Python mercantile.tiles() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of mercantile.tiles().
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Example #1
Source File: From go2mapillary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def children(ctx, input, depth): """Takes a [x, y, z] tile as input and writes its children to stdout in the same form. $ echo "[486, 332, 10]" | mercantile parent Output: [243, 166, 9] """ src = normalize_input(input) for line in iter_lines(src): line = line.strip() tiles = [json.loads(line)[:3]] for i in range(depth): tiles = sum([mercantile.children(t) for t in tiles], []) for t in tiles: output = json.dumps(t) click.echo(output) # The parent command.
Example #2
Source File: From label-maker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _tile_results_summary(ml_type, classes): print('---') labels = list(tile_results.values()) all_tiles = list(tile_results.keys()) if ml_type == 'object-detection': # for each class, show number of features and number of tiles for i, cl in enumerate(classes): cl_features = len([bb for l in labels for bb in l if bb[4] == i + 1]) cl_tiles = len([l for l in labels if len(list(filter(_bbox_class(i + 1), l)))]) # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop print('{}: {} features in {} tiles'.format(cl.get('name'), cl_features, cl_tiles)) elif ml_type == 'classification': class_tile_counts = list(np.sum(labels, axis=0)) for i, cl in enumerate(classes): print('{}: {} tiles'.format(cl.get('name'), int(class_tile_counts[i + 1]))) elif ml_type == 'segmentation': for i, cl in enumerate(classes): count = len([l for l in labels if class_match(ml_type, l, i + 1)]) print('{}: {} tiles'.format(cl.get('name'), count)) print('Total tiles: {}'.format(len(all_tiles)))
Example #3
Source File: From ml-enabler with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def bbox_to_quadkeys(bbox: list, zoom: int): """ Find all quadkeys in a bbox """ tiles = mercantile.tiles(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], int(zoom)) quadkeys = [] for tile in tiles: quadkeys.append(mercantile.quadkey(tile)) return quadkeys
Example #4
Source File: From gbdxtools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _tile_coords(self, bounds): """ convert mercator bbox to tile index limits """ tfm = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(3857, 4326, always_xy=True) bounds = ops.transform(tfm.transform, box(*bounds)).bounds # because tiles have a common corner, the tiles that cover a # given tile includes the adjacent neighbors. # west, south, east, north = bounds epsilon = 1.0e-10 if east != west and north != south: # 2D bbox # shrink the bounds a small amount so that # shapes/tiles round trip. west += epsilon south += epsilon east -= epsilon north -= epsilon params = [west, south, east, north, [self.zoom_level]] tile_coords = [(tile.x, tile.y) for tile in mercantile.tiles(*params)] xtiles, ytiles = zip(*tile_coords) minx = min(xtiles) miny = min(ytiles) maxx = max(xtiles) maxy = max(ytiles) return minx, miny, maxx, maxy