Python pkg_resources.resource_isdir() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of pkg_resources.resource_isdir().
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Example #1
Source File: From aries-cloudagent-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def scan_subpackages(cls, package: str) -> Sequence[str]: """Return a list of sub-packages defined under a named package.""" # FIXME use importlib.resources in python 3.7 if "." in package: package, sub_pkg = package.split(".", 1) else: sub_pkg = "." if not pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package, sub_pkg): raise ModuleLoadError(f"Undefined package {package}") found = [] joiner = "" if sub_pkg == "." else f"{sub_pkg}." for sub_path in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(package, sub_pkg): if pkg_resources.resource_exists( package, f"{sub_pkg}/{sub_path}/" ): found.append(f"{package}.{joiner}{sub_path}") return found
Example #2
Source File: From incubator-retired-cotton with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _unpack_assets(output_dir, module, asset_root, execute, current_path): """ The internal helper function for unpack_assets(...) recursion. :param current_path: Records the current """ for asset in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(module, current_path): asset_target = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(current_path, asset_root), asset) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(module, os.path.join(current_path, asset)): safe_mkdir(os.path.join(output_dir, asset_target)) _unpack_assets(output_dir, module, asset_root, execute, os.path.join(current_path, asset)) else: output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, asset_target) with open(output_file, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(pkg_resources.resource_string( module, os.path.join(asset_root, asset_target))) execute(output_file)
Example #3
Source File: From canari3 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def image_resources(package=None, directory='resources'): """ Returns all images under the directory relative to a package path. If no directory or package is specified then the resources module of the calling package will be used. Images are recursively discovered. :param package: package name in dotted format. :param directory: path relative to package path of the resources directory. :return: a list of images under the specified resources path. """ if not package: package = calling_package() package_dir = '.'.join([package, directory]) images = [] for i in resource_listdir(package, directory): if i.startswith('__') or i.endswith('.egg-info'): continue fname = resource_filename(package_dir, i) if resource_isdir(package_dir, i): images.extend(image_resources(package_dir, i)) elif what(fname): images.append(fname) return images # etc
Example #4
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_scan_dir(package, src_dir, dst_dir): """Check if working on a scan dir. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst_dir, _CONTROL_DIR_NAME)): return True package_name = package.__name__ if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package_name, os.path.join(src_dir, _CONTROL_DIR_NAME)): return True if pkg_resources.resource_exists(package_name, os.path.join(src_dir, _CONTROL_DIR_FILE)): return True return False
Example #5
Source File: From datasette with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_plugins(): plugins = [] plugin_to_distinfo = dict(pm.list_plugin_distinfo()) for plugin in pm.get_plugins(): static_path = None templates_path = None if plugin.__name__ not in DEFAULT_PLUGINS: try: if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(plugin.__name__, "static"): static_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( plugin.__name__, "static" ) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(plugin.__name__, "templates"): templates_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( plugin.__name__, "templates" ) except (KeyError, ImportError): # Caused by --plugins_dir= plugins - KeyError/ImportError thrown in Py3.5 pass plugin_info = { "name": plugin.__name__, "static_path": static_path, "templates_path": templates_path, "hooks": [ for h in pm.get_hookcallers(plugin)], } distinfo = plugin_to_distinfo.get(plugin) if distinfo: plugin_info["version"] = distinfo.version plugin_info["name"] = distinfo.project_name plugins.append(plugin_info) return plugins
Example #6
Source File: From virtme with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_guest_tools(): """Return the path of the guest tools installed with the running virtme. """ if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(__name__, 'guest'): return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'guest') # No luck. This is somewhat surprising. return None
Example #7
Source File: From assembly with MIT License | 5 votes |
def copy_resource_dir(src, dest): """ To copy package data directory to destination """ package_name = "assembly" dest = (dest + "/" + os.path.basename(src)).rstrip("/") if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package_name, src): if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.makedirs(dest) for res in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(about.__name__, src): copy_resource_dir(src + "/" + res, dest) else: if not os.path.isfile(dest) and os.path.splitext(src)[1] not in [".pyc"]: copy_resource_file(src, dest)
Example #8
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _iter(plugin, module): ''' Iterate over migrations for a given plugin module Yield tuples in the form (plugin_name, module_name, filename) ''' module_name = module if isinstance(module, str) else module.__name__ if not resource_isdir(module_name, 'migrations'): return for filename in resource_listdir(module_name, 'migrations'): if filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.startswith('__'): yield Migration(plugin, filename, module_name)
Example #9
Source File: From chaquopy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pr_resources(self): import pkg_resources as pr # App ZIP pkg = "android1" names = ["subdir", "", "a.txt", "", ""] self.assertCountEqual(names, pr.resource_listdir(pkg, "")) for name in names: with self.subTest(name=name): self.assertTrue(pr.resource_exists(pkg, name)) self.assertEqual(pr.resource_isdir(pkg, name), name == "subdir") self.assertFalse(pr.resource_exists(pkg, "nonexistent")) self.assertFalse(pr.resource_isdir(pkg, "nonexistent")) self.assertCountEqual(["c.txt"], pr.resource_listdir(pkg, "subdir")) self.assertTrue(pr.resource_exists(pkg, "subdir/c.txt")) self.assertFalse(pr.resource_isdir(pkg, "subdir/c.txt")) self.assertFalse(pr.resource_exists(pkg, "subdir/nonexistent.txt")) self.check_pr_resource(APP_ZIP, pkg, "", b"# This package is") self.check_pr_resource(APP_ZIP, pkg, "a.txt", b"alpha\n") self.check_pr_resource(APP_ZIP, pkg, "", b"bravo\n") self.check_pr_resource(APP_ZIP, pkg, "subdir/c.txt", b"charlie\n") # Requirements ZIP self.reset_package("murmurhash") self.assertCountEqual(["include", "tests", "__init__.pxd", "__init__.pyc", "about.pyc", "mrmr.pxd", "mrmr.pyx", ""], pr.resource_listdir("murmurhash", "")) self.assertCountEqual(["MurmurHash2.h", "MurmurHash3.h"], pr.resource_listdir("murmurhash", "include/murmurhash")) self.check_pr_resource(REQS_COMMON_ZIP, "murmurhash", "__init__.pyc", MAGIC_NUMBER) self.check_pr_resource(REQS_COMMON_ZIP, "murmurhash", "mrmr.pxd", b"from libc.stdint") self.check_pr_resource(REQS_ABI_ZIP, "murmurhash", "", b"\x7fELF")
Example #10
Source File: From pentagon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _files_directory(self): _template_path = 'files/public_cluster' if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(__name__, _template_path): return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, _template_path) else: raise StandardError( 'Could not find template path ({})'.format(_template_path))
Example #11
Source File: From dusty with MIT License | 5 votes |
def resources_for_test_config(test_config): resources = {} for key in [constants.CONFIG_BUNDLES_KEY, 'apps', 'libs', 'services']: key_path = 'test_configs/{}/{}'.format(test_config, key) if resource_isdir(__name__, key_path): resources[key] = {resource_name: resource_string(__name__, '{}/{}'.format(key_path, resource_name)) for resource_name in resource_listdir(__name__, key_path)} return resources
Example #12
Source File: From NeuroNER with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _fetch(name, content_type=None): """ Load data or models from the package folder. Args: name (str): name of the resource content_type (str): either "data" or "trained_models" Returns: fileset (dict): dictionary containing the file content """ package_name = 'neuroner' resource_path = '/'.join((content_type, name)) # get dirs root_dir = os.path.dirname(pkg_resources.resource_filename(package_name, '')) src_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, resource_path) dest_dir = os.path.join('.', content_type, name) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package_name, resource_path): # copy from package to dest dir if os.path.isdir(dest_dir): msg = "Directory '{}' already exists.".format(dest_dir) print(msg) else: shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir) msg = "Directory created: '{}'.".format(dest_dir) print(msg) else: msg = "{} not found in {} package.".format(name,package_name) print(msg)
Example #13
Source File: From cclyzer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self): """Initialize the project manager.""""Initializing project manager") self._projects = {} metadata = {} # a dict from internal names to project name, dependencies logic_resource_pkg = settings.LOGIC_RESOURCE_PKG # Iterate over all project files for project in resource_listdir(logic_resource_pkg, '.'): # Skip empty resource paths (apparently, that can happen!!) if not project: continue # Skip ordinary files if not resource_isdir(logic_resource_pkg, project): continue # Construct project path project_dir = project # Find project file for resource in resource_listdir(logic_resource_pkg, project_dir): if resource.endswith(".project"): # Compute path to resource path_to_resource = path.join(project_dir, resource) path_to_file = FileManager().mktemp() # Read contents of project file with open(path_to_file, 'w') as f: # Copy contents from resource stream for byte in resource_stream(logic_resource_pkg, path_to_resource): f.write(byte) # Extract metadata from project file internal_name, deps = self.__extract_metadata(path_to_file) metadata[internal_name] = Metadata(project, deps) break # 2nd pass to create and store projects. This way the internal # names are entirely hidden from the user. for (i, (project, deps)) in metadata.iteritems(): p = Project(project, *[metadata[d].project for d in deps]) p.internal_name = i self._projects[project] = p setattr(self, project.replace('-', '_'), p)"Found project %s that depends on: %s", project, p.dependencies)
Example #14
Source File: From cclyzer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __enter__(self): # Compute resource path project = self._project cached_logic_dir = runtime.FileManager().getpath('logic') cached_proj_dir = path.join(cached_logic_dir, project) # Check if project has been extracted before if path.exists(cached_proj_dir): # Compare signatures disk_signature = resource_stream( self._pkg, path.join(project, 'checksum') ).read().strip() cached_signature = open( path.join(cached_proj_dir, 'checksum'), 'rb' ).read().strip() # Project hasn't changed; don't overwrite if disk_signature == cached_signature: return cached_proj_dir # remove stale cached project shutil.rmtree(cached_proj_dir)"Extracting project %s to %s", project, cached_proj_dir) resource_dirs = [project] # Iterate over all project files while resource_dirs: # Pop next resource directory res_dir = resource_dirs.pop(0) # Process its files for resource in resource_listdir(self._pkg, res_dir): # Skip empty resource paths (apparently, that can happen!!) if not resource: continue # Compute path to resource path_to_resource = path.join(res_dir, resource) path_to_file = path.join(cached_logic_dir, path_to_resource) # Process resource directories recursively if resource_isdir(self._pkg, path_to_resource): resource_dirs.append(path_to_resource) continue _logger.debug("Extracting project file %s", path_to_resource) # Create parent directory parent_dir = path.dirname(path_to_file) if not path.exists(parent_dir): makedirs(parent_dir) with open(path_to_file, 'w') as f: # Copy contents from resource stream for byte in resource_stream(self._pkg, path_to_resource): f.write(byte) return cached_proj_dir
Example #15
Source File: From pecan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def copy_dir(source, dest, variables, out_=sys.stdout, i=0): """ Copies the ``source`` directory to the ``dest`` directory, where ``source`` is some tuple representing an installed package and a subdirectory in the package, e.g., ('pecan', os.path.join('scaffolds', 'base')) ('pecan_extension', os.path.join('scaffolds', 'scaffold_name')) ``variables``: A dictionary of variables to use in any substitutions. Substitution is performed via ``string.Template``. ``out_``: File object to write to (default is sys.stdout). """ def out(msg): out_.write('%s%s' % (' ' * (i * 2), msg)) out_.write('\n') out_.flush() names = sorted(pkg_resources.resource_listdir(source[0], source[1])) if not os.path.exists(dest): out('Creating %s' % dest) makedirs(dest) else: out('%s already exists' % dest) return for name in names: full = '/'.join([source[1], name]) dest_full = os.path.join(dest, substitute_filename(name, variables)) sub_file = False if dest_full.endswith('_tmpl'): dest_full = dest_full[:-5] sub_file = True if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(source[0], full): out('Recursing into %s' % os.path.basename(full)) copy_dir((source[0], full), dest_full, variables, out_, i + 1) continue else: content = pkg_resources.resource_string(source[0], full) if sub_file: content = render_template(content, variables) if content is None: continue # pragma: no cover out('Copying %s to %s' % (full, dest_full)) f = open(dest_full, 'wb') f.write(content) f.close()
Example #16
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _install_scan_dir(package, src_dir, dst_dir, params, prefix_len, rec=None): """Interpolate source directory as a scan directory containing service definitions. """ package_name = package.__name__ src_control_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, _CONTROL_DIR_NAME) src_control_dir_file = os.path.join(src_dir, _CONTROL_DIR_FILE) dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, src_dir[prefix_len:]) dst_control_dir = os.path.join(dst_path, _CONTROL_DIR_NAME) scan_dir = None if not os.path.exists(dst_control_dir): fs.mkdir_safe(dst_control_dir) if rec: rec.write('%s\n' % os.path.join(dst_control_dir, '')) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(package_name, src_control_dir): _install(package, src_control_dir, dst_dir, params, prefix_len=prefix_len, rec=rec) elif pkg_resources.resource_exists(package_name, src_control_dir_file):'Expand control dir: %s => %s', src_control_dir_file, dst_control_dir) svscan_conf_file = pkg_resources.resource_string( package_name, src_control_dir_file ) if svscan_conf_file: svscan_conf = yaml.load(svscan_conf_file.decode('utf8')) else: svscan_conf = {} scan_dir = supervisor.create_scan_dir( dst_path, svscan_conf.get('finish_timeout', 0), wait_cgroups=svscan_conf.get('wait_cgroups', None), kill_svc=svscan_conf.get('kill_svc', None) ) scan_dir.write() if not scan_dir: scan_dir = supervisor.ScanDir(dst_path) _install_services( scan_dir, package, src_dir, dst_dir, params, prefix_len=prefix_len, rec=rec )