multi_gpus: train_loader = DataListLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) else: train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) opt.n_classes = train_loader.dataset.num_classes'===> Loading the network ...') model = SparseDeepGCN(opt).to(opt.device) if opt.multi_gpus: model = DataParallel(SparseDeepGCN(opt)).to(opt.device)'===> loading pre-trained ...') model, opt.best_value, opt.epoch = load_pretrained_models(model, opt.pretrained_model, opt.phase)'===> Init the optimizer ...') criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, opt.lr_adjust_freq, opt.lr_decay_rate) optimizer, scheduler, = load_pretrained_optimizer(opt.pretrained_model, optimizer, scheduler,'===> Init Metric ...') opt.losses = AverageMeter() # opt.test_metric = miou # opt.test_values = AverageMeter() opt.test_value = 0.'===> start training ...') for _ in range(opt.total_epochs): opt.epoch += 1 train(model, train_loader, optimizer, scheduler, criterion, opt) # test_value = test(model, test_loader, test_metric, opt) scheduler.step()'Saving the final model.Finish!')
Example #5
Source File: From Pytorch-Project-Template with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_one_epoch(self): """ One epoch training function """ # Initialize tqdm tqdm_batch = tqdm(self.data_loader.train_loader, total=self.data_loader.train_iterations, desc="Epoch-{}-".format(self.current_epoch)) # Set the model to be in training mode self.model.train() # Initialize your average meters epoch_loss = AverageMeter() top1_acc = AverageMeter() top5_acc = AverageMeter() current_batch = 0 for x, y in tqdm_batch: if self.cuda: x, y = x.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading), y.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading) # current iteration over total iterations progress = float(self.current_epoch * self.data_loader.train_iterations + current_batch) / ( self.config.max_epoch * self.data_loader.train_iterations) # progress = float(self.current_iteration) / (self.config.max_epoch * self.data_loader.train_iterations) x, y = Variable(x), Variable(y) lr = adjust_learning_rate(self.optimizer, self.current_epoch, self.config, batch=current_batch, nBatch=self.data_loader.train_iterations) # model pred = self.model(x, progress) # loss cur_loss = self.loss(pred, y) if np.isnan(float(cur_loss.item())): raise ValueError('Loss is nan during training...') # optimizer self.optimizer.zero_grad() cur_loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() top1, top5 = cls_accuracy(,, topk=(1, 5)) epoch_loss.update(cur_loss.item()) top1_acc.update(top1.item(), x.size(0)) top5_acc.update(top5.item(), x.size(0)) self.current_iteration += 1 current_batch += 1 self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch/loss", epoch_loss.val, self.current_iteration) self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch/accuracy", top1_acc.val, self.current_iteration) tqdm_batch.close()"Training at epoch-" + str(self.current_epoch) + " | " + "loss: " + str( epoch_loss.val) + "- Top1 Acc: " + str(top1_acc.val) + "- Top5 Acc: " + str(top5_acc.val))
Example #6
Source File: From Pytorch-Project-Template with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_one_epoch(self): """ One epoch training function """ # Initialize tqdm tqdm_batch = tqdm(self.data_loader.train_loader, total=self.data_loader.train_iterations, desc="Epoch-{}-".format(self.current_epoch)) # Set the model to be in training mode (for batchnorm) self.model.train() # Initialize your average meters epoch_loss = AverageMeter() metrics = IOUMetric(self.config.num_classes) for x, y in tqdm_batch: if self.cuda: x, y = x.pin_memory().cuda(async=self.config.async_loading), y.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading) x, y = Variable(x), Variable(y) # model pred = self.model(x) # loss cur_loss = self.loss(pred, y) if np.isnan(float(cur_loss.item())): raise ValueError('Loss is nan during training...') # optimizer self.optimizer.zero_grad() cur_loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() epoch_loss.update(cur_loss.item()) _, pred_max = torch.max(pred, 1) metrics.add_batch(, self.current_iteration += 1 # exit(0) epoch_acc, _, epoch_iou_class, epoch_mean_iou, _ = metrics.evaluate() self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch-training/loss", epoch_loss.val, self.current_iteration) self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch_training/mean_iou", epoch_mean_iou, self.current_iteration) tqdm_batch.close() print("Training Results at epoch-" + str(self.current_epoch) + " | " + "loss: " + str( epoch_loss.val) + " - acc-: " + str( epoch_acc) + "- mean_iou: " + str(epoch_mean_iou) + "\n iou per class: \n" + str( epoch_iou_class))
Example #7
Source File: From Pytorch-Project-Template with MIT License | 4 votes |
def validate(self): """ One epoch validation :return: """ tqdm_batch = tqdm(self.data_loader.valid_loader, total=self.data_loader.valid_iterations, desc="Valiation at -{}-".format(self.current_epoch)) # set the model in training mode self.model.eval() epoch_loss = AverageMeter() metrics = IOUMetric(self.config.num_classes) for x, y in tqdm_batch: if self.cuda: x, y = x.pin_memory().cuda(async=self.config.async_loading), y.cuda(async=self.config.async_loading) x, y = Variable(x), Variable(y) # model pred = self.model(x) # loss cur_loss = self.loss(pred, y) if np.isnan(float(cur_loss.item())): raise ValueError('Loss is nan during Validation.') _, pred_max = torch.max(pred, 1) metrics.add_batch(, epoch_loss.update(cur_loss.item()) epoch_acc, _, epoch_iou_class, epoch_mean_iou, _ = metrics.evaluate() self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch_validation/loss", epoch_loss.val, self.current_iteration) self.summary_writer.add_scalar("epoch_validation/mean_iou", epoch_mean_iou, self.current_iteration) print("Validation Results at epoch-" + str(self.current_epoch) + " | " + "loss: " + str( epoch_loss.val) + " - acc-: " + str( epoch_acc) + "- mean_iou: " + str(epoch_mean_iou) + "\n iou per class: \n" + str( epoch_iou_class)) tqdm_batch.close() return epoch_mean_iou, epoch_loss.val
Example #8
Source File: From deep_gcns_torch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train(model, train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, opt):'===> Init the optimizer ...') criterion = nn.NLLLoss().to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), # weight_decay=1e-4 scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, opt.lr_adjust_freq, opt.lr_decay_rate) optimizer, scheduler, = load_pretrained_optimizer(opt.pretrained_model, optimizer, scheduler,'===> Init Metric ...') opt.losses = AverageMeter() best_val_part_miou = 0. best_test_part_miou = 0. test_part_miou_val_best = 0.'===> start training ...') for _ in range(opt.epoch, opt.total_epochs): opt.epoch += 1 # reset tracker opt.losses.reset() train_epoch(model, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, opt) val_part_iou, val_shape_mIoU = test(model, val_loader, opt) test_part_iou, test_shape_mIoU = test(model, test_loader, opt) scheduler.step() # ------------------ save ckpt if val_part_iou > best_val_part_miou: best_val_part_miou = val_part_iou test_part_miou_val_best = test_part_iou"Got a new best model on Validation with Part iou {:.4f}".format(best_val_part_miou)) save_ckpt(model, optimizer, scheduler, opt, 'val_best') if test_part_iou > best_test_part_miou: best_test_part_miou = test_part_iou"Got a new best model on Test with Part iou {:.4f}".format(best_test_part_miou)) save_ckpt(model, optimizer, scheduler, opt, 'test_best') # ------------------ show information "===> Epoch {} Category {}-{}, Train Loss {:.4f}, mIoU on val {:.4f}, mIoU on test {:4f}, " "Best val mIoU {:.4f} Its test mIoU {:.4f}. Best test mIoU {:.4f}".format( opt.epoch, opt.category_no, opt.category, opt.losses.avg, val_part_iou, test_part_iou, best_val_part_miou, test_part_miou_val_best, best_test_part_miou)) info = { 'loss': opt.losses.avg, 'val_part_miou': val_part_iou, 'test_part_miou': test_part_iou, 'lr': scheduler.get_lr()[0] } for tag, value in info.items(): opt.logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, opt.step) save_ckpt(model, optimizer, scheduler, opt, 'last') 'Saving the final model.Finish! Category {}-{}. Best val part mIoU is {:.4f}. Its test mIoU is {:.4f}. ' 'Best test part mIoU is {:.4f}. Last test mIoU {:.4f} \n\n\n'. format(opt.category_no, opt.category, best_val_part_miou, test_part_miou_val_best, best_test_part_miou, test_part_iou))
Example #9
Source File: From deep_gcns_torch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train(): info_format = 'Epoch: [{}]\t loss: {: .6f} train mF1: {: .6f} \t val mF1: {: .6f}\t test mF1: {:.6f} \t ' \ 'best val mF1: {: .6f}\t best test mF1: {:.6f}''===> Init the optimizer ...') criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss().to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, "min", patience=opt.lr_patience, verbose=True, factor=0.5, cooldown=30, opt.scheduler = 'ReduceLROnPlateau' optimizer, scheduler, = load_pretrained_optimizer(opt.pretrained_model, optimizer, scheduler,'===> Init Metric ...') opt.losses = AverageMeter() best_val_value = 0. best_test_value = 0.'===> Start training ...') for _ in range(opt.epoch, opt.total_epochs): opt.epoch += 1 loss, train_value = train_step(model, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, opt) val_value = test(model, valid_loader, opt) test_value = test(model, test_loader, opt) if val_value > best_val_value: best_val_value = val_value save_ckpt(model, optimizer, scheduler, opt.epoch, opt.save_path,, name_post='val_best') if test_value > best_test_value: best_test_value = test_value save_ckpt(model, optimizer, scheduler, opt.epoch, opt.save_path,, name_post='test_best'), loss, train_value, val_value, test_value, best_val_value, best_test_value)) if opt.scheduler == 'ReduceLROnPlateau': scheduler.step(opt.losses.avg) else: scheduler.step()'Saving the final model.Finish!')
Example #10
Source File: From DeepVideoCS with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def train(train_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, mseloss, encoder_learn, gradient_clip): batch_time = metrics.AverageMeter() data_time = metrics.AverageMeter() losses = metrics.AverageMeter() psnr = metrics.AverageMeter() # switch to train mode model.train() end = time.time() for i, (video_blocks, pad_block_size, block_shape) in enumerate(train_loader): # measure data loading time data_time.update(time.time() - end) target = video_blocks.cuda(async=True) input_var = Variable(video_blocks.cuda()) target_var = Variable(target) # compute output model.module.pad_frame_size = pad_block_size.numpy() model.module.patch_shape = block_shape.numpy() if encoder_learn: model.module.measurements.binarization() output, y = model(input_var) loss = mseloss.compute_loss(output, target_var) # record loss losses.update([0], video_blocks.size(0)) # compute gradient and do SGD step optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() if encoder_learn: # restore real-valued weights model.module.measurements.restore() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.module.parameters(), gradient_clip) else: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm( model.module.reconstruction.parameters(), gradient_clip) optimizer.step() # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % args.print_freq == 0:'Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'Data {data_time.val:.3f} ({data_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})'.format( epoch, i, len(train_loader), batch_time=batch_time, data_time=data_time, loss=losses)) return losses.avg
Example #11
Source File: From DeepVideoCS with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def validate(val_loader, model, encoder_learn): batch_time = metrics.AverageMeter() psnr = metrics.AverageMeter() # switch to evaluate mode model.cuda() model.eval() # binarize weights if encoder_learn: model.module.measurements.binarization() end = time.time() for i, (video_frames, pad_frame_size, patch_shape) in enumerate(val_loader): video_input = Variable(video_frames.cuda(async=True), volatile=True) print(val_loader.dataset.videos[i]) # compute output model.module.pad_frame_size = pad_frame_size.numpy() model.module.patch_shape = patch_shape.numpy() reconstructed_video, y = model(video_input) # original video reconstructed_video = reconstructed_video.cpu().data.numpy() original_video = video_input.cpu().data.numpy() # measure accuracy and record loss psnr_video = metrics.psnr_accuracy(reconstructed_video, original_video) psnr.update(psnr_video, video_frames.size(0)) # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time()'Test: [{0}/{1}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'PSNR {psnr.val:.3f} ({psnr.avg:.3f})'.format( i + 1, len(val_loader), batch_time=batch_time, psnr=psnr)) # restore real-valued weights if encoder_learn: model.module.measurements.restore() print(' * PSNR {psnr.avg:.3f}'.format(psnr=psnr)) return psnr.avg