Python docutils.parsers.rst.directives() Examples

The following are 3 code examples of docutils.parsers.rst.directives(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module docutils.parsers.rst , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From sphinxcontrib-disqus with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test(monkeypatch, tmpdir, tail, expected_error):
    """Test valid and invalid values."""
    tmpdir.join('').write(BASE_CONFIG.format(py.path.local(__file__).join('..', '..')))
    tmpdir.join('').write(tail, mode='a')
    tmpdir.join('index.rst').write('====\nMain\n====\n\n.. toctree::\n    :maxdepth: 2\n.. disqus::')
    monkeypatch.setattr(directives, '_directives', getattr(directives, '_directives').copy())
    monkeypatch.setattr(roles, '_roles', getattr(roles, '_roles').copy())

    srcdir = confdir = str(tmpdir)
    outdir = tmpdir.join('_build', 'html')
    doctreedir = outdir.join('doctrees').ensure(dir=True, rec=True)
    app = application.Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, str(outdir), str(doctreedir), 'html')

    if not expected_error:
        html_body = outdir.join('index.html').read()
        disqus_div = re.findall(r'(<div[^>]+ id="disqus_thread"[^>]*></div>)', html_body)[0]
        assert 'data-disqus-shortname="good"' in disqus_div

    with pytest.raises(errors.ExtensionError) as exc:
    assert expected_error == exc.value.args[0] 
Example #2
Source File:    From sphinxcontrib-disqus with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test(monkeypatch, tmpdir, expected, rst_title, option):
    """Test valid and invalid values."""
    tmpdir.join('').write(BASE_CONFIG.format(py.path.local(__file__).join('..', '..')))
    tmpdir.join('').write('', mode='a')
    tmpdir.join('index.rst').write('{}.. toctree::\n    :maxdepth: 2\n.. disqus::\n{}'.format(rst_title, option))
    monkeypatch.setattr(directives, '_directives', getattr(directives, '_directives').copy())
    monkeypatch.setattr(roles, '_roles', getattr(roles, '_roles').copy())

    srcdir = confdir = str(tmpdir)
    outdir = tmpdir.join('_build', 'html')
    doctreedir = outdir.join('doctrees').ensure(dir=True, rec=True)
    app = application.Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, str(outdir), str(doctreedir), 'html')

    if expected:
        html_body = outdir.join('index.html').read()
        disqus_div = re.findall(r'(<div[^>]+ id="disqus_thread"[^>]*></div>)', html_body)[0]
        assert 'data-disqus-identifier="{}"'.format(expected) in disqus_div

    with pytest.raises(DisqusError) as exc:
    assert 'No title nodes found in document, cannot derive disqus_identifier config value.' == exc.value.args[0] 
Example #3
Source File:    From pyedflib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def find_names(module, names_dict):
    # Refguide entries:
    # - 3 spaces followed by function name, and maybe some spaces, some
    #   dashes, and an explanation; only function names listed in
    #   refguide are formatted like this (mostly, there may be some false
    #   positives)
    # - special directives, such as data and function
    # - (scipy.constants only): quoted list
    patterns = [
        r"^\.\. (?:data|function)::\s*([a-z_0-9A-Z]+)\s*$"

    if module.__name__ == 'scipy.constants':
        patterns += ["^``([a-z_0-9A-Z]+)``"]

    patterns = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in patterns]
    module_name = module.__name__

    for line in module.__doc__.splitlines():
        res ="^\s*\.\. (?:currentmodule|module):: ([a-z0-9A-Z_.]+)\s*$", line)
        if res:
            module_name =

        for pattern in patterns:
            res = re.match(pattern, line)
            if res is not None:
                name =
                entry = '.'.join([module_name, name])
                names_dict.setdefault(module_name, set()).add(name)