Python FreeCADGui.runCommand() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of FreeCADGui.runCommand().
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Example #1
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def Activated(cls): moveInfo = AsmCmdMove._moveInfo if not moveInfo: return info = moveInfo.ElementInfo if info.Subname: subs = moveInfo.SelSubname[:-len(info.Subname)] else: subs = moveInfo.SelSubname subs = subs.split('.') if isinstance(info.Part,tuple): part = info.Part[0] vis = part.isElementVisible(str(info.Part[1])) part.setElementVisible(str(info.Part[1]),not vis) else: from .assembly import resolveAssembly partGroup = resolveAssembly(info.Parent).getPartGroup() vis = partGroup.isElementVisible(info.Part.Name) partGroup.setElementVisible(info.Part.Name,not vis) FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(moveInfo.SelObj,'.'.join(subs)) FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection') if vis: FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeCollapse')
Example #2
Source File: From FreeCAD_FastenersWB with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setEdit(self,vobj,mode=0): #FreeCADGui.runCommand("Draft_Edit") Gui.Control.showDialog(FSTaskFilletDialog(self.Object)) return True
Example #3
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly2 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def execute( self ): try: FreeCADGui.runCommand( self.Freecad_cmd ) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( traceback.format_exc() )
Example #4
Source File: From FreeCAD_Assembly4 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def onCreateLink(self): # parse the selected items # TODO : there should only be 1 selectedPart = [] for selected in self.partList.selectedIndexes(): # get the selected part selectedPart = self.allParts[ selected.row() ] # get the name of the link (as it should appear in the tree) linkName = self.linkNameInput.text() # only create link if there is a Part object and a name if self.asmModel and selectedPart and linkName: # create the App::Link with the user-provided name createdLink = self.activeDoc.getObject('Model').newObject( 'App::Link', linkName ) # assign the user-selected selectedPart to it createdLink.LinkedObject = selectedPart # If the name was already chosen, and a UID was generated: if createdLink.Name != linkName: # we try to set the label to the chosen name createdLink.Label = linkName # update the link createdLink.recompute() # close the dialog UI... self.close() # ... and launch the placement of the inserted part Gui.Selection.clearSelection() Gui.Selection.addSelection( self.activeDoc.Name, 'Model', createdLink.Name+'.' ) Gui.runCommand( 'Asm4_placeLink' ) # if still open, close the dialog UI self.close()
Example #5
Source File: From FreeCAD_Assembly4 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def Activated(self): # check that the Fasteners WB has been loaded before: if not 'FSChangeParams' in Gui.listCommands(): Gui.activateWorkbench('FastenersWorkbench') Gui.activateWorkbench('Assembly4Workbench') # check that we have selected a Fastener from the Fastener WB selection = getSelectionFS() if selection == None: return Gui.runCommand('FSChangeParams')
Example #6
Source File: From FreeCAD_Assembly4 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def Activated(self): # check that the Fasteners WB has been loaded before: if not 'FSChangeParams' in Gui.listCommands(): Gui.activateWorkbench('FastenersWorkbench') Gui.activateWorkbench('Assembly4Workbench') # check that we have somewhere to put our stuff self.asmDoc = App.ActiveDocument part = self.getPart() if part : newFastener = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",self.FStype) newFastener.ViewObject.ShapeColor = self.FScolor if self.FStype == 'Screw': FS.FSScrewObject( newFastener, 'ISO4762', None ) elif self.FStype == 'Nut': FS.FSScrewObject( newFastener, 'ISO4032', None ) elif self.FStype == 'Washer': FS.FSScrewObject( newFastener, 'ISO7089', None ) elif self.FStype == 'ThreadedRod': FS.FSThreadedRodObject( newFastener, None ) # make the Proxy and stuff newFastener.Label = newFastener.Proxy.itemText FS.FSViewProviderTree(newFastener.ViewObject) # add Asm4 properties if necessary Asm4.makeAsmProperties( newFastener, reset=True ) # add it to the Part part.addObject( newFastener ) # hide "offset" and "invert" properties to avoid confusion as they are not used in Asm4 if hasattr( newFastener, 'offset' ): newFastener.setPropertyStatus('offset', 'Hidden') if hasattr( newFastener, 'invert' ): newFastener.setPropertyStatus('invert', 'Hidden') newFastener.recompute() # ... and select it Gui.Selection.clearSelection() Gui.Selection.addSelection( newFastener ) Gui.runCommand('FSChangeParams') #Gui.runCommand( 'Asm4_placeFastener' )
Example #7
Source File: From A2plus with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def doubleClicked(self,vobj): FreeCADGui.activateWorkbench('A2plusWorkbench') FreeCADGui.runCommand("a2p_EditConstraintCommand")
Example #8
Source File: From A2plus with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def doubleClicked(self,vobj): FreeCADGui.activateWorkbench('A2plusWorkbench') FreeCADGui.runCommand("a2p_EditConstraintCommand") #WF: next 3 methods not required
Example #9
Source File: From A2plus with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def execute( self ): try: FreeCADGui.runCommand( self.Freecad_cmd ) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError( traceback.format_exc() ) #==============================================================================
Example #10
Source File: From NodeEditor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def shutdown(): '''fast stop of freecad test environ''' try: FreeCAD.closeDocument("Unnamed") except: pass try: FreeCAD.closeDocument("graph") except: pass FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_Quit")
Example #11
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def Activated(cls): from .assembly import isTypeOf, AsmElement, AsmElementLink sels = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx('',0,True) if not sels: return if not sels[0].SubElementNames: FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_LinkSelectLinkedFinal') return subname = sels[0].SubElementNames[0] obj = sels[0].Object.getSubObject(subname,retType=1) if not isTypeOf(obj,(AsmElementLink,AsmElement)): FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_LinkSelectLinkedFinal') return while True: linked = obj.LinkedObject if isinstance(linked,tuple): subname = linked[1] linked = linked[0] else: subname = '' obj = linked.getSubObject(subname,retType=1) if not isTypeOf(obj,AsmElement): break obj = obj.getLinkedObject(True) import Part subname = Part.splitSubname(subname)[-1] FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(obj,subname) FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection')
Example #12
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def make(sels=None,name=None, undo=True): info = AsmPlainGroup.getSelection(sels) doc = info.Parent.Document if undo: FreeCAD.setActiveTransaction('Assembly create group') try: if not name: name = 'Group' obj = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroupPython',name) AsmPlainGroup(obj,info.Parent) ViewProviderAsmPlainGroup(obj.ViewObject) group = info.Group.Group indices = [ group.index(o) for o in info.Objects ] indices.sort() child = group[indices[0]] group = [ o for o in info.Group.Group if o not in info.Objects ] group.insert(indices[0],obj) notouch = indices[-1] == indices[0]+len(indices)-1 editGroup(info.Group,group,notouch) obj.purgeTouched() editGroup(obj,info.Objects,notouch) if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction() FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(info.SelObj,'{}{}.{}.'.format( info.SelSubname,obj.Name,child.Name)) FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection') return obj except Exception: if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction(True) raise
Example #13
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gotoRelationOfConstraint(obj,subname): sobj = obj.getSubObject(subname,1) if not isTypeOf(sobj,AsmConstraint): return subname = flattenLastSubname(obj,subname) sub = Part.splitSubname(subname)[0].split('.') sub = sub[:-1] sub[-2] = '3' sub[-1] = '' sub = '.'.join(sub) subs = [] relationGroup = sobj.Proxy.getAssembly().getRelationGroup(True) for relation in relationGroup.Proxy.getRelations().values(): for o in relation.Group: if isTypeOf(o,AsmRelation): found = False for child in o.Group: if child == sobj: subs.append('{}{}.{}.{}.'.format( sub,relation.Name,o.Name,child.Name)) found = True break if found: continue elif o == sobj: subs.append('{}{}.{}.'.format(sub,relation.Name,o.Name)) if subs: FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(obj,subs) FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection')
Example #14
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def make(typeid,sel=None,name='Constraint',undo=True): if not sel: sel = AsmConstraint.getSelection(typeid) assembly = resolveAssembly(sel.Assembly) if sel.Constraint: if undo: FreeCAD.setActiveTransaction('Assembly change constraint') cstr = sel.Constraint else: if undo: FreeCAD.setActiveTransaction('Assembly create constraint') constraints = assembly.getConstraintGroup() cstr = constraints.Document.addObject("App::FeaturePython", name,AsmConstraint(constraints),None,True) ViewProviderAsmConstraint(cstr.ViewObject) constraints.setLink({-1:cstr}) Constraint.setTypeID(cstr,typeid) cstr.Label = Constraint.getTypeName(cstr) try: for e in sel.Elements: AsmElementLink.make(AsmElementLink.MakeInfo(cstr,*e)) logger.catchDebug('init constraint', Constraint.init,cstr) if gui.AsmCmdManager.AutoElementVis: cstr.setPropertyStatus('VisibilityList','-Immutable') cstr.VisibilityList = [False]*len(flattenGroup(cstr)) cstr.setPropertyStatus('VisibilityList','Immutable') cstr.Proxy._initializing = False if Constraint.canMultiply(cstr): cstr.recompute(True) if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction() undo = False if sel.SelObject: FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() if sel.SelSubname: subname = sel.SelSubname else: subname = '' subname += assembly.getConstraintGroup().Name + \ '.' + cstr.Name + '.' FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(sel.SelObject,subname) FreeCADGui.Selection.pushSelStack() FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection') return cstr except Exception as e: logger.debug('failed to make constraint: {}',e) if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction(True) raise
Example #15
Source File: From NodeEditor with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run_FreeCAD_bakery(self): workspace=self.getData("Workspace") name=self.getData("name") shape=self.getPinObject('Shape_in') s=shape l=FreeCAD.listDocuments() if workspace=='' or workspace=='None': try: w=l['Unnamed'] except: w=FreeCAD.newDocument("Unnamed") FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_TileWindows") else: if workspace in l.keys(): w=l[workspace] else: w=FreeCAD.newDocument(workspace) #Std_CascadeWindows FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_ViewDimetric") FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_ViewFitAll") FreeCADGui.runCommand("Std_TileWindows") f=w.getObject(name) #say("AB",time.time()-timeA) if 1 or f == None: f = w.addObject('Part::Feature', name) if s != None: # say("AC",time.time()-timeA) f.Shape=s # say("AD",time.time()-timeA) #say("shape",s);say("name",name) #say("A",time.time()-timeA) w.recompute() #say("B",time.time()-timeA) if 1: color=(random.random(),random.random(),1.) f.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color f.ViewObject.LineColor = color f.ViewObject.PointColor = color #f.ViewObject.Transparency = transparency #say("E",time.time()-timeA)
Example #16
Source File: From FreeCAD_Assembly4 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
def Activated(self): # check that we have somewhere to put our stuff selectedObj = self.checkSelection() # check whether we have selected a container if selectedObj.TypeId in self.containers: parentContainer = selectedObj # if a datum object is selected we try to find the parent container elif selectedObj.TypeId in self.datumTypes: parent = selectedObj.getParentGeoFeatureGroup() if parent.TypeId in self.containers: parentContainer = parent # something went wrong else: Asm4.warningBox("I can't create a "+self.datumType+" with the current selections") # check whether there is already a similar datum, and increment the instance number # instanceNum = 1 #while App.ActiveDocument.getObject( self.datumName+'_'+str(instanceNum) ): # instanceNum += 1 #datumName = self.datumName+'_'+str(instanceNum) if parentContainer: # input dialog to ask the user the name of the Sketch: proposedName = Asm4.nextInstance( self.datumName, startAtOne=True ) text,ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(None,'Create new '+self.datumName, 'Enter '+self.datumName+' name :'+' '*40, text = proposedName) if ok and text: # App.activeDocument().getObject('Model').newObject( 'Sketcher::SketchObject', text ) createdDatum = parentContainer.newObject( self.datumType, text ) # automatic resizing of datum Plane sucks, so we set it to manual if self.datumType=='PartDesign::Plane': createdDatum.ResizeMode = 'Manual' createdDatum.Length = 100 createdDatum.Width = 100 # if color or transparency is specified for this datum type if self.datumColor: Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(createdDatum.Name).ShapeColor = self.datumColor if self.datumAlpha: Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(createdDatum.Name).Transparency = self.datumAlpha # highlight the created datum object Gui.Selection.clearSelection() Gui.Selection.addSelection( App.ActiveDocument.Name, parentContainer.Name, createdDatum.Name+'.' ) #Gui.runCommand('Part_EditAttachment')
Example #17
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def make(info=None,name=None, tp=0, undo=True): if not info: info = AsmWorkPlane.getSelection() doc = info.PartGroup.Document if undo: FreeCAD.setActiveTransaction('Assembly create workplane') try: logger.debug('make {}',tp) if tp == 3: obj = Assembly.addOrigin(info.PartGroup,name) else: if tp==1: pla = FreeCAD.Placement(info.Placement.Base, FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),-90)) elif tp==2: pla = FreeCAD.Placement(info.Placement.Base, FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0),90)) else: pla = info.Placement if tp == 4: if not name: name = 'Placement' obj = doc.addObject('App::Placement',name) elif not name: name = 'Workplane' obj = doc.addObject('Part::FeaturePython',name) AsmWorkPlane(obj) ViewProviderAsmWorkPlane(obj.ViewObject) if utils.isVertex(info.Shape): obj.Length = obj.Width = 0 elif utils.isLinearEdge(info.Shape): if info.BoundBox.isValid(): obj.Length = info.BoundBox.DiagonalLength obj.Width = 0 pla = FreeCAD.Placement(pla.Base,pla.Rotation.multiply( FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),90))) elif info.BoundBox.isValid(): obj.Length = obj.Width = info.BoundBox.DiagonalLength obj.Placement = pla obj.recompute(True) info.PartGroup.setLink({-1:obj}) if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction() FreeCADGui.Selection.clearSelection() FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(info.SelObj, info.SelSubname + info.PartGroup.Name + '.' + obj.Name + '.') FreeCADGui.runCommand('Std_TreeSelection') FreeCADGui.Selection.setVisible(True) return obj except Exception: if undo: FreeCAD.closeActiveTransaction(True) raise