Python platform.python_build() Examples
The following are 21
code examples of platform.python_build().
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Example #1
Source File: From mongodb_consistent_backup with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, base_dir, config, backup_time, seed_uri, argv=None): StateBase.__init__(self, base_dir, config) self.base_dir = base_dir self.state['backup'] = True self.state['completed'] = False self.state['name'] = backup_time self.state['method'] = config.backup.method self.state['path'] = base_dir self.state['cmdline'] = argv self.state['config'] = config.dump() self.state['version'] = config.version self.state['git_commit'] = config.git_commit self.state['host'] = { 'hostname': platform.node(), 'uname': platform.uname(), 'python': { 'build': platform.python_build(), 'version': platform.python_version() } } self.state['seed'] = { 'uri': seed_uri.str(), 'replset': seed_uri.replset } self.init()
Example #2
Source File: From happymac with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_system_info(): return """ System Details: Version: %s Compiler: %s Build: %s Platform: %s System: %s Node: %s Release: %s Version: %s """ % ( platform.python_version(), platform.python_compiler(), platform.python_build(), platform.platform(), platform.system(), platform.node(), platform.release(), platform.version(), )
Example #3
Source File: From pytest-benchmark with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def pytest_benchmark_generate_machine_info(): python_implementation = platform.python_implementation() python_implementation_version = platform.python_version() if python_implementation == 'PyPy': python_implementation_version = '%d.%d.%d' % sys.pypy_version_info[:3] if sys.pypy_version_info.releaselevel != 'final': python_implementation_version += '-%s%d' % sys.pypy_version_info[3:] return { "node": platform.node(), "processor": platform.processor(), "machine": platform.machine(), "python_compiler": platform.python_compiler(), "python_implementation": python_implementation, "python_implementation_version": python_implementation_version, "python_version": platform.python_version(), "python_build": platform.python_build(), "release": platform.release(), "system": platform.system(), "cpu": get_cpu_info(), }
Example #4
Source File: From cognite-sdk-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_user_agent(): sdk_version = "CognitePythonSDK/{}".format(get_current_sdk_version()) python_version = "{}/{} ({};{})".format( platform.python_implementation(), platform.python_version(), platform.python_build(), platform.python_compiler() ) os_version_info = [platform.release(), platform.machine(), platform.architecture()[0]] os_version_info = [s for s in os_version_info if s] # Ignore empty strings os_version_info = "-".join(os_version_info) operating_system = "{}/{}".format(platform.system(), os_version_info) return "{} {} {}".format(sdk_version, python_version, operating_system)
Example #5
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_python(): print('----------Python Info----------') print('Version :', platform.python_version()) print('Compiler :', platform.python_compiler()) print('Build :', platform.python_build()) print('Arch :', platform.architecture())
Example #6
Source File: From SNIPER-mxnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_python(): print('----------Python Info----------') print('Version :', platform.python_version()) print('Compiler :', platform.python_compiler()) print('Build :', platform.python_build()) print('Arch :', platform.architecture())
Example #7
Source File: From video-to-pose3D with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_python(): print('----------Python Info----------') print('Version :', platform.python_version()) print('Compiler :', platform.python_compiler()) print('Build :', platform.python_build()) print('Arch :', platform.architecture())
Example #8
Source File: From easywall with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_machine_infos(self): """the function retrieves some information about the host and returns them as a list""" infos = {} infos["Machine"] = platform.machine() infos["Hostname"] = platform.node() infos["Platform"] = platform.platform() infos["Python Build"] = platform.python_build() infos["Python Compiler"] = platform.python_compiler() infos["Python Implementation"] = platform.python_implementation() infos["Python Version"] = platform.python_version() infos["Release"] = platform.release() infos["Libc Version"] = platform.libc_ver() return infos
Example #9
Source File: From neon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def display_platform_information(): """ Display platform information. """ import platform output_string = '\n-- INFORMATION: PLATFORM & OS ---------\n' try: output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'OS', platform.platform()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'OS release version', platform.version()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'machine', platform.machine()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'node', platform.node()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'python version', platform.python_version()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'python build', platform.python_build()) output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string, 'python compiler', platform.python_compiler()) except Exception: output_string += 'Some platform information cannot be displayed\n' output_string += '----------------------------------------' neon_logger.display(output_string)
Example #10
Source File: From bitcoinlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize_lib(): global BCL_INSTALL_DIR, BCL_DATA_DIR, BITCOINLIB_VERSION instlogfile = Path(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'install.log') if instlogfile.exists(): return with'w') as f: install_message = "BitcoinLib installed, check further logs in bitcoinlib.log\n\n" \ "If you remove this file all settings will be reset again to the default settings. " \ "This might be usefull after an update or when problems occur.\n\n" \ "Installation parameters. Include this parameters when reporting bugs and issues:\n" \ "Bitcoinlib version: %s\n" \ "Installation date : %s\n" \ "Python : %s\n" \ "Compiler : %s\n" \ "Build : %s\n" \ "OS Version : %s\n" \ "Platform : %s\n" % \ (BITCOINLIB_VERSION,, platform.python_version(), platform.python_compiler(), platform.python_build(), platform.version(), platform.platform()) f.write(install_message) # Copy data and settings file from shutil import copyfile for file in Path(BCL_INSTALL_DIR, 'data').iterdir(): if file.suffix not in ['.ini', '.json']: continue copyfile(str(file), str(Path(BCL_DATA_DIR, # Initialize library
Example #11
Source File: From infrared with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def version_details(): from ansible import __version__ as ansible_version # noqa from infrared import __version__ # noqa python_version = platform.python_version() python_revision = ', '.join(platform.python_build()) return "{__version__} (" \ "ansible-{ansible_version}, " \ "python-{python_version})".format(**locals())
Example #12
Source File: From artisan with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, parent = None, aw = None): super(platformDlg,self).__init__(parent, aw) self.setModal(True) self.setWindowTitle(QApplication.translate("Form Caption","Artisan Platform", None)) platformdic = {} platformdic["Architecture"] = str(platform.architecture()) platformdic["Machine"] = str(platform.machine()) platformdic["Platform name"] = str(platform.platform()) platformdic["Processor"] = str(platform.processor()) platformdic["Python Build"] = str(platform.python_build()) platformdic["Python Compiler"] = str(platform.python_compiler()) platformdic["Python Branch"] = str(platform.python_branch()) platformdic["Python Implementation"] = str(platform.python_implementation()) platformdic["Python Revision"] = str(platform.python_revision()) platformdic["Release"] = str(platform.release()) platformdic["System"] = str(platform.system()) platformdic["Version"] = str(platform.version()) platformdic["Python version"] = str(platform.python_version()) system = str(platform.system()) if system == "Windows": platformdic["Win32"] = str(platform.win32_ver()) elif system == "Darwin": platformdic["Mac"] = str(platform.mac_ver()) elif system == "Linux": platformdic["Linux"] = str(platform.linux_distribution()) platformdic["Libc"] = str(platform.libc_ver()) htmlplatform = "<b>version =</b> " + __version__ + " (" + __revision__ + ")<br>" for key in sorted(platformdic): htmlplatform += "<b>" + key + " = </b> <i>" + platformdic[key] + "</i><br>" platformEdit = QTextEdit() platformEdit.setHtml(htmlplatform) platformEdit.setReadOnly(True) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(platformEdit) self.setLayout(layout)
Example #13
Source File: From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_python_build(self): res = platform.python_build()
Example #14
Source File: From molecular-design-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_environment(): """For reporting bugs - spits out the user's environment""" import sys version = {} for pkg in 'moldesign IPython ipywidgets jupyter matplotlib numpy docker pyccc distutils' \ 'nbmolviz jupyter_client jupyter_core pint Bio openbabel simtk pyscf pip setuptools'\ .split(): try: module = __import__(pkg) except ImportError as e: version[pkg] = str(e) else: try: version[pkg] = module.__version__ except AttributeError as e: version[pkg] = str(e) env = {'platform': sys.platform, 'version': sys.version, 'prefix': sys.prefix} try: import platform env['machine'] = platform.machine() env['linux'] = platform.linux_distribution() env['mac'] = platform.mac_ver() env['windows'] = platform.win32_ver() env['impl'] = platform.python_implementation() env['arch'] = platform.architecture() env['system'] = platform.system() env['python_build'] = platform.python_build() env['platform_version'] = platform.version() except Exception as e: env['platform_exception'] = str(e) print(json.dumps({'env': env, 'versions': version}))
Example #15
Source File: From revscoring with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self['revscoring_version'] = __version__ self['platform'] = platform.platform() self['machine'] = platform.machine() self['version'] = platform.version() self['system'] = platform.system() self['processor'] = platform.processor() self['python_build'] = platform.python_build() self['python_compiler'] = platform.python_compiler() self['python_branch'] = platform.python_branch() self['python_implementation'] = platform.python_implementation() self['python_revision'] = platform.python_revision() self['python_version'] = platform.python_version() self['release'] = platform.release()
Example #16
Source File: From crocoite with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getSoftwareInfo (): """ Get software info for inclusion into warcinfo """ return { 'platform': platform.platform (), 'python': { 'implementation': platform.python_implementation(), 'version': platform.python_version (), 'build': platform.python_build () }, 'self': getRequirements (__package__) }
Example #17
Source File: From pundler with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def python_version_string(): """We use it to generate per python folder name, where we will install all packages. """ if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': version_info = sys.pypy_version_info else: version_info = sys.version_info version_string = '{v.major}.{v.minor}.{v.micro}'.format(v=version_info) build, _ = platform.python_build() build = build.replace(':', '_') # windows do not understand `:` in path return '{}-{}-{}'.format(platform.python_implementation(), version_string, build)
Example #18
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def test_sys_version(self): # Old test. for input, output in ( ('2.4.3 (#1, Jun 21 2006, 13:54:21) \n[GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)]', ('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', '1', 'Jun 21 2006 13:54:21', 'GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)')), ('IronPython 1.0.60816 on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.60816', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ('IronPython 1.0 (1.0.61005.1977) on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.0', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ): # branch and revision are not "parsed", but fetched # from sys.subversion. Ignore them (name, version, branch, revision, buildno, builddate, compiler) \ = platform._sys_version(input) self.assertEqual( (name, version, '', '', buildno, builddate, compiler), output) # Tests for python_implementation(), python_version(), python_branch(), # python_revision(), python_build(), and python_compiler(). sys_versions = { ("2.6.1 (r261:67515, Dec 6 2008, 15:26:00) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)]", ('CPython', 'tags/r261', '67515'), self.save_platform) : ("CPython", "2.6.1", "tags/r261", "67515", ('r261:67515', 'Dec 6 2008 15:26:00'), 'GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)'), ("IronPython 2.0 ( on .NET 2.0.50727.3053", None, "cli") : ("IronPython", "2.0.0", "", "", ("", ""), ".NET 2.0.50727.3053"), ("2.5 (trunk:6107, Mar 26 2009, 13:02:18) \n[Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (\"Apple Computer, Inc.\")]", ('Jython', 'trunk', '6107'), "java1.5.0_16") : ("Jython", "2.5.0", "trunk", "6107", ('trunk:6107', 'Mar 26 2009'), "java1.5.0_16"), ("2.5.2 (63378, Mar 26 2009, 18:03:29)\n[PyPy 1.0.0]", ('PyPy', 'trunk', '63378'), self.save_platform) : ("PyPy", "2.5.2", "trunk", "63378", ('63378', 'Mar 26 2009'), "") } for (version_tag, subversion, sys_platform), info in \ sys_versions.iteritems(): sys.version = version_tag if subversion is None: if hasattr(sys, "subversion"): del sys.subversion else: sys.subversion = subversion if sys_platform is not None: sys.platform = sys_platform self.assertEqual(platform.python_implementation(), info[0]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_version(), info[1]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_branch(), info[2]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_revision(), info[3]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_build(), info[4]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_compiler(), info[5])
Example #19
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_sys_version(self): # Old test. for input, output in ( ('2.4.3 (#1, Jun 21 2006, 13:54:21) \n[GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)]', ('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', '1', 'Jun 21 2006 13:54:21', 'GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)')), ('IronPython 1.0.60816 on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.60816', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ('IronPython 1.0 (1.0.61005.1977) on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.0', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ): # branch and revision are not "parsed", but fetched # from sys.subversion. Ignore them (name, version, branch, revision, buildno, builddate, compiler) \ = platform._sys_version(input) self.assertEqual( (name, version, '', '', buildno, builddate, compiler), output) # Tests for python_implementation(), python_version(), python_branch(), # python_revision(), python_build(), and python_compiler(). sys_versions = { ("2.6.1 (r261:67515, Dec 6 2008, 15:26:00) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)]", ('CPython', 'tags/r261', '67515'), self.save_platform) : ("CPython", "2.6.1", "tags/r261", "67515", ('r261:67515', 'Dec 6 2008 15:26:00'), 'GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)'), ("IronPython 2.0 ( on .NET 2.0.50727.3053", None, "cli") : ("IronPython", "2.0.0", "", "", ("", ""), ".NET 2.0.50727.3053"), ("2.5 (trunk:6107, Mar 26 2009, 13:02:18) \n[Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (\"Apple Computer, Inc.\")]", ('Jython', 'trunk', '6107'), "java1.5.0_16") : ("Jython", "2.5.0", "trunk", "6107", ('trunk:6107', 'Mar 26 2009'), "java1.5.0_16"), ("2.5.2 (63378, Mar 26 2009, 18:03:29)\n[PyPy 1.0.0]", ('PyPy', 'trunk', '63378'), self.save_platform) : ("PyPy", "2.5.2", "trunk", "63378", ('63378', 'Mar 26 2009'), "") } for (version_tag, subversion, sys_platform), info in \ sys_versions.iteritems(): sys.version = version_tag if subversion is None: if hasattr(sys, "subversion"): del sys.subversion else: sys.subversion = subversion if sys_platform is not None: sys.platform = sys_platform self.assertEqual(platform.python_implementation(), info[0]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_version(), info[1]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_branch(), info[2]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_revision(), info[3]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_build(), info[4]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_compiler(), info[5])
Example #20
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def test_sys_version(self): # Old test. for input, output in ( ('2.4.3 (#1, Jun 21 2006, 13:54:21) \n[GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)]', ('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', '1', 'Jun 21 2006 13:54:21', 'GCC 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809)')), ('IronPython 1.0.60816 on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.60816', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ('IronPython 1.0 (1.0.61005.1977) on .NET 2.0.50727.42', ('IronPython', '1.0.0', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')), ): # branch and revision are not "parsed", but fetched # from sys.subversion. Ignore them (name, version, branch, revision, buildno, builddate, compiler) \ = platform._sys_version(input) self.assertEqual( (name, version, '', '', buildno, builddate, compiler), output) # Tests for python_implementation(), python_version(), python_branch(), # python_revision(), python_build(), and python_compiler(). sys_versions = { ("2.6.1 (r261:67515, Dec 6 2008, 15:26:00) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)]", ('CPython', 'tags/r261', '67515'), self.save_platform) : ("CPython", "2.6.1", "tags/r261", "67515", ('r261:67515', 'Dec 6 2008 15:26:00'), 'GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)'), ("IronPython 2.0 ( on .NET 2.0.50727.3053", None, "cli") : ("IronPython", "2.0.0", "", "", ("", ""), ".NET 2.0.50727.3053"), ("2.5 (trunk:6107, Mar 26 2009, 13:02:18) \n[Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (\"Apple Computer, Inc.\")]", ('Jython', 'trunk', '6107'), "java1.5.0_16") : ("Jython", "2.5.0", "trunk", "6107", ('trunk:6107', 'Mar 26 2009'), "java1.5.0_16"), ("2.5.2 (63378, Mar 26 2009, 18:03:29)\n[PyPy 1.0.0]", ('PyPy', 'trunk', '63378'), self.save_platform) : ("PyPy", "2.5.2", "trunk", "63378", ('63378', 'Mar 26 2009'), "") } for (version_tag, subversion, sys_platform), info in \ sys_versions.iteritems(): sys.version = version_tag if subversion is None: if hasattr(sys, "subversion"): del sys.subversion else: sys.subversion = subversion if sys_platform is not None: sys.platform = sys_platform self.assertEqual(platform.python_implementation(), info[0]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_version(), info[1]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_branch(), info[2]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_revision(), info[3]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_build(), info[4]) self.assertEqual(platform.python_compiler(), info[5])
Example #21
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _create(self): import platform def get_version(moduleName): """ Extract the current version of a python module """ if moduleName == "cvxopt": #special case b/c cvxopt can be weird... try: mod = __import__("") return str( except Exception: pass # try the normal way below try: mod = __import__(moduleName) return str(mod.__version__) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover return "missing" # pragma: no cover except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return "ver?" # pragma: no cover except Exception: # pragma: no cover return "???" # pragma: no cover colHeadings = ('Quantity', 'Value') formatters = ('Bold', 'Bold') #custom latex header for maximum width imposed on 2nd col latex_head = "\\begin{tabular}[l]{|c|p{3in}|}\n\hline\n" latex_head += "\\textbf{Quantity} & \\textbf{Value} \\\\ \hline\n" table = _ReportTable(colHeadings, formatters, customHeader={'latex': latex_head}) #Python package information from .._version import __version__ as pyGSTi_version table.addrow(("pyGSTi version", str(pyGSTi_version)), (None, 'Verbatim')) packages = ['numpy', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'ply', 'cvxopt', 'cvxpy', 'nose', 'PIL', 'psutil'] for pkg in packages: table.addrow((pkg, get_version(pkg)), (None, 'Verbatim')) #Python information table.addrow(("Python version", str(platform.python_version())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Python type", str(platform.python_implementation())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Python compiler", str(platform.python_compiler())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Python build", str(platform.python_build())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Python branch", str(platform.python_branch())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Python revision", str(platform.python_revision())), (None, 'Verbatim')) #Platform information (system, _, release, version, machine, processor) = platform.uname() table.addrow(("Platform summary", str(platform.platform())), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("System", str(system)), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Sys Release", str(release)), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Sys Version", str(version)), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Machine", str(machine)), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.addrow(("Processor", str(processor)), (None, 'Verbatim')) table.finish() return table