Python urwid.Columns() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of urwid.Columns().
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Example #1
Source File: From stig with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_shards_bug(self): scrl = Scrollable( urwid.Pile([urwid.Columns([urwid.Text("text")] * 3)] * 3) ) sb = ScrollBar(scrl, thumb_char='#', trough_char='|', width=3) area = urwid.Overlay(urwid.SolidFill("O"), sb, "center", 4, "middle", 5) self.check(area, (10, 5), cursor_pos=(), text=( 'tetOOOO###', 'xttOOOO###', 'tetOOOO###', 'xttOOOO###', 'tetOOOO|||', )) #
Example #2
Source File: From ec2-gazua with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _init_views(self): aws_names = list(self.manager.aws_names) self.aws_view = AWSView(aws_names) aws_name = self.aws_view.get_selected_name() group_names = list(self.manager.instances[aws_name].keys()) self.group_view = GroupView(group_names) group_name = self.group_view.get_selected_name() init_instances = self.manager.instances[aws_name][group_name] self.instance_view = InstanceView(init_instances) urwid.connect_signal(self.aws_view.get_walker(), "modified", self.on_aws_changed) urwid.connect_signal(self.group_view.get_walker(), "modified", self.on_group_changed) self.view = Columns([ (15, self.aws_view.get_widget()), (25, self.group_view.get_widget()), self.instance_view.get_widget() ])
Example #3
Source File: From zulip-terminal with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stream_header(self) -> Any: stream_topic_separator = '▶' color = self.model.stream_dict[self.stream_id]['color'] bar_color = 's' + color stream_title_markup = ('bar', [ (bar_color, '{} {} '.format(self.stream_name, stream_topic_separator)), ('title', ' {}'.format(self.topic_name)) ]) stream_title = urwid.Text(stream_title_markup) header = urwid.Columns([ ('pack', stream_title), (1, urwid.Text((color, ' '))), urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.Divider('━'), color), ]) header.markup = stream_title_markup return header
Example #4
Source File: From conjure-up with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _build_sudo_field(self): if not utils.is_linux() or not self.model.needs_sudo: return [] rows = [] if not self.sudo_input = PasswordEditor() self.clear_sudo_error() columns = [ ('weight', 0.5, Padding.left(self.sudo_label, left=5)), ] if self.sudo_input: columns.append(( 'weight', 1, Filler(Color.string_input(self.sudo_input, focus_map='string_input focus'), valign='bottom'))) rows.extend([ Padding.line_break(""), Columns(columns, dividechars=3, box_columns=[1]), ]) return rows
Example #5
Source File: From conjure-up with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _build_footer(self): no = menu_btn(on_press=self.cancel, label="\n NO\n") yes = menu_btn(on_press=self.submit, label="\n YES\n") self.buttons = Columns([ ('fixed', 2, Text("")), ('fixed', 11, Color.menu_button( no, focus_map='button_primary focus')), Text(""), ('fixed', 11, Color.menu_button( yes, focus_map='button_primary focus')), ('fixed', 2, Text("")) ]) self.footer = Pile([ Padding.line_break(""), self.buttons ]) return Color.frame_footer(self.footer)
Example #6
Source File: From conjure-up with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _build_widget(self): applications = total_items = [Instruction("Deployment Information:"), HR()] tbl = Pile([ Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Name")), Text(self.model['name'])]), Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Cloud")), Text(self.model['cloud'])]), Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Status")), Text(self.model['status']['current'])]), Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Online")), Text(self._sanitize_date( self.model['status']['since']))]), Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Applications")), Text(", ".join(applications.keys()))]), Columns([('fixed', 15, Text("Machines")), Text(str(self._total_machines(self.model)))]) ]) total_items.append(tbl) total_items.append(HR()) return Padding.center_80(Filler(Pile(total_items), valign='top'))
Example #7
Source File: From zulip-terminal with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_table_with_categories(contents: PopUpViewTableContent, column_widths: List[int], dividechars: int=2) -> List[Any]: """ Returns a list of widgets to render a table with different categories. """ widgets = [] # type: List[Any] for category, content in contents: if category: if len(widgets) > 0: # Separate categories with newline. widgets.append(urwid.Text('')) widgets.append(urwid.Text(('popup_category', category))) for index, row in enumerate(content): label, data = row strip = urwid.Columns([ urwid.Text(label), (column_widths[1], urwid.Text(data)) ], dividechars=dividechars) widgets.append(urwid.AttrWrap( strip, None if index % 2 else 'popup_contrast') ) return widgets
Example #8
Source File: From zulip-terminal with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_main_view_generates_stream_header(self, mocker, message, to_vary_in_last_message): self.model.stream_dict = { 5: { 'color': '#bd6', }, } last_message = dict(message, **to_vary_in_last_message) msg_box = MessageBox(message, self.model, last_message) view_components = msg_box.main_view() assert len(view_components) == 3 assert isinstance(view_components[0], Columns) assert isinstance(view_components[0][0], Text) assert isinstance(view_components[0][1], Text) assert isinstance(view_components[0][2], Divider)
Example #9
Source File: From sen with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run(self): """ prompt for text input. """ # set up widgets leftpart = urwid.Text(self.arguments.prompt_text, align='left') editpart = urwid.Edit(multiline=True, edit_text=self.arguments.initial_text) # build promptwidget edit = urwid.Columns([ ('fixed', len(self.arguments.prompt_text), leftpart), ('weight', 1, editpart), ]) self.ui.prompt_bar = urwid.AttrMap(edit, "main_list_dg") self.ui.reload_footer() self.ui.set_focus("footer") urwid.connect_signal(editpart, "change", run_command_callback, user_args=[self.ui, self.docker_object])
Example #10
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self): wlist = [] addnew = urwid.Button("Add") urwid.connect_signal(addnew, 'click', self._add_new_option) addnew = urwid.AttrWrap(addnew, 'selectable', 'butfocus') wlist.append(addnew) for attrib in getattr(self.row, self.metadata.colname): # list-like attribute entry = ListEntry(urwid.Columns( [(30, urwid.Text(str(attrib.type))), urwid.Text(unicode(attrib.value).encode("utf-8"))])) entry.attrname = urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'activate', self._edit_option) urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'delete', self._delete) wlist.append(entry) listbox = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(wlist)) return urwid.BoxAdapter(urwid.LineBox(listbox), max(7, len(wlist)+2))
Example #11
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self): environments = db.get_environment_names() reports = [None] + db.get_report_names() self._envsel = widgets.ListScrollSelector(environments) self._repsel = widgets.ListScrollSelector(reports) self._tclist = urwid.SimpleListWalker([]) butcols = urwid.Columns([ ("pack", urwid.Text("environment:")), AM(self._envsel, "selectable", "butfocus"), ("pack", urwid.Text("report:")), AM(self._repsel, "selectable", "butfocus"), ], dividechars=2) header = urwid.Pile([ AM(urwid.Text("Select environment, report, and set options. Use Tab to switch to environment selector. Selected:"), "subhead"), urwid.BoxAdapter(urwid.ListBox(self._tclist), 2), butcols, ]) body = self._build_test_selector(False) return urwid.Frame(body, header=header, focus_part="body")
Example #12
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _construct_spacer(self, pos, acc): """ build a spacer that occupies the horizontally indented space between pos's parent and the root node. It will return a list of tuples to be fed into a Columns widget. """ parent = self._walker.parent_position(pos) if parent is not None: grandparent = self._walker.parent_position(parent) if self._indent > 0 and grandparent is not None: parent_sib = self._walker.next_sibling_position(parent) draw_vbar = parent_sib is not None and self._arrow_vbar_char is not None space_width = self._indent - 1 * ( draw_vbar) - self._childbar_offset if space_width > 0: void = AttrMap(urwid.SolidFill(' '), self._arrow_att) acc.insert(0, ((space_width, void))) if draw_vbar: barw = urwid.SolidFill(self._arrow_vbar_char) bar = AttrMap( barw, self._arrow_vbar_att or self._arrow_att) acc.insert(0, ((1, bar))) return self._construct_spacer(parent, acc) else: return acc
Example #13
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _construct_line(self, pos): """ builds a list element for given position in the tree. It consists of the original widget taken from the TreeWalker and some decoration columns depending on the existence of parent and sibling positions. The result is a urwid.Culumns widget. """ line = None if pos is not None: original_widget = self._walker[pos] cols = self._construct_spacer(pos, []) # Construct arrow leading from parent here, # if we have a parent and indentation is turned on if self._indent > 0: indent = self._construct_first_indent(pos) if indent is not None: cols = cols + indent # add the original widget for this line cols.append(original_widget) # construct a Columns, defining all spacer as Box widgets line = urwid.Columns(cols, box_columns=range(len(cols))[:-1]) return line
Example #14
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self): wlist = [] addnew = urwid.Button("Add") urwid.connect_signal(addnew, 'click', self._add_new_attribute) addnew = urwid.AttrWrap(addnew, 'selectable', 'butfocus') wlist.append(addnew) for attrib in getattr(self.row, self.metadata.colname): # list-like attribute entry = ListEntry(urwid.Columns( [(30, urwid.Text(str(attrib.type))), urwid.Text(unicode(attrib.value).encode("utf-8"))])) entry.attrname = urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'activate', self._edit_attribute) urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'delete', self._delete) wlist.append(entry) listbox = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(wlist)) return urwid.BoxAdapter(urwid.LineBox(listbox), max(7, len(wlist)+2)) # edit attrib
Example #15
Source File: From ec2-gazua with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_widget(self, instance): widgets = [ (25, SSHCheckBox([:21], instance.is_connectable, self._run_tmux, self.not_checkable_callback, on_state_change=self.instance_check_changed, user_data=instance)), (15, ClippedText(instance.private_ip or '-')), (15, ClippedText(instance.public_ip or '-')), (15, ClippedText(instance.type[:15])), (3, ClippedText('O' if instance.is_running else 'X')), ClippedText(instance.key_name or '-'), ] columns_widget = Columns(widgets, dividechars=1) return AttrMap(columns_widget, None, 'instance_focus')
Example #16
Source File: From stig with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *widgets, cls=urwid.Columns, **kwargs): """Create new Group widget Widgets can be added by providing mappings as positional arguments. Each mapping is then provided to the `add` method as keyword arguments. cls: `Columns` or `Pile` (or derivatives of either) All other keyword arguments are forwarded to `cls` on instantiation. """ self._main = cls([], **kwargs) self._items_list = [] self._items_dict = {} # Add initial widgets for widget in widgets: self.add(**widget) super().__init__(self._main)
Example #17
Source File: From spotify-playlists-2-deezer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def playlistitems(title): global listitems bt_sv = urwid.Button("Save") urwid.connect_signal(bt_sv, 'click', showmenu) bt_ca = urwid.Button("Cancel") urwid.connect_signal(bt_ca, 'click', showmenu) bt_sa = urwid.Button("Select all") urwid.connect_signal(bt_sa, 'click', select_all) bt_da = urwid.Button("Deselect all") urwid.connect_signal(bt_da, 'click', deselect_all) footer = urwid.Columns([bt_sv, bt_sa, bt_da, bt_ca], 1) items = [] for item in playlist_names: items.append(urwid.CheckBox(item['name'], is_selected(item['id']), on_state_change=checkbox_callback, user_data=item['id'])) start.original_widget = TabFrame(urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(items)), header=urwid.Text("Select Playlists"), footer=footer, focus_part='body') # main menu button handler
Example #18
Source File: From s-tui with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, return_fn): self.return_fn = return_fn self.help_message = HELP_MESSAGE self.time_out_ctrl = urwid.Text(self.help_message) cancel_button = urwid.Button(('Exit'), on_press=self.on_cancel) cancel_button._label.align = 'center' if_buttons = urwid.Columns([cancel_button]) title = urwid.Text(('bold text', u" Help Menu \n"), 'center') self.titles = [title, self.time_out_ctrl, if_buttons] self.main_window = urwid.LineBox(ViListBox(self.titles))
Example #19
Source File: From s-tui with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_text_item_list(self): summery_text_list = [] for key, val in self.source.get_summary().items(): label_w = urwid.Text(str(key[0:self.MAX_LABEL_L])) value_w = urwid.Text(str(val), align='right') # This can be accessed by the update method self.summary_text_items[key] = value_w col_w = urwid.Columns([('weight', 1.5, label_w), value_w]) try: _ = self.visible_summaries[key] except KeyError: # If an unkonwn key appers, add it to list self.visible_summaries[key] = True if self.visible_summaries[key]: summery_text_list.append(col_w) return summery_text_list
Example #20
Source File: From s-tui with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, return_fn): self.return_fn = return_fn self.about_message = ABOUT_MESSAGE self.time_out_ctrl = urwid.Text(self.about_message) cancel_button = urwid.Button('Exit', on_press=self.on_cancel) cancel_button._label.align = 'center' if_buttons = urwid.Columns([cancel_button]) title = urwid.Text(('bold text', u" About Menu \n"), 'center') self.titles = [title, self.time_out_ctrl, if_buttons] self.main_window = urwid.LineBox(ViListBox(self.titles))
Example #21
Source File: From sclack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, text='', date=None, char='─'): text_size = len(text if isinstance(text, str) else text[1]) + 2 self.text_widget = ('fixed', text_size, urwid.Text(('new_messages_text', text), align='center')) body = [ urwid.Divider(char) ] if date is None: body.append(self.text_widget) body.append(('fixed', 1, urwid.Divider(char))) else: date_size = len(date if isinstance(date, str) else date[1]) + 2 date_widget = ('fixed', date_size, urwid.Text(date, align='center')) body.append(date_widget) body.append(urwid.Divider(char)) body.append(self.text_widget) body.append(('fixed', 1, urwid.Divider(char))) super(NewMessagesDivider, self).__init__(urwid.Columns(body), 'new_messages_line')
Example #22
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_items(self): q = self.session.query(self.modelclass).order_by(self._orderby) if self._filter: filt = [] for name, value in self._filter.items(): filt.append(getattr(self.modelclass, name).like("%{}%".format(value))) q = q.filter(*filt) items = [] for row in q: disprow = [] pk = getattr(row, str(self._pkname)) disprow.append( ('fixed', 6, urwid.Text(str(pk))) ) for colname in self._colnames: md = self.metadata[colname] fmt, width = self._FORMATS.get(md.coltype, ("{!s:10.10}", 10)) disprow.append( ('fixed', width, urwid.Text(fmt.format(getattr(row, colname)))) ) le = ListEntry(urwid.Columns(disprow, dividechars=1)) urwid.connect_signal(le, 'activate', self._edit, pk) urwid.connect_signal(le, 'delete', self._delete, pk) items.append(le) return urwid.SimpleListWalker(items)
Example #23
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self): showeq = urwid.Text( maxlen = 0 uutcb = urwid.CheckBox("DUT/UUT", state=self._testequipment.UUT) urwid.connect_signal(uutcb, 'change', self._uut_select) blist = [AM(uutcb, "important")] for role in self._roles: label = str(role) maxlen = max(len(label), maxlen) state = role in self._testequipment.roles but = urwid.CheckBox(str(role), state=state) urwid.connect_signal(but, 'change', self._multi_select, role) blist.append(but) roleboxes = urwid.Padding(urwid.GridFlow(blist, maxlen+4, 1, 0, "left")) # # buttons ok, cancel = self.get_form_buttons() buts = urwid.Columns([(10, ok), (10, cancel)], dividechars=1, focus_column=0) div = urwid.Divider() return urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker([AM(showeq, "flagged"), div, roleboxes, div, buts]))
Example #24
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self): self._showeq = urwid.Text("") eqi = self._create_equipment_input() maxlen = 0 uutcb = urwid.CheckBox("DUT/UUT", state=False) urwid.connect_signal(uutcb, 'change', self._uut_select) blist = [AM(uutcb, "important")] for role in self._roles: label = str(role) maxlen = max(len(label), maxlen) but = urwid.CheckBox(str(role), state=False) urwid.connect_signal(but, 'change', self._multi_select, role) blist.append(but) roleboxes = urwid.Padding(urwid.GridFlow(blist, maxlen+4, 1, 0, "left")) # buttons ok, cancel = self.get_form_buttons() buts = urwid.Columns([(10, ok), (10, cancel)], dividechars=1, focus_column=0) return urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker([eqi, AM(self._showeq, "flagged"), roleboxes, buts]))
Example #25
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_relation_input(self): choices = dict(models.get_choices(self.session, self.modelclass, self.metadata.colname, None)) addnew = urwid.Button("Add New") urwid.connect_signal(addnew, 'click', self._add_new_related) # Cancel canc = urwid.Button("Cancel") urwid.connect_signal(canc, 'click', self._cancel) butcol = urwid.Columns([AM(addnew, "buttn", "buttnf"), AM(canc, "buttn", "buttnf")]) wlist = [butcol] if self.metadata.nullable: entry = ListEntry(urwid.Text("None (remove)")) urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'activate', self._single_select) wlist.append(entry) for pk, cname in choices.items(): entry = ListEntry(urwid.Text(cname)) urwid.connect_signal(entry, 'activate', self._single_select, pk) wlist.append(entry) listbox = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(wlist)) return urwid.BoxAdapter(urwid.LineBox(listbox), 9)
Example #26
Source File: From pycopia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build(self): self._pkname = models.get_primary_key_name(self.modelclass) self._orderby = self._pkname self._filter = {} self._colnames = models.get_rowdisplay(self.modelclass) # col headings colforms = [('fixed', 6, urwid.Text(("colhead", "filt:")))] colnames = [('fixed', 6, urwid.Text(("colhead", self._pkname))) ] clsname = self.modelclass.__name__ for colname in self._colnames: md = self.metadata[colname] fmt, width = self._FORMATS.get(md.coltype, ("{!s:10.10}", 10)) colnames.append( ('fixed', width, urwid.Text(("colhead", md.colname))) ) if md.coltype in ("TEXT", "VARCHAR"): fb = SimpleEdit() # TODO use FilterInput to select sort order, once it works fb.colname = md.colname urwid.connect_signal(fb, "change", self._set_filter) colforms.append(('fixed', width, AM(fb, "selectable", "butfocus"))) else: colforms.append(('fixed', width, urwid.Divider())) cb = urwid.Button("Create new {}".format(clsname.lower())) urwid.connect_signal(cb, 'click', self._create_cb) header = urwid.Pile( [ urwid.Columns([AM(urwid.Text(clsname), "subhead"), AM(cb, "selectable", "butfocus") ], focus_column=1), urwid.Columns(colforms, dividechars=1), urwid.Columns(colnames, dividechars=1), ]) listbox = urwid.ListBox(self.get_items()) return urwid.Frame(urwid.AttrMap(listbox, 'body'), header=header, focus_part="body")
Example #27
Source File: From sclack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config): self._loading = False self.config = config self.quick_switcher = None self.set_snooze_widget = None self.workspaces = list(config['workspaces'].items()) = Store(self.workspaces, self.config) Store.instance = urwid.set_encoding('UTF-8') sidebar = LoadingSideBar() chatbox = LoadingChatBox('Everything is terrible!') palette = themes.get(config['theme'], themes['default']) custom_loop = SclackEventLoop(loop=loop) custom_loop.set_exception_handler(self._exception_handler) if len(self.workspaces) <= 1: self.workspaces_line = None else: self.workspaces_line = Workspaces(self.workspaces) self.columns = urwid.Columns([ ('fixed', config['sidebar']['width'], urwid.AttrWrap(sidebar, 'sidebar')), urwid.AttrWrap(chatbox, 'chatbox') ]) self._body = urwid.Frame(self.columns, header=self.workspaces_line) self.urwid_loop = urwid.MainLoop( self._body, palette=palette, event_loop=custom_loop, unhandled_input=self.unhandled_input ) self.configure_screen(self.urwid_loop.screen) self.last_keypress = (0, None)
Example #28
Source File: From s-tui with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, title, sub_title_list, y_label, bar_graph_vector, visible_graph_list): for bar_graph in bar_graph_vector: if not isinstance(bar_graph, ScalableBarGraph): raise Exception( 'graph vector items must be ScalableBarGraph') if not self.check_label(y_label): raise Exception( 'Y label must be a valid label') self.visible_graph_list = visible_graph_list self.bar_graph_vector = [] self.set_graph(bar_graph_vector) self.y_label_and_graphs = urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(urwid.Columns([])) self.y_label = [] self.set_y_label(y_label) list_w = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([])) self.title = urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(list_w) self.sub_title_list = sub_title_list self.set_title(title) super(LabeledBarGraphVector, self).__init__(urwid.Pile([])) self.set_visible_graphs(visible_graph_list)
Example #29
Source File: From s-tui with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_visible_graphs(self, visible_graph_list=None): """Show a column of the graph selected for display""" if visible_graph_list is None: visible_graph_list = self.visible_graph_list vline = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.SolidFill(u'|'), 'line') graph_vector_column_list = [] for state, graph, sub_title in zip(visible_graph_list, self.bar_graph_vector, self.sub_title_list): if state: text_w = urwid.Text(sub_title, align='center') sub_title_widget = urwid.ListBox([text_w]) graph_a = [('fixed', 1, sub_title_widget), ('weight', 1, graph)] graph_and_title = urwid.Pile(graph_a) graph_vector_column_list.append(('weight', 1, graph_and_title)) graph_vector_column_list.append(('fixed', 1, vline)) # if all sub graph are disabled if not graph_vector_column_list: self.visible_graph_list = visible_graph_list self.original_widget = urwid.Pile([]) return # remove the last vertical line separator graph_vector_column_list.pop() y_label_a = ('weight', 1, urwid.Columns(graph_vector_column_list)) y_label_and_graphs = [self.y_label, y_label_a] column_w = urwid.Columns(y_label_and_graphs, dividechars=1) y_label_and_graphs_widget = urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(column_w) init_widget = urwid.Pile([('fixed', 1, self.title), ('weight', 1, y_label_and_graphs_widget)]) self.visible_graph_list = visible_graph_list self.original_widget = init_widget
Example #30
Source File: From zulip-terminal with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main_window(self) -> Any: self.left_panel = self.left_column_view() self.center_panel = self.message_view() self.right_panel = self.right_column_view() if self.controller.autohide: body = [ (View.LEFT_WIDTH, self.left_panel), ('weight', 10, self.center_panel), (0, self.right_panel), ] else: body = [ (View.LEFT_WIDTH, self.left_panel), ('weight', 10, self.center_panel), (View.RIGHT_WIDTH, self.right_panel), ] self.body = urwid.Columns(body, focus_column=0) # NOTE: set_focus_changed_callback is actually called before the # focus is set, so the message is not read yet, it will be read when # the focus is changed again either vertically or horizontally. self.body._contents.set_focus_changed_callback( self.model.msg_list.read_message) div_char = '═' title_text = " {full_name} ({email}) - {server_name} ({url}) ".format( full_name=self.model.user_full_name, email=self.model.user_email, server_name=self.model.server_name, url=self.model.server_url) title_bar = urwid.Columns([ urwid.Divider(div_char=div_char), (len(title_text), urwid.Text([title_text])), urwid.Divider(div_char=div_char), ]) w = urwid.Frame(self.body, title_bar, focus_part='body', footer=self.footer_view()) return w