Python numpy.complex() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.complex().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def diagonalize_asymm(H): """ Diagonalize a real, *asymmetric* matrix and return sorted results. Return the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (column matrix) sorted from lowest to highest eigenvalue. """ E,C = np.linalg.eig(H) #if np.allclose(E.imag, 0*E.imag): # E = np.real(E) #else: # print "WARNING: Eigenvalues are complex, will be returned as such." idx = E.real.argsort() E = E[idx] C = C[:,idx] return E,C
Example #2
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_init_guess(self, kshift, nroots=1, koopmans=False, diag=None, **kwargs): """Initial guess vectors of R coefficients""" size = self.vector_size(kshift) dtype = getattr(diag, 'dtype', np.complex) nroots = min(nroots, size) guess = [] # TODO do Koopmans later if koopmans: raise NotImplementedError else: idx = diag.argsort()[:nroots] for i in idx: g = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=dtype) g[i] = 1.0 # TODO do mask_frozen later guess.append(g) return guess
Example #3
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_s10(mol, gauge_orig=None, mb='RMB'): '''First order overlap matrix wrt external magnetic field. Note the side effects of set_common_origin. ''' if gauge_orig is not None: mol.set_common_origin(gauge_orig) n2c = mol.nao_2c() n4c = n2c * 2 c = lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED s1 = numpy.zeros((3, n4c, n4c), complex) if mb.upper() == 'RMB': if gauge_orig is None: t1 = mol.intor('int1e_giao_sa10sp_spinor', 3) else: t1 = mol.intor('int1e_cg_sa10sp_spinor', 3) for i in range(3): t1cc = t1[i] + t1[i].conj().T s1[i,n2c:,n2c:] = t1cc * (.25/c**2) if gauge_orig is None: sg = mol.intor('int1e_govlp_spinor', 3) tg = mol.intor('int1e_spgsp_spinor', 3) s1[:,:n2c,:n2c] += sg s1[:,n2c:,n2c:] += tg * (.25/c**2) return s1
Example #4
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def cc_Wvvvv(t1,t2,eris): tau = make_tau(t2,t1,t1) #eris_vovv = np.array(eris.ovvv).transpose(1,0,3,2) #tmp = einsum('mb,amef->abef',t1,eris_vovv) #Wabef = eris.vvvv - tmp + tmp.transpose(1,0,2,3) #Wabef += 0.25*einsum('mnab,mnef->abef',tau,eris.oovv) if t1.dtype == np.complex: ds_type = 'c16' else: ds_type = 'f8' _tmpfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR) fimd = h5py.File( nocc, nvir = t1.shape Wabef = fimd.create_dataset('vvvv', (nvir,nvir,nvir,nvir), ds_type) for a in range(nvir): Wabef[a] = eris.vvvv[a] Wabef[a] -= einsum('mb,mfe->bef',t1,eris.ovvv[:,a,:,:]) Wabef[a] += einsum('m,mbfe->bef',t1[:,a],eris.ovvv) Wabef[a] += 0.25*einsum('mnb,mnef->bef',tau[:,:,a,:],eris.oovv) return Wabef
Example #5
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def Wvvvv(t1,t2,eris): tau = make_tau(t2,t1,t1) #Wabef = cc_Wvvvv(t1,t2,eris) + 0.25*einsum('mnab,mnef->abef',tau,eris.oovv) if t1.dtype == np.complex: ds_type = 'c16' else: ds_type = 'f8' _tmpfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR) fimd = h5py.File( nocc, nvir = t1.shape Wabef = fimd.create_dataset('vvvv', (nvir,nvir,nvir,nvir), ds_type) #_cc_Wvvvv = cc_Wvvvv(t1,t2,eris) for a in range(nvir): #Wabef[a] = _cc_Wvvvv[a] Wabef[a] = eris.vvvv[a] Wabef[a] -= einsum('mb,mfe->bef',t1,eris.ovvv[:,a,:,:]) Wabef[a] += einsum('m,mbfe->bef',t1[:,a],eris.ovvv) #Wabef[a] += 0.25*einsum('mnb,mnef->bef',tau[:,:,a,:],eris.oovv) #Wabef[a] += 0.25*einsum('mnb,mnef->bef',tau[:,:,a,:],eris.oovv) Wabef[a] += 0.5*einsum('mnb,mnef->bef',tau[:,:,a,:],eris.oovv) return Wabef
Example #6
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _num_to_rqc_str(num): """Convert float to string to be included in RQC quil DEFGATE block (as written by _np_to_quil_def_str).""" num = _np.complex(_np.real_if_close(num)) if _np.imag(num) == 0: output = str(_np.real(num)) return output else: real_part = _np.real(num) imag_part = _np.imag(num) if imag_part < 0: sgn = '-' imag_part = imag_part * -1 elif imag_part > 0: sgn = '+' else: assert False return '{}{}{}i'.format(real_part, sgn, imag_part)
Example #7
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def allocateVecs(self): self.subH = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM,self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.sol = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.dgks = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.nConv = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=int ) self.eigs = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.evecs = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM,self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.oldeigs = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.deigs = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM), dtype=complex ) self.outeigs = np.zeros( shape=(self.nEigen), dtype=complex ) self.outevecs = np.zeros( shape=(self.size,self.nEigen), dtype=complex) self.currentSize = 0 self.Ax = np.zeros( shape=(self.size), dtype=complex ) self.res = np.zeros( shape=(self.size), dtype=complex ) self.vlist = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM,self.size), dtype=complex ) = np.zeros( shape = (self.size), dtype = complex ) self.cAv = np.zeros( shape = (self.size), dtype = complex ) self.Avlist = np.zeros( shape=(self.maxM,self.size), dtype=complex ) self.dres = 999.9 self.resnorm = 999.9 self.cvEig = 0.1 self.ciEig = 0 self.deflated = 0
Example #8
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_better_float(): # Better float function def check_against(f1, f2): return f1 if FLOAT_TYPES.index(f1) >= FLOAT_TYPES.index(f2) else f2 for first in FLOAT_TYPES: for other in IUINT_TYPES + np.sctypes['complex']: assert_equal(better_float_of(first, other), first) assert_equal(better_float_of(other, first), first) for other2 in IUINT_TYPES + np.sctypes['complex']: assert_equal(better_float_of(other, other2), np.float32) assert_equal(better_float_of(other, other2, np.float64), np.float64) for second in FLOAT_TYPES: assert_equal(better_float_of(first, second), check_against(first, second)) # Check codes and dtypes work assert_equal(better_float_of('f4', 'f8', 'f4'), np.float64) assert_equal(better_float_of('i4', 'i8', 'f8'), np.float64)
Example #9
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_init_guess(self, kshift, nroots=1, koopmans=False, diag=None): size = self.vector_size() dtype = getattr(diag, 'dtype', np.complex) nroots = min(nroots, size) guess = [] if koopmans: for n in self.nonzero_opadding[kshift][::-1][:nroots]: g = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=dtype) g[n] = 1.0 g = self.mask_frozen(g, kshift, const=0.0) guess.append(g) else: idx = diag.argsort()[:nroots] for i in idx: g = np.zeros(int(size), dtype=dtype) g[i] = 1.0 g = self.mask_frozen(g, kshift, const=0.0) guess.append(g) return guess
Example #10
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def hcore_generator(self, mol): aoslices = mol.aoslice_2c_by_atom() h1 = self.get_hcore(mol) n2c = mol.nao_2c() n4c = n2c * 2 c = lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED def hcore_deriv(atm_id): shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[atm_id] with mol.with_rinv_at_nucleus(atm_id): z = -mol.atom_charge(atm_id) vn = z * mol.intor('int1e_iprinv_spinor', comp=3) wn = z * mol.intor('int1e_ipsprinvsp_spinor', comp=3) v = numpy.zeros((3,n4c,n4c), numpy.complex) v[:,:n2c,:n2c] = vn v[:,n2c:,n2c:] = wn * (.25/c**2) v[:,p0:p1] += h1[:,p0:p1] v[:,n2c+p0:n2c+p1] += h1[:,n2c+p0:n2c+p1] return v + v.conj().transpose(0,2,1) return hcore_deriv
Example #11
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_intor_r2e(self): mol1 = gto.M(atom=[[1 , (0. , -0.7 , 0.)], [1 , (0. , 0.7 , 0.)]], basis = '631g') nao = mol1.nao_2c() eri0 = numpy.empty((3,nao,nao,nao,nao), dtype=numpy.complex) ip = 0 for i in range(mol1.nbas): jp = 0 for j in range(mol1.nbas): kp = 0 for k in range(mol1.nbas): lp = 0 for l in range(mol1.nbas): buf = mol1.intor_by_shell('int2e_ip1_spinor', (i,j,k,l), comp=3) di,dj,dk,dl = buf.shape[1:] eri0[:,ip:ip+di,jp:jp+dj,kp:kp+dk,lp:lp+dl] = buf lp += dl kp += dk jp += dj ip += di
Example #12
Source File: From tenpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _patch_cython(): # "monkey patch" some objects to avoid cyclic import structure from . import _npc_helper _npc_helper._charges = charges _npc_helper._np_conserved = np_conserved assert _npc_helper.QTYPE == charges.QTYPE # check types warn = False import numpy as np check_types = [ (np.float64, np.complex128), (np.ones([1]).dtype, (1.j * np.ones([1])).dtype), (np.array(1.).dtype, np.array(1.j).dtype), (np.array(1., dtype=np.float).dtype, np.array(1., dtype=np.complex).dtype), ] types_ok = [ _npc_helper._float_complex_are_64_bit(dt_float, dt_real) for dt_float, dt_real in check_types ] if not np.all(types_ok): import warnings warnings.warn("(Some of) the default dtypes are not 64-bit. " "Using the compiled cython code (as you do) might make it slower.") # done
Example #13
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def para(mol, mo10, mo_coeff, mo_occ, shielding_nuc=None): if shielding_nuc is None: shielding_nuc = range(mol.natm) n4c = mo_coeff.shape[1] n2c = n4c // 2 msc_para = numpy.zeros((len(shielding_nuc),3,3)) para_neg = numpy.zeros((len(shielding_nuc),3,3)) para_occ = numpy.zeros((len(shielding_nuc),3,3)) h01 = numpy.zeros((3, n4c, n4c), complex) orbo = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0] for n, atm_id in enumerate(shielding_nuc): mol.set_rinv_origin(mol.atom_coord(atm_id)) t01 = mol.intor('int1e_sa01sp_spinor', 3) for m in range(3): h01[m,:n2c,n2c:] = .5 * t01[m] h01[m,n2c:,:n2c] = .5 * t01[m].conj().T h01_mo = [reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, x, orbo)) for x in h01] for b in range(3): for m in range(3): # + c.c. p = numpy.einsum('ij,ij->i', mo10[b].conj(), h01_mo[m]).real * 2 msc_para[n,b,m] = p.sum() para_neg[n,b,m] = p[:n2c].sum() para_occ[n,b,m] = p[mo_occ>0].sum() para_pos = msc_para - para_neg - para_occ return msc_para, para_pos, para_neg, para_occ
Example #14
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def test_byte_orders(): arr = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int32) # Test endian read/write of types not requiring scaling for tp in (np.uint64, np.float, np.complex): dt = np.dtype(tp) for code in '<>': ndt = dt.newbyteorder(code) for klass in (SlopeInterArrayWriter, SlopeArrayWriter, ArrayWriter): aw = klass(arr, ndt) data_back = round_trip(aw) assert_array_almost_equal(arr, data_back)
Example #15
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_isposinf(self): a = nx.array([nx.inf, -nx.inf, nx.nan, 0.0, 3.0, -3.0]) out = nx.zeros(a.shape, bool) tgt = nx.array([True, False, False, False, False, False]) res = ufl.isposinf(a) assert_equal(res, tgt) res = ufl.isposinf(a, out) assert_equal(res, tgt) assert_equal(out, tgt) a = a.astype(np.complex) with assert_raises(TypeError): ufl.isposinf(a)
Example #16
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_setitem_ndarray_1d(self): # GH5508 # len of indexer vs length of the 1d ndarray df = DataFrame(index=Index(lrange(1, 11))) df['foo'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64) df['bar'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.complex) # invalid with pytest.raises(ValueError): df.loc[df.index[2:5], 'bar'] = np.array([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0]) # valid df.loc[df.index[2:6], 'bar'] = np.array([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0]) result = df.loc[df.index[2:6], 'bar'] expected = Series([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0], index=[3, 4, 5, 6], name='bar') tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # dtype getting changed? df = DataFrame(index=Index(lrange(1, 11))) df['foo'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64) df['bar'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.complex) with pytest.raises(ValueError): df[2:5] = np.arange(1, 4) * 1j
Example #17
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_isneginf(self): a = nx.array([nx.inf, -nx.inf, nx.nan, 0.0, 3.0, -3.0]) out = nx.zeros(a.shape, bool) tgt = nx.array([False, True, False, False, False, False]) res = ufl.isneginf(a) assert_equal(res, tgt) res = ufl.isneginf(a, out) assert_equal(res, tgt) assert_equal(out, tgt) a = a.astype(np.complex) with assert_raises(TypeError): ufl.isneginf(a)
Example #18
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_is_complex_dtype(): assert not com.is_complex_dtype(int) assert not com.is_complex_dtype(str) assert not com.is_complex_dtype(pd.Series([1, 2])) assert not com.is_complex_dtype(np.array(['a', 'b'])) assert com.is_complex_dtype(np.complex) assert com.is_complex_dtype(np.array([1 + 1j, 5]))
Example #19
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def test_arraywriters(): # Test initialize # Simple cases if machine() == 'sparc64' and python_compiler().startswith('GCC'): # bus errors on at least np 1.4.1 through 1.6.1 for complex test_types = FLOAT_TYPES + IUINT_TYPES else: test_types = NUMERIC_TYPES for klass in (SlopeInterArrayWriter, SlopeArrayWriter, ArrayWriter): for type in test_types: arr = np.arange(10, dtype=type) aw = klass(arr) assert_true(aw.array is arr) assert_equal(aw.out_dtype, arr.dtype) assert_array_equal(arr, round_trip(aw)) # Byteswapped is OK bs_arr = arr.byteswap().newbyteorder('S') bs_aw = klass(bs_arr) # assert against original array because POWER7 was running into # trouble using the byteswapped array (bs_arr) assert_array_equal(arr, round_trip(bs_aw)) bs_aw2 = klass(bs_arr, arr.dtype) assert_array_equal(arr, round_trip(bs_aw2)) # 2D array arr2 = np.reshape(arr, (2, 5)) a2w = klass(arr2) # Default out - in order is Fortran arr_back = round_trip(a2w) assert_array_equal(arr2, arr_back) arr_back = round_trip(a2w, 'F') assert_array_equal(arr2, arr_back) # C order works as well arr_back = round_trip(a2w, 'C') assert_array_equal(arr2, arr_back) assert_true(arr_back.flags.c_contiguous)
Example #20
Source File: From vampyre with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, zmean, zvar, shape,name=None,\ var_axes = (0,), zmean_axes='all',\ is_complex=False, map_est=False, tune_zvar=False,\ tune_rvar=False): if np.isscalar(shape): shape = (shape,) if is_complex: dtype = np.double else: dtype = np.complex BaseEst.__init__(self,shape=shape,dtype=dtype,name=name, var_axes=var_axes,type_name='GaussEst', cost_avail=True) self.zmean = zmean self.zvar = zvar self.cost_avail = True self.is_complex = is_complex self.map_est = map_est self.zmean_axes = zmean_axes self.tune_zvar = tune_zvar self.tune_rvar = tune_rvar ndim = len(self.shape) if self.zmean_axes == 'all': self.zmean_axes = tuple(range(ndim)) # If zvar is a scalar, then repeat it to the required shape, # which are all the dimensions not being averaged over if np.isscalar(self.zvar): var_shape = get_var_shape(self.shape, self.var_axes) self.zvar = np.tile(self.zvar, var_shape)
Example #21
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _call_giao_vhf1(mol, dm): c1 = .5 / lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED n2c = dm.shape[0] // 2 dmll = dm[:n2c,:n2c].copy() dmls = dm[:n2c,n2c:].copy() dmsl = dm[n2c:,:n2c].copy() dmss = dm[n2c:,n2c:].copy() vj = numpy.zeros((3,n2c*2,n2c*2), dtype=numpy.complex) vk = numpy.zeros((3,n2c*2,n2c*2), dtype=numpy.complex) vx = _vhf.rdirect_mapdm('int2e_g1_spinor', 'a4ij', ('lk->s2ij', 'jk->s1il'), dmll, 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) vj[:,:n2c,:n2c] = vx[0] vk[:,:n2c,:n2c] = vx[1] vx = _vhf.rdirect_mapdm('int2e_spgsp1spsp2_spinor', 'a4ij', ('lk->s2ij', 'jk->s1il'), dmss, 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**4 vj[:,n2c:,n2c:] = vx[0] vk[:,n2c:,n2c:] = vx[1] vx = _vhf.rdirect_bindm('int2e_g1spsp2_spinor', 'a4ij', ('lk->s2ij', 'jk->s1il'), (dmss,dmls), 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**2 vj[:,:n2c,:n2c] += vx[0] vk[:,:n2c,n2c:] += vx[1] vx = _vhf.rdirect_bindm('int2e_spgsp1_spinor', 'a4ij', ('lk->s2ij', 'jk->s1il'), (dmll,dmsl), 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**2 vj[:,n2c:,n2c:] += vx[0] vk[:,n2c:,:n2c] += vx[1] for i in range(3): vj[i] = lib.hermi_triu(vj[i], 1) vk[i] = vk[i] + vk[i].T.conj() return vj, vk
Example #22
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_h10rkb(mol, dm0, gauge_orig=None, with_gaunt=False, verbose=logger.WARN): '''Note the side effects of set_common_origin''' if gauge_orig is not None: mol.set_common_origin(gauge_orig) if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger): log = verbose else: log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose) log.debug('first order Fock matrix / RKB') if gauge_orig is None: t1 = mol.intor('int1e_giao_sa10sp_spinor', 3) else: t1 = mol.intor('int1e_cg_sa10sp_spinor', 3) if with_gaunt: sys.stderr('NMR gaunt part not implemented\n') n2c = t1.shape[2] n4c = n2c * 2 h1 = numpy.zeros((3, n4c, n4c), complex) for i in range(3): h1[i,:n2c,n2c:] += .5 * t1[i] h1[i,n2c:,:n2c] += .5 * t1[i].conj().T return h1 #TODO the uncouupled force
Example #23
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def calc_bulk_twirled_DDD(model, germsList, eps=1e-6, check=False, germLengths=None, comm=None): """Calculate the positive squares of the germ Jacobians. twirledDerivDaggerDeriv == array J.H*J contributions from each germ (J=Jacobian) indexed by (iGerm, iModelParam1, iModelParam2) size (nGerms, vec_model_dim, vec_model_dim) """ if germLengths is None: germLengths = _np.array([len(germ) for germ in germsList]) twirledDeriv = bulk_twirled_deriv(model, germsList, eps, check, comm) / germLengths[:, None, None] #OLD: slow, I think because conjugate *copies* a large tensor, causing a memory bottleneck #twirledDerivDaggerDeriv = _np.einsum('ijk,ijl->ikl', # _np.conjugate(twirledDeriv), # twirledDeriv) #NEW: faster, one-germ-at-a-time computation requires less memory. nGerms, _, vec_model_dim = twirledDeriv.shape twirledDerivDaggerDeriv = _np.empty((nGerms, vec_model_dim, vec_model_dim), dtype=_np.complex) for i in range(nGerms): twirledDerivDaggerDeriv[i, :, :] = twirledDeriv[i, :, :].conjugate().T, twirledDeriv[i, :, :]) return twirledDerivDaggerDeriv
Example #24
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dia(mol, dm0, gauge_orig=None, shielding_nuc=None, mb='RMB'): '''Note the side effects of set_common_origin''' if shielding_nuc is None: shielding_nuc = range(mol.natm) if gauge_orig is not None: mol.set_common_origin(gauge_orig) n4c = dm0.shape[0] n2c = n4c // 2 msc_dia = [] for n, atm_id in enumerate(shielding_nuc): mol.set_rinv_origin(mol.atom_coord(atm_id)) if mb.upper() == 'RMB': if gauge_orig is None: t11 = mol.intor('int1e_giao_sa10sa01_spinor', 9) t11 += mol.intor('int1e_spgsa01_spinor', 9) else: t11 = mol.intor('int1e_cg_sa10sa01_spinor', 9) elif gauge_orig is None: t11 = mol.intor('int1e_spgsa01_spinor', 9) else: t11 = numpy.zeros(9) h11 = numpy.zeros((9, n4c, n4c), complex) for i in range(9): h11[i,n2c:,:n2c] = t11[i] * .5 h11[i,:n2c,n2c:] = t11[i].conj().T * .5 a11 = numpy.real(numpy.einsum('xij,ji->x', h11, dm0)) # XX, XY, XZ, YX, YY, YZ, ZX, ZY, ZZ = 1..9 # => [[XX, XY, XZ], [YX, YY, YZ], [ZX, ZY, ZZ]] msc_dia.append(a11) return numpy.array(msc_dia).reshape(-1, 3, 3)
Example #25
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _call_vhf1(mol, dm): c1 = .5 / lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED n2c = dm.shape[0] // 2 dmll = dm[:n2c,:n2c].copy() dmls = dm[:n2c,n2c:].copy() dmsl = dm[n2c:,:n2c].copy() dmss = dm[n2c:,n2c:].copy() vj = numpy.zeros((3,n2c*2,n2c*2), dtype=numpy.complex) vk = numpy.zeros((3,n2c*2,n2c*2), dtype=numpy.complex) vj[:,:n2c,:n2c], vk[:,:n2c,:n2c] = \ _vhf.rdirect_mapdm('int2e_ip1_spinor', 's2kl', ('lk->s1ij', 'jk->s1il'), dmll, 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) vj[:,n2c:,n2c:], vk[:,n2c:,n2c:] = \ _vhf.rdirect_mapdm('int2e_ipspsp1spsp2_spinor', 's2kl', ('lk->s1ij', 'jk->s1il'), dmss, 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**4 vx = _vhf.rdirect_bindm('int2e_ipspsp1_spinor', 's2kl', ('lk->s1ij', 'jk->s1il'), (dmll, dmsl), 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**2 vj[:,n2c:,n2c:] += vx[0] vk[:,n2c:,:n2c] += vx[1] vx = _vhf.rdirect_bindm('int2e_ip1spsp2_spinor', 's2kl', ('lk->s1ij', 'jk->s1il'), (dmss, dmls), 3, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) * c1**2 vj[:,:n2c,:n2c] += vx[0] vk[:,:n2c,n2c:] += vx[1] return vj, vk
Example #26
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_ovlp(mol): n2c = mol.nao_2c() n4c = n2c * 2 c = lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED s = mol.intor('int1e_ipovlp_spinor', comp=3) t = mol.intor('int1e_ipkin_spinor', comp=3) s1e = numpy.zeros((3,n4c,n4c), numpy.complex) s1e[:,:n2c,:n2c] = s s1e[:,n2c:,n2c:] = t * (.5/c**2) return -s1e
Example #27
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_hcore(mol): n2c = mol.nao_2c() n4c = n2c * 2 c = lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED t = mol.intor('int1e_ipkin_spinor', comp=3) vn = mol.intor('int1e_ipnuc_spinor', comp=3) wn = mol.intor('int1e_ipspnucsp_spinor', comp=3) h1e = numpy.zeros((3,n4c,n4c), numpy.complex) h1e[:,:n2c,:n2c] = vn h1e[:,n2c:,:n2c] = t h1e[:,:n2c,n2c:] = t h1e[:,n2c:,n2c:] = wn * (.25/c**2) - t return -h1e
Example #28
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_r_incore(self): j3c = df.r_incore.aux_e2(mol, auxmol, intor='int3c2e_spinor', aosym='s1') nao = mol.nao_2c() naoaux = auxmol.nao_nr() j3c = j3c.reshape(nao,nao,naoaux) eri0 = numpy.empty((nao,nao,naoaux), dtype=numpy.complex) pi = 0 for i in range(mol.nbas): pj = 0 for j in range(mol.nbas): pk = 0 for k in range(mol.nbas, mol.nbas+auxmol.nbas): shls = (i, j, k) buf = gto.moleintor.getints_by_shell('int3c2e_spinor', shls, atm, bas, env) di, dj, dk = buf.shape eri0[pi:pi+di,pj:pj+dj,pk:pk+dk] = buf pk += dk pj += dj pi += di self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eri0, j3c)) eri1 = df.r_incore.aux_e2(mol, auxmol, intor='int3c2e_spinor', aosym='s2ij') for i in range(naoaux): j3c[:,:,i] = lib.unpack_tril(eri1[:,i]) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eri0, j3c))
Example #29
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_sp_spinor(self): ao = eval_gto(mol, 'GTOval_sp_spinor', coords) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(ao), 26.212937567473656-68.970076521029782j, 9) numpy.random.seed(1) rs = numpy.random.random((213,3)) rs = (rs-.5)**2 * 30 ao1 = eval_gto(mol1, 'GTOval_spinor', rs, shls_slice=(0,mol1.nbas//2)) ao2 = eval_gto(mol1, 'GTOval_sp_spinor', rs, shls_slice=(mol1.nbas//2,mol1.nbas)) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ao1-ao2*1j).sum(), 0, 9) # # t = gto.cart2j_kappa(0, 2) # aonr = eval_gto(mol1, 'GTOval_cart', rs, shls_slice=(1,2)) # aa = numpy.zeros((2,12)) # aa[:1,:6] = aonr[:,:6] # aa[1:,6:] = aonr[:,:6] # print[:,:4]) # # t = gto.cart2j_kappa(0, 1)/0.488602511902919921 # aonr = eval_gto(mol1, 'GTOval_ip_cart', rs, comp=3, shls_slice=(mol1.nbas//2+1,mol1.nbas//2+2)) # print 'x', aonr[0,0,:3] # print 'y', aonr[1,0,:3] # print 'z', aonr[2,0,:3] # aa = numpy.zeros((3,2,6),dtype=numpy.complex) # aa[0,:1,3:] = aonr[0,0,:3] # aa[0,1:,:3] = aonr[0,0,:3] # aa[1,:1,3:] =-aonr[1,0,:3]*1j # aa[1,1:,:3] = aonr[1,0,:3]*1j # aa[2,:1,:3] = aonr[2,0,:3] # aa[2,1:,3:] =-aonr[2,0,:3] # aa = (aa[0]*-1j + aa[1]*-1j + aa[2]*-1j) # print 'p',[:,2:])*1j
Example #30
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def takebak_2d(out, a, idx, idy): '''Reverse operation of take_2d. Equivalent to out[idx[:,None],idy] += a for a 2D array. Examples: >>> out = numpy.zeros((3,3)) >>> takebak_2d(out, numpy.ones((2,2)), [0,2], [0,2]) [[ 1. 0. 1.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 0. 1.]] ''' assert(out.flags.c_contiguous) a = numpy.asarray(a, order='C') idx = numpy.asarray(idx, dtype=numpy.int32) idy = numpy.asarray(idy, dtype=numpy.int32) if a.dtype == numpy.double: fn = _np_helper.NPdtakebak_2d elif a.dtype == numpy.complex: fn = _np_helper.NPztakebak_2d else: out[idx[:,None], idy] += a return out fn(out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), a.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), idx.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), idy.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(out.shape[1]), ctypes.c_int(a.shape[1]), ctypes.c_int(idx.size), ctypes.c_int(idy.size)) return out