Python rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph().
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Example #1
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def clone_graph(source_graph, target_graph=None, identifier=None): """ Make a clone of the source_graph by directly copying triples from source_graph to target_graph :param source_graph: :type source_graph: rdflib.Graph :param target_graph: :type target_graph: rdflib.Graph|None :param identifier: :type identifier: str | None :return: The cloned graph :rtype: rdflib.Graph """ if isinstance(source_graph, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)): return clone_dataset(source_graph, target_ds=target_graph) if target_graph is None: g = rdflib.Graph(identifier=identifier) for p, n in source_graph.namespace_manager.namespaces(): g.namespace_manager.bind(p, n, override=True, replace=True) else: g = target_graph for p, n in source_graph.namespace_manager.namespaces(): g.namespace_manager.bind(p, n, override=False, replace=False) for t in iter(source_graph): g.add(t) return g
Example #2
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_empty_boolean(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path="tests/empty.csv", metadata_path="tests/empty.bool.csv-metadata.json") rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") assert len(g) == 2 assert len(list(g.triples((None, None, Literal(False))))) == 2 csvw = CSVW(csv_path="tests/empty.csv", metadata_path="tests/empty.invalid_base.csv-metadata.json") rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") assert len(g) == 0
Example #3
Source File: From open-context-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def make_graph_from_json_ld(json_ld, id=None): """Returns a graph made from JSON-LD.""" if isinstance(json_ld, dict): if not id and 'id' in json_ld: # ID for graph is in the JSON-LD id = json_ld['id'] elif not id and '@id' in json_ld: # ID for graph is in the JSON-LD id = json_ld['@id'] json_ld = json.dumps(json_ld, ensure_ascii=False) if isinstance(id, str): id = URIRef(id) try: g = ConjunctiveGraph().parse( data=json_ld, publicID=id, format='json-ld') except: return None return g
Example #4
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_time(): with CSVW(csv_path="tests/datatypes.time.csv", metadata_path="tests/datatypes.time.csv-metadata.json") as csvw: rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") NS = Namespace('') time1_lit = Literal("19:30:00", datatype=XSD.time) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['time1'], time1_lit)))) == 1 time2_lit = Literal("09:30:10.5", datatype=XSD.time) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['time2'], time2_lit)))) == 1 time3_lit = Literal("10:30:10Z", datatype=XSD.time) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['time3'], time3_lit)))) == 1 time4_lit = Literal("11:30:10-06:00", datatype=XSD.time) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['time4'], time4_lit)))) == 1 time5_lit = Literal("04:30:10+04:00", datatype=XSD.time) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['time5'], time5_lit)))) == 1
Example #5
Source File: From ga4gh-server with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, parentContainer, localId, dataDir): """ Initialize dataset, using the passed dict of sources [{source,format}] see rdflib.parse() for more If path is set, this backend will load itself """ super(RdfPhenotypeAssociationSet, self).__init__( parentContainer, localId) # initialize graph self._rdfGraph = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() # save the path self._dataUrl = dataDir self._scanDataFiles(dataDir, ['*.ttl']) # extract version cgdTTL = rdflib.URIRef("") versionInfo = rdflib.URIRef( u'') self._version = None for _, _, obj in self._rdfGraph.triples((cgdTTL, versionInfo, None)): self._version = obj.toPython()
Example #6
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_date(): with CSVW(csv_path="tests/", metadata_path="tests/") as csvw: rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") date1_lit = Literal("2017-01-09", assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['date1'], date1_lit)))) == 1 date2_lit = Literal("2017-01-10Z", assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['date2'], date2_lit)))) == 1 date3_lit = Literal("2017-01-11", assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['date3'], date3_lit)))) == 1 date4_lit = Literal("2002-09-24-06:00", assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['date4'], date4_lit)))) == 1 date5_lit = Literal("2002-09-24+04:00", assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['date5'], date5_lit)))) == 1
Example #7
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_bool_with_format(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path="tests/datatypes.bool.csv", metadata_path="tests/datatypes.bool.csv-metadata.json") rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") true_lit = Literal(True, datatype=XSD.boolean) false_lit = Literal(False, datatype=XSD.boolean) assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['bool1'], true_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['bool2'], true_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/1'], NS['bool3'], true_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/2'], NS['bool1'], false_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/2'], NS['bool2'], false_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/2'], NS['bool3'], false_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/3'], NS['bool1'], false_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/3'], NS['bool2'], false_lit)))) == 1 assert len(list(g.triples((NS['event/3'], NS['bool3'], false_lit)))) == 1
Example #8
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, graph, logger=None): """ ShapesGraph :param graph: :type graph: rdflib.Graph :param logger: :type logger: logging.Logger|None """ assert isinstance(graph, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph, rdflib.Graph)) self.graph = graph if isinstance(self.graph, rdflib.Dataset): self.graph.default_union = True if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger = logger self._node_shape_cache = {} self._shapes = None self._custom_constraints = None self._add_system_triples()
Example #9
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, data_graph, *args, shacl_graph=None, ont_graph=None, options=None, **kwargs): options = options or {} self._load_default_options(options) self.options = options self.logger = options['logger'] self.pre_inferenced = kwargs.pop('pre_inferenced', False) assert isinstance(data_graph, rdflib.Graph),\ "data_graph must be a rdflib Graph object" self.data_graph = data_graph self._target_graph = None self.ont_graph = ont_graph self.data_graph_is_multigraph = isinstance(self.data_graph, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)) if self.ont_graph is not None and \ isinstance(self.ont_graph, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)): self.ont_graph.default_union = True if shacl_graph is None: shacl_graph = clone_graph(data_graph, identifier='shacl') assert isinstance(shacl_graph, rdflib.Graph),\ "shacl_graph must be a rdflib Graph object" self.shacl_graph = ShapesGraph(shacl_graph, self.logger)
Example #10
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_null_values_with_multiple_strings(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path="tests/null1.csv", metadata_path="tests/null1.multiple.csv-metadata.json") rdf_contents = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_contents, format="turtle") all_objects = {x for x in g.objects()} assert Literal('null_key', datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects assert Literal('null_sector') not in all_objects assert Literal('null_id', datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects for id in ['10', '11', '12', '13']: assert Literal(id, datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects all_preds = {x for x in g.predicates()} assert id_uri not in all_preds assert Literal('1', datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects
Example #11
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def mix_datasets(base_ds, extra_ds, target_ds=None): default_union = base_ds.default_union base_named_graphs = base_ds.contexts() if target_ds is None: target_ds = rdflib.Dataset(default_union=default_union) if isinstance(extra_ds, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)): mixin_graphs = list(extra_ds.contexts()) else: mixin_graphs = [extra_ds] mixed_graphs = [] for mg in mixin_graphs: mod_named_graphs = [mix_graphs(g, mg, target_graph=rdflib.Graph(, identifier=g.identifier)) for g in base_named_graphs] mixed_graphs.extend(mod_named_graphs) default_context_id = target_ds.default_context.identifier for m in mixed_graphs: if m.identifier == default_context_id: target_ds.default_context = m target_ds.add_graph(m) return target_ds
Example #12
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def clone_dataset(source_ds, target_ds=None): if target_ds and not isinstance(target_ds, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)): raise RuntimeError("when cloning a dataset, the target_ds must be a conjunctiveGraph or rdflib Dataset.") default_union = source_ds.default_union if target_ds is None: target_ds = rdflib.Dataset(default_union=default_union) named_graphs = [ rdflib.Graph(, i, namespace_manager=source_ds.namespace_manager) if not isinstance(i, rdflib.Graph) else i for i in ] cloned_graphs = [ clone_graph(ng, rdflib.Graph(, ng.identifier, namespace_manager=target_ds.namespace_manager)) for ng in named_graphs ] default_context_id = target_ds.default_context.identifier for g in cloned_graphs: if g.identifier == default_context_id: target_ds.default_context = g target_ds.add_graph(g) return target_ds
Example #13
Source File: From pySHACL with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stringify_node(graph, node, ns_manager=None, recursion=0): if ns_manager is None: ns_manager = graph.namespace_manager if isinstance(ns_manager, rdflib.Graph): #json-ld loader can set namespace_manager to the conjunctive graph itself. ns_manager = ns_manager.namespace_manager ns_manager.bind("sh", SH, override=False, replace=False) if isinstance(node, rdflib.Literal): return stringify_literal(graph, node, ns_manager=ns_manager) if isinstance(node, rdflib.BNode): if isinstance(graph, (rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph, rdflib.Dataset)): graph = find_node_named_graph(graph, node) return stringify_blank_node(graph, node, ns_manager=ns_manager, recursion=recursion+1) if isinstance(node, rdflib.URIRef): return node.n3(namespace_manager=ns_manager) else: node_string = str(node) return node_string
Example #14
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def verify_rdf(rdf_output): ids_ns = Namespace("") ages_ns = Namespace("") g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") all_subjects = {x for x in g.subjects()} assert len(all_subjects) == 2 bob_subj = ids_ns['1'] joe_subj = ids_ns['2'] assert bob_subj in all_subjects assert joe_subj in all_subjects # Bob's details assert len([g.triples((bob_subj,, Literal(1)))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((bob_subj,, Literal("Bob")))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((bob_subj, ages_ns.age, Literal(34)))]) == 1 # Joe's details assert len([g.triples((joe_subj,, Literal(2)))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((joe_subj,, Literal("Joe")))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((joe_subj, ages_ns.age, Literal(54)))]) == 1
Example #15
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def to_rdf(self, edge_info, edge): g = Graph() def _add_resource(d, p, r, r_type): if r_type is not None: g.add((r, RDF.type, URIRef(r_type))) g.add((d, URIRef(p), r)) if edge_info["range_tile_data"] is not None: res_insts = edge_info["range_tile_data"] if not isinstance(res_insts, list): res_insts = [res_insts] for res_inst in res_insts: rangenode = self.get_rdf_uri(None, res_inst) try: res_inst_obj = models.ResourceInstance.objects.get(pk=res_inst["resourceId"]) r_type = res_inst_obj.graph.node_set.get(istopnode=True).ontologyclass except models.ResourceInstance.DoesNotExist: # This should never happen excpet if trying to export when the # referenced resource hasn't been saved to the database yet r_type = edge.rangenode.ontologyclass _add_resource(edge_info["d_uri"], edge.ontologyproperty, rangenode, r_type) return g
Example #16
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_encoding_rdf(): # With encoding specified encoding = "ISO-8859-1" csvw = CSVW(csv_path="./tests/iso_encoding.csv", metadata_path="./tests/iso_encoding.csv-metadata.json", csv_encoding=encoding) rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") units = Namespace('') cars = Namespace('') meta = Namespace("") expected_unit = units[quote(u"\xb5100".encode('utf-8'))] assert (cars['1'], meta['UnitOfMeasurement'], expected_unit) in g assert expected_unit in list(g.objects())
Example #17
Source File: From forte with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_graph(self, data: str, tuple_format: str) -> List: if self.format == 'nquads': g_ = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph() else: g_ = rdflib.Graph() g_.parse(data=data, format=tuple_format) if self.format == 'nquads': return list(g_.quads()) else: return list(g_)
Example #18
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_literals_with_new_lines(): csv_path = "tests/parsing.quoted_newlines.csv" metadata_path = "tests/parsing.quoted_newlines.csv-metadata.json" csvw = CSVW(csv_path=csv_path, metadata_path=metadata_path) rdf_contents = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_contents, format="turtle") ns = Namespace("") desc = URIRef("") taxi_triples = list(g.triples((ns['taxi'], desc, None))) assert len(taxi_triples) == 1 taxi_desc = taxi_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(taxi_desc, Literal) assert len(taxi_desc.value.splitlines()) == 2 flight = URIRef("") flight_triples = list(g.triples((flight, desc, None))) assert len(flight_triples) == 1 flight_desc = flight_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(flight_desc, Literal) assert len(flight_desc.value.splitlines()) == 4 dinner_triples = list(g.triples((ns['dinner'], desc, None))) assert len(dinner_triples) == 1 dinner_desc = dinner_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(dinner_desc, Literal) assert u'\u2019' in dinner_desc, "Expected to read unicode characters" assert u"('')" in dinner_desc, "Expected to read apostrophes"
Example #19
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_literals_with_escaped_quotes(): csv_path = "tests/parsing.escaped_quotes.csv" metadata_path = "tests/parsing.escaped_quotes.csv-metadata.json" csvw = CSVW(csv_path=csv_path, metadata_path=metadata_path) rdf_contents = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_contents, format="turtle") ns = Namespace("") desc = URIRef("") taxi_triples = list(g.triples((ns['taxi'], desc, None))) assert len(taxi_triples) == 1 taxi_desc = taxi_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(taxi_desc, Literal) assert taxi_desc.value == "go from x to y" quoted_expense_triples = list(g.triples((URIRef(""), desc, None))) assert len(quoted_expense_triples) == 1 quoted_expense_desc = quoted_expense_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(quoted_expense_desc, Literal) assert quoted_expense_desc.value == "for some reason it came with quotes in it" flight_triples = list(g.triples((ns['flight'], desc, None))) assert len(flight_triples) == 1 flight_desc = flight_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(flight_desc, Literal) assert flight_desc.value == "had to fly \"escaped quotes business\" for this trip" car_triples = list(g.triples((ns['car'], desc, None))) assert len(car_triples) == 1 car_desc = car_triples[0][2] assert isinstance(car_desc, Literal) assert car_desc.value == " some \ in it to be escaped"
Example #20
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_null_values_with_single_string(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path="tests/null1.csv", metadata_path="tests/null1.single.csv-metadata.json") rdf_contents = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_contents, format="turtle") # There should be no subject NA all_subjects = {x for x in g.subjects()} assert subj_ns['null_key'] not in all_subjects assert subj_ns['1'] in all_subjects assert len(all_subjects) == 4 # Null valued objects should not be created all_objects = {x for x in g.objects()} assert Literal('null_key', datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects assert Literal('null_sector') not in all_objects assert Literal('null_id', datatype=XSD.token) not in all_objects assert Literal('PUBLIC') in all_objects assert Literal('12', datatype=XSD.token) in all_objects # Spot check some triples do not exist but other do from the same row null_key_lit = Literal('null_id', datatype=XSD.token) assert len(list(g.triples((subj_ns['2'], id_uri, null_key_lit)))) == 0 priv_lit = Literal('PRIVATE') assert len(list(g.triples((subj_ns['2'], sect_uri, priv_lit)))) == 1 null_sector_lit = Literal('null_sector') assert len(list(g.triples((subj_ns['3'], sect_uri, null_sector_lit)))) == 0 twelve_lit = Literal('12', datatype=XSD.token) assert len(list(g.triples((subj_ns['3'], id_uri, twelve_lit)))) == 1
Example #21
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_all_triples_with_row_numbers(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path='tests/virtual1.csv', metadata_path='tests/virtual1.csv-metadata.json') rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") all_subjects = {x for x in g.subjects()} assert len(all_subjects) == 4 ns = Namespace("") assert ns['sub-1'] in all_subjects assert ns['sub-2'] in all_subjects assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-1'], ns['obj-1'], ns['pred-1']))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-2'], ns['obj-2'], ns['pred-2']))]) == 1
Example #22
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_default(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path='tests/virtual1.csv', metadata_path='tests/virtual1.default.csv-metadata.json') rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") all_subjects = {x for x in g.subjects()} assert len(all_subjects) == 4 ns = Namespace("") assert ns['sub-1'] in all_subjects assert ns['sub-2'] in all_subjects assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-1'], ns['obj-1'], ns['myvalue']))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-2'], ns['obj-2'], ns['myvalue']))]) == 1
Example #23
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_table_level_about_url(): csvw = CSVW(csv_path='tests/virtual1.csv', metadata_path='tests/virtual1.table.about_url.csv-metadata.json') rdf_output = csvw.to_rdf() g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") all_subjects = {x for x in g.subjects()} assert len(all_subjects) == 2 ns = Namespace("") assert ns['sub-1'] in all_subjects assert ns['sub-2'] in all_subjects assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-1'], ns['obj-1'], ns['myvalue']))]) == 1 assert len([g.triples((ns['sub-2'], ns['obj-2'], ns['myvalue']))]) == 1
Example #24
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def verify_rdf_contents(contents, fmt): g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=contents, format=fmt) books = Namespace('') isbn = Namespace("") # Check number of all triples assert sum(1 for _ in g.triples((None, None, None))) == NUM_SUBJECTS * NUM_TRIPLES_PER_SUBJ # Check number of subject subjs = set(g.subjects()) expected_subjs = ["0062316095", "0374532508", "1610391845", "0374275637"] assert len(subjs) == len(expected_subjs) for s in expected_subjs: assert isbn[s] in subjs # Verify isbn number is positive integer s_isbn = list(g.triples((isbn[s], books['isbnnumber'], None))) assert len(s_isbn) == 1 s_isbn_val = s_isbn[0][2] assert isinstance(s_isbn_val, Literal) assert s_isbn_val.datatype == XSD.positiveInteger # Verify pages is a unsignedShort s_page = list(g.triples((isbn[s], books['pagecount'], None))) assert len(s_page) == 1 s_page_val = s_page[0][2] assert isinstance(s_page_val, Literal) assert s_page_val.datatype == XSD.unsignedShort # Verify hardcover is a boolean s_hardcover = list(g.triples((isbn[s], books['hardcover'], None))) assert len(s_hardcover) == 1 s_hardcover_val = s_hardcover[0][2] assert isinstance(s_hardcover_val, Literal) assert s_hardcover_val.datatype == XSD.boolean # Verify price is a decimal s_price = list(g.triples((isbn[s], books['price'], None))) assert len(s_price) == 1 s_price_val = s_price[0][2] assert isinstance(s_price_val, Literal) assert s_price_val.datatype == XSD.decimal
Example #25
Source File: From pycsvw with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def verify_rdf(rdf_output): g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=rdf_output, format="turtle") assert len(g) == 6 assert len(set(g.subjects())) == 2 assert len(set(g.predicates())) == 3 assert len(set(g.objects())) == 6
Example #26
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_rdf(self, edge_info, edge): # returns an in-memory graph object, containing the domain resource, its # type and the string as a string literal g = Graph() if edge_info["range_tile_data"] is not None: g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], RDF.type, URIRef(edge.domainnode.ontologyclass))) g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], URIRef(edge.ontologyproperty), Literal(edge_info["range_tile_data"]))) return g
Example #27
Source File: From renku-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _conjunctive_graph(graph): """Convert a renku ``Graph`` to an rdflib ``ConjunctiveGraph``.""" from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib.plugin import register, Parser register('json-ld', Parser, 'rdflib_jsonld.parser', 'JsonLDParser') return ConjunctiveGraph().parse( data=_jsonld(graph, 'expand'), format='json-ld', )
Example #28
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_rdf(self, edge_info, edge): # returns an in-memory graph object, containing the domain resource, its # type and the number as a numeric literal (as this is how it is in the JSON) g = Graph() rtd = ( int(edge_info["range_tile_data"]) if type(edge_info["range_tile_data"]) == float and edge_info["range_tile_data"].is_integer() else edge_info["range_tile_data"] ) if rtd is not None: g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], RDF.type, URIRef(edge.domainnode.ontologyclass))) g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], URIRef(edge.ontologyproperty), Literal(rtd))) return g
Example #29
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_rdf(self, edge_info, edge): # returns an in-memory graph object, containing the domain resource, its # type and the number as a numeric literal (as this is how it is in the JSON) g = Graph() if edge_info["range_tile_data"] is not None: g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], RDF.type, URIRef(edge.domainnode.ontologyclass))) g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], URIRef(edge.ontologyproperty), Literal(edge_info["range_tile_data"]))) return g
Example #30
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_rdf(self, edge_info, edge): # returns an in-memory graph object, containing the domain resource, its # type and the number as a numeric literal (as this is how it is in the JSON) g = Graph() if edge_info["range_tile_data"] is not None: g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], RDF.type, URIRef(edge.domainnode.ontologyclass))) g.add((edge_info["d_uri"], URIRef(edge.ontologyproperty), Literal(edge_info["range_tile_data"], datatype=XSD.dateTime))) return g