Python opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT Examples
The following are 18
code examples of opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT().
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Example #1
Source File: From PyDev.Debugger with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 6 votes |
def _unpack_opargs(code, inserted_code_list, current_index): """ Modified version of `_unpack_opargs` function from module `dis`. We have to use it, because sometimes code can be in an inconsistent state: if EXTENDED_ARG operator was introduced into the code, but it hasn't been inserted into `code_list` yet. In this case we can't use standard `_unpack_opargs` and we should check whether there are some new operators in `inserted_code_list`. """ extended_arg = 0 for i in range(0, len(code), 2): op = code[i] if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: if not extended_arg: # in case if we added EXTENDED_ARG, but haven't inserted it to the source code yet. for code_index in range(current_index, len(inserted_code_list)): inserted_offset, inserted_code = inserted_code_list[code_index] if inserted_offset == i and inserted_code[0] == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = inserted_code[1] << 8 arg = code[i + 1] | extended_arg extended_arg = (arg << 8) if op == EXTENDED_ARG else 0 else: arg = None yield (i, op, arg)
Example #2
Source File: From unpyc3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def code_walker(code): l = len(code) code = array('B', code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 while i < l: op = code[i] if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = code[i + 1] + code[i + 2] * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 yield i, (op, oparg) i += 3 else: yield i, (op, None) i += 1
Example #3
Source File: From guppy3 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def co_code_findloadednames(co): """Find in the code of a code object, all loaded names. (by LOAD_NAME, LOAD_GLOBAL or LOAD_FAST) """ import dis from opcode import HAVE_ARGUMENT, opmap hasloadname = (opmap['LOAD_NAME'], opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL'], opmap['LOAD_FAST']) insns = dis.get_instructions(co) len_co_names = len(co.co_names) indexset = {} for insn in insns: if insn.opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: if insn.opcode in hasloadname: indexset[insn.argval] = 1 if len(indexset) >= len_co_names: break for name in co.co_varnames: try: del indexset[name] except KeyError: pass return indexset
Example #4
Source File: From backdoorme with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decode_codeobj(codeobj): # adapted from dis.dis extended_arg = 0 if is_py3k: codestr = codeobj.co_code else: codestr = [ord(ch) for ch in codeobj.co_code] free = None i = 0 while i < len(codestr): op = codestr[i] opname = opcode.opname[op] i += 1 argval = None if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = codestr[i] + codestr[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg i += 2 extended_arg = 0 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 continue if op in opcode.hasconst: argval = codeobj.co_consts[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasname: argval = codeobj.co_names[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasjrel: argval = i + oparg elif op in opcode.haslocal: argval = codeobj.co_varnames[oparg] elif op in opcode.hascompare: argval = opcode.cmp_op[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasfree: if free is None: free = codeobj.co_cellvars + codeobj.co_freevars argval = free[oparg] yield (opname, argval)
Example #5
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visit(self, index, op, arg=None, lineno=None, cflow_in=False): """ Callback of the visitor. It dynamically constructs the name of the specialized visitor to call based on the name of the opcode. :param index: Bytecode index. :param op: The opcode that is currently visited. :param arg: The expanded oparg (i.e., constants, names, etc. are resolved). :param lineno: The line number associated with the opcode. :param cflow_in: ``True`` if the current ``index`` is the target of a jump. """ # Let's start with a slow impl of the jump table, with # reflection method_name = BytecodeVisitor.toMethodName(opcode.opname[op]) if hasattr(self, method_name): meth = getattr(self, method_name) if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: logger.debug("%03d %26s" % (lineno, method_name)) return meth() else: logger.debug("%03d %26s( %s )" % (lineno, method_name, repr(arg))) return meth(arg) else: logger.error("Method not found: %s" % method_name) # 2.7 specific visitors. See
Example #6
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def instructions(code_obj): # easy for python 3.4+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): for inst in dis.Bytecode(code_obj): yield inst else: # otherwise we have to manually parse code = code_obj.co_code NewInstruction = namedtuple('Instruction', ('opcode', 'arg')) if six.PY2: code = map(ord, code) i, L = 0, len(code) extended_arg = 0 while i < L: op = code[i] i += 1 if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: yield NewInstruction(op, None) continue oparg = code[i] + (code[i + 1] << 8) + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg << 16 continue yield NewInstruction(op, oparg)
Example #7
Source File: From owasp-pysec with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def disassemble(co): code = co.co_code labels = dis.findlabels(code) linestarts = dict(dis.findlinestarts(co)) n = len(code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 free = None lineno = None while i < n: c = code[i] op = ord(c) lineno = linestarts.get(i, lineno) is_label = i in labels ist = i i += 1 if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536L if op in opcode.hasconst: arg = co.co_consts[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasname: arg = co.co_names[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasjrel: arg = i + oparg elif op in opcode.haslocal: arg = co.co_varnames[oparg] elif op in opcode.hascompare: arg = opcode.cmp_op[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasfree: if free is None: free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars arg = free[oparg] else: arg = NOVAL else: arg = NOVAL yield ist, lineno, is_label, opcode.opname[op], arg
Example #8
Source File: From xbmc-addons-chinese with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def instructions(code_obj): # easy for python 3.4+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): for inst in dis.Bytecode(code_obj): yield inst else: # otherwise we have to manually parse code = code_obj.co_code NewInstruction = namedtuple('Instruction', ('opcode', 'arg')) if six.PY2: code = map(ord, code) i, L = 0, len(code) extended_arg = 0 while i < L: op = code[i] i+= 1 if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: yield NewInstruction(op, None) continue oparg = code[i] + (code[i+1] << 8) + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg << 16 continue yield NewInstruction(op, oparg)
Example #9
Source File: From addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def instructions(code_obj): # easy for python 3.4+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): for inst in dis.Bytecode(code_obj): yield inst else: # otherwise we have to manually parse code = code_obj.co_code NewInstruction = namedtuple('Instruction', ('opcode', 'arg')) if six.PY2: code = map(ord, code) i, L = 0, len(code) extended_arg = 0 while i < L: op = code[i] i += 1 if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: yield NewInstruction(op, None) continue oparg = code[i] + (code[i + 1] << 8) + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i += 2 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg << 16 continue yield NewInstruction(op, oparg)
Example #10
Source File: From NoobSec-Toolkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode_codeobj(codeobj): # adapted from dis.dis extended_arg = 0 if is_py3k: codestr = codeobj.co_code else: codestr = [ord(ch) for ch in codeobj.co_code] free = None i = 0 while i < len(codestr): op = codestr[i] opname = opcode.opname[op] i += 1 argval = None if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = codestr[i] + codestr[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg i += 2 extended_arg = 0 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 continue if op in opcode.hasconst: argval = codeobj.co_consts[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasname: argval = codeobj.co_names[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasjrel: argval = i + oparg elif op in opcode.haslocal: argval = codeobj.co_varnames[oparg] elif op in opcode.hascompare: argval = opcode.cmp_op[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasfree: if free is None: free = codeobj.co_cellvars + codeobj.co_freevars argval = free[oparg] yield (opname, argval)
Example #11
Source File: From NoobSec-Toolkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode_codeobj(codeobj): # adapted from dis.dis extended_arg = 0 if is_py3k: codestr = codeobj.co_code else: codestr = [ord(ch) for ch in codeobj.co_code] free = None i = 0 while i < len(codestr): op = codestr[i] opname = opcode.opname[op] i += 1 argval = None if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = codestr[i] + codestr[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg i += 2 extended_arg = 0 if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 continue if op in opcode.hasconst: argval = codeobj.co_consts[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasname: argval = codeobj.co_names[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasjrel: argval = i + oparg elif op in opcode.haslocal: argval = codeobj.co_varnames[oparg] elif op in opcode.hascompare: argval = opcode.cmp_op[oparg] elif op in opcode.hasfree: if free is None: free = codeobj.co_cellvars + codeobj.co_freevars argval = free[oparg] yield (opname, argval)
Example #12
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def show_bytecode(bytecode, start=0, end=2**32): from ..analysis.python.effects import get_stack_effect if bytecode is None: return '' buffer = [] j = start end = min(end, len(bytecode) - 1) while j <= end: index, lineno, op, arg, _, co = bytecode[j] uid = hex(id(co))[-5:] pop_push_str = '' try: pop, push = get_stack_effect(op, arg) pop_push_str = ' (-%d +%d) ' % (pop, push) except ValueError, ex: pop_push_str = ' ' if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: rts = repr(arg) if len(rts) > 40: rts = rts[:40] + '[...]' jump_target = '' if op in opcode.hasjrel or op in opcode.hasjabs: jump_address = arg if op in opcode.hasjabs else index + arg + 3 jump_target = ' -------------> (%4d)' % jump_address buffer.append("[%5s]%4d(%4d) %20s(%3d)%s (%s)%s" % (uid, lineno, index, opcode.opname[op], op, pop_push_str, rts, jump_target)) else: buffer.append("[%5s]%4d(%4d) %20s(%3d)%s" % (uid, lineno, index, opcode.opname[op], op, pop_push_str)) j += 1
Example #13
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_instruction_size(self, op, arg=None, bc_index=0): op, oparg = self.get_op_oparg(op, arg, bc_index) if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: return 1 if oparg > 0xffff: return 5 return 3
Example #14
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_op_oparg(self, op, arg, bc_index=0): """ Retrieve the opcode (`op`) and its argument (`oparg`) from the supplied opcode and argument. :param op: The current opcode. :param arg: The current dereferenced argument. :param bc_index: The current bytecode index. """ # Conversion of LOAD_NAME opcode based on injected references (global, vars) if op == LOAD_NAME: if arg in self.name_to_fast: op = LOAD_FAST elif arg in self.name_to_global: op = LOAD_GLOBAL oparg = None if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: if op in opcode.hasconst: oparg = self.add_get_constant(arg) elif op in opcode.hasname: oparg = self.add_get_names(arg) elif op in opcode.haslocal: oparg = self.add_get_varnames(arg) elif op in opcode.hascompare: oparg = opcode.cmp_op.index(arg) elif op in opcode.hasfree: oparg = self.add_get_cellvars_freevars(arg) elif op in opcode.hasjrel or op in opcode.hasjabs: oparg = arg else: oparg = arg return op, oparg
Example #15
Source File: From coveragepy-bbmirror with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def hack_line_numbers(code): """ Replace a code object's line number information to claim that every byte of the bytecode is a new source line. Returns a new code object. Also recurses to hack the line numbers in nested code objects. """ # Create a new lnotab table. Each opcode is claimed to be at # 1000*lineno + (opcode number within line), so for example, the opcodes on # source line 12 will be given new line numbers 12000, 12001, 12002, etc. old_num = list(lnotab_numbers(code.co_lnotab, code.co_firstlineno)) n_bytes = len(code.co_code) new_num = [] line = 0 opnum_in_line = 0 i_byte = 0 while i_byte < n_bytes: if old_num and i_byte == old_num[0][0]: line = old_num.pop(0)[1] opnum_in_line = 0 new_num.append((i_byte, 100000000 + 1000*line + opnum_in_line)) if ord(code.co_code[i_byte]) >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: i_byte += 3 else: i_byte += 1 opnum_in_line += 1 # new_num is a list of pairs, (byteoff, lineoff). Turn it into an lnotab. new_firstlineno = new_num[0][1]-1 new_lnotab = lnotab_string(new_num, new_firstlineno) # Recurse into code constants in this code object. new_consts = [] for const in code.co_consts: if type(const) == types.CodeType: new_consts.append(hack_line_numbers(const)) else: new_consts.append(const) # Create a new code object, just like the old one, except with new # line numbers. new_code = new.code( code.co_argcount, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags, code.co_code, tuple(new_consts), code.co_names, code.co_varnames, code.co_filename, code.co_name, new_firstlineno, new_lnotab ) return new_code
Example #16
Source File: From PyDev.Debugger with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
def _update_label_offsets(code_obj, breakpoint_offset, breakpoint_code_list): """ Update labels for the relative and absolute jump targets :param code_obj: code to modify :param breakpoint_offset: offset for the inserted code :param breakpoint_code_list: size of the inserted code :return: bytes sequence with modified labels; list of tuples (resulting offset, list of code instructions) with information about all inserted pieces of code """ inserted_code = list() # the list with all inserted pieces of code inserted_code.append((breakpoint_offset, breakpoint_code_list)) code_list = list(code_obj) j = 0 while j < len(inserted_code): current_offset, current_code_list = inserted_code[j] offsets_for_modification = [] for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code_list, inserted_code, j): if arg is not None: if op in dis.hasjrel: # has relative jump target label = offset + 2 + arg if offset < current_offset < label: # change labels for relative jump targets if code was inserted inside offsets_for_modification.append(offset) elif op in dis.hasjabs: # change label for absolute jump if code was inserted before it if current_offset < arg: offsets_for_modification.append(offset) for i in range(0, len(code_list), 2): op = code_list[i] if i in offsets_for_modification and op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT: new_arg = code_list[i + 1] + len(current_code_list) if new_arg <= MAX_BYTE: code_list[i + 1] = new_arg else: # handle bytes overflow if i - 2 > 0 and code_list[i - 2] == EXTENDED_ARG and code_list[i - 1] < MAX_BYTE: # if new argument > 255 and EXTENDED_ARG already exists we need to increase it's argument code_list[i - 1] += 1 else: # if there isn't EXTENDED_ARG operator yet we have to insert the new operator extended_arg_code = [EXTENDED_ARG, new_arg >> 8] inserted_code.append((i, extended_arg_code)) code_list[i + 1] = new_arg & MAX_BYTE code_list = code_list[:current_offset] + current_code_list + code_list[current_offset:] for k in range(len(inserted_code)): offset, inserted_code_list = inserted_code[k] if current_offset < offset: inserted_code[k] = (offset + len(current_code_list), inserted_code_list) j += 1 return bytes(code_list), inserted_code
Example #17
Source File: From coveragepy with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def hack_line_numbers(code): """ Replace a code object's line number information to claim that every byte of the bytecode is a new source line. Returns a new code object. Also recurses to hack the line numbers in nested code objects. """ # Create a new lnotab table. Each opcode is claimed to be at # 1000*lineno + (opcode number within line), so for example, the opcodes on # source line 12 will be given new line numbers 12000, 12001, 12002, etc. old_num = list(lnotab_numbers(code.co_lnotab, code.co_firstlineno)) n_bytes = len(code.co_code) new_num = [] line = 0 opnum_in_line = 0 i_byte = 0 while i_byte < n_bytes: if old_num and i_byte == old_num[0][0]: line = old_num.pop(0)[1] opnum_in_line = 0 new_num.append((i_byte, 100000000 + 1000*line + opnum_in_line)) if ord(code.co_code[i_byte]) >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: i_byte += 3 else: i_byte += 1 opnum_in_line += 1 # new_num is a list of pairs, (byteoff, lineoff). Turn it into an lnotab. new_firstlineno = new_num[0][1]-1 new_lnotab = lnotab_string(new_num, new_firstlineno) # Recurse into code constants in this code object. new_consts = [] for const in code.co_consts: if type(const) == types.CodeType: new_consts.append(hack_line_numbers(const)) else: new_consts.append(const) # Create a new code object, just like the old one, except with new # line numbers. new_code = new.code( code.co_argcount, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags, code.co_code, tuple(new_consts), code.co_names, code.co_varnames, code.co_filename, code.co_name, new_firstlineno, new_lnotab ) return new_code
Example #18
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def emit(self, op, oparg, arg=None, lineno=-1): """ Writes the bytecode and lnotab. """ bytecode_inc, line_inc = 0, -1 if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT and oparg > 0xffff: self.append_code(opcode.EXTENDED_ARG) self.append_code((oparg >> 16) & 0xff) self.append_code((oparg >> 24) & 0xff) bytecode_inc += 3 self.append_code(op) bytecode_inc += 1 if op >= opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT: self.append_code(oparg & 0xff) self.append_code((oparg >> 8) & 0xff) bytecode_inc += 2 # We also adjust the lnotabs field if self.prev_lineno == -1: line_inc = 0 else: line_inc = lineno - self.prev_lineno if line_inc == 0 and bytecode_inc == 0: self.lnotab.append(0) # bytecode increment self.lnotab.append(0) # lineno increment else: while bytecode_inc > 255: self.lnotab.append(255) self.lnotab.append(0) bytecode_inc -= 255 while line_inc > 255: self.lnotab.append(0) self.lnotab.append(255) line_inc -= 255 # Add the remainder self.lnotab.append(bytecode_inc) self.lnotab.append(line_inc) self.prev_lineno = lineno