Python httplib2.debuglevel() Examples

The following are 4 code examples of httplib2.debuglevel(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module httplib2 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From apitools with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _Httplib2Debuglevel(http_request, level, http=None):
    """Temporarily change the value of httplib2.debuglevel, if necessary.

    If http_request has a `loggable_body` distinct from `body`, then we
    need to prevent httplib2 from logging the full body. This sets
    httplib2.debuglevel for the duration of the `with` block; however,
    that alone won't change the value of existing HTTP connections. If
    an httplib2.Http object is provided, we'll also change the level on
    any cached connections attached to it.

      http_request: a Request we're logging.
      level: (int) the debuglevel for logging.
      http: (optional) an httplib2.Http whose connections we should
        set the debuglevel on.

    if http_request.loggable_body is None:
    old_level = httplib2.debuglevel
    http_levels = {}
    httplib2.debuglevel = level
    if http is not None:
        for connection_key, connection in http.connections.items():
            # httplib2 stores two kinds of values in this dict, connection
            # classes and instances. Since the connection types are all
            # old-style classes, we can't easily distinguish by connection
            # type -- so instead we use the key pattern.
            if ':' not in connection_key:
            http_levels[connection_key] = connection.debuglevel
    httplib2.debuglevel = old_level
    if http is not None:
        for connection_key, old_level in http_levels.items():
            if connection_key in http.connections:
Example #2
Source File:    From termite-visualizations with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, timeout, proxy=None, cacert=None, sessions=False):
            kwargs = {}
            if proxy:
                import socks
                kwargs['proxy_info'] = httplib2.ProxyInfo(proxy_type=socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP, **proxy)
                print "using proxy", proxy

            # set optional parameters according supported httplib2 version
            if httplib2.__version__ >= '0.3.0':
                kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
            if httplib2.__version__ >= '0.7.0':
                kwargs['disable_ssl_certificate_validation'] = cacert is None
                kwargs['ca_certs'] = cacert    
            httplib2.Http.__init__(self, **kwargs) 
Example #3
Source File:    From dagster with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_dataproc_resource():
    '''Tests dataproc cluster creation/deletion. Requests are captured by the responses library, so
    no actual HTTP requests are made here.

    Note that inspecting the HTTP requests can be useful for debugging, which can be done by adding:

    import httplib2
    httplib2.debuglevel = 4
    with mock.patch('httplib2.Http', new=HttpSnooper):

        pipeline = PipelineDefinition(
            mode_defs=[ModeDefinition(resource_defs={'dataproc': dataproc_resource})],

        result = execute_pipeline(
                'solids': {
                    'dataproc_solid': {
                        'config': {
                            'job_config': {
                                'projectId': PROJECT_ID,
                                'region': REGION,
                                'job': {
                                    'reference': {'projectId': PROJECT_ID},
                                    'placement': {'clusterName': CLUSTER_NAME},
                                    'hiveJob': {'queryList': {'queries': ['SHOW DATABASES']}},
                            'job_scoped_cluster': True,
                'resources': {
                    'dataproc': {
                        'config': {
                            'projectId': PROJECT_ID,
                            'clusterName': CLUSTER_NAME,
                            'region': REGION,
                            'cluster_config': {
                                'softwareConfig': {
                                    'properties': {
                                        # Create a single-node cluster
                                        # This needs to be the string "true" when
                                        # serialized, not a boolean true
                                        '': 'true'
        assert result.success 
Example #4
Source File:    From apitools with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _MakeRequestNoRetry(http, http_request, redirections=5,
    """Send http_request via the given http.

    This wrapper exists to handle translation between the plain httplib2
    request/response types and the Request and Response types above.

      http: An httplib2.Http instance, or a http multiplexer that delegates to
          an underlying http, for example, HTTPMultiplexer.
      http_request: A Request to send.
      redirections: (int, default 5) Number of redirects to follow.
      check_response_func: Function to validate the HTTP response.
          Arguments are (Response, response content, url).

      A Response object.

      RequestError if no response could be parsed.

    connection_type = None
    # Handle overrides for connection types.  This is used if the caller
    # wants control over the underlying connection for managing callbacks
    # or hash digestion.
    if getattr(http, 'connections', None):
        url_scheme = parse.urlsplit(http_request.url).scheme
        if url_scheme and url_scheme in http.connections:
            connection_type = http.connections[url_scheme]

    # Custom printing only at debuglevel 4
    new_debuglevel = 4 if httplib2.debuglevel == 4 else 0
    with _Httplib2Debuglevel(http_request, new_debuglevel, http=http):
        info, content = http.request(
            str(http_request.url), method=str(http_request.http_method),
            body=http_request.body, headers=http_request.headers,
            redirections=redirections, connection_type=connection_type)

    if info is None:
        raise exceptions.RequestError()

    response = Response(info, content, http_request.url)
    return response